Someone Else's Dream

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Someone Else's Dream Page 19

by Colin Griffiths

  “She has fears of umbrella’s” Smithy raised his eyebrows, Donna forced a smile, “it’s a long story.”

  “Well I bet my life it’s not Darren, and if it is I’ll get it out of him and let you know, but I think you need to be looking elsewhere,” Smithy suggested.

  “Thanks Smithy.” She said as she walked away with a lingering doubt in her mind, she had gone in there all guns blazing without giving it any thought. It has to be Darren, she told herself as she walked towards her car, the more she thought about it the more ludicrous it became. If it wasn’t him, then who the hell was it? She asked herself. She could not find any answers at that time, she tried to put it at the back of her mind, but the same question just kept reoccurring. Who was it?

  Smithy walked back into the bar, he could see Darren sat there on his own; some people were staring at him, giving him an accusing look; Smithy did not like that and wanted to say something but he chose not to; maybe later he would. He sat down beside e Darren.

  “You know you can tell me and it will go no further,” he told his friend,

  “I didn’t Smithy, you gotta believe me,” begged Darren. Smithy put his arm around his shoulders,

  “Oh I do mate, don’t worry about it, I’ll get the beer in.” Smithy had no hesitation in believing his friend, he had known him most of his life and could read him like a book; this time he was telling the truth, of that he was sure. At the back of his mind he was wondering who could do such a thing. Darren’s heart seemed never mending, it had felt like it had been split open once again, the fact that the girl of his dreams could even think that he would do something like that. He sat in a stupor drinking his beer. How could she think that? He asked himself. I will have to prove it wasn’t me, perhaps then she will love me again. The day went by without further incident; Smithy keeping an eye on his friend throughout the day. It was just a pity he couldn’t read his thoughts. He was beginning to feel guilty about having to leave him alone for the weekend, but he would have to cope; even his best friend wasn’t going to stop him visiting Yorkshire. Sunday night was an uneventful night for both Donna, Smithy and Darren, all finally falling asleep amid their thoughts, and for Darren among his tears as he wept silently in his bed.

  * * *

  Monday morning when most people are up for work, starting the working week, Carla was sat out on her veranda, taking in the hot morning sun hearing the wave’s splash against the rocks. The holiday resort just beyond her beach trembling with the delights that the holiday makers brought, she sipped her hot coffee as she loaded up her lap top. Facebook was the first app. That she logged onto. There were numerous friend requests and she decided just to accept them all and if any proved problematic later then she would just delete them, which seemed easier than trying to determine who were genuine or not. There was only one message in her in box. It was from somebody she had been in contact with before; the guy from Yorkshire who was looking after his six year old daughter. She read the message which also showed his profile picture, she did find him attractive, she giggled to herself when she thought once again about sharing Charlotte’s dream with him. She read the message and was quite taken aback. Suddenly what was a make believe world, an electronic world where no physical contact existed suddenly appeared much more real. He had actually been to Porthcawl, and furthermore he was returning. She thought long and hard about his request to meet; normally she wouldn’t even consider such a thing, but something seemed to have changed, that made her feel she had to take more chances and grab those opportunities. She took the plunge and typed the words into messenger.

  That would be fab.

  Ceaser’s fish bar at 5pm for tea Tuesday.

  Look forward to changing viewpoints.


  “Sod it.” She said out loud as she hit send on the messenger app, it was public, it was daylight, it was harmless, a big smile grew on her face and it grew even bigger when in no time at all she got a message back.

  Brilliant! I know the place.

  See you Tuesday 5pm

  Matt xxx

  Her heart fluttered as she read it, she was about to meet a handsome man and it all seemed so romantic.

  Donna would be so proud of me! She told herself.

  All that day Carla could not hide her excitement; even as she sat alone either in her lounge or out on her veranda typing away she had a big smile on her face. Every so often she would log on to Facebook and look at the profile of her latest friend Matt, she would study his pictures including those of his beautiful daughter. Her body tinged with excitement at the thought of meeting him and she suddenly felt in awe of him when she thought of him as a single parent, working full time and looking after a young girl whilst still having time to write. He seemed too good to be true and for a moment he thought that he probably was. Then she chided herself for always thinking the bad of people. The last time she looked at Facebook that evening and studied Matt Conner, she had come to the conclusion that he was just perfect. She went to bed that evening in a world that was surreal. Her dreams were romantic and wonderful, whilst she dreamt of lying there naked whilst a certain person from Yorkshire made passionate love to her in a way that only Charlotte had experienced.

