Legends of Marithia: Book 1 - Prophecies Awakening: Uncut and Extended Second Edition

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Legends of Marithia: Book 1 - Prophecies Awakening: Uncut and Extended Second Edition Page 6

by Peter Koevari

  “Helenia… we saved… and the queen… rode out… Greenhaven… with knights,” said Aidan weakly.

  “Oh thank the gods, now drink up and be still. You will need whatever strength you have left,” said Vartan, lifting Aidan onto his horse and riding gently back in the direction he had come.

  The inn’s door blasted open with the force of Vartan’s heavy boot as he clutched Aidan protectively in his arms. He gently lowered his companion to the floor and yelled, “Innkeeper, Aidan has been wounded in battle and needs a healer as soon as you can find one. He will not hold on to this world much longer."

  “The name is Hildar, were you really that drunk last night that you don’t remember my name? By the gods, Vartan, this man is almost at death’s door. I can send a messenger for a healer on horseback, but the nearest healer won’t leave her home without the coin to pay for it,” replied the innkeeper.

  Vartan reached into his pack to produce a large black bag bearing the royal insignia, that rattled loudly, and dropped a hail of gold coins which landed in a sparkling pile on the table.

  “Hildar, this should cover him for months of stay with plenty of fresh food and water, and should more than pay for the healer’s work. Make sure the healer is here swiftly and that Aidan is treated well, as I shall return to check on him,” said Vartan, turning to head back out the front door.

  “Where are you going, Vartan?” Hildar asked.

  “To find out what happened in Greenhaven and help any survivors,” Vartan replied, storming out of the inn and resuming his journey back to the fallen city.

  It was almost midday when he reached the point on the road where he had found Aidan. It wasn’t much longer before he laid eyes on more of Greenhaven’s inhabitants along the road, but these poor souls no longer walked among the living.

  Vartan covered his nose with his hand in an effort to eliminate the stench of death. Bodies were scattered all over the path, and all had fallen in vain as they ran from the city. Scavenger hawks picked at their dying flesh and scurried away from Vartan on his approach. The smell of smoke thickened in the air, almost overwhelming him as he neared the main gates. Approaching the city, Vartan knew that something was horribly out of the ordinary. His eyes widened and he was almost deafened by the near silence from within.

  Only the crackling of fires were heard as the flames danced their way towards the hazy sky. Vartan stopped momentarily and his eyebrows tightened in confusion as he stared at the city's famous once golden walls. He could now clearly see why the city no longer shone in the daylight. Various pieces of human flesh had been viciously torn from bodies and left to rot on the city’s walls, bathing them in blood.

  Gods only know if they had been torn apart while they were still breathing or after their deaths, he thought.

  The wind changed and a horrible smell of rotten flesh invaded his nostrils, making him gag uncontrollably.

  He dismounted roughly, taking a few staggered steps onto the lowered gate. With his sword hand at the ready, he focused and took carefully placed steps forward until he had made it inside the walls of Greenhaven.

  His jaw gaped open as he took in the sight of what was once the jewel of Marithia and blurted in a loud breath, "How could this have happened?"

  The entire city was in a disastrous state, and stood in dark contrast to its original renowned beauty. Wooden homes were partly burnt, and some of them were still engulfed by the flames. People lay dead in every direction that the eye could see, and there was not one moving soul in sight.

  They cannot stand the daylight, young knight. For now, we are safe outside the darkness, but their forces dwell in large numbers deep within the castle walls. I can feel the power of their dark magic plaguing us, The shadows protect them, and I would not venture near.

  That voice, it sounds like the voice that spoke to me in the throne room, he pondered, remembering her words.

  Shadows, thought Vartan, like the shadow demon that killed Finn.

  “Thanks for the warning, but can I see you in person?” asked Vartan, his voice echoing throughout the city.

  A woman laughed mockingly, the echoes of her dark laughter reverberating throughout the city. Vartan searched frantically for the source of the voice and found nothing to reveal her position.

