Unleashed by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 4)

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Unleashed by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 4) Page 12

by L. P. Dover

  “Come on,” I say to everyone, “there’s a lot you all don’t know.” They follow me inside and gather around my living room. I can feel my patience running thin. All I want is to find Faith.

  “Is there anyone who knew where you were?” Micah asks.

  I nod. “Anson, my second-in-command. It turns out he’s missing.” I have my thoughts about what could’ve happened, and none of them are good.

  My dad steps forward. “Do you think he turned on us?”

  “No,” I say in all seriousness. “He would never do that. If Vilkas and his witch traced Faith to here, they could’ve used magic to infiltrate his mind somehow. It’s the only way they would’ve gotten the information out of him. He would die before betraying me.”

  “So, what do we do now?” Colin demands. “We can’t just sit here. My sister’s out there.”

  “We’re not,” I growl. “I’m going to find her. Killian’s an alpha. He’ll feel the strongest on his own turf. That’s why I think he’s probably headed to Canada.”

  “I agree,” Laila cuts in. “I know him.”

  “Let’s head up there now,” Colin states adamantly.

  Cedric places a hand on my shoulder. “Did you by any chance share blood yet?”

  Everyone looks at me, and I nod. “We did. But right now, she’s under Tia’s sleeping spell. I can’t get through to her. When she wakes up, we’ll be able to communicate. If they knew I was her mate, they would’ve killed me.”

  Colin throws his hands up in the air. “What the hell is this Vilkas fuck doing anyway?”

  Clenching my teeth, I run a hand angrily through my hair. “I don’t know yet, but when I called Faith’s phone after I woke up, he answered.”

  Gasps erupt in the room, but Micah’s the one who speaks up. “What did he say?”

  I look around at everyone. “He said that if I want to see her again, I’ll have to pay the price. He’ll call when he gets to his destination.”

  The room falls silent. I’m more than ready to head up to Canada if that’s where she is. It’s a gamble no matter what I do since there are so many unanswered questions and uncertainties. Not knowing is driving me in-fucking-sane. All I want is to talk to her, to make sure she’s okay.

  Loud, thunderous knocks sound on the door, and my dad hurries over to open it. Anson’s twin sister, Ansley, rushes in, her breathing frantic. She looks just like him only she has green eyes whereas his are gray. Kami runs over to her. “Oh, my God, what’s wrong?”

  “Have you heard from your brother?” I ask her.

  She turns to me and bursts out crying. “Anson was taken, Tate. I don’t know who they are.”

  Kami pulls her into her arms when she starts to hyperventilate. “Ansley, it’s okay. Breathe. Tell us everything.”

  Eyes wide, I step toward her. It takes her a few minutes to get settled down. She wipes away her tears but more flow. “I went over to his house to check on him, and the door was unlocked. He never leaves his house unlocked when he’s not there.” She sniffles. “I went inside and looked around but couldn’t find anything amiss. That’s why I decided to check his camera footage.”

  A sinking feeling settles in my gut. I don’t know what I’m about to hear, but I know it’s not good. “What did you see?”

  Her lips tremble. “Two people. A man and a woman.” As soon as she says that, I already know it was Killian and his witch. “They knock on the door, and when Anson answers, words are exchanged, and when he tries to go on the attack, he falls to the ground.” She closes her eyes and sobs. “The guy tossed him into the backseat of the car, and they drove away.”

  “Motherfucker,” I growl. “That’s how Killian found out.”

  “Does Anson know anything else important?” Micah asks, intentionally not saying what that is in front of Ansley.

  I shake my head. “No, he doesn’t know.”

  Kami leads Ansley to the door. “It’s okay, Ans. We’ll find your brother and bring him home.” Ansley nods, and she walks her out.

  “What the fuck?” Colin shouts. “How is this Vilkas bastard figuring all of this shit out?”

  Laila steps in. “Magic. He wouldn’t be able to otherwise. Tia comes from a long line of Romanian witches.”

  “How many are like her in the world?” I ask.

