Dominic: The Prince

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Dominic: The Prince Page 9

by Mj Fields

  There are two large bedrooms, one at each end. The living, dining, and kitchen area are open and airy. Everything flows nicely. The kitchen and two bathrooms were recently remodeled. If I need or want a roommate I can have one. The thought of this place being my home gives me a feeling of calm.

  The one other thing that I fell in love with is the cargo elevator. I love it. Its intended use was originally for moving freight in the building, but now it is used strictly for floors three and four. Security measures are in place to allow restricted access to each floor for the tenants only.

  Driving home, Nikki turns on the phone, pops her earpiece in, and listens to messages. She laughs at some of them and frowns at others. When she finishes, she hands me her phone.

  “Take a look at Instagram and the photo you posted last night.”

  “I didn’t post a—are you kidding me?”

  “Look at it,” she giggles.

  I sign in and hit my name on her accounts search.

  “Oh, no, he didn’t,” I gasp.

  “Apparently, you have a few hundred comments and likes?”

  “Friends requests, too. One from,” I covered my mouth, “his sister?”

  “Really?” Nikki is shocked.

  I look at my followers. “Apparently, he and I follow each other. That, that…”

  “It’s kind of sweet.”

  “Giddy up motherfucker is hardly sweet, Nikki.”

  “He put that? Oh, my God, because of all the rodeo posts with James.”

  “No way,” I scroll through. “Oh, my God. I’m blocking him.”

  “You’re such a badass. Why not decline his sister’s request, too?”

  “That’s mean. I mean, she wasn’t the one talking to Jules this--”

  “Jules DeLuca?

  Shit, I didn’t mean to say anything. I mean; I need to say something. He is planning on ruining the company my best friend and her boyfriend works for. I will tell him first. But how?

  ‘Oh, hey, Dominic, I overheard a conversation that made me realize you were banging me, more than likely, as a front for what you’re really planning.’ Who the hell knows what he will do to me? I mean hello, wealthy, Italian, laundering money. Short of a horse head in my bed, nothing screamed Godfather any louder than that.

  “Hey, Laney, not for nothing, but Abe mentioned her last night before he and the guys went to the hotel.”

  “They didn’t come to the hotel.”

  “That’s where he said he was going.”

  I look at her and shake my head ‘no.’ “I was there all night, Nikki.”

  She punches the accelerator and we drive eighty miles per hour; I know where we are headed.

  “Nikki, maybe I’m wrong.”

  “Or, maybe I’m an idiot.”

  “No way, he loves you, Nikki. How the hell can you doubt that? I mean maybe they came and left because we were sleeping. Or--”

  “Only one way to find out.”


  We walk into Steel Inc. and past reception, Nikki flashes her ID and gives one of those fake smiles to the receptionist.

  Once in the elevator I nudge her, “You don’t like that lady, huh?”

  “I’ve been here for a damn year, and she still asks to see my badge. But I walk in with Abe--she’s all fucking smiles, bitch!”

  Nikki is never pissed, like ever. It takes a hell of a lot to push her over the edge, and here I am, the one who pushed her.

  I follow behind her as she walks into his office, and he isn’t there.

  “Conference room,” she says, as I follow.

  She doesn’t knock; she just pushes the door open and storms in.

  “Nikki, everything okay?” Abe jumps to his feet.

  I scan the room and breathe a bit easier when I don’t see the beast.

  “No, not really.” She looks around, “So, how was last night?”

  “Fine,” he says, as he cautiously approaches her.

  “Was it?”

  “Nikki, what’s going on?”

  “How about you tell me? Where were you? I mean; you lied.”

  She looks back at me and rolls her eyes, and then steps back when he walks closer.

  “Has she been drinking?” he asks me.

  “She is right here, Abraham O’Donnell,” she snaps at him.

  “Oh, man, she busted out his full name,” one of them laughs.

  “Z, I really don’t need your help. As a matter-of-fact, could you all give us a minute?”