  “So, the poor little boy who failed his king has run back when it’s too late? What a pity for you, but pity is reserved for the weak! Greenhaven is ours now, and your king is dead, so it is no longer safe for you here. Unless you wish to consider the alternative of serving Derian and I as your new rulers of Greenhaven, I’m afraid that you will not leave here alive."

  Vartan spat at the ground and screamed, “What? Serve you and that walking bucket of bile, Derian? Over my dead body! Show yourself, you cowardly whore! Or are you too afraid to face only a poor, little boy?”

  “Be careful what you wish for, fool! Do you honestly think that I am afraid of you? Not in the slightest, and I am so sorry to disappoint your inflamed ego. Have you not heard that I fear no one? I am Kassina, the greatest sorceress in all the lands. Do not mistake my courtesy for kindness, as you will not find a warm bosom here. You are lucky to be standing outside and not here with me in the darkness for a proper introduction. However, I do have powers at my disposal that do not rely on the shadows. Excelsior!”

  Kassina! She is responsible for shadow demons, and she is responsible for Finn’s death! She must die, thought Vartan.

  He felt a gentle rumble beneath his feet, and the ground began to shake. He drew his sword and tried to keep his balance as the ground began to shake viciously.

  Vartan, you must listen to me if you want to survive an encounter with Kassina. No matter what you do, don’t stop running!

  Heeding Nymira’s words, he ran as fast as his legs would carry him, quickly sheathing his sword as he headed towards cover.

  Kassina's voice taunted, "Not so tough now, are you?"

  The ground exploded violently into the air wherever he stood, chunks of earth and stone flying in all directions.


  Vartan leapt forward into a roll and watched shards of wood shrieking through the air barely a foot above his head. Quickly regaining his footing, he resumed his sprint.

  Turn left, now!

  Turning sharply, he ran through the gaps between the houses.

  She will have trouble seeing you in those spaces.

  The explosions suddenly stopped, as only dusty winds swept past his face. Vartan coughed up the dust that had filled his lungs.

  “You obviously aren’t quite as stupid as you look, young knight. It’s not too late for you to change your mind, you know. We could use someone of your talents in our ranks."

  Vartan shook off the layer of dirt on his clothing and marched out from his cover.

  What are you doing? Stay in cover!

  “You pathetic fiend. You have terrible aim for someone with such a famed reputation. Sorceress? Please, you’re more akin to a little girl playing with fire. Tell me, have you lost your touch in your old age? Why don’t you come out and get a tan, I’m sure it’ll help you brighten up that horrible mood of yours."

  Taunting the queen of the underworld is not a good idea.

  “You egotistical little insect, how dare you insult me? I will crush your bones into dust where you stand! Cave canem, te necet lingendo!” she yelled, the fury in her voice sending shivers up his spine.

  Vartan looked around like a startled tiger. Feeling and hearing nothing, his pounding heartbeat filled his ears. Keeping his sword drawn as he peeked around the corner of a house, he found nothing but air and dust.

  “Did you forget how to cast your spells?” he asked.

  As Vartan began to relax his body and return the tip of his sword to its sheath, he saw it. Barreling around the corner of the farthest house at the other end of the street was a giant three-headed wolf, drooling acidic saliva on the ground as it ran. It had dark grey fur and glowing red eyes, and stormed towards him at a frightening spee

  Be careful, this is a creature summoned from the underworld.

  “By the gods!” he proclaimed, swallowing hard. He stood still and held his sword up high. The blade reflected light throughout the city from the sun. The beast leapt high into the air to pounce on Vartan; he dropped backward onto the ground and placed the sword’s hilt vertically, like a spear.

  Two heads cried out in pain as the third was impaled, and blood burst in all directions. Its gigantic body tumbled violently along the ground to crash harshly into the city walls. Its middle head hung dead on the wolf’s body as it regained its composure and circled Vartan warily. One of the heads bit deep into the bleeding flesh and ripped the dead head out from its body before returning its attention to Vartan.