  She shrugs. “Not many.”

  My father places a hand on my shoulder. “What are you going to do, son?”

  I look into his blue eyes, which are the same color as mine. “I’m going after her. No one’s going to take Faith away from me.”

  Colin and Micah both stand next to my father, and Micah says, “We’re going with you too.”

  Chapter 21


  It’s been settled. Colin and Micah are both going with me. It turns out that Faith’s pack is good friends with an FBI agent who graciously looked up Killian Vilkas and sent me everything about him. There wasn’t much, but I did get his address. We all grabbed the money we needed from our banks and headed on our way to the airport where Chase’s jet will take us where we need to go. By the time everything’s done, I’ll owe him my life.

  Before leaving Montana, I asked my dad to watch over the pack. There’s no other person I trust. With Anson gone, I have an even bigger problem with Killian. He took my mate and my second-in-command. The man’s going to die for it.

  I didn’t realize I was clutching the steering wheel so tight until my fingers started to go numb. I look over at Micah, and he sighs. “I get it. I’m tense too.”

  He’s probably wondering the same thing I am. How the hell are we going to get Faith out of Killian’s compound without Tia using her magic on us. And compound is the right word. I looked at the aerial view of his property, and it’s gated.

  Colin’s phone beeps for the hundredth time, and he moans. “Don’t get me wrong, I love my sisters, and I’d do anything for them, but they can be pains in the asses.”

  He’s typing away on his phone when I glance at him in the rearview mirror. “Is it Bailey again?”

  His eyes meet mine through the mirror. “Yep. She’s asking if you’re able to get through to her yet.”

  I shake my head. “There’s nothing. It’s different from when she’s sleeping. That’s how I know she’s under magic.”

  Colin focuses back on his phone. “All right, I’ll let her know.” We arrive at the small, private airfield, and Chase’s jet is there waiting for us. “It’s nice having friends with their own planes.”

  We get out of the truck and grab our bags from the back. “Yes, it is. I know he’s disappointed your sister didn’t turn out to be his mate.”

  Colin slings his bag over his shoulder. “I’m sure a lot of people will be pissed when they find out she’s taken.”

  I was happy when Cedric found Laila but also envious. Some wolves wait decades to find their mates. After what happened between Faith and me, I’m starting to think it’s not as complicated as it appears. I think we do have the choice, and it’ll happen when you’re ready.

  We all walk toward the jet where the pilot, James, is there waiting for us. “With all the royal females claimed, that leaves two,” I say to them. “You’re both royal arctics. I’ve seen how the women in my pack act around you guys.”

  Colin snorts. “Faith said we should go around visiting to see if our mates are part of the other packs like she did with you and Maheegan. If she only knew how volatile men like us are, especially if an outsider comes into our territory.”

  Even though I love the fact that Faith is trying to help our people, he has a point. When unmated males feel the rage, it’s hard to keep a level head. If there’s someone not part of the pack sniffing around, it triggers the anger. Granted, I’ve never had to put any in my pack down, but I’ve heard of it happening to others.

  We get close to James, and he smiles. Faith and I had talked to him a lot on the way to Florida. He’s human and closing in on sixty-years-old with white hair and an average-sized build. His wife p
assed away two years ago from cancer, so he’s devoted all of his time to being Chase’s private chauffeur. He said it would give his wife joy to know he’s out exploring the world.

  “It’s good to see you again, James,” I say, shaking his hand.

  He smiles at us all. “Same to you, Mr. Grayson. And to you,” he says to Colin as he shakes his hand. Then he turns to Micah. “I think you’re the only one I haven’t met.”

  Micah holds out his hand. “I’m Micah Lyall.”

  James shakes his hand. “James Campbell, nice to meet you.” He nods up at the jet. “I believe we’re ready to go when you are.”

  I nod. “Sounds good.”

  He grins. “Great. I’ll be in there waiting.”

  Once he’s in the jet and out of earshot, Colin and Micah focus on me. “What if she’s not in Canada?” Micah asks.

