Clark, Rachel - The Nanny's Unplanned Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Clark, Rachel - The Nanny's Unplanned Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Rachel Clark

  The doctor nodded and tilted his head slightly. “I’m a great believer that things happen for a reason. Maybe the goddess has bigger plans.”

  He patted her arm in a friendly gesture that reminded her of her grandfather and then left the room quietly. A few moments later Cindy came back into the room with the two men from earlier. The two men who’d believed she was their bride.

  “I’m sorry,” she blurted before Cindy could say whatever she’d been about to say. “I should have said something about my translator, or waited longer until I could afford a better-quality one, or verified the name the transport hostess had called instead of assuming Serena was translating as Sara. I’m so sorry. If I could do it all over again, I’d do it differently.”

  * * * *

  Kaydin watched the genuine distress in Serena’s eyes and wanted to simply hold her until she realized that everything was all right. Sure, they were frustrated that their mubella hadn’t gotten onto the transport ship, but they would have been disappointed even if Serena hadn’t ended up in their arms by accident.

  At least they’d been able to stop the preparation before the attendants painted his and Jerrod’s family designs onto her beautiful body. A soft sensual moan escaped Serena’s lips just as it occurred to Kaydin that they had used the lotion on her after the hair removal process.

  “The lotion,” he said quickly, wondering how the hell to handle this situation. The whole reason Desconians used that particular lotion in claiming ceremonies was its ability to increase arousal in the person wearing it.

  “Hell, sorry, I should have thought of that,” Cindy said as she stepped closer to Serena. “Honey, what you’re feeling is normal. A cool bath will help take the edge off, but…” She glanced over her shoulder at Jerrod and Kaydin. “The only surefire cure is orgasms. Lots and lots of orgasms.”

  Serena’s eyes widened, but she nodded her understanding and blushed even more brightly.

  “Kaydin, can you contact my quarters and ask Jessain to fill the bath with cool water?”

  “Our place is closer,” Jerrod said quickly.

  Cindy hesitated a moment, but nodded and turned to Serena. “Serena, this is Jerrod son of Gerdavia, one of the king’s most trusted royal guards, and his tredellabina—his husband—Kaydin. They’re going to get you into a bath and provide you with whatever you require.” She gave both men a serious look before adding, “Including privacy if you so wish.”

  Serena nodded frantically, rubbing her thighs together even though she was once again fully clothed. The lotion was obviously affecting her quite a lot now.

  “Of course,” Kaydin said quickly. “Serena might be more comfortable if Jerrod carried her. I don’t think walking will help matters at the moment.”

  Serena shook her head, but didn’t object when Jerrod stepped closer and lifted her against his chest. He was careful not to touch her anywhere that a human woman might feel was inappropriate as they stepped into the corridor and headed directly to their quarters.

  * * * *

  Serena tried not to moan quite so loudly, but just having Jerrod’s strong arms around her was enough to send her libido soaring sky-high. Whatever was in that lotion sure worked well. Under different circumstances she might even have welcomed the effects. But not today. Not here. Not now. She was on a different planet, surrounded by strangers—kind though they may be—and unsure of where or what her next move should entail.

  As soon as they entered a rather spacious-looking apartment, they turned toward a bathing area and Kaydin hurried to turn on the taps. As the water filled the huge tub he opened a side cupboard and started moving things onto the bench beside the bath. At first Serena didn’t recognize any of the items, but when a strange-looking type of seat that included a very real-looking cock landed beside her, Serena finally started identifying a few of the others.

  “These are all new,” Kaydin said as he added a jar of what looked to be lube to the rather large pile of sex toys. “We bought them for our mubella, so at least they will be put to some use.”

  “Thank you,” Serena said quietly. Her arousal was climbing so high that even the strange cock-seat looked appealing. Of course it had nothing compared to the men on either side of her.

  “We understand that humans prefer to masturbate in private, so we’ll leave you be.” Kaydin reached over and pointed to a button on a wall within arm’s reach of the bath. “If you need anything just press this button.”

