Dethroning the King

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Dethroning the King Page 16

by Jennifer Loren

  Preston puts his hand around the back of my head and kisses my cheek. “You are an amazing man, one worthy to be everything I know you can be.”

  With those words still lingering in my head, I walk on stage, greet the media and guests appropriately, and begin my speech with a little flare and attitude. Basically, I was able to be me and still win them over. Nothing can make you surer of yourself than when you can be yourself and still hold your head high with applause in the end. By the time I end, my tie is straight, my shoes still shine, my smile is wide, and I feel there is no better time to announce my other business. “Now that you understand my goals, I want to make one thing clear about my personal life. I do intend to marry the love of my life, and that person is Preston Singler.” I glance in Preston’s direction and see the shock in his expression turn to happiness, and I know I have done the right thing, for us, and now to do the right thing for everyone else in our state. “If anyone knows of a good jewelry store, I could use some help shopping for the perfect ring.” It is at that moment that the LGBT community makes their voices heard. I guess they needed to be clear on where I stood. I exit the stage with Preston’s hand in mine and shaking everyone else’s on my way out.

  “So where to next?” Preston asks, still smiling and thanking people as we walk out.

  “I think maybe we have dinner with your mother. After all I have yet to ask permission to marry her son,” I say, receiving a kiss from my love. The only other business is Michael, who expected to be meeting us at Preston’s mother house with an offer for me. I guess he assumed I must be an idiot, to show up to meet him without a plan in place.

  Preston’s mother, Marilyn, left a note with an old friend of Austin’s as we typically do to communicate. She goes to the store every Tuesday as she has always done, and near the store is an older man singing and playing his guitar for money. Marilyn puts a few dollars in along with a note, and he passes her an angel card as he does with everyone, except he hands her an angel card with a note wrapped around it. A routine exchange that no one would ever think twice about, especially Rowen, Michael’s lead hunter who handles all of Michael’s biggest kills. Rowen is Michael’s go-to when he isn’t in the mood to do it himself. Our recent exchange tells us Michael is impatient and wants to meet. We are not fooled or stupid to believe he only wants to talk. He wants to draw us out and get a clear look at his target. Austin’s bright idea to make me an instant celebrity has made it impossible to make me an easy kill. Any attempt on Preston’s or my life would instantly become national news, and Michael, with my recent stance against him, would be the number one suspect.

  Upon entering Preston’s old family home, Michael’s sour expression means he has seen the today’s press conference and realizes he can’t touch me. “Well, hello, Michael. I’d call you brother, but considering you killed my true brother and tried to kill me, I assume our brotherly love has died too.”

  Michael stands with a forced smile and a fake love. “On the contrary, brother, I love you, and I loved Dace too. I still mourn his death, as well as my loving wife.”

  “Yeah, she loved you alright, like cancer,” I say before hugging Preston’s mother. I expected her to be nervous and upset, but she is a stubborn, rock solid woman.

  “Good to see you, Antony. Your brother, here, invited himself over. I tried to tell the prick that my house has already been exterminated for roaches, but he still decided to risk his life anyway,” Marilyn says in her usual, spunky tone.

  “Ah, Marilyn, always the jokester,” Michael laughs, shaking his head.

  “Don’t pretend like you know me. You don’t know anything about me. I would slice your dick off without a second thought.” Michael’s goons eye her with a tense move closer to Michael’s side. “Oh, look at you with your buddies. Scared of an old woman, are you? Pussy,” Marilyn remarks, finding her favorite chair in the other room and turning on the Feud, her favorite show.

  I nod towards Preston who leaves to join his mother while I turn my attention towards Michael. “What do you want, Michael? I am surprised you were still interested in showing up here after my press conference.”

  “I think we both can agree that we have the ability to help each other.”

  “Really? Last I heard you were being brought up on charges for kidnapping and assault. Not that I am surprised, considering what I know about you.”