  She could be anywhere in the fucking world right now. That’s what kills me more than anything. I feel like a fish in shallow water, gasping for air. Desperate. “Let’s hope she is,” I reply. I’m trusting my gut.

  Chapter 22


  “Faith, can you hear me? Faith.”

  His voice echoes in my mind, and when I open my eyes, I almost expect to see him. “Tate?” The relief I feel is almost overwhelming, but then reality sets in.

  “Thank fucking God. You’re awake. Are you okay?” he asks, his voice pained.

  Sitting up, it takes a few seconds for my eyes to clear, and when they do, I see I’m not alone. “I’m fine, but I’m not alone. Tia’s here in whatever room I’m in. I have no clue where I’m at. Are you okay?” Everything comes flooding back. Florida. Killian. Seeing Tate unresponsive on the floor in the kitchen.

  “I’m fine. Your brother and Micah are with me.”

  Sitting across the room at the window seat and reading a book is Tia. She looks over at me and smiles as she shuts her book and walks toward me. Wearing a yellow sundress with her chocolate-colored hair in loose waves down her back makes her appear less like a seductress than in the black gown she wore the last time I saw her. I know not to be fooled by her, though.

  “I’m sorry I had to keep you under for so long. I wanted to make sure everything was perfect.”

  “Perfect?” I scoff. “How can things be perfect? You kidnapped me.”

  “Tate, can you see and hear everything?”

  “Yes,” he answers. “I’m right there with you. Make sure to focus on her so she doesn’t pick up on anything.”

  Tia’s smile fades. “Kidnap is such a strong word. This isn’t a prison, Faith. You’re not going to be locked in here.” She waves her hands about the room. “I think it’s quite a lovely room. I had it prepared for you.”

  The walls are a light green with white, gossamer curtains to go with the white, lacy bedspread that covers me. It all seems so light and airy, not like the darkness I know surrounds me. Tia strolls over to one of the doors and opens it to reveal a closet where some of my clothes hang neatly.

  “Your dresses and nice clothes are in here,” she says. Then she nods over at the antique white dresser on the other side of the room. “And your T-shirts and underthings are in the drawers.”

  I look down at my clothes, and I’m still wearing the same tank top and shorts over my bathing suit. “How long have I been out?”

  “Two days.”

  My head jerks up. “Seriously?” If I was out for two days, that means there are only eight days left before the full moon. “How did you find me?”

  I expect a smart-ass response, but all she does is shrug. “Magic has its perks, I guess.”

  “They have Anson, Faith. It’s how they were able to figure it out.”

  Averting my gaze, I slide off the bed. “Is he okay?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I walk past Tia to the window and peer out. There isn’t anything around except for vast land and a river in the distance—no other buildings or houses. There’s just a road that leads in and out through the gate that’s attached to a tall, brick wall expanding as far as I can see.

  “Where are we?”

  Tia comes up behind me. “Canada. Killian’s estate.”

  Tate’s audible sigh can be heard in my head. “I’m not far from you, Faith.”

  I turn around to face Tia. “What did you do with Tate? Did you just leave him on that kitchen floor?”

  “He’s okay,” she says, her voice sounding tired. “I’m pretty sure he’ll be headed this way soon.”

  My heart rate spikes. “Why is that?”

  All she does is stare at me, but then she shrugs. “I just have a feeling.”

  “Why am I here?”

  There’s a sadness in her eyes, but then her demeanor completely changes when the sound of footsteps thump down the hallway. “I’m going to let Killian explain all of that. He’s giving you time to take a shower and get changed.”

  “Oh wow,” I retort sarcastically. “How nice of him.”

  Tia smiles once and nods. “All right, I’ll leave you to it. The book I’m reading is fascinating. I left it on the window seat for you.”

  I stare at her blandly. “Gee, thanks.”

  Turning on her heel, she walks out and quietly shuts the door. I wait to hear a locking sound, but nothing happens. When I twist the knob and open the door, I peek out, and the hallway is vacant.

  “They have to be tricking me somehow. They’re not just going to leave the doors unlocked.”