  “Thanks,” she said again, more breathlessly this time as sensual ideas of what the three of them could do together wound through her brain and made her clit ache with need. But it wasn’t right. Hell, apart from the fact that she’d only just met them and barely knew a thing about them, they were promised to someone else. Once they found this Sara person they’d be happily married.

  But even that thought didn’t quell her rampaging libido. Jerrod leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. It took every ounce of self-control she owned to resist dragging him closer and devouring his mouth instead. She breathed a sigh of relief as the two men turned and headed out of the room.

  She was almost naked before the door closed behind them.

  A few moments later the cool water felt wonderful on her overheated skin, and already she was beginning to feel less frantic. She took a deep breath, held it a moment, and then tried to push the tension away. She was almost there, almost calmer than she’d felt in weeks, but a quick glance at all of the toys beside her undid the water’s good work.

  Visions of Jerrod fucking her from behind while Kaydin licked and sucked her breasts filled her head, and before she could even deny the impulse she grabbed the strange-looking seat. It took a bit of maneuvering but she finally managed to get it underneath her in the bathtub. Just the promise of a thick, hard cock filling her aching pussy was enough to have her panting eagerly.

  She lifted onto her knees, hooking her legs over the seat like it was a saddle on a horse. She moaned at the delicious feeling of pressure against her vaginal opening. She’d missed this so much. God, how long had it been? She couldn’t even remember the last time her ex had shown her any sort of affection.

  But when she closed her eyes, it wasn’t his face she saw. It was Jerrod’s. She gasped as she lowered slowly onto the surprisingly lifelike-feeling cock. She took it all, greedy to fill the aching loneliness inside her, her mind’s eye still weaving pictures of Jerrod fucking her. She could almost feel his big hands wrapped around her hips, guiding her down his cock, forcing more of himself inside her, before lifting her away and starting the slow glide down once more.

  She pushed her hands against the edge of the seat, balancing herself more securely, and groaned when her fingers pressed some sort of button that made the cock inside her start vibrating. She lowered again onto the seat, her clit brushing against a strange little nub that made her newly denuded pussy clench in shock. Moaning, she lifted up again, slamming down as her need became more urgent. Again and again she lifted off the cock, only to shimmy back down almost immediately, grinding her clit against the tiny protrusion put there exactly for that reason.

  “Oh, god,” she whispered breathlessly as tremors began in the pit of her stomach and moved lower. Every muscle in her legs pulled tight, every cell in her body went on red alert, every nerve ending sizzled and snapped with excitement. She could see Kaydin and Jerrod in her mind, practically feel them. They were inside her, around her, over her, bringing her pussy to aching life. Her clit ached, the tiny bud throbbing with her heartbeat, her mind placing Kaydin’s hand there, stroking her until she shook with arousal, until she couldn’t hold back her groans of excitement, until she couldn’t quiet the voice in her head that told her to come.

  She screamed, the sensation intense, incredible, amazingly satisfying. Her heart raced as her pussy clenched around the hard cock inside her, her muscles quivering as she shook in ecstasy. Panting, gasping, barely able to breathe, Serena kept her eyes closed, imagined her men close. She could see the satis
faction on their faces as they touched her gently, soothing her, loving her, smiling at her as if she were the most important person in their universe.

  And as she finally eased herself away from the amazing seat she couldn’t help wishing the fantasy was real.

  * * * *

  Jerrod stayed close to the bathroom door. It wasn’t that he wanted to eavesdrop. He only wanted to be near if Serena needed anything.

  Her soft moans had his cock absolutely rock hard, but he found himself smiling despite the uncomfortable feeling. He’d read somewhere that many human women didn’t enjoy sexual relations. There were even religions on Earth that considered copulation evil. It seemed a very strange mind-set to someone raised to believe sex was a very deeply emotional expression of love that should be shared with others.

