Defying the Odds: Risking It Book 3

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Defying the Odds: Risking It Book 3 Page 5

by Autumn Reed

  “I promise to keep my hands to myself.”

  Nicholas unlocked the door, then pulled me inside, letting it slam behind us. He lifted my hands to his shoulders and tugged me to him. “We definitely can’t have that.”

  His scruff brushed against my cheek, and I shivered as he lavished kisses behind my ear and down the side of my neck. I allowed my fingers to wander up to the nape of his neck, playing with the soft hair there. His mouth had finally moved to mine when I heard rustling and then a squeak.

  I jumped back and held my hand in front of my face, peeking through my fingers. “Was that a mouse?”

  “Depends. Would the presence of a mouse ruin the mood?”

  “Yes,” I answered definitively.

  “Then, no.”

  I pushed away from him. I had a bit of a rodent phobia, and even Nicholas’s supple lips wouldn’t distract me from the knowledge that at least one was lurking in the corner somewhere. “Maybe we should get on with the tour.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to have mice as friends?” he asked with a quirked brow as he led me to the center of the room.

  I looked at him blankly.

  “You know, because you’re Cinderella.”

  “Of course. Every morning, they consult with the birds that live in the tree outside my window to select my outfit.”

  Nicholas laughed, then gave me an abbreviated tour of the building. While it wasn’t in great shape now, I could see its potential. Exposed brick walls, extraordinarily tall ceilings, and massive windows would be showstoppers once the renovation was complete. The main floor would house a lobby and fitness center, and the rest of the space would be converted into covered parking. The top three floors would each be divided into four spacious units, for a total of twelve lofts.

  The Ts had also purchased the empty lot directly behind the building to add a gated courtyard and small dog park for the residents. It was undoubtedly a huge undertaking, much more complicated than even the club. I understood why Nicholas was intimidated, even though I could tell his excitement was increasing as he spoke about it.

  “It’s a goal of mine to make the building as environmentally friendly as possible,” he said as we exited the building. “I’ve studied methods for reducing waste during construction and focusing on sustainable and recycled materials. I’m also going to hire someone who can advise us on green energy techniques.”

  “Stop impressing me. It’s too much. I can’t handle any more.”

  “But I live to impress you. What will I do with all my free time if I stop?”

  I bit my lip flirtatiously. “I can think of a few things.”

  “Oh yeah? Shall you demonstrate tonight?”

  I wish. “Sadly, no. I’ll be holed up in my apartment for the rest of the week, studying for midterms.”

  “Rats,” he retorted with an evil grin.

  “Thanks a lot. When I have nightmares about killer rodents tonight, I’m totally blaming you.”

  “Then, I better give you something to dream about, instead.”

  I walked back to my car, smiling. His kiss had accomplished that and more.

  Chapter 6

  After a week and a half of studying for and taking midterms, it was finally spring break, and I was more than ready for some downtime. Despite my attempts to stay at the townhouse while studying, I’d soon realized it was impossible. I was too easily distracted by vastly more interesting subjects, so I’d had to cut off most of my contact with the Ts until I completed my exams.

  Not that they’d let me totally get away with my disappearing act. Shane met me on campus for lunch one day, and Cole delivered Mario’s for dinner the next. Nicholas lured me away from my apartment on two separate occasions with promises of gourmet coffee and help. Surprisingly, he made a good study partner, but only when I turned my back to him so I wouldn’t study his pale green eyes and luscious lips instead of my coursework.

  Although I still had plenty of items on my to-do list for my week off, I was excited to spend quality time with the Ts and Snow again. The only thing putting a damper on my mood was that Chris wouldn’t be visiting. I’d considered confronting my mother over the issue, but I decided it just wasn’t worth it. And it was rather difficult to confront someone who refused to take my calls. E-mails and texts went unanswered. What else could I do?

