Write On Press Presents: The Ultimate Collection of Original Short Fiction, Volume II

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Write On Press Presents: The Ultimate Collection of Original Short Fiction, Volume II Page 16

by Write On Press


  The next day Roa helped his aunt with some chores in the morning, then in the afternoon went out to play.

  “Maybe I could go back to that garden,” he thought.

  “I don’t know though, what if the guards see? Can she protect me? But I did make a promise.”

  As he was attempting to decide whether or not to visit the garden, he passed next to a vendor that happened to be selling candy apples. Looking over the apples, Roa realized he still had his allowance from yesterday.

  “Can I help you kid?”

  The vendor smiled as he watched Roa eye the candy like a wolf stalking its prey.

  “I’ll have one please. No wait. Make that two.”

  After paying the man, Roa dropped his concerns, and headed for the ditch that led to the castle garden.

  It was difficult climbing through the ditch while holding the two candy apples. Somehow Roa managed with a mixture of wiggling his body like a snake and pushing forward with his legs. After climbing through he sat down and waited with his back to the wall for any signs of Lauralyn.

  As he waited Roa stared off into the sky. He often did this when alone, just letting his thoughts drift. It was nice out that day, though a little warm, it was cool in the shade of wall. As he sat there, a small voice began shouting at him. Hearing this, Roa woke up from his day dream to find Lauralyn running towards him.

  “You came! You came!”

  As she ran towards him full speed, her foot caught an uneven stone on the walkway causing her to fall on her face. After being down for a second, she picked herself slowly. Wiping the tears away, she began strolling casually towards Roa.

  “You didn’t see that.”

  “I did, it was impossible not to.”


  Face red and pouting, Lauralyn turned away from Roa.

  Roa stuck out the candy apple in front of Lauralyn’s face.

  “Here, I got this for you.”

  “What is it?”

  Lauralyn looked questioningly as she studied the bright red candy apple.

  “You’ve never seen a candy apple before?”

  “No? Is it magic?”

  “It’s food… here just take a bite out of it.”

  Roa tried not to laugh as Lauralyn carefully took the stick holding the apple. First sniffing, then tasting a bit with her tongue, and finally take a small bite.

  “Good! It’s good like candy!”

  “Duh, it’s a candy apple.”

  “Thank you Roa!”

  Lauralyn kissed his cheek then cheerily continued eating her apple.

  “Gah! Stop doing that!”

  The kiss left a red and sticky mark on his cheek as he tried in vain to rub it off.

  “Oh I brought a game!”

  “What game?”

  “Chess, it’s pretty fun! One of the people in the castle taught me how to play. Do you know how to play?”

  “Of course, all boys know how to play chess.”

  “Ok good, then let’s play.

  A few hours later the score was Lauralyn four to Roa’s zero. Lauralyn’s constant barrage and superior tactics consistently led to the destruction of Roa’s forces.

  “You’re not very good at this game.”

  “It’s because you cheat.”


  “Whatever, I don’t want to play anymore.”

  “Fine, dummy!”

  “What was that?”


  “Wait here I’ll be back in a second with something good.”

  Lauralyn stood up and ran to some nearby flowers, instantly forgetting that running was the reason she fell on her face earlier when she came to greet Roa.

  “Don’t look over here! No peaking!”

  “Fine, fine.”

  Roa moved out of the shade of the wall and lied down in the sun. It was peaceful here, quiet except for the sound of the breeze and the chirping of a few birds. Roa’s arms, face, and legs drank in the sunlight like plant leaves. The flat stones Roa lied on were more comfortable than he expected. Slowly Roa started to close his eyes when Lauralyn came rushing up next to him.

  “Here get up! Get up and look!”

  Lauralyn held out a circlet of neatly woven lilac flowers.

  “This one is yours.”

  Placing the circle on Roa’s head, she tucked it in to make sure it stayed in his hair.

  “And this one…”

  Lauralyn pulled out a circlet of rosy little flowers and pulled it down over own her head.

  “Is mine. See! Now we match! Also yours matches your eyes. I think it looks nice on you Roa!”

