Jude_Signature Sweethearts

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Jude_Signature Sweethearts Page 16

by Kelsie Rae

  I smile sweetly at him, enjoying his voice that drips with authority. “I will, Daddy. Don’t worry.”

  “Good. And no boys,” he grunts while turning his attention back to the paper.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” I quip. Little does he know, I’ll be sharing a room with Jude, and we’ll be enjoying plenty of extra-curricular activities throughout the weekend.

  “That’s my girl,” he praises.

  I get us both a cup of coffee and some toast with jam. Carrie came in about an hour ago but is making herself scarce. She’s an amazing person, but I’m grateful for the one-on-one time with my dad.

  Checking the clock, I notice I’ve got a few minutes to stay and chat. I soak up these moments with him, locking them in my memory, though I doubt he’ll remember them for more than a few minutes. I know there will be a day when he won’t come back to me. A day where he’ll be forever lost in his thoughts.

  It will absolutely break me.

  We spend the next thirty minutes discussing nothing at all, until the doorbell rings. I give Dad a goodbye kiss and grab my luggage before trekking to Jude’s SUV. He insisted on driving two hours down to my house, only to turn around and head back with me in his grasp. I insisted it was a waste of time, but when Jude sets his mind to something, it’s easier to just give in instead of fighting him.

  The drive to Vegas is filled with playful banter and arguments over song selections. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  “So, Kitten, what would you name your dog?” Jude randomly asks as we fly down the freeway. He’s got a pair of prescription aviators covering his warm chocolate eyes, and a sexy smirk is firmly placed on his kissable lips.

  He’s wearing a soft cotton T-shirt. His hand is resting on the steering wheel lazily, his position displaying his muscular forearms to perfection. I catch myself staring when his warm chuckle interrupts my completely inappropriate thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, what was the question?” I shake my head from the lust-induced fog.

  He grins, obviously able to read my mind. “I asked what you would name your dog if you had one?”

  My brows furrow at the randomness of his question. “Um… I’ve never thought about it,” I answer honestly.

  “You’ve never considered getting a dog?”

  “I’ve thought about it,” I hedge. “I love dogs, actually. I just didn’t see it as a feasible possibility, so I didn’t try to get my hopes up.” I pick at my jean shorts while averting my eyes from the Adonis next to me.

  “It’s okay to dream, love,” he prods kindly.

  “I know,” I whisper quietly. “I guess I just don’t like being disappointed.”

  “Life isn’t always a disappointment, Quin. But if you’re not willing to take chances, you’ll never get to experience the great things life has to offer.”

  “Like what?” I ask, feeling slightly put out.

  “Like dogs.” He grins before pulling me into an awkward side hug across the console. His eyes are still firmly on the road as he kisses my forehead with a loud smacking sound.

  I giggle at his playfulness and am grateful for it. This man is turning out to be a pretty big part of my life… I think I’m getting my hopes up about him, as well.

  “My first dog was named Chester, but I didn’t get to name him. My sister insisted that she get that honor.” He shakes his head in mock annoyance while childhood memories flutter throughout the SUV.

  “I like that name.” I laugh. “But what would you have named him?”

  He pauses for a minute, considering his options and tapping his forefinger against his chin. “Chester,” he answers bluntly. I laugh even harder.

  “Of course you would.” I roll my eyes.

  “What would you name your dog? Or better yet, what’s your dream dog? If you could have any one of your choice?”

  “Hmm… if I could get any dog in the world… I think I’d get… a Papillon.”

  He furrows his eyebrows from beneath his sunglasses. “Pardon?”

  “It’s a little dog with giant ears that stick straight up and out like a butterfly. They’re pretty much the cutest dogs on the planet, and I would name it Gizmo, like from the Gremlins movie. Have you ever seen it?” I gush. My voice is dripping with pent-up enthusiasm. I’ve never dared to dream of getting a dog, but as soon as Jude asked, I couldn’t help but picture my whole life together with this perfect little puppy. How we’d go on walks, how he’d sit on my lap while I gamed, how he’d sleep on a little blankie at the foot of my bed. The whole shebang.