  “The charges were dropped. It was a misunderstanding is all.”

  “Sure they were, after a threat was made and a payment issued. I think what we really can both agree on is that you have become a joke. What was it that I heard this morning? Oh yeah, who would play Michael Colletto in a story about his life? Have you heard this one, Michael?” I wait until Michael’s face turns bright red and his fists tense. “Give up? A drug addict porn star, because that’s the only person desperate enough to play such a low life for money.” Michael comes at my throat, and I don’t hesitate to take him down and get a few punches in before his gang of bullies pull me off of him and attempt to beat me up. They don’t succeed. “I have learned quite a few things over the past year, Michael.” I lean down to his grimacing face. “And now, you have learned something too, like don’t mess with the gay fuck anymore, he’s liable to kick your ass. Now, go home and don’t ever, ever, mess with anyone I love again.”

  “You’re going to regret this. I still have power, you know?” he rants with a slight tone of desperation.

  “You do? That’s cute that you still think so. I have news for you, Michael.” I motion for him to come close, but his reluctance forces me to drag him to me. “I hold all the power now. Enjoy that knowledge while you sit at home in your sweaty boxers waiting for the FBI to come get your ass.” I let go of him and send him and his men on their way. When they are clearly gone, I shut the door and turn to Preston, standing in the doorway. He looks at me in shock, his mouth wide open. “Are you okay?” He nods silently. “You don’t look okay.”

  “I’m stunned. I have never seen … I mean you were like some badass James Bond like hero.” I laugh, realizing he hasn’t seen my new skills in full effect yet. My confident approach is met with a deep, passionate kiss. I enjoy his quivering sigh. “Wow. Mom, Antony has something to ask you,” Preston announces, taking my hand leading me into the living room to talk to Marilyn.

  Chapter 17


  With Antony becoming a celebrity and set to take over the Colletto political realm, I set out to sneak into Michael’s home and dig up as much evidence I can. It’s late at night, but I know for a fact Michael is at a hotel out of town doing some political campaigning, desperately trying to salvage his political career. Antony’s attacks on his character are helping dismantle him, but now we need to do more than hurt his character. We need evidence of his criminal activity. Every connection we thought we had, Michael has managed to put distance between himself and them, clearing him of any wrong doing. No one will testify against him, and no one will give any evidence that helps the case against Michael unless they feel safe to do so. The only way anyone will feel safe is if Michael has no power to hurt anyone, so I need to find a way to cut those important ties he has and break his power.

  Our father is in need of getting some air, so he volunteers to go get some food and other supplies, and since Austin is getting antsy to get out herself, she asks to go with him. We are so far out of town that it shouldn’t be a problem if she disguises well enough, so I don’t put up too much of a fight with her. Besides, her leaving gives me the chance to sneak out on my own. My new half-brother, Brandon, catches me sneaking out, and to my surprise doesn’t stop me but insists on coming along. I am still not sure I can trust him fully, and I have no idea what skills he has or if he will be a help or a hindrance. All I know is that he works for the FBI with our dad. We have barely said two words to each other since we met, the awkwardness between us is evident. I’m not sure how to make it better. There is no doubt we have a lot to talk about; I just don’t think either of us believe now
is a good time to do it. Too much to talk about and too much that could make a conversation really awkward. For instance, why is he older than me and are there more of them somewhere? The bigger question is: Did my mother cause our father to cheat on Brandon’s mother? How awkward and horrible would that be? I wouldn’t want to help us if that was the case. Hell, I would probably help Michael if that was the case. Although, if he knew Michael, he would never help Michael do anything. All these thoughts run through my head when I should be concentrating on Michael’s house and what I need to find there. While I try and think, Brandon drives since I am not supposed to be alive and he is worried about someone spotting me. I have sunglasses on and a hat so that any possible traffic photos taken would be unable identify me. Seems a bit much to me, but Brandon is insistent. We make sideways glances towards each other throughout the ride until he finally makes a noise.