  “I won’t be able to wear this outside.”

  “Why? You… don’t… like it?”

  “No, that’s not it. It’s just… if the boys outside see me wearing this, they’re going to make fun of me.”

  “Mean boys! I don’t like them. Well then you should take it off when you leave but when you get home put it somewhere special. That should be fine, right?”

  Looking at Lauralyn it was obvious how badly she wanted to make sure Roa kept their matching circlets.

  “Yeah, I could do that.”

  Lauralyn was all smiles.

  “Good then, I’m happy.”

  Roa lied back down facing the sky, he put his behind his head to make a makeshift pillow when Lauralyn quickly moved in next to him, and resting her head on Roa’s arm. Roa quickly, turned to push Lauralyn off.

  “Hey! What are you...?”


  She had a fierce look in her eyes daring Roa to say something else.

  “Fine, whatever. You’re so bossy.”

  Roa let her lie there and turned his head to face the sky.

  “I have to be, you’re too dumb to understand anything.”

  Time drifted by slowly as they lied there together in the sun like drifters in a sea of flowers.

  “Roa, tell me a story.”

  “I only know one.”

  “That’s fine tell me.”

  Roa was quiet for a moment, and then began to speak.

  “Once a long time ago there was a big fight between Valkeen and Foire way to the west of here. Because of that, Valkeen sent a bunch of soldiers to Foire to fight. One of these soldiers was a young man named Len. Len was only eighteen when he was sent to Foire, but he was brave and strong. While he was in Foire, Len fought in many battles. Some were won and some were lost but each time a fight was over, many people ended up hurt. He didn’t understand why all these people had to be hurt, or even what everyone was fighting for.

  One day, Len was sent by the army to take over a small town on the northern edge of Forie. The town was at the foot of the mountain pass that led into the heart of Forie, because of that, the army wanted to take it for themselves. So that night, Len and some other soldiers snuck into the town to capture it. Len didn’t think what he was doing was right, but since the army told him to do it, he had to. As the other soldiers snuck into people’s houses and captured them Len saw one house out of the way and by itself. Len thought that it was probably the leader of the city’s house, so he went in there to try and capture him. Len thought if he could capture this one person, then maybe the army would let the other people go free since they didn’t do anything wrong.

  When Len snuck into the house it was dark, then all at once someone hit him on the head. He thought it was an enemy so he tackled the person to the ground while they were rolling on the ground, Len finally pinned the person down. The window was open and the moon was bright that night which let Len get a good look at the person’s face. She was a girl, about the same age as Len, and she was so pretty that Len instantly fell in love with her.

  Len knew that if the other soldiers found the girl, she’d probably be arrested so he came up with a plan and asked her to trust him. At first she wasn’t sure if she should trust him, but she decided going with
him was probably better than staying there, so she decided to go. Len’s plan was to dress the girl in his solider hat and jacket, and then sneak her into the camp. They were both really worried that the plan wouldn’t work, but thankfully because everyone was busy no one noticed them.

  After they captured the city, Len put in for leave, which he was given because he had never taken one. The next day he and the girl left Forie together. They had a lot of money because Len had been fighting for so long he hadn’t had a chance to spend any of it. From Forie, they headed north into the Magus’ land and from there they took a train to Valkeen. As they traveled, the girl began to fall in love with Len and so they were happy together. When they got to Valkeen, Len used his money to buy a small cottage as their home. They lived happily there and eventually had a baby boy. He had silver hair and purple eyes just like his Momma.

  Len said they were the two most beautiful people he had ever seen and was very proud of his family. After a few years, Len had to leave to fight for the army again. He wrote a lot of letters home, but he never made it back. A while after that the woman got sick and passed away. After that the boy went to live with Len’s sister.”

  “That’s the story of Len and Selia Arvellen, my parents. My Momma used to tell me that story when I was little, though I added the very last part on my own.”

  Lauralyn was starting to tear up at the end of the story.

  “Huh?! Now why are you crying!?”

  “That was a sad story, I’m sorry Roa.”

  “It’s not a sad story, it’s just a story. I’m sure they’re out there, somewhere, cheering me on.”

