Unleashed by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 4)

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Unleashed by the Moon (A Royal Shifters novel Book 4) Page 17

by L. P. Dover

“Anson betrayed us, Dad. He’s the one who told Vilkas that Faith and I were in Florida.”

  My father growls. “Son of a bitch.” He already knows about the fights and what I’m up against. The news about Anson is going to change our pack forever. “Have you talked to him?”

  I huff. “Faith did. She confronted him last night, and I heard everything through our bond. He was mad because I refused to share Faith with the pack. He saw this as his chance to win her.” When I close my eyes, I can see the smug look on his face. There’s no remorse. No guilt for what he did. My body trembles with the need to shift.

  “They’re going to pair you up with him, son. You know that, right?”

  “I know,” I say, sighing heavily. “I doubt it’ll be today. He’ll make it through to the top four.”

  “And when he does. What are you going to do?”

  Visions of me ripping him apart flash through my mind. “I’ll kill him. There’s no forgiving him after this.”

  “No, there’s not,” my dad agrees. “He has to pay the price.”

  “He will, but I don’t know if it’s going to do any good. I know I’ll make it to the final round, but it’ll be against Vilkas. His witch will make sure I lose.”

  “If anyone can get out of this, it’s you, Tate. You’re smart and stronger than any man I know, including me. I often wonder how I got so lucky to have a son like you.”

  Time is ticking by. I look out the window once more before leaving the room. “If I don’t make it out alive, you need to keep the pack together.”

  “Don’t worry about us, son. You’re going to be fine. Everyone will be waiting for you to come back with your mate.”

  We say our goodbyes, and I head out of the hotel toward the edge of town. Three other shifters are waiting at the shack. Two of them weren’t in my fighting group yesterday, but I recognize them through Faith’s mind. The third one, however, fought in my group. His name is Dixon, and he’s an arrogant tool. I’d love to fight him.

  “You don’t talk much, do you?” he says to me.

  I stare right at him, unleashing some of the power I keep hidden inside of me. “Maybe it’s because I have nothing to say to you.”

  His jaw clenches, and he backs off. The other two do the same, giving me a wide berth. Killian’s men arrive a few minutes later, and we all get in the van, none of them saying a word.

  “I’m ready to see you,” Faith murmurs in my mind.

  “I’m ready to see you too. I just wish it wasn’t like this.”

  “Me too. I want it to be over, but I know we need the time to figure out what to do. Tia’s link to Killian is dangerous. She can’t control what he makes her do. He says he’ll let me go if he wins, but it means you lose for him to do that. Not a single bone in my body trusts him.”

  I clench my fists tight. “You shouldn’t. If he wins, he’s not going to let you go.”

  Her silence says everything. I’m glad she doesn’t believe any of the shit Killian tells her. There’s only one way to break through Tia’s magic, and it’s to complete the bond. The full moon is only five days away, but it’s also the night of the final fight. Getting alone time with Faith isn’t going to happen.

  We pull up to the gate, and it opens. The driver takes us right to the building and slides the van door to the side. Dixon and the other two shifters stay put, so I get out first. Roman walks toward me and smiles. “You missed some of the excitement last night.”

  “Yeah, I heard,” I say, keeping my anger in check.

  He flourishes a hand toward the door. “Go on down. Everyone’s warming up.”

  By everyone, I assume it means Anson is already there. I walk inside the building to the back hallway and then down the stairs to the underground pit. When I turn the corner, silence fills the air. After Faith’s altercation with Anson, everyone surely knows the truth about how she got here. If any of the shifters here were honorable, they’d try to figure out a way to get Faith out after learning she was kidnapped for Killian’s fucked up tournament. But are they helping? No. All they see is power and a beautiful mate for the taking. It’s that kind of knowledge that makes me not regret killing any of them.

  I scan the room, and that’s when I see the traitorous bastard standing on the opposite side of the room, talking to three men of the Blue River pack.

  “Tate, don’t,” Faith warns.