  “Did you tell Austin you were coming out with me?”

  “No, I was afraid she would want to come along. Actually, I know she would have. That’s why I didn’t tell her. She is hard to stop when she wants to do something.” I laugh, triggering him to do the same. “So, are you married or something? I noticed the ring on your finger.”

  “Uh, yeah actually. Going on six years, and I have two kids.” He pulls out some pictures and hands them to me. “My wife, Clair, and my two boys. Johnathan is my oldest, and my little dude with the Batman cape is Barron. He’s a mess.”

  “They’re adorable.”

  “Thanks. I miss them, but I am going to go and be with them in a few days.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were going.”

  “Yeah, I have been away from them long enough. I made a promise to the wife to never be gone longer than a couple of weeks. I don’t dare go against my wife and her wishes. Do you know what it’s like to be in love with a woman that can kick your ass and make your life miserable if she’s unhappy?”

  “Have you met Austin?” I ask him with a huff.

  He nods. “Yeah, I am pretty sure she could kick all of our asses.” We both laugh, seeming to clear the awkwardness out of the air. So, why do I still feel the need to ask the question to add it right back? Brandon glances my way and immediately starts laughing. “Alright, ask. I know you want to.” I shrug, trying to pretend I have no idea what he is talking about. “Oh, come on. You and Antony have been weird around me since we met. I can understand why, but I was hoping you guys would ask me before now. I was hoping we could get to know each other. You guys are the only brothers I have.”

  “Well that answers one question we had. There are no more surprise brothers, half or otherwise.”

  “No, my mother died of breast cancer when I was five. She was sick for a long time, and I spent most of my time with my grandmother. My father was around sporadically, but he was so worried about taking care of my mother that it was rough taking care of a toddler too. I think, after her death, he went back to work with a vengeance, and then something changed. He would come home and make time for me. He was happy again. I was too young then to care why. I was just glad to have my dad in my life.” I go silent but happy. It’s good to know that my parents’ relationship didn’t destroy anyone else’s life and was actually a good thing for someone. “You know, I actually met your mother once.” I look up at him in shock. “Yeah, when she was supposed to leave your dad, or … well Colletto. Anyway, my dad introduced me to your mother because we were all going to run away together, and he wanted to make sure I was good with her. She was pretty awesome. She made me cookies. That’s how I knew she had been in my dad’s life for a while because he always brought home those same cookies. I liked her instantly. She was a really beautiful woman.” I nod, unable to speak as I turn towards the passenger window and watch the view speed past me.

  My mom made cookies for him? She couldn’t cook anything. She would buy us cookies from her favorite bakery, and I loved them, so I assume that’s what he must be talking about, but I am still curious. “Was it the cookies with the Hershey Kiss in the middle?” I smile.

  “Yeah, exactly. So she must have made them all the time for you guys, huh?” he asks, laughing as if he remembers them fondly. I guess that’s good for him because we never had cookies like that. They were always the cookies shaped like bears, bears with M&Ms for eyes and bellybuttons. They were Antony’s favorite, and I liked them too, only because mom loved to make up stories with them. I guess she got different ones for him. Maybe our cookies were too special to share. “Okay here we are. I think this is a good place to park and move out from.” I agree and follow him since I have never been here or seen the plans for Michael’s new place. However, once we find a way inside, I know my brother well enough to know exactly how he would set up this house. Brandon follows me, and I easily find Michael’s office and computer. “Do you know his password?” Brandon asks.

  “No, but I don’t need to know. I set up his whole system, and I know how to get into everything he has as long as he didn’t hire anyone else since me to change it.” Knowing Michael, he wouldn’t trust anyone to do something like that, and as I quickly launch my break into his system, I realize he didn’t. Dumbass believed enough in my death to keep my setup intact, making it easy for me to take advantage. I speed through all of his information, searching for anything tangible. Brandon keeps watch, giving me plenty of time to search. Brandon begins to motion that we are running out of time. The guards are about to make another sweep, so I think I am going to have to download everything I can and figure it out later.