  “Get ready,” Cole said as he strolled into the townhouse living room, where I was lounging on the couch with Snow. “We’re leaving in fifteen.”

  “But it’s Sunday. I was planning on staying in.” I knew I sounded whiny, but I’d spent the day with Simone yesterday, which meant today was my first opportunity to be lazy.

  “It’ll be fun, I promise. And we’re not going out in public, so you can wear whatever you want.”

  “Fine, then you’re getting yoga pants and a T-shirt.” I dropped Snow into his arms before heading toward the guest room upstairs. I’d started using it as a bedroom of sorts. Not for the bed, but to store my things and get ready. It didn’t make sense to leave anything in the guys’ bedrooms, since I was constantly changing where I slept.

  “Like I would ever complain about yoga pants,” he called after me, and I laughed. That was a valid point. They were more revealing than my tightest skinny jeans.

  After throwing on my clothes and brushing my hair, I met Cole back downstairs. He was in the kitchen with Nicholas and Shane, both sweaty from a workout. “Are you two going with us?” I let my gaze roam over their shirtless chests. Yummy. “If so, you might consider taking a shower first.”

  “Together?” Nicholas asked with a smirk.

  “Only if I can watch.”

  Shane choked on a gulp of water. “No. And by no, I mean, hell no.”

  I shrugged. “It was worth a try.”

  “They’re not invited,” Cole said, answering my question. He tugged on my hand, pulling me toward the garage door. “See you guys later.”

  “Bye,” I hollered over my shoulder.

  Once we were settled in his 4Runner, I asked, “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “Not far. It’s a surprise. A small one, though, so don’t get too excited.”

  “You mean you’re not flying me to Napa in a private jet?” I sighed dramatically. “Why did I even bother getting out of bed this morning?”

  “Is that something you’d like to do?” His tone was utterly serious, and I immediately regretted my joking. I’d wake up tomorrow to find my bags packed and a jet fueled and ready to go.

  “Maybe someday,” I answered honestly. “But for a special occasion or vacation, not just on a whim.”


  A few minutes later, he pulled into a well-kept apartment building and punched in the code for the gate. Okay, not what I was expecting. Were we visiting someone?

  “Are you sure I shouldn’t have dressed nicer?”

  “Positive.” He looked over at me and grinned. “Relax, Em.”

  I’d never spent much time thinking about it, but maybe I wasn’t great with surprises. I liked to be prepared in every situation, and how could I be prepared if I had no idea what we were doing? Wouldn’t it have been easier for everyone if he’d warned me ahead of time?

  Of course, it was probably just occurring to me now because of all my recent surprises. The birthday party, meeting Ted and Shane blurting the truth about my relationships, and now this…whatever it was. On the other hand, Shane had surprised me with the private aquarium tour, which had been incredible. Maybe I did need to relax. I could learn to adapt. No problem.

  Cole led me to a third-floor apartment, and when Xavier opened the door, I knew this was a good surprise. He was wearing an enormous smile and an apron with the same three muscular silhouettes that were on the “Mister Las Vegas” mugs he’d had made for the event. The dark, tortoise shell glasses I was used to seeing him in had been replaced by a black pair with bright blue edges.

  “Welcome, welcome,” he said, ushering us into the apartment. “Are you re
ady for your cooking lesson?”

  “That’s what we’re doing?”

  “Yep. I told Cole that I’d promised you a lesson for getting me and Tad invited to the pageant, so here we are.”

  I turned to my boyfriend. “Are you just here for moral support?”

  “Nope, I’m a student as well.” He rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Gotta learn how to cook for my lady.”

  Xavier reached over and pinched Cole’s cheek. “You two are so cute together, I just want to scream.”

  “Please restrain yourself,” Tad said blandly as he walked up behind Xavier. “Nice to see you again, little siren.” He grinned at the reference to his own comment that, by catching the Ts, I was like a mythical creature.

  “Siren?” Cole asked.

