Jude_Signature Sweethearts

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Jude_Signature Sweethearts Page 14

by Kelsie Rae

  “What did I miss?” I ask the group.

  “Nothing. We were just about to order another round,” Derrick answers casually. His arm is resting on the back of Bree’s chair while she takes another swig from her cocktail.

  “What would you like to drink, Quin?” I inquire. She’s just taken a seat next to Bree, which leaves one last chair open for me.

  “Oh. Umm… I’m nineteen.” She grimaces, obviously uncomfortable with her age difference compared to the rest of us.

  “That’s alright, Kitten. Do you want something else to drink? A soda, maybe?”

  “Oh, come on, Jude. We both know she’s not going to get carded, and it’s just a little alcohol. What do you want, Quin?” Bree interrupts, looking pointedly at Quin from across the table.

  I decide to stay silent and give Quin the opportunity to order whatever she likes. Bree’s right. She’s not going to have any trouble with the bartender. His name is Monk, he’s a billion years old, and his only rule is: No fighting. Other than that, you can get away with murder in his establishment, and he won’t mind in the slightest. So long as you clean up after yourselves, that is.

  After a moment, Quin speaks up. “Well… in all honesty, I have no idea what to order.” She shrugs. “I’ve never had alcohol.”

  “No freaking way,” Bree squeals, excitedly. “Derrick, go get a Baybreeze, a martini, and a margarita!”

  Derrick simply shakes his head before unfolding his beefy frame from beneath the table and heading to the bar like he didn’t just get bossed by a girl half his size.

  “I can’t drink that much!” Quin objects to Derrick’s retreating form.

  “Don’t worry, they’re not all for you. This way, you can try a little bit of everything and see what you like! I cannot believe you’ve never had alcohol! I mean, seriously! How have you not snuck into your parents’ stash, just out of curiosity?”

  You might think her rambling is rhetorical, but Bree stares at Quin, waiting for her answer.

  “Um… I do all the grocery shopping in my house, and obviously, I can’t buy that at the store so….” Her voice dies off.

  Bree digests her statement for about two seconds before responding, “Whelp. Tonight’s your lucky night, friend! We’re about to educate the crap out of ya! This is gonna be so fun! How ‘bout we play Never Have I Ever to keep things interesting?”

  Quin looks confused. She glances between Bree and me while waiting for an explanation.

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t played that game before?”

  Quin shrugs in response.

  “No freaking way! I’m going to have so much fun with you!” Bree states enthusiastically, clapping her hands and bouncing in her chair. I watch her excitement while debating if I should grab Quin’s hand and run for dear life. Bree’s the epitome of chaos, and I have a feeling she won’t mind tampering with my innocent kitten and leading her to the dark side.

  However, Bree’s scheming is interrupted by Derrick’s arrival with a tray full of drinks.

  “As I was saying…” Bree continues. Nevermind, then. “The rules are simple. All you need to do is say, ‘Never have I ever,’ then choose something you haven’t done. If anyone around you has done that thing, they have to take a drink. If they haven’t then they don’t need to. Get it? Here, I’ll go first.” She grabs the nearest glass to her, which happens to be the martini.

  “Never have I ever kissed a girl.” Bree grins at Derrick knowingly.

  He smirks at her before grabbing a pint from the tray and taking a large swallow.

  Next, Bree turns her pointed look to me.

  “Sorry, love. I’m driving tonight and want to make sure Quin has a good time so I won’t be participating this evening.”

  “I didn’t say it had to be alcohol, Mr. Jude.” She grabs a glass of Coke and hands it over. “Drink up, Buttercup!”

  I take a gulp of the fizzy beverage, my eyes focused solely on Quin as she giggles at our little game.

  “You’re up, Derrick. Let’s see whatcha got,” Bree chirps.

  “Let’s see…” he pauses while scratching the scruff on his chin. “Never have I ever pretended to date anyone at this table while I was really in love with someone else.”

  “Oh, come on!” Bree shouts. “That’s not even fair!”