  Desconians enjoyed watching. They usually kept their physical touching within their own relationship, but it was very common for friends to watch. He well remembered Cindy’s shyness when she’d first fallen in love with Eric and Loukie, but she’d soon embraced love the Desconian way. He wondered if Serena would one day feel the same thing. Judging by the lusty scream he’d heard moments ago, he certainly hoped so.

  “She’s not ours,” Kaydin said sadly, almost as if he could see into Jerrod’s mind.

  “I know,” he said, feeling the disappointment over again. “But she needs a place to stay.”

  Kaydin smiled. “That she does, but we need to know what happened to Sara first.”

  “I suppose,” Jerrod agreed, “but it’s not like we’re the only couple looking for a mubella. If she does make it to Descon the authorities will easily find a place for her.”

  “True,” Kaydin said with more enthusiasm. “And we certainly have room enough to invite Serena to stay.”

  “That we do,” Jerrod said with a broad smile. He pulled his lover into his arms, leaning back slightly so that he could see Kaydin’s face and still press their cocks together intimately. “You feel it, too, this connection, this attraction to Serena?” It wasn’t really a question. He could see the answer in Kaydin’s eyes, but he breathed a sigh of relief when his lover nodded and leaned up to press a kiss to his lips.

  “Yes, I feel it, and yes, I hope Serena chooses to stay, but we have to give her a chance to make up her own mind.”

  “Oh,” Jerrod said, “so I’m not allowed to use my natural loving charm to coax her into our arms?”

  Kaydin laughed, the stress lines around his eyes easing slightly. “I never said we couldn’t try.”

  It was probably foolish to set their hopes on a woman who’d come to Descon accidently and without the intention of finding a couple of husbands, but the connection to Serena seemed so real, so promising. Hopefully, she felt it, too.

  Chapter Three

  “Ready to go, beautiful?”

  Serena didn’t need to see the person to recognize the voice. She’d been living with him and his husband for what amounted to three Earth months already. The fact that they effortlessly drew her into their lives was making it really hard to leave.

  It had taken several weeks for her to be able to adjust to a thirty-six hour day, but she was finding the need to take an after-work nap less and less necessary. Of course, that just meant that she spent even more time with Kaydin and Jerrod.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “I just need another minute,” she said with a smile. She grabbed the last of the paper “fish” cutouts—Desconian fish weren’t at all like the ones she’d known on Earth—and fastened it to the classroom wall. She’d been working as a teacher’s aide since the day Kaydin had helped her get the job, and she’d truly never been happier. She hadn’t ever considered teaching before, but she found a true contentment dealing with bright young minds each day.

  Of course, it could have something to do with the fact that children on Descon were precious. With so few females able to conceive, the children who were born were celebrated and protected and given every opportunity to succeed. And yet, despite their indulgent treatment, few of them seemed to be spoiled. Energetic, enthusiastic, bouncy, exhausting some days, but never bratty.

  It was quite an eye-opener. With so many children born on Earth every year, attitudes, education, and even protection had been apathetic at best. If Serena were to have a child, this was where she would like to raise him or her.

  But of course, whenever she thought of having children, her mind slid to who she would want as her child’s father, and Jerrod and Kaydin were always top of that list. Well, more like the only ones on that list. The trouble was that they were already promised to this mysterious Sara. Serena knew her time with these two wonderful men was limited and that the relationship she had with them was probably more in her head than real. Yet she couldn’t help daydream what a future would be like with both of them.

  “I need to drop by the market. I promised Jerrod that I would bake another vegetable lasagna tonight,” she said as she washed the sticky glue and colorful paints from her skin. Craft day was one of her favorite days, but for some reason no matter how much she tried to avoid it she always ended up covered in whatever they were working with.

  Kaydin grinned. “Marry me,” he said dramatically with his hands pressed over his heart. Serena giggled at his silliness. “No, seriously,” he said with a wink that suggested he wasn’t serious at all. “My mother always told me that if I found someone who could cook that I should marry them first chance I got.”