  “No, please stay. All of you have a seat. Abe’s just going to tell me where he was last night.”

  “Nikki, he was with me and Jase,” the one he calls Z laughs. “At a hotel and I swear to fuck, nothing happened. I mean he tried…”

  Her face turns red, she looks at him, and he cocks his eyebrow.

  “She didn’t see you.” She calls me ‘she,’ which was never good. “She was there.”

  “Awe, so we meet Sleeping Beauty.” Zandor stands and chuckles. “I would assume Dom tucked her in nice and tight.”

  I feel my face burn and my head sinks lower.

  “Do you have any reason to doubt what I say, Nikolette?”

  “Ooo, he busted out the--”

  “Z, shut up,” one of the others laughs and stands, “Hey, Laney, right?”

  “Yes, um, yes.”

  He laughs and extends his hand, “I’m Xavier. The nerdy looking dude in the suit,” pointing to the dark haired, nerdy looking one in the suit, “is Jase, that’s Cyrus,” the big one waves, “and that is Zandor, he’s the troublemaker of the crew. Nice to put a face to the name.”

  I see a door open and out walks Dominic. I close my eyes and look down.

  “Laney, Nikki, this is a pleasant surprise.” He walks quickly toward me and grabs my elbow. “I’d like a word.”

  “Not right now, please.” I pull away and look at Nikki. “I did fall asleep, so maybe…”

  “She was out cold, purring, actually.” Dominic looks at me.

  “Can we leave please?” I ask, pleading with Nikki.

  “Nikolette, are you satisfied now, or do you still doubt I was where I said I was?”

  She doesn’t answer; she simply looks down.

  He leans in and whispers in her ear, “That’s one.” Then, stands back. “How about we all go have some dinner? I’m starving.”

  “I’m not feeling well.”

  I ride with Nikki, who follows Abe and Dominic.

  “I don’t want to go. I really don’t want to go, Nikki.”

  “You owe me,” she says, as we pull into the driveway of the steakhouse. “If it gets that bad, we leave, okay? It’s just dinner.”

  Nikki hops out of the car and I sit, trying not to freak out. She is either pissed at me or really feels bad for jumping to conclusions; conclusions that I led her to. I see her whisper sorry to him, he kisses her cheek and wraps his arm around her waist. I suppose I owe her.

  I take one last breath, open the door, and walk into the steakhouse; Dom holds the door for us.

  Nikki lets out a shriek, and then I hear the others. Paige and Mel are here. I run up and the four of us hug. I am so excited to see them. It has been three months.

  “Okay, so spill it,” Mel says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the table that is reserved for us.

  “When did you all get in? This is crazy, no one told me.” I sit at the far corner, hoping he will not sit near me. Hell, I wish he would leave. This night is going to be difficult as it is.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Paige says, as she sits on one side of me, and Mel on the other. “The man, the one with the abs, like…”

  “Ouch, Mel.” Paige looks at her like she is crazy and Mel looks up.

  “Will you introduce me to your friends, Laney?” Dominic sits across from me, and stares at me like he has for three days; like nothing has happened.

  She looks away and I choose to act as if I don’t notice. “I’m Dominic Segretti, a friend of Abe’s.”

  I stan
d and shake the two girls’ hands. “I’m Paige.”

  “I’m Mel.”

  “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “I think we’ve already seen you,” Paige laughs and then whispers, “ouch.”

  I look at Laney and her face is a beautiful pink color.

  “You’re referring to the photo I posted last night. I should have told Laney, I am a jealous man.”

  “Well, Giddy up mother—ouch,” Paige says again and looks at the girl, Mel.

  The waitress appears with two bottles of wine and opens them. I thank her and look at Laney, “This is a much better brand than the one from the hotel bar. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  I reach across the table and pour her a glass and then the other women.

  She still won’t look at me or respond, in any way, to anything I say.

  “Is she always this quiet?” I joke, as I look at her friends.