  “Drink up, Buttercup.” He smirks, using the same phrase Bree used on me.

  I grin before tapping my glass against hers. “Cheers.”

  Quin watches the exchange, looking slightly confused, yet happily content at the same time.

  “Do I wanna know what the story is behind that?” she asks, smiling softly with her brows quirked.

  “I may have convinced Jude to date me” —Bree uses her fingers to make air quotes when she says date— “because this guy” —she points to Derrick— “needed to grow a pair and ask me out, but wouldn’t do it because he was a big fat baby.” She grins flirtatiously at him, softening the blow to his manhood.

  “Now wait a minute—” Derrick protests.

  “Nope. Sorry. You’re not allowed a rebuttal at this time,” Bree interrupts. “Your turn, Jude.”

  Thankfully, Derrick is used to his fiance’s craziness and doesn’t bat an eye. Instead, he takes another drink of his beer without waiting for my prompt.

  “Wait a minute,” Quin interrupts. “Who were you in love with?”

  My brows furrow. “Pardon?”

  “The question was… ‘Never have I ever pretended to date anyone at this table while I was really in love with someone else.’” She emphasizes the latter half of the phrase, though her eyes hold nothing but pure curiosity.

  “Ah, good point, love. I guess I shouldn’t have taken a drink. That one was purely for Bree, but I’ll take one for the team, anyway.”

  Quin accepts my explanation with ease. “Alright, then. Just thought I’d ask for the whole picture. Your turn!”

  “Let’s see… Never have I ever kissed a boy.”

  I watch Quin take a tiny sip through the straw in her bevvy. Her nose wrinkles as the foreign flavor of alcohol touches her taste buds for the first time. Her reaction is nothing short of adorable. I have to restrain myself from reaching across the table and kissing the wrinkled freckles right off her beautiful face.

  “Bo-ring,” Bree states before taking a deep pull from her glass. “Your turn, Quin. Let’s see if you can be more creative than your boyfriend, mmm-kay?”

  Quin smiles shyly, and I know it’s because Bree just referred to me as her boyfriend. Sometimes I forget how innocent she truly is. Yet, I’d be more than happy to introduce her to an array of new experiences for as long as she’ll let me.

  “Never have I ever… tasted alcohol before tonight.”

  We all lift our glasses before tapping them against each other enthusiastically and drinking.

  Quin turns to Bree and smiles casually. “Your turn.”

  “Nope. Did we not mention the other rule?” Bree asks.


  “If everyone but you drinks then you get to go again. Let’s see what else you got!” Bree clarifies while grinning at the newest member of our little group. I’m so happy they’re hitting it off.

  “Oh. Okay. Let’s see… Never have I ever been out of the country.”

  We all lift our cups, taking a drink.

  “Alright. Never have I ever been to a concert.”

  Another round of gulps for the table.

  “How about never have I ever peed in a urinal?”

  Derrick and I laugh good-naturedly and tip our heads at each other before swallowing our drinks. We turn to Bree, assuming it’s her turn, when she also places the rim of her glass against her lips, silently admitting to having peed in a urinal.

  Quin’s jaw practically hits the floor as she watches Bree’s unspoken confession.

  “For real? Bree? You peed in a urinal? How is that even possible?” Quin’s voice holds a hint of awe as if she’s a bit impressed and shocked at the same time.

/>   “Truth or Dare in middle school. Needless to say, I made a mess and dared the next person to clean it up afterward.” She giggles loudly at her confession, seeming quite proud of herself.

  Quin laughs right along with her. “I honestly don’t even know what to say to that. Should I give you a high five? Maybe ask for pointers in case I ever need to do that in my life?”

  Bree jumps off her chair on wobbly legs before bowing dramatically. She looks a tad inebriated.

  “Bring a funnel,” Bree quips before plopping back into her seat. Derrick just rolls his eyes while Quin giggles even louder, and I have no doubt they’re going to become fast friends.

  “Carry on, Kitten. Let’s see what else you’ve got.”