  “Uh-huh,” Serena said with a smile. “I think your husband might want a say in that.”

  “Actually,” Kaydin said, turning serious all of a sudden, “Jerrod would be very happy.”

  Serena couldn’t help herself. She knew it was none of her business, but she had to ask her question anyway. “What about Sara?”

  “Sara?” he asked in a startled voice. “You think we’re waiting for Sara?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  “Heck, no. About a week after we met you the screening team on Earth managed to track her down. It seems that signing up for a marriage on Descon had been her way of making her boyfriend jealous enough to marry her. Once he proposed she simply ‘forgot’ to get on the transport.”

  “Seriously?” She believed him, every word, but it just seemed such callous behavior. It was true that there was no emotional involvement when signing up to be a modern-day mail-order bride, but the woman’s behavior seemed appalling nevertheless. “It sounds like you and Jerrod dodged a bullet that day. You’re far better off without a woman of such fickle decision making.”

  “I agree,” Kaydin said, his smile firmly back in place.

  “So will you apply for another?” Serena asked as she shook her hands dry and grabbed her carry bag from her desk drawer.

  Kaydin looked surprised by her question. Maybe even a little hurt.

  “No, we won’t be applying for another human bride.”

  “Oh,” Serena said, trying to hide the little leap in her heart rate. It was silly to fantasize over two men so far out of her realm of possibility, but her silly brain did it anyway. “So…um…” She searched her brain for a change in topic but nothing came to mind. She’d been friends with Kaydin and Jerrod for months, had actually built a comfortable friendship, but somehow all of that got lost under Kaydin’s hurt expression.

  * * * *

  Jerrod stayed outside of the room. He’d gotten home early from a three-day training maneuver and had wanted to surprise his lover and the woman important to both of them by picking them up from work. But instead, he found himself holding his breath, waiting for Kaydin to say something, maybe do something to convince Serena that she belonged with them.

  Hell, they’d waited and waited for an opportunity to broach the subject, but Serena had never given any indication that she’d be willing to stay on Descon.

  “Serena, do you know how special you are to me and Jerrod?”

  “Special?” she asked, sounding a little bit shaken. “I’m just that homeless human that you—”

  Serena’s words cut off abruptly, and Jerrod hoped that it meant Kaydin was kissing her. A quick glance around the open door had his pulse racing and his cock filling so fast he thought it wisest to get out of the hallway. Desconians might have been very comfortable with their sexuality, but that didn’t include having a hard-on in a school hallway. Thankfully, the children were gone for the day, but just to be on the safe side, he stepped into the room.

  Kaydin and Serena broke apart quickly, obviously startled by his unannounced entry. Kaydin gave him a warm smile and moved into his arms. Thankfully the clever man kept a hold of Serena’s hand, so she had no option but to step closer. Jerrod held his husband close with one arm and held out his other for Serena to take. She searched his face for a moment, gave him a shy smile, and stepped into his embrace.

  He held them both close.

  “You’re home early,” Kaydin said as he reached up to press a kiss to his lips. Somehow his lover made it seem so normal, as if the three of them always cuddled together when he came home from a mission or training exercise.

  “I am,” he said, trying to follow Kaydin’s conversational lead. “And apparently just in time to learn that my favorite meal is on the dinner menu.” He smiled down at Serena and hoped like hell he was saying the right things. What he really wanted to do was strip her naked and explore every beautiful inch of her body until she agreed to be their mubella, but considering they were still inside the school it was neither the time nor the place.

  “Welcome home,” Serena said. And then she managed to rock his world on its axis by leaning up to kiss him.

  Chapter Four

  She kissed him.

  And he hadn’t let her go since, not even for a moment. Thankfully, Jerrod had brought his flying pod to pick them up. Descon had a very good public transport system that most people used, but right at this moment it was a relief not to have to travel surrounded by other people.


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