  “Inside joke,” I replied quickly, not wanting Tad or Xavier to explain. I’d probably never hear the end of it. “Good to see you too, Tad.”

  Peeking beyond the entryway, I noticed that Xavier put his interior design degree to good use when decorating the apartment. It was tasteful but with a quirky flair that screamed Xavier. The subdued navy couch was accented with pillows in bold patterns in every color imaginable, and the other accessories somehow matched. Except, when you really looked at them, nothing matched. It was an odd effect that I could never pull off.

  “I love your apartment.”

  “Thank you.” Xavier beamed as he led us to the kitchen. “It took a while, but I convinced Tad to give me complete creative control.”

  “He made the right decision. It looks amazing.”

  Tad grunted, but I could see the smile behind it. He probably loved the décor but was happier giving Xavier a hard time about it. Once again, I wondered how such opposites could attract. Simone would have a field day analyzing those two.

  “Okay, let’s get started.” Xavier handed us aprons that matched his. “Yes, I have an addiction to screen printing, and yes, I’m getting help for it.”

  “In other words, I’ve cut him off,” Tad said.

  “But not in the bedroom, thank god.”

  I started laughing and had to look away to control it. Noticing that Cole was struggling to tie his apron strings into a bow, I made him turn around so I could do it for him. “It’s just like tying your shoelaces,” I teased. “Do we need to go over the bunny ears method?”

  His arms suddenly reached behind him and tugged on my hips until I was splayed against his back. One hand wandered down and cupped my ass cheek, squeezing.

  I yelped. “Um, Cole, we’re not alone.”


  “So, I don’t think Tad and Xavier are interested in viewing our public displays of affection. Not that I would call you grabbing my butt affection, per se.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely being affectionate.” He rubbed my cheek then patted it.

  I shook my head and pushed him away. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, what are we making?” I asked Xavier, hoping to change the subject before Cole really showed off his so-called affection.

  “I thought it would be fun to do three courses. Caprese skewers for an appetizer, chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce with rice and green beans for the entrée, and chocolate mousse parfaits for dessert.”

  “That sounds complicated.”

  “They’re all simple but delicious. That’s the beauty of selecting the right dishes.”

  When we sat down to eat the results of our lesson two hours—and one small food fight—later, I had to admit that Xavier was right. Each course had been easier than I expected. The baby tomatoes, mozzarella balls, and basil leaves had slid right on the skewers. Then, all we’d had to do was drizzle them with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. The chicken dish was the most complicated, but it was still simply a matter of following the recipe. And the dessert had come together in less than twenty minutes.

  “Xavier, you’re a great teacher,” I told him as I eyed the last of my parfait. Maybe if I waited a few minutes, I’d be able to finish it. It was too tasty to leave uneaten.

  “Thanks. Come over anytime. For a lesson or a meal. I love to cook.”

  “I’ll take you up on that. I might bring Nic next time, though. I know he’s your favorite eye candy.”

  Tad nodded while Xavier said, “Ooh, please do.”

  Cole scowled. “Hey. I take offense to that.”

  Xavier patted his hand. “Don’t worry. You’re pretty too.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “Even prettier than your brother,” Xavier added with a grin. “And he earned more tips than any bartender I’ve ever seen.”

  “Earned, as in past tense?” I asked. “Jeremy isn’t working at Loft25 anymore?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to tell you,” Cole said. “He decided to go back to California and work things out with Tammy.”

  “Oh, wow. I’m surprised he actually gave up his gambling ways to go back to his pregnant girlfriend.” I almost felt guilty for my negativity, but Jeremy deserved every bit of his reputation.

  “Trust me, you’re not alone. I already got him a job at a club in Los Angeles, but who knows if he’ll keep it. For Tammy’s sake, I hope so.”

  “Me too.”

  As we entered the townhouse, the smell of pizza and the sound of male shouting assaulted my senses. Were Nicholas and Shane having a party? I didn’t think so, since I hadn’t seen any cars lining the street. I looked questionably at Cole, but he just shrugged.