  I’m grinning from ear to ear as I let myself imagine how amazing it would be to have a buddy like that. I’m so caught up in my little daydream that I don’t notice Jude staring at me. I might not be able to see the adoration shining from his eyes, but I can feel it, regardless.

  “What?” I ask shyly.

  A warm smile graces his lips, and his voice drips with awe as he replies, “You’re beautiful when you dream, Kitten. You should try doing it more often.”

  My cheeks heat at his compliment. I know that I could dream about a life with a lot more than just a puppy named Gizmo. I could dream about a British coder named Jude, too.

  Chapter 21


  Every year, the Gateway Guardians Championship is held in different locations throughout the United States. This year, the location is the Mandalay Bay Event Center. I’ve never been to this particular hotel until today, and it’s quite the establishment. The main floor is an open casino decorated in crimson and gold with tables and slot machines scattered throughout. There are various restaurants and bars along the sides, but we walk straight past them and head to the check-in area.

  Since our first trip together, Quin has been much more open about our relationship and suggested we stay in the same room. I’d be a bloody fool to object.

  We get our keys, and the receptionist directs us to the lift.

  Arriving at our room, Quin exclaims, “This place is incredible.” She sighs, eyeing the king-sized bed in the center of the space. There’s a giant mosaic of swirling oranges and yellows along one wall, and two hot pink cushioned chairs sit in the corners next to a modern, white desk.

  She runs into the bathroom and nearly faints as soon as she sees the giant bathtub with jets that is perfect for relaxing in.

  We had to leave a little later than I would’ve preferred, so there isn’t much time to mingle with the other guests.

  “Should we give it a go?” I tilt my head to the bathtub Quin is drooling over.

  She looks over her shoulder and bites her lip like I just offered her a cookie before dinner.

  “Really?” Her eyes light up at the idea.

  “Why not? I already messaged Marcus, letting him know of our late arrival. He said not to bother with the team meeting tonight and to enjoy ourselves. I think the best way to do that is to take a nice hot bath together. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  She grins from ear to ear before stripping off her clothes and turning on the hot water. I’m distracted by her beautiful bare body. As the water starts to fill, I gather Quin in my arms and place a gentle kiss against the freckled skin on her shoulder. My lips linger for the tiniest of moments as I taste the salt on her skin. She tilts her head, giving me better access to her neck, where I continue to place gentle kisses. Brushing her vibrant hair aside, I nibble on her ear. The action causes her to giggle lightly.

  “That tickles.” She squirms out of my reach playfully before dipping her toe into the steamy water.

  “Are you going to join me?” she asks flirtatiously, peeking over her shoulder and giving me an excellent view of her backside.

  “Am I invited?” I inquire, even though we both know the answer.

  She shrugs the shoulder that I was savoring only moments ago, causing me to growl possessively. She smirks in return before sitting down and sliding into the hot water. Quin moans in satisfaction as the heat envelops her. The sound makes my blood rush.

  I remove my trous
ers faster than a viper striking its prey before slipping into the tub behind her. We make good use of the space in the large porcelain tub and laugh as water splashes around us, haphazardly. The little sounds she makes as I pleasure her cause my heart to race. The connection I feel with Quin is more than I could have ever imagined. I’m falling for her. Hard. And the most shocking revelation of all? I’m not scared. I’m excited. I’d do anything for the woman in my arms. Anything. I just don’t want to scare her off. She’s a skittish little rabbit when it comes to relationships. When it comes to love.

  Afterward, I entangle our fingers together and pull her closer to my chest. The soothing heat from the water, and the comforting touch of Quin’s silky skin, nearly lulls me to sleep. We remain silent, our steady breathing and the rhythmic drip from the faucet our own quiet lullaby.