  Tuesday morning both Smithy and Darren went to work as usual. By that time Smithy was totally convinced that his mate had nothing to do with the umbrella episode, whilst he felt like it was of no real business of his, it was causing him a little concern, particularly in relation to both Carla and Donna suspecting Darren. Smithy had persuaded Darren not to go and see Carla to explain it wasn’t him. He told him it would make things worse and to let the girls sort it out themselves and that he would make sure he received an apology when they finally caught the culprit. This appeased Darren somewhat but told Smithy he would only wait so long. Smithy had contacted Donna reassuring her of his conviction that Darren had nothing to do with it. Though Donna wanted to believe it was Darren she was convinced that it wasn’t him. She never told Carla about this, she had to be totally convinced before she did. She hoped it was just some stupid prankster playing a sick joke, still she had checked in with Carla a couple of times and all seemed well, in fact Donna thought that she had sounded better then she had been for a long time, and occasionally Donna’s mind would drift back to when they had made love, hoping beyond hope that there would be a repeat performance. Yes Carla was thinking a lot about love making, but not with the girl she loved like no other, no her thoughts were of a different gender altogether. Yes it was a normal Tuesday in Porthcawl for all those holiday makers, for all those shop keepers and budding authors, that was about to change.

  * * *

  The operation was a success, though his right leg needed a metal pin in it in order to tie the bones together. He suffered two broken ribs, a broken nose along with a body full of bruises. As Dale Simpson sat in his hospital bed he was grateful, grateful that he had come out of the worse moment of his life alive. Vivid, still in his mind as clear as if it was happening then, he could see the demonic look on Matt Conner’s face as he proclaimed to have a message from Hayleigh. He had no time to defend himself before Matt Conner was upon him, reigning in punches like a man possessed. Even if he had defended himself it would have been a futile effort. Dale could clearly recall putting his hands over his head as the kicks pounded his body. He almost passed out when Matt Conner had broken his leg in a horrific and calculated method like some trained military person. There was no words spoken or shouts of rage as Matt sort the revenge he felt was due. It was only when Dale was lying on the woodland floor reeling in agony did Matt speak, he handed Dale his own phone and told him to call an ambulance. Dale managed to do just that. Matt then took the phone off him and chucked it in a lake. He put his hands gently around Dale’s throat as he lay in agony.

  “I was never here, if I see you again, I will kill you.”

  Matt Conner had then calmly walked back to his car leaving the bleeding and bruised body where it lie. What he had just done bore no con
cern to him, for he truly believed it was not him that done it, it was just the other person that would be with him occasionally, and he would carry out the acts that he could not possibly do again.

  He sent one simple text after that incident, it was to his ex-wife Hayleigh.


  Dale refused to involve the police, saying he had simply taken a fall, even when he was visited by the police he refused to change his story. He knew if he wanted to he could have got Matt Conner sent down for a very long time but he would never forget that look on his face, it was like a demonic monster had emerged from the shadows. No as soon as he was fit he was out of Doncaster and away from that woman who had orchestrated it all. He was dozing off through a mixture of trauma and drugs when two visitors walked in. it felt like he was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea as Hayleigh sat by his bedside and Crazy Cavan stood at the end of his bed.

  “W w what do you want?” Dale stuttered,

  “To negotiate terms,” Hayleigh told him with a wry smile on her face.

  “You can have anything you want, just keep that madman away from me, what’s the greaser doing with you?” he asked referring to Cavan, who gave out a chuckle.

  “Oh he’s my new partner,” Hayleigh mocked, “and by the way there is no baby anymore.”

  Both Hayleigh and Cavan left after Hayleigh had negotiated her terms of her separation, it was financial, she wanted nothing to do with the home they shared together, Dale was not left devastated by the news of his terminated child, it had broken the bond once and for all, there was nothing left to tie them together after they had parted. Cavan had said nothing until he got out of the hospital, it was then he spoke.

  “So when have I been your partner?” he asked Hayleigh, she looked at him and grinned,

  “In your dreams sunshine,” she mocked

  “Can I take you out one night?”

  “You’re not my type,”

  “Oh, ok.”

  They walked to the car and got in to set off with Hayleigh behind the wheel.

  “tell you what!” said Hayleigh, when I’m feeling more healed ill invite you over for some fun, no strings, just sex,”

  “REALLY!!” asked the shocked Cavan.

  “Yea, that’s the least I owe you.”

  For the first time Cavan found himself speechless.

  Marcia was true to her word and went with Hayleigh to have her pregnancy terminated, it had bonded the two girls neither had though imaginable. Neither girl thought they would be friends for life, or anything like best friends, but it had bonded them in some way and that was good enough for both of them. That Tuesday they had both gone back to Hayleigh’s and shared bottles of wine. They both exchanged stories about Matt. Marcia told Hayleigh about the recent incidents in Porthcawl and when she had got home. Hayleigh told her what really happened to her ex-boyfriend. It sent shivers down both girl’s spine, both vowing never to cross his path again, yet another bond they had but probably wished they didn’t have.

  Matt set off early that Tuesday, leaving not long after dawn had broken, the ridiculously hot warm summer continued and forecasters were predicting no end in sight to the summer sunshine. Temperatures were expecting to hit the mid-eighties at its peak and forecasting mild and muggy nights. As he drove he only had one thought on his mind, which was the relationship he would forge with a famous author. He knew he had it in him, he knew he was a desirable man, and it wasn’t as if he had done anything wrong. It wasn’t as if he had lied at all. For the first time for a long time he had felt like he had moved on. The stopping of his medication had done the trick. His daughter Aimee would be so proud of him.

