Sinful Deceit

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Sinful Deceit Page 18

by Ray Gordon

  "That's not your concern, Kirsty. What is your concern is Christine. She's not at all happy. After the visit from the police, she's seething with anger and eager to take it out on someone. She becomes psychotic at times, and this is one of those times. She'll be here soon to vent her anger on you."

  As shouting emanated from upstairs, Reece left. I recognized Christine's voice, and Donna's screams. Fear and despondency flooded me. From elation, I'd been plunged into desolation. What was Reece going to do with me? No trace of me? I recalled the girls' clothes I'd seen in the wooden hut. No doubt they'd be burned now that the police had called. And my clothes and passport. "My passport must be upstairs," I breathed. If Reece had shown the policeman my things, then...

  "Ah, it's the little cum-slut!" Christine scowled as she frog-marched Donna into the room and threw her naked body to the floor. "You have been more trouble that you're worth," she hissed, slapping my sperm-starched face. "The electricity supply, the police..."

  "The police had nothing to do with me," I returned shakily. "I didn't call them."

  "I know, but you're going to pay for it. And as for this little slag," she grinned, rolling Donna onto her back with her foot. "You're going to find out what it's like to have your arse filled with a pint of piss. The men are drinking heavily. No doubt they'll have gallons of piss between them before long. And your arse is where it's going."

  As the sadistic bitch left the room and closed the door, I watched Donna clamber to her feet and support herself against the table. She'd obviously been whipped, and I was sure now that she wasn't one of Reece's accomplices.

  "Have the police been here?" she asked quietly. "I overheard..."

  "Yes, they've been here. And they've gone."

  "Gone?" she gasped. "You said one of the men was going to tell the police about..."

  "I lied, Donna. I was testing you."

  "Testing me? I don't understand."

  "There was no trace of your boat, not a mark in the sand. You went to the villa, even though I'd warned you about Reece. No one's come looking for you, and I thought you might be working with Reece."

  "Working with Reece?" she echoed in surprise. "Look at the state of me. How could you think such a thing?"

  "I'm sorry, but I had to be sure. I destroyed the power lines and I lied about one of the guests going to the police."

  "That's great. So what do we do now?"

  "I don't know. This is a nightmare."

  "And it's going to get worse, Kirsty. Christine said there's a doctor coming over later."

  "A doctor?"

  "I doubt he's a real doctor. She said he's coming to experiment on us."

  "Oh, God," I breathed, wondering what things he was going to do.

  "She said he makes medical instruments and wants to test them on us."

  "I don't know why the policeman went away," I murmured pensively, trying not to think about a weird doctor wielding a speculum. "I suppose he believed Reece. I'm dying to go to the loo. Will you take the pipe off my head?"

  "I'd better not, Kirsty. They'll go mad if I do. I don't want another thrashing."

  "I suppose so."

  "What do you suppose?" Christine asked as she walked into the room with a length of rubber pipe connected to a small plastic cup.

  Remaining silent as she ordered Donna to go upstairs to the men, I focused on the needle and gold ring on the table. My time had come, I knew as Christine pushed one end of the hose over a small pipe emerging from the wall. Flicking a switch, she squeezed my breasts as she knelt beside me and placed the cup over my left nipple. There was a hissing sound as my areola was sucked into the clear plastic cup. The sensitive nipple distending, I grimaced.

  "I like vacuum pumping girls' nipples," Christine giggled. "And I'm going to pump up your clitoris in a minute," she added huskily. "When it's swollen I'll pierce it with the needle and insert the ring." Gazing down at the extruded protrusion of my nipple, I gave up all hope of escape. David had been and gone, the police had spoken to me... The chances of my escaping were nil, and as for being rescued... It seemed that I was doomed to remain in the dungeon of debased sex for the rest of my days. My only hope was that David had somehow managed to reach safety. A terrible picture loomed from the wreckage of my mind. He was entangled in a thick bed of weed on the ocean floor.