  “I’m sorry, love. I have to.” With Anson in my sights, I shut my mind off from hers. She doesn’t need to see or hear any of the thoughts running through my mind. Everyone moves out of the way, giving me a clear path. Anson has his back to me, and when he stiffens, I know he knows I’m there.

  When he turns around, I don’t waste any time. I punch him so hard his head snaps to the side, his blood splattering across the wall.

  He slowly turns to me and laughs as blood pours out of his nose. “I was expecting worse.”

  I knew I wouldn’t get far with all of Killian’s men in the room. There are at least six of them at my back and three slowly making their way to Anson. “Oh, believe me, you’ll get it,” I snarl.

  Anson shrugs. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. You got greedy.”

  Roman steps in between us. “All right, men. That’s enough.” His eyes meet mine. “Step away, Grayson.”

  As I glance over my shoulder, there are now eight men ready to pull me back. Killian stands off to the side of the room, clearly amused by the smirk on his face. Clenching my teeth, I hold up my hands. “I’m done.” Fire burning through my veins, I glare at Anson. “You better hope they don’t put us in the ring together.”

  Anson grins, which only infuriates me more. “Oh, I’ll be ready. I can promise you that.”

  So will I.

  Chapter 30


  It’s only the second day of the fights, and it feels like I’ve watched them for years. Killian fought first, and it was no surprise he won. I feared he’d have Tate fight against Anson, but they both had different opponents. They won their fights, of course. Anson’s fighting technique is remarkably similar to Tate’s.

  “That’s because we learned to fight together,” Tate says in my mind.

  I look over at him, sitting alone across the room. Inside his mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I want to go over there and touch him just once, but I’m so afraid everyone will see right through us and know we’re mates.

  Micah nudges me with his elbow. “Come on. I’ll walk you over there. He’s getting ready to have to leave.” Tia nods for me to go and she stays put with Colin right beside her. Tate stands when we draw near, and it takes all I have not to run into his arms.

  “It’s hard for me too, love.”

  Micah squeezes his shoulder reassuringly. “You’re doing good.”

  Tate smiles, and it’s such a welcome sight. “I’m trying.”

  Micah glances around the room. “There’s not many of you left.”

  “Grayson, it's time to go,” Roman shouts.

  A low growl rumbles from Tate’s chest, but he bites his tongue. He looks at me with those bright blue eyes of his, and I give in. Throwing my arms around his neck, I close my eyes and breathe him in.

  “I don’t want to let you go.” My eyes burn, but I hold back the tears. Seeing him leave gets harder each time.

  His grip on me tightens. “Neither do I.”

  When I let him go, Roman and three of Killian’s other men are ready to take him away. “Be safe,” I whisper.

  Tate nods. “I will.”

  As soon as he walks out of the room, it feels empty. Micah latches onto my arm, his voice a little lower than a whisper. “Let me call Cedric and Laila. She can get us out of this.”

  I’m starting to wonder if that is our only hope. Laila has some powerful friends among the fae, but I can’t expect them to go out of their way to help me. I don’t have ties to them. It’ll be left up to Laila herself. “That’ll be our last resort. Until then, we need to figure out our own way. I’l
l never forgive myself if something happened to her or the baby.”

  “I know,” he agrees. “I don’t want that either.”

  Tia and Colin are over by Killian, but they leave him to come to us. My brother is my eyes and ears on the inside. So far, he’s had nothing to report. Tia smiles at me, and I can tell it’s forced. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Killian watching us. “Killian wants to know if he can see you tonight. After everything going on, I’m sure he’ll understand if you’re too tired, though.” Colin’s back is to Killian, and when I look up at him, he mouths the words say you’re tired.

  “Actually, I am exhausted. I’d really like to go to bed,” I say.

  Tia nods, and I can see the relief on her face. “I’ll let him know.” She walks off toward him while Colin and Micah escort me out of the underground pit.

  “Good choice,” Colin says as we walk out into the fresh air.

  I snort. “If only I could use that excuse every time.” Eventually, Killian won’t take no as an answer.