  * * *

  Carla had never felt as excited as the way she was experiencing during that Tuesday morning, she felt a tingling when she read a message on Facebook that the Yorkshire man had left for Porthcawl and he was looking forward to meeting her that evening. She couldn’t remember feeling like that since her holidays as a child at the resort she now lived in.

  She kept telling herself that it was only a meeting and she should treat it as a business meeting and try to share some ideas, she wanted to pretend it was a date, it felt like a date, he had put three kisses at the end of each message. She wanted to be desirable and spent most of the morning doing just that, though she needn’t had taken so long such was her natural beauty.

  She was sitting at the same table her and Donna had sat at the week before when he walked in. she felt a shiver and a tingling as he approached her with an outstretched hand. It confused Carla for some reason she was expecting a kiss, but she took his hand as the handsome Matt sat down opposite her, he looked confident and assured, whilst Carla felt like a nervous wreck, not really believing she could actually be doing something as wild as this.

  “it’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve been so in awe with your books, and to actually be sat here in front of you is beyond my wildest dreams,” he shuffled nervously in her seat, “I never realised you were so beautiful, “ he added as he looked deeply into her eyes.

  Carla could not fail to be mesmerised at his hypnotic stare, his eyes were alluring as if stories they could tell. There was an animal magnetism between them somewhere and she just wanted to be drawn in to this magnificent man. Matt had a briefcase with him and fumbled in it for his papers,

  “I have my novel here if you want to take it with you?” Carla put her hand on his to stop him and their eyes met once again,

  “Let’s just eat and get to know each other, a couple of hours relaxing rather than working won’t hurt, will it?”

  Matt put the papers back in his case, not believing the musical words still resonating in his ears.

  “That would be wonderful,” he told her, clearly besotted by this time.

  They ate and chatted for over an hour, not one word was spoken regarding, novel, books, writing, inspiration, it was all about the loves that they cherished in life, their favourite foods, destinations, pet hates and crazy nicknames they had at school, only one time did it go sombre, that was when Matt told Carla about the death of his wife and how he was left to look after her, but that mood soon lifted as he spoke so fondly of his daughter and how excited she was to be spending time with grandad as he went to Porthcawl.

  “You will have to meet her one day,” Matt had said before putting his hand over his mouth realising how forward he had been, Hayleigh just giggled,

  “Indeed I will, she sounds a lovely girl,” she didn’t care what he read into her comment, she hoped he read it the way she meant it, she wanted to meet his daughter, she wanted to meet his friends, his parents, indeed anyone he knew, she wanted to show him off to all the world, most of all she wanted to lie naked beside him, all in good time, she told herself, all in good time!

  They ate their fish and chips and drank two coffees, until it was time to vacate their table, the evening sunshine was still strong as they walked out of Ceaser’s. Neither wanted the perfect day to end, it was Carla who took the plunge, amazed at her own forwardness.

  “Do you fancy a walk along the beach? It’s such a lovely night,” she suggested, matt had no hesitation,

  “That would be lovely,” he cooed, they set off to walk along the beach in front of the funfair, they were walking side by side, idly chatting when Matt took her hand in his, it seemed such an instinctive thing to do and he had a huge grin on his face when Carla readily accepted; holding his hand tightly in his, if felt so good to both people, so right; so perfect; it was their own dream now.

  They ended up sitting on a bench outside of the fair, eating candy floss purchased from a stall nearby, both giggling at the mess they were getting into with it. It was nearing 10pm and the night was beginning to darken, with the candyfloss all gone, Carla got up off her seat, matt rose also,

  “I’ve had the most wonderful time, but I really have to go now,” she told Matt. He drew her close to him, he knew the evening was about to end but this was something he had to do, and his heart was racing as he pu
t his mouth to hers.

  It was something Carla was hoping and praying would happen, and she found herself kissing him longingly and tenderly until their lips eventually parted, when they continued to look deep into each other’s eyes,

  “Can I see you again tomorrow please, “matt pleaded, “I’ll leave the book in the hotel,” he mocked, there was no hesitation in Carla’s reply,

  “I would like that very much, “she told him as her heart fluttered. Matt pointed to the bench they had just risen up from,

  “I’ll be sat there from 1pm waiting for you,” he told her, Carla responded with her gorgeous smile,

  “I’ll be there at a minute past, and no candyfloss, I’m all sticky,”

  “No candyfloss,” he assured her, Maybe you could show me the delights of the town,” Carla kissed him on the cheek, she walked along the beach to her home, she wanted to look back to see if he was still watching her, but she did not, if she had she would have seen the love struck Matt not take her eyes off her until she was out of sight; he went back alone to his hotel and slept like a baby. He had fallen in love once more and it had felt so good. This was one of the life changing moments he had longed for, the last thing he told himself before he slept deeply was. I can’t wait until I pick up our Aimee and tell her all about it, Carla is so going to love her!


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