  As Christine dragged my naked body up, I pondered on lashing out and attacking her. If she was going to pierce my clitoris, then she'd have to release the cuffs securing my ankles to the wall. I'd have to be facing her if she was going to stick the needle through my clitoris. There again, with the men upstairs, there wasn't a great deal of point in attacking the tart. I'd end up worse off in the long run, I knew. As she released my feet and turned me to face her, she untied my hands and lifted my arms above my head. Cuffing my wrists to steel rings set high in the wall, she caught my gaze. There was evil reflected in her cold eyes. Was she the Devil's daughter?

  The funnel still held between my swollen vaginal lips by the leather straps, the end of the rubber pipe taped to my forehead, I looked down as she removed the plastic cup from my painfully enlarged nipple.

  "And now for your clitoris," she murmured, kneeling before my naked body. Placing the plastic cup above the funnel, air hissing as the open end began to seal itself over my erect clitoris, she sat back on her heels. "You have a good sized clitoris," she whispered abstractly, watching my sex button enlarge as the vacuum built. Grimacing, I tried not to cry out as my sensitive clit swelled. The hissing sound faded as the seal between the rim of the cup and my pink flesh became airtight. I was now desperate for the loo.

  "I'll give your clitty ten minutes or so to expand fully," she said, rising to her feet and taking the needle from the table. As she moved to the cupboard and rummaged about, I again wondered whether she was bluffing. Many of the threats made had come to nothing. I prayed they were designed to frighten me. Wondering what on earth they hoped to achieve with their threats I wondered whether a so-called doctor really was coming to the island.

  "The day will come when you'll pay for this," I said as Christine closed the cupboard.

  "I doubt that very much," she mocked. "Anyway, I'm not really bothered what happens here. I'm off to South America soon, so I don't care."

  "Wherever you go, I'll find you."

  "Oh," she chuckled arrogantly, "I very much doubt that."

  "I might as well tell you something before you carry on," I said, a crazy notion looming in my desperation. "I checked out my so-called Uncle Jack before I left England."

  "Checked out?" she echoed, locking her frowning eyes to mine.

  "Only a fool would jump on a plane and travel to Greece to meet a complete stranger without making a few checks first. I needn't go into the details, but the authorities were very interested in Uncle Jack."

  "I don't know what you're talking about, and neither do you."

  "I didn't say anything to Donna as I believed she was working with Reece. I still have my suspicions about her."

  "Why tell me all this?"

  "Because I want to do a deal with you."

  "No, no deals. What do you take me for?"

  "Not a fool, if that's what you're thinking. Are you really going to South America?"

  "Yes, I am. You might as well save your breath, Kirsty. You're bluffing, so don't bother wasting your time, or mine."

  "OK, if that's the way you want it."

  "That's the way it is. Had you discovered something about Reece, then you wouldn't have come out here."

  "Wouldn't I?"

  "Of course not. Besides, there's nothing anyone could discover about him."

  "You can't be sure of that. He's known, believe me."

  "Shut up, for fuck's sake."

  "What's the matter? Are you worried?"

  "No, of course not."

  "Reece is known to the police. They don't know where he is, but they want him."

  "Shut up, Kirsty."

  "No, I won't. They've been looking f
or him for some time, now."

  "In connection with what?"

  "They wouldn't tell me."

  "How would the police link your Uncle Jack with Reece? Answer me that."

  "They didn't, at first. I went to the local police station. The man behind the desk wasn't much help. All he could suggest was that I check the records for an Uncle Jack. I was about to leave when a CID man took me to one side. Apparently, he was looking into a case of a girl who went abroad to see a relation she'd never met before. She was never seen again."

  "That doesn't answer my question. Why would the police connect your Uncle Jack with...?"

  "The girl flew to Athens Airport. She was seen boarding a ferry with a grey-haired man. Anyway, the police said that they'd follow me."

  "So, where are they?"

  "I don't know. There was a man on the ferry who smiled at me and held his thumb up. I suppose he lost me somewhere. But there'll be looking for me, Christine. You can be sure of that."

  "I'm going to tell Reece," she said, moving to the door.

  "You won't be going to South America," I smiled. "I overheard Reece and... They have plans for you."