  We both turn into prunes before Quin suggests we go to bed.

  “I’m exhausted.” She yawns while raising her hands over her head and stretching against me.

  “Me too,” I agree, trying not to ogle her, though it’s damn near impossible.

  She grabs a towel and wraps it around her chest before tucking one end into itself. I watch, mesmerized by her innocent movements. She’s oblivious to the effect she has on me, which only makes her more appealing. Quin tosses me a second towel, and the fabric hits me square in the face. I’ll admit... I am a bit distracted.

  “Thanks,” I say. The sound is muffled from my face being covered.

  “Don’t mention it,” she replies cheekily.

  Apparently, I’m not very sneaky.

  We snuggle under the covers and drift off to sleep, anxious about the big day tomorrow.

  “Alright, Kitten, it looks like we have a short team meeting after breakfast, then a practice game, a handful of interviews, and finally, Game One in the arena. Afterward, we can go to the celebratory party, or stay in for the night and rest up for tomorrow.” I’m reading the text message Jett sent early this morning while we were lying in bed. “How are you feeling?” I tear my gaze away from my phone and feel as if I’ve been knocked in the gut by the beauty lying next to me. She really is stunning.

  How’d I get so lucky?

  She looks a bit nervous but is hiding it the best she can. Little does she know, I can read her like a book.

  “You alright, love?”

  She licks her ruby lips before nodding hesitantly. “I’m okay. Just nervous… I guess?” Quin states it like a question. Even she’s unsure of her feelings. “I’m afraid that I’m going to let the team down,” she confesses. Her fingers are busy twisting the cotton sheets over and over again, like her grip on the covers will somehow ground her.

  “You’re going to do wonderfully, Quin. I have no doubt.” I tilt her chin toward me and place a gentle kiss against her lips.

  “But what if I don’t?”

  “Then you pick yourself right back up and fight harder for round two. And if you lose that one, as well….” I shrug. “Then you come back for next season. It’s just a game, love. A game worth a great deal of money, but a game, nonetheless.”

  She nods her head absently, trying to digest my words. Though I can see they’ve only made a minor dent in the anxiety pulsing through her system.

  “Right,” she whispers absently.

  Chapter 22


  Our team meeting flies by, right along with the pre-game interviews. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that Chase is a freaking jerkface, and I can’t wait to beat the crap out of him during the game. We’re about to make our way into the arena where Game One is being held. It’s packed to the gills. The event center can hold twelve thousand people, and Jett excitedly informed us that it’s sold out for today’s game.

  My hands are shaky as I twist the lid off a water bottle. I haven’t been able to eat much today, but I’m hoping the water will help with my extremely dry mouth. Jude, Jett, and the rest of our staff are already on the stage. Our team is hidden behind the arena in a little room, waiting for our introduction. Muffled cheering reverberates throughout the tiny space and causes my anxiety to skyrocket.

  “You ready?” Marcus asks while eyeing my trembling fingers.

  “Yup,” I answer, popping the ‘p’ at the end.

  He smiles warmly in return. “We’ve already talked strategies in our team meeting. You got this. Put on your headphones as soon as you sit down and focus on the game. Try to tune out everyone in the auditorium. It’s just like playing at home or during practice. You need to keep your head in the game and keep the crowds out of it, okay?”

  I nod my head. “Keep my head in the game, and keep the audience out of it. Got it,” I repeat.

  “Good.” He grins before patting me on the back. “And enjoy this shit. It’s not every day you have thousands of people watching you game.” Playfully, he shoves me out the door and into the arena. The screams are deafening as the announcers introduce Team AFK through the overhead speakers.

  My heart is racing even faster now as adrenaline pumps its way through my system. My fight or flight instinct is about to take over. I’m frozen in place as my eyes scan my surroundings. There are so many people. I have to fight the urge to turn right back around and hide with my tail between my legs.