  “That’s because the witch can simply use her magic,” Tate counters.

  I close the door and sit back on the bed. “What happens now? I don’t know what to do.” He feels so close to me being in my mind, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m so afraid I’ll never see him again.

  “You’re going to see me again, Faith. I can promise you that.”

  I can’t help but smile. “You’re listening to my thoughts. I guess I need to hide them better.”

  “I like hearing your thoughts. I’ve been without them for two days, and it fucking killed me. I didn’t know what was going on.”

  Lying back on the bed, I close my eyes. “I was terrified when I saw you on the kitchen floor. If we were mated, Tia’s magic wouldn’t work on us. We’d be stronger than anything she could throw at us.” When two wolves mate, their bond can withstand just about anything. It makes them almost indestructible. That’s why so many wolves want to find their mates.

  “I know,” Tate murmurs. “We’ll get there. When Killian found us in Florida, he told me I could see you again if I pay the price. He said he’d call when it’s time.”

  “And you have no idea what he means by that?” I ask.

  “No. Hopefully, he’ll tell you tonight.”

  The thought of having to be around him makes me livid.

  “It pisses me off too,” Tate growls, “and he better keep his fucking hands to himself.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I know how to rip those hands off.”

  “Keep calm, Faith. As much as I’d like for you to do that, Killian holds all the cards right now. If you fight against him, all he has to do is get Tia to spell you and you’re out. I need you awake.”

  Groaning, I open my eyes and sit up. “Fine. I’ll play nice for now.” If I’m to meet Killian for dinner, I need to get mentally prepared.

  “I’m not leaving you, Faith. I love you.”

  I wish I could hold him and feel his arms around me. “I love you too.”

  After taking a shower, I put my wet hair in a braid and dressed in a pair of jeans and one of my looser T-shirts. The last thing I want is to look sexy. I even opted for no makeup.

  “You still look sexy as hell. Every man who has eyes will see that.”

  I move to the door and place my hand on the knob. “I’m trying to look dull and unappealing.”

  “Just be careful, Faith. And stay strong. Micah told me how your anger gets the best of you sometimes.”

  I open the door and peer out. No one is in t
he hallway. “I’m trying. Tell Micah I won’t lose my focus. I know what’s at stake here.” My life.


  If I didn’t have Tate in my mind, this would be a lot harder. He gives me the strength I need. Taking a deep breath, I move out into the hallway. There are paintings on the walls, all elegant and beautiful, but I can’t bring myself to enjoy them. On one end, the hallway stops, and there’s a large window that overlooks the land. The other end of the hallway leads to a fancy staircase that goes down. I slowly walk to the stairs, expecting to see movement on the lower level, but it’s quiet. It has to be a test to see if I’ll run because even though it’s quiet, I can feel Tia’s magic all over the place. There are wolves around; but I can’t sense them yet.

  I take the white marble stairs down the spiral staircase and stop when I get to the bottom. The house is enormous, with its open foyer and an expensive chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I can either go out the front door or choose one of the four hallways.

  “There you are.” I look to my right, and Killian is there, grinning as he rakes his gaze over my body. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a dark blue T-shirt, he looks the same as before with his light brown hair and bright green eyes. “Want to take a walk with me? I’ll show you the house.”

  “I can’t wait to kill that bastard,” Tate growls in my mind.

  “Sure,” I reply.

  Killian flourishes a hand down the hallway he just came from. “We can start here.”

  We walk down the hall, and he shows me all the various bedrooms and bathrooms. When we get to the other side of the house, there’s a library, a study, and a media room. I don’t care about any of it, but I nod and try to show interest. It’s all so grand and over the top. My family is worth a lot, but I have no desire to show it off like that.

  When we get back to the foyer, I look around curiously. “If you don’t mind my asking, where does all your money come from? You don’t deal drugs, do you?”

  He bursts out laughing. “Hell no. It’s time you learned the truth as to why you’re here. I don’t see the need in keeping it from you, especially not when the fun’s about to start.”


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