  Immense pearly white fangs glistened, and giant slimy drops of drool splashed onto the ground beside him, steam rising from the burning acid. Its growl was so powerful that the air in Vartan’s lungs shook from it, along with his vision. He watched the hilt of his buried sword poking out of the beast, desperately looking for an opportunity to retrieve it.

  Vartan stood helpless as he realised that he had left his bow and arrows on his horse. This is it, he thought, here is where I will die.

  He closed his eyes and prepared to feel the sharp pain of the giant jaws tearing him apart limb from limb.

  I cannot allow you to die, Vartan. The time has come for dragons to be seen again.

  Invisibly, Nymira leapt down from the eastern wall. Her heavy body connected with the ground like a shockwave. The wolf whimpered and looked around in confusion. Vartan lost his balance and fell backwards, landing solidly on his side, screaming out in pain as his damaged ribs held most of his weight.

  As he caught his breath and struggled back to his feet, it happened.

  Scale by scale, her shiny, purplish body was revealed. She was directly beside him, facing down the wolf that was now dwarfed by the dragon’s size.

  “What? This can’t be happening! What kind of magic is this?” cried Kassina, her voice tearing through the city.

  “This is no magic, sorceress. I will not let you harm him!” replied Nymira.

  Nymira took a deep breath and roared as she breathed out dragons breath which engulfed the wolf, setting it alight. The stench of burning flesh invaded the air. The wolf howled and shrieked as it burned alive. It ran towards Vartan in a desperate attempt to end the knight’s life. Nymira opened up her tail, and four razor-sharp spikes flexed open as she swung them hard into the path of the burning wolf.

  With a sickening crash, the tail and wolf met with full force, sending the flaming beast flying back into the city’s walls. The power of the blow shook the ground and dislodged Vartan’s sword from the dead head, sending it spinning wildly into the air. The conjured beast crumpled in a burning heap, defeated.

  Curl into a ball and cover your face, Vartan, now!

  Vartan quickly followed her instructions. With a slick metallic thud, his sword landed deep into the ground beside his right ear.

  “Thank you great dragon,” said Vartan, quickly returning his sword to its sheath.

  Nymira took another deep breath and sent searing fire in every direction around them. Houses were set further into flames and dark screams escaped from the shadows within them.

  Stand up straight, and stay as still as possible. I promise that I won’t hurt you and you have to trust me.

  She spread her wings wide, turned to Vartan, and grabbed him with her claws as she leapt off the ground.

  “No! Disjecta membra!” screamed Kassina. The flames around the city were sucked into large flickering balls that hovered in the air.

  As the sorceress took aim, Nymira curled her claws to hide Vartan’s body within them. She shifted her scales once again to hide them both within the smoky sky, and within moments she was invisible, swiftly gaining height and distance from Greenhaven. Out of pure desperation, Kassina sent fireballs flying in pursuit, but they were easily avoided as Nymira continued her climb towards the clouds.

  Vartan relaxed his muscles and let himself lay down gently in her claws, wincing at the pain of his ribs.

  Does she know Karven? he wondered.

  I am glad you trust me, Vartan, and you are safe with me. Karven is our King, and of course I know him—I certainly should. I am Nymira, the Queen of Dragons. I will take you to him immediately as the time has come.

  Vartan concentrated his mind with all his strength to form the words.

  Thank you, Nymira. You saved my life, and in return, I owe it to you. I have so many questions I want to ask of you.

  You owe me nothing and I would save your life any time. We share a common goal, Vartan. The war has only just begun, and there is much to be done. Leave your questions until we reach Trahoterra. You need to rest and should regain your strength—we have a long journey ahead of us.

  Vartan closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep in the safety of the dragon’s grasp.

  Helenia - by Guido Leber

  Chapter 5: Old Blood

  “For many days now, we have searched the entirety of Greenhaven. It is nowhere to be found, and I took great risks to leave my tower, suffering heavy losses in the battle for the city. This victory is nothing without the Artefact.

  Stupid Derian—he promised me that it would be found, and yet, here we are… still digging beneath the city in the vain hope of finding the most powerful needle in an oversized haystack.