  Roa reached this hand out to the sky to block the sun from his eyes. Suddenly Lauralyn put her hand in his interlocking fingers.

  “They’re not the only one’s cheering you on Roa.”

  Lauralyn smiled, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

  The summer Roa spent with Lauralyn amidst the blooming flowers of the castle garden would become some of his fondest memories. Each day they spent together, Roa and Lauralyn talked of their dreams and the lives they lived. Often Lauralyn would bring games from the castle, though Roa strictly forbade chess. Roa found himself wishing that these peaceful days with Lauralyn would never end, unfortunately, their end was much closer than Roa ever could have expected.

  “Daddy… Daddy said I’m going to be leaving in two days.”

  Lauralyn looked down at her feet not wanting to meet Roa’s eyes as she mumbled her words.

  “WHAT! WHY?!”

  “He said I have to go to school to be a proper princess.”

  Roa sat down on the ground with a heavy thump. He was angry, not at Lauralyn, but at the prospect that everything would soon end.

  “How long are you going to be gone?”

  “A long time he said.”

  “Like weeks?”

  “No, like years.”

  Roa quickly sprang up and grabbed Lauralyn by the shoulders as she continued looking down.


  Lauralyn quickly glanced at Roa’s face. She could see the frustration welled up in his eyes as he held her shoulders. She didn’t want to see him like this; Lauralyn quickly turned her face away in an attempt to escape the look in his eyes.

  “I don’t have a choice.”


  Surprised, Lauralyn looked up at Roa. At that moment, Lauralyn had never seen a person braver or more courageous then the boy standing in front of her. Lauralyn’s maid Alma read her fairy tales every night. In them, the princess was always saved by a dashing, golden haired, well groomed, well dressed, and extremely handsome prince. Lauralyn had often dreamed about a noble golden prince sweeping her off her feet, then whisking her away to a moonlit kingdom alive with fireflies. This all changed in an instant.

  In that moment, Lauralyn realized that her prince was none of these things. Her prince, wore his hair in a mess of knots with some leaves tangled in, his clothes were well worn and covered in dirt and grass stains, his face was not chiseled from marble but tough and durable like worn leather, and above all else his hair was not golden like the sun at dawn, it was silver, the color of moonlight.

  Lauralyn looked away shyly.

  “Will you protect me?”


  “Then will you… marry me?”

  This question caught Roa off guard. His Aunt had told him long ago that a man must provide and labor to make his wife happy. He wasn’t sure if he had the strength to do this yet, but Roa was stubborn and determined.

  “Eh! Umm… well… fi… FINE! But you better grow up to be really pretty!”




  They looked at each other angrily, but after a moment Lauralyn started to smile, causing Roa to grin.

  “Meet me here tomorrow as early as you can then. Remember to bring only the things you really need.”

  “Ok, but you better be here!”

  “I will! You better not be late!”

  “I won’t!”

  “Roa one more thing.”

  “Wha… Wha.. now!”

  Before he could react Lauralyn kissed him on the lips.

  “What was that?!”

  “You’re going to be my husband and that’s what wives do for their husbands.”

  “Oh, whatever; just don’t be late!”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow Roa!”

  Roa rushed home for dinner. After eating quickly he told his Aunt he was going to bed early. Closing the door quietly he began to pack an old potato sack with supplies.

  Ok I’ll need some clothes, pocket knife, sling shot, blanket and pillow… hmm… oh underwear. What else, what else… I can probably sneak some potatoes and apples when I leave, maybe a book or two, OH! I can’t forget my allowance.

  With the majority of his things packed Roa laid his sack down at the foot of his bed, and then scrambled into bed. It was too early and he was too excited to sleep as thoughts of gallivanting through enchanted woods filled his mind. Slowly but surely, Roa finally fell asleep.

  The next morning Roa was up like a bolt of lightning. Getting dressed and picking up his things he quietly left his room for the door. Stopping before he reached the door, he went into the kitchen and using some left over paper he found, he wrote a note to his aunt.


  I’m running away to live with my friend in the forest.