  Midnight has come and gone, and I’m still wide awake. I’m so afraid that if I go to sleep, something will happen, and I’ll never hear Tate’s voice again.

  “I’m right here, Faith,” Tate murmurs, sounding as if he’s right beside me.

  When I close my eyes, I can almost imagine he is. “One day, we need to travel to Aruba or the Turks and Caicos. I hear the snorkeling is amazing.”

  Our future is uncertain, but it feels good to think about how things could be. Tate chuckles in my head, and it brings a smile to my face. “One of my friends and his wife just got back from the Turks and Caicos a couple of months ago. They said the food was awesome.”

  “All right, it’s settled then. We’ll go there.”

  “Sounds good, love. I quite like seeing you in a bikini.” Our time in Florida will always hold a special place in my heart. I’d give anything to feel him inside of me again. “Trust me, Faith. I’d give anything to feel that too.” A click at the door makes me gasp, and I bolt out of bed. “Faith, what’s going on?”

  “I think someone’s trying to come into my room. It could be Micah or Colin. But if not, someone’s about to have a terrible night.” I tiptoe to the door and rest my back against the wall. The door opens slightly, and Tia sticks her head in.

  “Faith, it’s just me.”

  “Jesus,” I huff, opening the door the rest of the way. “What the hell are you doing?”

  She sneaks in, wearing a pair of flannel pajama pants and a T-shirt. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  I flip on the lights and walk over to the bed. “Where’s Killian?” I ask.

  “Asleep,” she says, shutting the door behind her. She comes over to the bed and sits on the edge. “I had to wait until it was safe to talk.” Her eyes close, and she chants a few words under her breath. When her eyes open, it’s as if everything comes to life around me. Before, I couldn’t feel a single shifter nearby because she had hidden them. Now I can sense them all, including Killian. No one is around. “I can’t stay long, but I had to warn you. Killian’s impatience grows stronger by the day. It’s getting harder to control him.”

  Her words send shivers down my spine. “What happens if you can’t?”

  Fear runs through her eyes. “I don’t know. I’m hoping we don’t find out. I wanted to warn you earlier, but there were too many ears around.”

  I don’t want to think about what’s on my mind, but I can’t help it. “So, if Killian were to force himself on me, your magic would keep me from overpowering him.” It’s not a question but a statement.

  “Holy fucking shit, I will lose my mind if that happens. Nothing and no one will be able to stop me from ripping through the front gate to get to you,” Tate thunders.

  Tia averts her gaze. “Yes. I’m doing everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen. He hasn’t been with a woman in a long time. There isn’t a lot of options here in Baker’s Ridge. Humans are too fragile, and he doesn’t want any of the women in his pack.”

  Unmated males who experience the rage let out their frustrations with sex, mainly with human women. If Killian’s been suppressing those urges for that long, he’s a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

  “Great,” I grumble. “Just what I wanted to hear.”

  “He better not fucking touch you,” Tate snaps.

  Tia blows out a sigh. “Tomorrow, there will be three fights. Tate’s not in this group, but Killian is. The three winners will get to spend an hour alone with you. It’s up to you on what you’d like to do in that hour.”

  The mention of Tate catches my attention. “Why did you mention Tate Grayson?”

  Her brows furrow. “He’s your friend, right? Plus, I’ve seen how you are when he fights. You care for him.”

  “I do. Tate’s a good person.”

  Her eyes never waver from mine. “Is he your mate, Faith?”

  “No,” I answer in all seriousness. “We’re just friends.” I feel like I can trust her, but I’m not ready to disclose my secrets.

  “Speaking of friends,” she mentions. “When you were in Wyoming and staying with Laila and Cedric, there was something else blocking me other than her fae magic. I didn’t tell Killian what it was, but I have my suspicions.”

  “And what are they?”

  She nods at me. “That when your kind finds their true mates, you become indestructible. Outside magic won’t work on you because you’re stronger.”