  She hesitated, biting her lip as she gazed at me. I felt pleased with myself. My story not only sounded feasible, but it had got her thinking. She wouldn't risk telling Reece, I was sure. If she thought for one moment that he had plans for her, then she daren't say anything to him. I had no idea what my plan was designed to do, apart from worry the tart. At the most, she'd flee the island and leave me in the evil hands of the monster.

  "You said you didn't tell Donna?" she murmured pensively.

  "That's right."

  "And you've told no one else?"

  "You're the only one, Christine. I wasn't going to tell you, but..."

  "But what?"

  "When you said that you were going to South America, I thought we might do a deal."

  "Go on."

  "No, I don't trust you. If you manage to escape before Reece... You wouldn't send help. You'd only incriminate yourself if you told the police about this place."

  "Not necessarily."

  "Forget it, Christine. I doubt that you'll be going anywhere, so it doesn't matter."

  As she left the room, I grinned. I felt proud of my efforts. If nothing else, I'd worried the life out of Christine. If I could do the same to Maria, I might cause unrest within the camp, or even panic. I wouldn't have been at all surprised if I'd never seen Christine again. In her shoes, I'd have fled the island without hesitation. Her thoughts would lurch this way and that. She'd ponder on my words, believing me one minute and feeling unsure the next. Suspicion leads to confusion. Confusion leads to chaos.

  If only I'd been able to free myself, I reflected, again focusing on the gold ring. Perhaps I should have put up a fight when Christine had turned me round. If... If only. Hearing male voices, I watched the door with bated breath. The voices grew louder as footsteps neared. Had Christine confided in Reece? If she had, then I was in for the thrashing of my life.

  "There she is," Reece grinned, showing a balding man into the room.

  "A perfect specimen," the besuited man chuckled, dumping a leather bag on the floor as he eyed the swell of my vaginal lips stretched tautly around the funnel and the plastic cup. "Just what I need for my experiments."

  "This is Doctor Schmitz," Reece enlightened me. "He works for a company which manufacture medical equipment."

  "He's no more a doctor than..."

  "What or who I am doesn't matter, young lady," the man broke in. "And I'm not interested in what or who you might be. I have no wish to know your name or anything about you. All I'm interested in is your vaginal canal. And your anal canal, of course." He turned to Reece. "I'll get started, if it's all right with you."

  "Be my guest, Doctor."

  "Mr Reece, I... I have to warn you that the girl might not..."

  "I understand. What becomes of her is of no interest to me. In fact, she's caused me so much trouble that I'd welcome her demise."

  "In that case, I shall begin without further delay."

  As Reece left the room, the so-called doctor knelt on the floor. My heart racing, my naked body trembling, I watched him take what looked like a huge vibrator from the leather bag. He looked up, his beady eyes catching mine as he yanked the plastic funnel out of my inflamed vaginal crack. At least I wouldn't shower myself with my own piss, I reflected as he removed the plastic cup from my painfully swollen clitoris. My bladder was about to burst.

  Closing my eyes as he forced the vibrator past my vaginal opening and drove it deep into my aching cunt, I wondered what he was going to do. I heard a chair being dragged across the floor as I prayed for mercy. Through my eyelashes, I watched him stand on the chair and tug his trousers down. His penis was erect, the purple glans fully exposed. Another man's cock to suck, I reflected as he wanked, his balls rolling. More sperm to swallow.

  "I'll help you to get out of here," he whispered, pressing the silky-smooth crown of his cock hard against my pursed lips. "Suck me off, and I'll help you to escape."

  "I don't believe you," I returned, breathing in the heady aroma of his genitalia.

  "I'll help you escape if you come and live with me. I have an apartment in Athens. You'd like it there. You'd be happy, Kirsty."

  "You mean that you'd be happy," I said, looking up at his smiling face.

  "We'd both be happy. I need someone like you to keep me company."

  "Tell me more," I said, deciding to call his bluff.

  "After you've sucked me and swallowed my spunk, I'll tell you my plan."

  "OK," I smiled, taking the crown of his penis into my wet mouth.

  He gasped and writhed as I snaked my tongue over the swollen bulb of his erect cock. I had nothing to lose by going along with him, I reflected, Once in Athens, I'd stand a far better chance of escaping. He was in his sixties, short and of a slim build. It wouldn't take much to overpower him. When installed in his apartment, I'd play the game and eagerly offer him crude sex. And then strike out. If I ever got to Athens, that was.