  “Okay, umm… Never have I ever been to a school dance.”

  I pick up my half-full bevvy, drinking a bit more while Bree and Derrick do the same.

  “Dang it! I don’t think I’m very good at this game.” She laughs awkwardly. “Never have I ever owned a dog?” She states this as a question, and I can see the silent pleading in her eyes, begging me to save her from being the center of attention.

  Unfortunately, Derrick has seen pictures of me with my childhood dog, Chester, so I can’t lie to get her out of the hot seat.

  Hesitantly, I take a sip while guilt eats at my stomach. Sorry, love.

  “For real? You guys have all owned dogs?” She groans before twirling the straw in her barely touched bevvy.

  “Try another one, Quin. Bree’s starting to get tipsy. Let’s see if you can push her over the edge,” Derrick jests as he encourages Quin to keep playing.

  “Fiiine.” She drags out the word. “Let’s see… Never have I ever been to England.”

  By some miracle, I’m the only one to raise my glass. Quin slumps in her seat from absolute relief.

  “Finally!” she grumbles.

  Bree takes her turn, and we spend the rest of the evening learning about each other’s pasts. I’m given a strong sense that Quin hasn’t experienced life the way she wishes she had, and I make it my mission to expose her to so many new activities that she won’t know what to do with herself.

  Chapter 18


  “I had a lot of fun tonight. Your friends are amazing!” I gush as Jude and I make our way to his parked car.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

  “I did! I can’t believe you’ve done so many things in your life, though. I’m a little jealous,” I admit. It seems the little amount of alcohol I consumed has turned me into Honest Abe.

  “Well, Kitten, I am a tiny bit older than you, now aren’t I?” Jude smiles kindly. He’s trying to reassure me even though my insecurities are on full display.

  “I know, but still. I haven’t even lost my v-card, and how have I never owned a flipping dog? That’s pathetic, Jude. I mean, really?” I roll my eyes as Jude walks me over to the passenger side of his car.

  Instead of opening the door like I expect, he uses his lean, yet muscular body and strong arms to cage me against the chilled metal frame. The cool temperature seeps through the thin fabric of my cocktail dress and causes goosebumps to break out across my exposed skin.

  “Do you want a dog?” he asks. His eyes are smoldering as he leans into me. I’m assuming my comment about my lack of sexual experience has sparked his reaction, and I’m insanely grateful he doesn’t bring it up again. I’m not sure I could take any more embarrassment this evening.

  “Umm… maybe? I dunno. I’ve never had one, remember?” I shrug while my cheeks heat to epic proportions.

  A sexy smile graces his lips as his eyes scan my completely embarrassed expression. “May I ask you a question, Kitten?”

  I nod.

  “What’s holding you back from living the life you want?”

  I’m shocked at the seriousness in his eyes as he searches mine for an answer. Only, I’m too much of a coward to form it into words.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “I think you might have an idea,” he pushes.

  I chew on the inside of my cheek while internally debating what I should say, and how I should say it.


  He nods, silently encouraging me to continue while being patient enough not to rush me. Our faces are mere inches away from each other. His warm breath smells like peppermint as it brushes my cheeks every time he exhales. Our close proximity is comforting. Intimate. I have the strong desire to wrap my arms around his slim waist and pull him into a hug, refusing to ever let go.

  Wow. Clingy much? my inner girl admonishes.

  “You’ve met my dad, Jude. He’s an amazing man and was an incredible father. But not having a mom around was hard. Really hard, actually. I was a shy person to begin with, and when you add the fact that my dad was an introvert, too… and I didn’t have my mom to support me the way only moms can… I don’t think I even had a chance.” I laugh, but there’s no humor in it. Memories of my childhood flash through my mind. The birthday parties I didn’t get invited to because I was the quiet girl in class. The high school dances I never attended because I was too shy to step out of my box and talk to people.