  Don’t worry we’ll be fine. I’ll be sure to visit and send letters.


  There that should do it.

  Roa set the note in the kitchen where his aunt would see it and hurried out the door. The majority of the town was still asleep at that hour. It was still dark out as the sun wouldn’t be up for a few more hours. Roa was happy about this, as it let him sneak through the town without warranting any attention to himself. When he finally reached the ditch, Roa pushed his things through in front of him then climbed through into the garden. Sitting next to the ditch, he realized he had never been up this early before. Watching and waiting in silence, Roa came to realize how tired he was. Assuming that Lauralyn would wake him up when she arrived, Roa decided to take a quick nap.

  When Roa awoke, the sun was high in the sky, the flowers were gently blowing in the breeze, and he was still alone.

  “That dumb girl,” Roa thought, “I told her to be here as early as possible. I guess all I can do is wait here.

  Picking out one of the books Roa decided to read until Lauralyn showed. The book was an adventure novel, about a man and his quest to save his village from
a demon. In order to do so, the hero had to visit the four corners of the world to find the four parts of a mystical sword powerful enough to conquer anything.

  This was one of Roa’s favorite stories, and he never got tired of hearing of the hero’s exploits, no matter how many times he read it. By the time he finished half the book evening was already beginning to set in. Putting down the book he stared at Valkeen Castle.

  “Where are you Lauralyn? What’s taking so long?”

  As night fell, Roa decided to give up and headed home. When he reached his house, his aunt was waiting for him. Her red hair a mess of curls, and her eyes hot with anger.


  “Sorry Auntie, it was just… a joke…”

  Roa attempted to not show his aunt his down trodden face.

  “Well it wasn’t funny, now march to the bath and clean up. Supper’s almost done.”

  Doing as he was told, Roa trudged to his room.

  “Why didn’t you show? Where were you? Where are you?”

  Roa visited the garden every day for a week, but Lauralyn never showed. At the end of the week, Roa figured Lauralyn really was gone, and decided to quit visiting.

  As a month passed, Roa didn’t know what to do with himself. He knew he wouldn’t find Lauralyn in the garden, and as she was his only real friend, he spent most of his time alone. Roa often wandered around Valkeen playing with sticks and stray cats. At times he would read in one of the many town squares or attempt to find new places to explore. Through it all, Lauralyn was never far from his thoughts.

  One day as he was passing through an area of town he was familiar with, Roa found a small group of flowers growing next to a tree. Approaching the small purple flowers he noticed one of them was still a bud, refusing to bloom like the flowers around it. Gently approaching the small flower Roa closed his eyes and focused. Opening his eyes, he found that the flower had bloomed perfectly, just like the others next to it. That second, Roa realized what he needed to do. It was his only shot at becoming something more than just another Valkeen tradesman, and it was his only shot of possibly ever seeing Lauralyn again. Rushing back to his aunt’s cottage, Roa nearly ripped the door off the hinges as he entered the door.

  “Roa! What are you doing! You almost broke the door!”

  “Auntie! I want to be a Magus!”

  The words lingered in the air for a while before Roa’s aunt could even understand what Roa was saying. Before speaking a word she sat down at the kitchen table, and beckoned Roa to sit down next to her.

  “Now Roa, I know you like those adventure stories with magic and heroes, but real magic isn’t something that just anyone can do. The ability to use magic is something you’re born with and is very rare. I’m sorry, but that’s just the way things are.”

  As his aunt got up to return to cleaning the house, Roa stopped her.

  “But Aunty, I can use magic.”


  “No really look!”

  Roa walked over to a small potted plant that hadn’t started growing yet. Holding out his hand towards the pot, a small green sprout began to grow. Roa’s aunt nearly fainted as she saw the sight.

  “You! How did you do that!”

  “I’ve always been able to do stuff like this; I just didn’t like showing anyone because I thought I’d get in trouble.”

  “Do it again!”

  Grabbing a nearby seed Roa focused on it. Roa’s aunt watched in awe as the seed sprouted little by little.

  “Well I never…”

  Roa’s aunt plopped back down into her seat awestruck. After being quiet for a moment, she spoke up.