  “Only when she’s pissed,” Mel answers.

  “I’m going to see where Nikki is.” She stands and walks toward the ladies room.

  “Please excuse me for a moment.”

  I walk right into the women’s room where she is standing, looking in the mirror. She glances sideways and sees me standing there, looking at her. She washes her hands and tries to step around me; I reach back and lock the door.

  “I want to know what the hell is going on, Laney. Damn it, I deserve to know what the hell is going on. You don’t act the way you did this morning after a night like last night.”

  “Apparently, I do. I have a motto. You know, if it’s not fun, it’s done.”

  “So, you’re telling me that four orgasms last night wasn’t fun for you? Come now, Laney, no pun intended, tell me the truth.”

  “The truth? Here’s the truth, you have a couple hours to tell Abe and those men what you are planning to do to the company they love. You tell them that you and that Jules lady are trying to destroy them. I heard you this morning on the phone. I trusted everything you said to me. I won’t be played like a fool. I won’t let you destroy someone my friend loves. Do you understand that?”

  I hear whispering and look at the row of stalls behind me. Then, I see red heels.

  The door opens, Nikki stumbles out fixing her dress, and Abe follows.

  She covers her mouth and looks up at me. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers.

  I try not to laugh at the situation, but in fact, it is amusing. Why? I couldn’t have planned it better myself.

  “You and Jules planning the demise of Steel?” Abe winks.

  “Not yet, no.” I stare at Laney.

  “You let me know if you change your plans?” Abe asks, as he unlocks the bathroom door.

  “Sure thing.”

  I heard the door close and stand looking at her as the door closes behind me.

  “That was awkward,” she whispers.

  “So, does that clear things up for you?”

  “I’m glad you’re not trying to ruin them.” She looks down at her feet.

  “Now that that’s settled, when can I get you under me again?”

  She looks up, rolls her eyes, and then washes her hands. “I told you this morning--”

  “Right, when you thought I was going to bring the empire down. Which, I must point out, you thought enough of me to give me the option to tell them first, which says a lot.”

  “It says I haven’t had time, yet. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  She can’t even look at me. There is something more.

  “I’ll excuse you when you’ve answered my question, Laney.”

  She is searching for the answer and I am trying to control the urge to take her over the sink, reminding her how good I feel inside of her.

  “You posted a picture on my Instagram account. That was rude.”

  “You looked upset in the others and your profile picture had some backwoods fu—” I stopped, “cowboy in it.”

  “So what? Besides, that doesn’t give you permission. Do you know what a slut that makes me look like? I mean, I guess I should thank you; I have a hundred new friend requests. My dating life is probably going to blow up.”

  “Take it down,” I hiss.

  She shakes her head. “Your sister friend-requested me.”

  I can’t help but smile. “Did she?”

  “That’s what it says. I don’t have my phone, left it home to avoid pesky calls and messages.”

  I point to myself. “Pesky?”

  “Very. You may want to untag yourself. Wouldn’t want the gaggle of women in Italy thinking you’re off the market.”

  She slips by me before I can respond.

  When I return to our table, Sabato is sitting next to Abe. They are whispering when I sit down.

  “What brings you by?” I ask him, as I grab my glass of wine.

  “He invited us to a dinner at his new club before he officially opens.” The girl, Mel, smiles and looks at him out of the corner of her eye.

  “Opening sooner than expected?” I ask.

  “Things are moving faster, yes.” His eyes narrow. “Father and his associates are coming in two days.”

  “Here?” I am shocked and I look at Abe.

  “I think it will actually work out better than planned.” Abe winks.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket to see if I had any missed calls or messages from Jules. When I look up, Laney is scowling and looks away.

  What the hell did I miss?

  “So, will you ladies be joining us?” Sabato asks.

  “Probably not a good idea,” I say, stuffing my phone back in my pocket and looking at Sabato.

  “Why is that?” he asks, as his eyes skim up and down Mel’s body.