  “Alright, I have got what I need. Let’s get out of here.” We start to move out the way we came, but guards force us to backtrack and find another way. The house is a maze with guards at every corner, and we are getting pinned down inside when I hear a little voice.

  “Uncle Dace, this way.” I turn to see Sage standing in her doorway with her stuffed, floppy dog that Antony gave her. I rush over to her before someone hears her. Brandon follows me inside her room.

  “Hey, Honey, what are you doing awake?” I whisper to her.

  “I can’t sleep, puppy is sick.” She holds up her dog to me with a pitiful look.

  Picking her up, I put her back in her bed. “Well let’s see if I have some medicine for him. I fake some medicine for the sick, stuffed puppy and check him over carefully before giving him back to her. “I think he is all better now. Okay?” She nods and squeezes him tight. Kissing her forehead, I cover her up. “Go to sleep.”

  “Uncle Dace, are you a ghost?”

  “Yes, Sweetie. I just wanted to come back and check on you.”

  “Then who is he?” She points to Brandon who waves awkwardly at us.

  “He’s my guide from heaven to earth. Since you moved, I wasn’t sure where to find you.” Damn. I’m a good liar.

  “Where’s Austin? Does she live with you?”

  “Yes, she is very happy and watching over you too. She wanted me to tell you that she loves you very much and not to worry anymore.”

  “I miss her, and you,” she says, fighting tears and breaking me into pieces. “Can you take me with you?”

  “Sage, honey, you don’t want to go with me. You want to stay here where you can play and be with your friends.”

  “No, I want to go and be with you and Austin.”

  “What about your daddy? He would miss you very much,” I say, realizing I am trying to take her father away from her.

  “No … I don’t think Daddy likes me anymore, and I am very scared,” she says, gripping my hand. “Please don’t leave me here.” I lean down, and the instant I do, she jumps up into my arms and won’t let go. “Please, Uncle Dace, don’t leave me here alone.” I can hear Brandon mumble under his breath words for me to tell her, but none of them are words I care to say right now. She’s so adorable, and she’s killing me with this heartbreaking need for me. There is no way I can take her with me. She shouldn’t even know I was here.

  I turn to Brandon, looking for help, but all he can do is shrug. “W
hat should I do?”

  “I don’t know. If Michael finds out you were here, everything we have been working for is ruined. Yet, if you take his daughter, then we are asking for trouble we are not prepared for.”

  “Thanks. That’s helpful.” I hold Sage for a little while and then when she seems almost asleep, I try again to put her and puppy back into bed.

  “You’re going to go again, aren’t you?” she asks, rubbing her eyes.

  “Only for a little while, but I promise if you keep a secret for me, Austin and I both will be back to get you and take you with us. Can you keep a secret?” She nods. “Good, then don’t tell anyone I was here or they won’t let me come back to get you. Give me a few days, and I will be back to take you to a new home with Austin and me. Would you like that?” She nods happily. “Good, now go to sleep and have sweet dreams.”

  I start to leave her room with Brandon. “Uncle Dace, you can go out the door to my play yard. It’s right down those stairs.”

  “Thank you, Honey. Now go to sleep.” I kiss her head one more time for helping me. “Remember, don’t tell anyone we were here.” Sage showed us the perfect exit right out of her room and through her playground where Michael has no one watching at all; there aren’t even any cameras for some reason.

  When I arrive back, Austin sighs as she jumps into my arms. “You are in so much trouble. I am so mad at you,” she says, still hugging me. “I nearly left to go find you. If your father hadn’t of locked me in my room, I would have. I don’t like him very much.” I laugh at her. “So, how did it go?”

  “Good I think, except I ran into Sage.”

  “Oh no, what did she say?”

  “She said she wanted me to take her away from there. She’s scared of Michael for some reason.”


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