  “Well this surely isn’t from my side of the family; I know for a fact your Papa couldn’t do anything like that. I guess you get it from your Mama then. She was such a gentle soul, that mother of yours…”

  After quietly reminiscing, Roa’s aunt stood up quickly slapping her hands on the table.

  “Alright then, if you’ve got the talent to be a Magus, Roa, then I think it’s a good thing. I’m sure your parents would agree with me, God bless them. I have some money saved up, but we’ll need a bit more to send you on the train to the north. Don’t worry about the money Roa, your Auntie will find a way to scrape it together, as for you, you should be studying up the Magus Circle all you can. I’m sure you’ll have to perform a test or something along those lines. I doubt they’ll just let anyone storm into their school up there and start taking lessons.”

  Roa rushed forward and embraced his aunt.

  “Thank you Auntie.”

  Roa’s aunt patted his head then put her arms around him.

  “Don’t you go thanking me yet Roa. This path you’ve chosen definitely won’t be an easy one. On the other hand you’re a strong boy; I know you can do it. Now help me clean up this place, and then you can get washed for dinner.”

  “Yes Auntie!”

  Roa’s aunt had always lived alone and usually worked early in the morning cleaning the local inn so her only other option for work was to find something in the afternoon. In about a week Roa’s aunt found a job washing laundry and pressing clothes. As his aunt now worked in the afternoons, it was up to Roa to feed himself lunch, and to make sure the house was clean. Though Roa wasn’t exactly good at cooking or cleaning, he made due and continued to research all he could about the Magus Circle and their academy.

  It had been only been a short month since Roa had shown his aunt his abilities, and he was already on his way. Roa’s aunt amassed the money necessary quickly and though exhausted, she was happy to help her nephew. Working hard was something she was good at, and if it was for the benefit of her family, that was all the more reason for her to give it her best. As they stood at the Valkeen train station, Roa was cut with the bittersweet emotions of leaving his aunt and Valkeen.

  “Now then Roa, mind your manners and be respectful. It won’t due to go all the way up north only to be turned into a frog. Wear extra layers when it’s cold out and don’t go picking fights. Shower every day and make sure your clothes are clean. What else... what else... Oh here this is for the trip.”

  Roa’s aunt gave him a wicker basket with a loaf of bread, a triangle of cheese, two apples, and carton of milk.

  “Now don’t go eating all of this at once or you’ll get sick. If you make a friend on the way up there, be sure to share some of it with them.”

  Through all of this Roa was silent. Would his aunt be ok? Would he be ok? Was leaving the right thing to do? Roa steeled his thoughts. This was the path he had chosen.


  “Alright Auntie, then I’m suppose I’m ready.”

  Roa’s aunt bent down and warmly hugged Roa goodbye.

  “Just do your best and I’m sure you’ll be wonderful. If anything ever happens, remember Roa you’ll always have a home at your Auntie’s.”

  Kissing Roa’s forehead his aunt gently pushed him toward the train.

  “Now then, go and make your Momma and Poppa proud Roa Arvellen!”

  Roa felt a surge of self-confidence. There was no room for doubt, and now was not the time for idol thoughts. This was his path. Stepping on the train Roa turned back and waved to his aunt.


  Roa nodded smiling and went to find his seat on the train.

  Before departure, Roa had felt a growing sense of excitement. Leaving Valkeen and seeing the world was something Roa had only dreamed of, and now he was on his way out of the country. As Roa looked out the window at the gently rolling pastures, the majority of Roa’s excitement was crushed as he realized how boring the train ride was.

  “I wonder how long this is going to take.”

  Going through his bag, Roa pulled out one of his many favorite adventure novels and began reading. It would be hours before there would be any change in scenery.

  As the small train headed north, the train began to become noticeably colder. Though the summers in Valkeen were
warm but fairly pleasant, the winters in the north were harsh and unforgiving. It had taken the train almost fourteen hours to travel from Valkeen to the small town Rasputerie on the very edge of Magus Territory. Wearily shuffling off the train with his bags, Roa Immediately understood why his aunt had told him to bundle up in layers. The wind bit cold and hard at any bare skin showing. All around him, people scrambled hurriedly to get out of the cold. Making his way into the station, Roa approached the desk in the lobby.