  Trevon sidles up next to me and wraps his burly arms around my neck. Jonah flanks my other side with Ronny next to him.

  “Can you believe they don’t let us bring food into the arena? How the hell am I gonna focus without my Mountain Dew?” Ronny whines, breaking a bit of the tension squeezing around my chest and allowing me to breathe.

  Marcus inches around us before leading the way. He waves at the spectators like he was born for the spotlight. Marcus is a pretty humble guy and doesn’t like to be the center of attention, but you’d never know that if you saw how great he is with his fans.

  While my name has been trampled through the mud, thanks to The Red Lords, Marcus was voted the hottest gamer this year. Women have been drooling over the pictures of him on the internet. His female fans are scattered throughout the giant auditorium and are screaming their little hearts out. Poster boards with “Marcus, will you marry me?” are flashing all over the place.

  I roll my eyes before following my teammates to the center stage.

  You’d think they were rock stars with how much they are fawned over. Then... there’s me. The majority of the gaming community is super supportive, but there are a few jerkfaces woven throughout that don’t think a girl can game like the rest of them.

  That’s one of the reasons I’m here. To prove them wrong.

  I catch Marcus scanning the crowds and ask him, “Looking for something in particular?”

  His cheeks blush slightly. “My sister and her friend came to watch the game. I figured I’d see if I can spot them.”

  I nod in understanding. “That’s awesome. You’ll have to introduce me to them after the game.”

  I’d kill for that kind of support. Then I remember I have it in the form of a sexy British gamer named Jude.

  The center stage is set up into two areas. The red side, where the Red Lords are aptly assigned, and the blue side, where Team AFK will be sitting. There are five gaming rigs set up in a row for each team to compete, with a giant screen hung from the rafters that acts as a backdrop. This is where the audience will be able to watch the game unfold.

  Behind the tables where the gaming rigs are situated, there’s a row of cushy chairs. This is where the support staff are supposed to sit. They aren’t allowed to make any comments during the game or they’ll be escorted off the stage. The coaches should’ve already given their spiel and game plan, so now they’re just supposed to sit and look pretty. Or at least, that’s what Jude seems to be doing anyway. Now, it’s up to the Team Lead if there are any on-the-spot strategies we need to implement. Thank goodness Marcus knows what he’s doing.

  Jude winks at me from his chair on the podium while blatantly checking me out from head to toe. I blush under his perusal before tak
ing a seat on the end. Trevon grabs the one next to me. The only person with a designated spot is the Operator because other players aren’t allowed to see that monitor. Ronny saunters over to his area, which is essentially a black box to ensure players can’t see, and steps inside.

  Each of us grabs our headsets, do our soundchecks to confirm we can hear each other, and are ready to kick butt.

  “Let’s do a quick roll call,” Marcus’ voice buzzes through my ears.






  “Dude, I’m sitting next to you.”

  I snort at Jonah’s comment when my name is called.


  “Here,” I answer tightly.

  “Perfect. Remember your roles. Remember the plan. Let’s do this.”

  The game starts within minutes. My palms are sweaty. My focus is lasered.

  I try to ignore the foreign auditorium with its constant buzzing and replace it with my bedroom at home, along with the silence that usually encompasses me.

  This is just another game. Nothing special. All I need to do is kick butt. I know my opponents underestimate me. And we’re going to use that to our advantage.

  The first half of the game goes by without a hitch. The second half, however, is when things get interesting.

  We’ve collected a good amount of ammo, but don’t have a ton of medical supplies. Which means if one of us gets hit, we’re screwed.

  “Alright, guys. Trevon’s in position and has enough ammo to take out anyone in his range. Ronny, where’s everyone else?” Marcus asks.

  Ronny’s voice crackles through the headset. “Jonah, you’re close to their Tank, and it looks like their health is low. Do you think you can take him?”

  “Hell yeah,” Jonah confirms, already attacking the opposing Tank.


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