  “You’re right,” I confess. “We do become a force to be reckoned with. It’s one of the perks of finding your true mate. I don’t think those same rules apply when a mating is forced. The goddess of the moon doesn’t reward evil.” It’s times like now I wish that Killian could hear everything I say. Yes, my power would join with his if we were to mate, but it won’t be as strong as my bond with Tate. Tia stares off into space, and I wave my hand in front of her face. “You still in there?”

  She blows out a sigh. “Yeah, sorry. Just thinking.”

  “About what?” I question. I can tell the wheels in her mind are turning.

  “I don’t know yet, but I’m hoping it comes to me soon.” She slides off my bed and goes to the door. She stops and glances at me over her shoulder. “One of these days, I hope you can learn to trust me, Faith. I really do want to help you.”

  I don’t know what to say, so I say nothing at all. A look of disappointment passes across her face when she walks out. I expect her to block me from Killian and his men like she had before, but she doesn’t. I can sense where every single one of them are.

  “Maybe that’s her attempt at hoping I trust her?” I say to Tate.

  “It’s a start. At least now you know who’s around. No one can sneak up on you.”

  It does make things easier.

  I lay down in bed, and my disappointment grows. “I’m not going to see you tomorrow.”

  Tate’s frustration grows through our bond. “I know. It makes me sick to think of you in the same house as Vilkas. What if he loses control around you? Your brother and Micah won’t be able to kill him.”

  It’s something I refuse to think about.

  “Please, let’s not talk about it. I need something happy in my life right now. Tell me about all the places you’ve been to. Don’t leave out any details. I want to see it in my mind.”

  And just like that, I can see a whole new world in my head. Tate takes me through all of his adventures, and it feels like I’m right there. It’s my only escape from the hell I’m in.

  Chapter 31


  It’s Monday. Four days until the full moon. Usually, when people count down days like that it’s for a happy event, but not for me. Killian brought me breakfast this morning, saying how he wished he could’ve spent time with me last night. His demeanor was different, like he’s holding on by a thread. I made sure not to provoke him for fear of what he’d do. He went over the itinerary and who all were fighting today. I listened and kept most of my comments to myself. T
he three winners will get one on one time with me. At first, I was not too fond of the idea, but I can turn it into something useful, depending on who the winners are.

  With Anson being one of the contenders, I told Killian if he wins his fight, he might not survive the hour with her. Unfortunately, it’s not my place to dole out his punishment. Tate has that right more than anyone.

  “If you feel the need to kill him, be my guest,” Tate says. “He betrayed you just as much as he did me.”

  It’s strange having fewer people in the underground pit. Before, it was filled with shifters, but now there are only six fighters with the Blue River pack as the audience. Out of the six men, I already know Killian, Anson, and Orin will be the winners. They’re the strongest. While they get ready for their fights, I watch Killian’s pack members.

  The women still vie for Colin and Micah’s attention, but I think they know nothing will happen between them. I can see the disappointment in their eyes. It’s easy to see why they would let Killian organize fights to find them a mate. Everyone wants to feel loved and wanted. My heart hurts for them. They can’t help it their alpha is losing his mind to the rage.

  Tate’s sigh sounds sad in my head. “You can’t save everyone, Faith.”

  “No, but I can try.”

  Now that there are only three fights, each one is being done individually instead of three at one time like the past two days. Tia sits beside me like she has every other time, dressed in a sexy blue dress today, and leans in but keeps her eyes on the center ring. It’s time for Killian to fight.

  “We need to talk. It’s important.”

  I can hear the urgency in her voice. “Okay,” I whisper.

  “After the fights, say you need to go to your room to freshen up. That might give me enough time.”

  My curiosity piques. By her tone, I can’t tell if it’s good or bad news. Anything would be better than bad news at this point. Roman steps out of the ring, leaving Killian and a shifter named Penn from Alberta to fight it out. We all know how this is going to go. I half expect Penn to give up when Killian shifts into his wolf, but he doesn’t. Pride is a dangerous thing among my kind, and it’s going to cost Penn his life.


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