  "Lick my balls," he breathed, slipping his knob out of my wet mouth. "I want to feel your tongue licking my balls." Licking the hairy bag, the rock-hard shaft of his penis pressing against my nose, his purple plumb brushing my forehead, I knew that he was my best chance yet. But with Reece and his cronies around, there was no way I was going to get off the island. How did the old man plan to effect my escape? I wondered as he trembled in his debauched pleasure.

  His swollen knob slipping into my mouth again, I gently sucked. I was becoming used to sperm. My body drenched in the stuff, my holes oozing with the cream of male orgasm, another load shot down my throat wasn't going to make any difference. "Yes," he breathed as he clutched my head and mouth fucked me in his crudity. My wet lips rolling back and forth along his veined shaft, repeatedly encompassing the rim of his glans, I knew that he was about to shoot his spunk down my throat. His swinging balls battering my sperm-starched chin, he gripped my head harder, grunting with every thrust of his solid cock.

  His body shaking, his gasping resounding around the room, he finally loosed his orgasmic cream. I could feel his spunk gushing over my snaking tongue, filling my cheeks as his glans swelled and throbbed. Again and again his spunk issued from his knob-slit, pumping into my mouth, running down my chin as I repeatedly swallowed. I'd never known a man come so much. His seemingly perpetual orgasm shaking his rigid body, his spunk gushing from his fountainhead, he thrust his swollen glans to the back of my throat. I thought I was going to choke as I tried to swallow. His pubic curls tickling my nose, the salty liquid spurting from his purple knob, spraying from my bloated mouth, I coughed and spluttered for air.

  "Swallow the lot," he breathed, withdrawing his shaft until my spermed lips hugged the crown of his cock. Sweeping my tongue over his silky-smooth glans, I sucked the last of his spunk from his deflating shaft and swallowed hard. He finally slipped his spent knob out of my mouth, his salivated sh
aft hanging before me like a snake as I licked my drenched lips. Had I pleased him? He smiled and winked. Yes, I'd pleased him.

  "My plan is simple," he said, tugging his trousers up and buckling his belt. He yanked his zip up. His penis was back in hiding, until the next time it desired the heat of my wet mouth. Or the hugging sheath of my tight cunt. "Reece is going away for a couple of days. He's leaving Maria and Christine in charge. I'll arrive and tell them that I saw someone roaming around on the beach on the far side of the island. I'll suggest that they go and investigate while I carry on with my experiments. I'll take you to my boat and get you away from here."

  "What about Reece?" I asked, the taste of sperm lingering on my tongue.

  "I'll tell Reece that you overpowered me and ran off. I'll say that I saw you swimming out to sea and gave chase in my boat. You clambered aboard, managed to overpower me again and made it to another island. In reality, I'll have taken you to my apartment. What do you think?"

  I didn't know what to think. The plan sounded good, but what would Reece do when he discovered I'd gone? I supposed there wouldn't be a great deal he could do. Apart from vent his anger on Donna. I finally agreed to go along with the plan.

  "Good," he smiled. "I thought you'd see sense."

  "What's your apartment like?" I asked, wondering how secure the place was.

  "Hopefully, you'll find out before long. Reece is going away tomorrow. He doesn't allow the men to visit while he's away. Maria and Christine are more than capable of minding the shop, so to speak. Reece trusts me implicitly. He'll not blame the girls for going to investigate a trespasser, and he'll not blame me when I tell him that you attacked me."

  "Of course he'll blame you," I returned. "If you say that you released me, for whatever reason..."

  "I'll tell him that I'd drugged you for the experiment. The drug didn't work and you attacked me."

  "What about Donna?"

  "Who's Donna?"

  "Another girl being kept prisoner here."

  "I know nothing about that. I'd better carry on with my work. Reece will be back shortly to see how I'm getting on."

  "You're not going to hurt me, are you?"

  "No, not now that you've agreed to my proposition." He turned and faced the door as footsteps neared. "I'll be here about mid-morning," he said as Reece entered the room.


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