  “We can discuss later,” I say, trying to remain calm.

  I have a lot on my mind: Valentina, Jules, Angelina, now Laney, and her two friends. No. I will not put them in front of Benito and Efisto.

  “Did you find a place today?” Paige asks Laney.

  “I’m ninety nine percent sure. Yes.” She smiles and takes a drink.

  “One on my list?” Abe asks.

  “No, one I found, but I’m pretty sure you’d like it.”

  “It’s a loft apartment. Third floor right?” Nikki asks her.

  “Third or fourth.” She answers and finishes her glass of wine. “We’ll see.”

  “Is there security?” Abe asks, and I silently praise him.

  “It’s in a good neighborhood,” she says, as Paige fills her glass and drinks most of it.

  “That’s not what he asked you, Laney,” I bite out.

  “Security in the form of mace and maybe a shot gun.” She smiles as she pushes her glass back for more.

  The girls laugh.

  “Nikki said you declined the offer to work at Steel. Living in the city can be very expensive. Those places on the list Nikki and I made were rent controlled. Are you sure you can afford it?” Abe asks.

  “I receive my relocation check on Monday from Chase. I’ll be fine.” She drinks down another half a glass of wine. “Enough about me, Mel, Paige, what plans have you made?”

  “Mel has news.” Paige looks at Laney.

  “I was accepted into Cornell’s summer accelerated pre law program.”

  “So, you’re really going to do it?” Laney looks genuinely happy.

  “I think so. I have a meeting with admissions on Monday. My focus won’t be that much different. I see it as social work in a greater form. I will focus on women and children, you know fighting for the greater good.”

  “Your parents must be so proud.”

  “They are.” I see her look up at Sabato, whose eyes are fixed on her.

  This could be a problem.

  I look up at Laney and she looks away.

  We eat dinner. Perhaps, I should say everyone except Laney eats. She pushes her food around her plate, and I start to get agitated with her.

  I decide I will call it a night, “Gentelmen, could I drag you away for a moment?”

  I walk
up to the waitress and slip her a few bills. “Will this cover dinner?”

  “Yes, of course. I’ll get your change.”

  “No change, just see they have everything they need.”

  We stand outside the restaurant and wait for the couple that has just walked out to get into their vehicle.

  “It’s too soon.”

  “Not in my control, Dom,” Sabato says, as his jaw twitches.

  “Abe, I don’t know if we have time to get everything in place. If we don’t, if this doesn’t work out, all is for nothing and people I care about could suffer the ramifications.” My heart beats against my chest like a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

  “As Sabato said, it’s not up to us. We just work faster. I will go through Steel’s books again. I think I can connect--”

  “Thinking doesn’t ensure Valentina’s or Jules’ safety.”

  “I will do everything I can. Sabato, your father, what do you have on him?”

  “Everything I need. If he isn’t arrested here, I take care of him in Italy.”

  “Take care of him how?” Abe asks.

  “By any means necessary,” he replies.


  I pace the hotel room. I send Jules a message via e-mail, informing her that we need to talk. She still hasn’t responded and it isn’t like her.

  I am waiting for Valentina to respond. I want her here, or somewhere he can’t touch her.

  When the phone rings, I see Abe’s number and answer.

  “Can you come to my place? I think I found something.”

  “I’ll be right over.”

  I lay in bed buzzed, confused, and pissed. I look over at my phone, which I refuse to turn on. I don’t want to read his texts. I don’t want to not read them, either. See what I mean? Mind fuck, this whole thing is. My past has taught me how to hide my emotions. A recent turn of events has taught me how to tell someone when enough is enough. Yes, people are flawed, I know it¸ and I see it in myself. I’m not one of those people who thinks they do no wrong. I do wrong and every time I do, I see it in brilliant and vivid colors.

  And now, I lay here talking to myself like I did when I was growing up, because in this whole world, I know there is only one person that I can depend on. Me.


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