  In the living room, the massive television displayed a video game with men carrying guns, and there were three players instead of two. Recognizing the back of a familiar blond head sitting between Nicholas and Shane on the couch, I stopped in my tracks. “Chris?”

  Someone paused the game, and Chris hopped up. “Hi, sis. Surprise!”

  Another one?

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Is that any way to greet your little brother?” he asked as he rounded the couch and gave me a hug. “Especially since I got up at the butt crack of dawn to catch my flight.”

  “I’m happy to see you, but how?”

  “Shane arranged everything. He even hired a car to pick me up this morning and take me all the way to the airport.”

  I looked at the boyfriend in question, and he smiled but didn’t say anything. Turning back to Chris, I asked, “Mom?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Dad broke the news after my plane was already in the air. She left a bunch of messages, but I deleted them and just texted that I arrived safely. She’s probably losing her shit about now.”

  That was likely an understatement. “How long are you staying?”

  “I fly out on Thursday morning.”

  I gave him another hug. “I’m sorry about Mom, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too. So, what’s first? Strip club or casino?”

  I punched him in the arm. “You may be eighteen now, but you’re still not old enough to drink or gamble. And don’t even get me started on strippers.”

  “What’s the point of coming to Vegas, then?” he asked with a mischievous grin.

  “There’s other stuff we can do.” On the spot, nothing came to mind, but I would come up with something.

  “Right. Is this when you tell me that we can go to the zoo?”

  Shane laughed and adjusted a wriggling Snow White on his lap. “There aren’t any zoos in Vegas.”

  “Road trip to Hoover Dam?” I suggested.

  Chris stared at me, his expression unenthused.

  “We could all go to Loft25 tonight,” Cole offered.

  “That’s more like it. Thanks, man,” Chris said, offering a fist bump.

  Realizing they hadn’t actually met, I introduced Cole before returning to the subject of Loft25. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea to go to the club.”

  “It’ll be fine,” Nicholas said. “Between the four of us, we can keep Chris out of trouble.”

  Shane nodded. “They’re right. What better w
ay to let your brother experience a little bit of Vegas without all the seediness?”

  He had a valid point. There were much, much worse clubs that Chris could find, if he went looking. Several of which I’d easily gotten into when I was only eighteen.

  “Please, Emma,” Chris begged. “I’ll be good. Promise.”

  “Okay, okay. But no drinking.” He opened his mouth to argue, but I stopped him. “No. If you get busted for underage drinking, Cole, Shane, and Nic will be held responsible. I’m not willing to take that chance.”

  “Fine. No drinking.”

  “Great, it’s a plan,” Cole said. “Now, can I get in on the game?”

  “Take my spot,” Shane said, getting up with the puppy in his arms. “Emma and I will take Snow outside.”

  As soon as he closed the door behind us, he let Snow run free then turned to me. “Before you say anything, I called your father and got his permission. He was completely on board, and—”

  I shut Shane up by wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. Knowing we could be seen from the living room, I released him after a few seconds and stepped back.

  “I guess you’re not mad, then?” Shane said with a pleased smile.

  “Why would I be mad?”

  “Because you decided not to push the issue, and I went behind your back and made it happen anyway?”

  “Why’d you do it?”

  “I saw how disappointed you were after Chris called, and I—”

  Unable to help myself, I planted another kiss on his lips. “It was really sweet. Thank you.”

  “Well, okay. I guess I don’t need to apologize after all.”

  “Nope. In fact, you just got bumped up to hero status.”

  His arms slipped around my waist. “Does my new status happen to come with any fringe benefits?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Chapter 7

  Shane unlocked the side door to Loft25, letting me and Chris enter before him. As the sound of pulsing music invaded my senses, I suddenly felt the need to give Chris another lecture. “Remember, no drinks or asking for drinks.”


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