  I put too much trust into our deal; maybe I shouldn’t have granted him immortality. I’m beginning to wonder if he even knows its location at all.”

  (Queen Kassina of the Underworld)

  Vartan awoke to the sound of heavy waves crashing below him, and after a few hazy moments, he remembered the events that had taken place.

  Have we arrived at Trahoterra? He thought.

  Yes, Vartan, we are approaching it now. Let me show you our home.

  Nymira adjusted her scales to provide him with a small window between her claws. Vartan looked down to see a large island enveloped in mist, with only the smallest glimpse visible of the razor-sharp rocks at its outskirts. He was looking over the island of Trahoterra. It reminded Vartan of a gigantic claw reaching into the sky, birds of prey circling above its peaks.

  It looks so strange - unlike anything I have ever seen. There are no beaches? Nowhere for ships to anchor?

  We prefer it that way. It is the island of dragons, after all. We can come and go as we please, while the island itself serves to keep out unwanted visitors.

  Nymira began her entry dive, and Vartan felt his gut drop with the sudden change of altitude. He pushed out his extremities to brace himself and breathed heavily as he grit his teeth.

  Do not fear, Vartan. You are safe with me, remember?

  They plummeted towards the heavy mist with immense speed. Suddenly, at what felt like the last moment before they would have hit the dangerous waters, Nymira extended her wings and they caught the air, shooting through the mist like an arrow. The water blurred underneath them as they rocketed over it. Vartan let out a chuckle of pleasure.

  They glided towards a large cave mouth, which looked like a serpent’s jaws prised open. The mouth appeared too small for her extended wings and just when Vartan opened his mouth to protest, Nymira contracted her wings to enter the cave, flapping them quickly once they were safely inside. The cave walls sparkled with crystals, as if they were stars filling a pitch-black sky. Like a gifted acrobat, Nymira flew at impressive speed through the cave, narrowly missing natural columns and stalactites until they broke free into a gigantic cavern within.

  "Can we do that again?" laughed Vartan, a grin stretched across his face.

  I told you to trust me, didn't I?

  She gripped him with one claw as they descended to a gentle landing in the middle of the cavern floor. She eased Vartan to the ground, and he stood tall to take in the many wonders of Trahoterra. His eyes widened at the kaleidoscope of colours and objects that begged his attention.

  The cavern was filled with gigantic golden statues of dragons, and was laden with treasures as far as the eye could see. Treasure chests were everywhere, as were legendary artefacts thought to have been lost forever.

  This is not the first time that humans have allied with our kind. This is what we have left to show of that past allegiance. Just remember that these treasures are forbidden without our permission.

  “Of course, I understand. I have no need for such things anyway. What an amazing sight to behold!” Vartan beamed.

  I sense that Karven has returned from a hunt for food. It looks like we are right on time.

  As Vartan turned, the opening to the cave was darkened by the shadows of many dragons in flight. One by one, they landed with a shudder around Vartan and Nymira in a circle, dropping their catches before them. The largest of the dragons alighted in the centre of the circle, folded his great wings, and turned to Vartan. “So, young knight, we meet again."

  Vartan reeled back in shock at hearing the dragon’s booming voice.

  “You can speak? I thought you only spoke through minds.”

  “We can speak, Vartan. We just don’t always choose to exercise that power. So, do you remember our first meeting?”

  “It has been so many years, Karven, but how could I ever forget that day? I have so many questions to ask of you that have been plaguing me all these years."

  “Of course you do. However, allow me to begin this discussion with a revelation. Have you ever wondered how you channelled your power on that unfortunate night in the woods? Did you ever wonder why you didn't also die that night? Have you ever thought about why you have foreign and sometimes horrible dreams? Did you also not question how you happened to have an audience with me?”

  “I do. I have thought about that night every day of my life. Finn… I failed him.”

  A smaller dragon in the outer circle stopped eating and slowly raised his head towards Vartan.

  No, brother, you did not fail me at all. I carved my own path.


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