  “When he got sick, he was quickly let go. An accountant who forgets numbers and other important information is a huge liability to a company. They were apologetic and gave him a pretty big severance package, but it only went so far, you know?” I try to swallow past the giant lump in my throat, but I feel like I’m choking. “His mind started to deteriorate so quickly that the medical bills kept piling up. In all honesty, I’m not sure how much longer he’ll even be at home with me, and that breaks my heart.” I attempt to stay strong, grasping onto my mask of indifference with all my might. It’s hopeless. A tear escapes and slowly slides down my cheek. Jude takes the opportunity to brush it away with his calloused thumb. The rough skin glides across my cheek, scratching my sensitive flesh in the most comforting way possible.

  “I became the sole provider for my family during my junior year of high school. I spent a lot of time babysitting and flipping burgers until I finally landed my contract with Flinch this last year.” I wipe the watery snot with the back of my hand. Very unladylike behavior, but extreme circumstances call for extreme measures.

  “I think my life started out ordinary then I transformed into a shy, awkward teenager with absolutely no self-esteem. And right after that, my dad got too sick and needed me the way most little girls need their fathers. I didn’t have time to really live. Then I became so used to my own little bubble that I forgot how to.” The last of my confession is spoken in a hushed whisper. My voice sounds like sandpaper. My eyes are firmly focused on Jude’s mouth, refusing to take in his reaction to my admission.

  I lick my cracked lips, trying to moisten them while working up the courage to ask a question that I’m dreading the answer to.

  “Will you show me how to live?” I breathe, a blush already spreading across my pale skin.

  “Haven’t I already?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  Jude’s delicious mouth tilts into a sexy smirk before inching closer to my own.

  I close my eyes in anticipation, my lips parting slightly.

  “If you insist,” his husky voice whispers hungrily.

  Our lips touch, instantly moving of their own accord and mastering a complicated dance between his mouth and mine. It’s instinctual. Jude takes control, and I respond to every tiny movement he makes, countering every action with one of my own.

  He slides his tongue along the seam of my lips. I open for him greedily. He glides his hands down my arms slowly. I intertwine our fingers the moment his reach my own. He steps closer, pinning me to the car. I greedily stand on my tiptoes, causing friction between our chests. He nibbles my lower lip. I gasp for oxygen that seems to have evaporated.

  We spend the next ten minutes making out like teenagers. Our hands roam over each other. Our mouths fight for dominance. Our breathing grows heavier and heavier. I somehow gain the courage t
o take the leap. The one I’ve been terrified to take since the first moment we met.

  “Will you come back to my hotel?” I ask hesitantly, briefly pausing our kissing and catching my breath at the same moment. My eyes are squeezed shut tightly while I wait for his inevitable rejection. This is Jude we’re talking about. He’s sexy, experienced, funny, confident. He’s also the exact opposite of everything I am. In all honesty, I’m shocked my mouth is able to form the question in the first place. I would blame it on the alcohol, but with how badly I sucked at Never Have I Ever, I know I’m practically sober.

  “Kitten, I thought you’d never ask,” Jude replies devilishly. He kisses me deeply one more time before anxiously opening the passenger door then driving like a madman to my hotel.

  By the time we make it to my room, we’re both panting with pent-up frustration from casting sexually charged looks each other's way.

  As soon as the door opens, Jude practically pounces on me like a tiger. He pushes me up against the wall and kisses me with so much heat I'm surprised I'm not melting into a puddle on the floor. Greedily, Jude grabs the hem of my dress, trailing his fingers up my exposed thighs while nibbling my earlobe. His touch is like an electric current pulsing through me. I take the hint and jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist. His hands dig into my butt as he carries me to the bed. My anxiety hits out of nowhere when I see the love shining in his eyes as he moves over me.

  I can't help but question myself.

  Will I be enough for him?

  Slowly, he leans forward, nuzzling my exposed neck. A soft smile graces my lips as his movements slowly melt away the anxiety, leaving only an ounce of hesitation in its wake. That is, until Jude blows a loud raspberry on my neck, causing an explosion of surprised giggles to erupt from me.


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