  An older man with stark white hair and a mustache came from a room situated behind the desk.

  “Ah! Hello! How can I help you son?”

  “I’m looking for transport to the magus academy. Is there someone I can hire to take me there?”

  “Well of course, heading to Stormguard is basically the only reason people ever stop in this little town. Unfortunately because of the weather, there will be no further transports heading out there tonight. You’ll have to wait till morning.”

  “Oh… well thank you.”

  Roa went to the nearest bench and slumped down.

  I’m stranded here, so I may as well make the best of it.

  After eating some the food in his basket, Roa curled up under the blanket he had packed and tried valiantly to sleep in the frigid train station.

  Waking up Roa’s nose was numb form the cold. The sun was just breaking above the horizon as he stood up and began walking to get his blood pumping. The small station was empty, and quiet except for the sound of steam coming from the trains in the yard. As he paced back and forth, Roa heard a voice calling out to him.

  “Hey you’re awake. Good, we got a carriage willing to take you up to Stormguard if you’re ready.”

  Roa thanked the man for his help then began lugging his bags to a waiting covered carriage in the yard. A tall dark skinned man came out to greet him and help with his bags. He had a friendly face and strong looking physique.

  “Hello sir, you can call me Higgs. I’m guessing you’re the one looking for a ride up to Stormguard?”

  “Yeah, thanks for giving me a lift, I wasn’t sure if I could take another night sleeping in the station.”

  “Ha ha! Sounds like you’re not used to the cold. That’s too bad, but I suppose that won’t matter much when we get up to Stormguard.”

  “Why is the weather better up there?”

  “Hah! If you don’t know then I’ll leave it as a surprise for when we get there.”

  “How long does it going to take to get up to Stormguard?”

  “Normally it would take a few hours, but as there’s fresh snow on the ground, it would be better to take our time.”

  “That’s fine by me.”

  “Excellent, then let’s get your bags packed and be on our way.

  It took about the entire day to reach the outskirts of Stormguard. The snowfall from the night before had made the roads slick and dangerous, but at Higg’s slow and steady pace and years of experience on the road, they safely traversed the narrow mountain roads.

  When they reached the top of a mountain road, the carriage slowed to a stop, and then there were two quick knocks on the door. Roa wearily opened the door to find Higgs standing there. I thought you’d like to take a look at this. Most people do on the first trip up to Stormguard.

  As Roa stepped out of the carriage into the cold powdery snow he was speechless. There sprawling out in front him was Stormguard. Surrounded on all sides by towering mountains the Magus city looked like an oasis in land of white.

  “How, when everything else is frozen…”

  “The Magus’ didn’t much care for the cold when they first made their way up here. See that pink soap bubble around the city? It’s an enchantment, keeps Stormguard weather pleasurable year around.”

  It was like looking into a dream made real. There in the frozen landscape were fields of grass and farms.

  “Anyway, sir, best to get into the carriage, wouldn’t want you to catch your death of cold. We should be in the city in a couple of hours.”

  Roa climbed back into the carriage eyes locked on the Magus city.

  “Someday,” Roa dreamed, “we can come here together, Lauralyn. We can see everything this world has to offer together.”


  Roa could feel the rough and cold stones of the ground on his hands and face. He could hear voices but couldn’t make out what they were saying in the background. Trying to move, Roa realized at first that his body wouldn’t respond, then little by little he started to get regain the feeling in his limbs.

  “They’re not the only one’s cheering you on Roa”

  The words circled his head like a mantra. He couldn’t give up here; he wouldn’t let this stop him. He’d find her, no matter what.


  Roa laughed to himself.

  “I want to see how pretty you’ve gotten Lauralyn,” the thought gave Roa a little strength.

  Roa forced himself up to his feet chuckling. His body ached from Drahgo’s two blows, but he didn’t care. No matter the pain, no matter the hardship he would get back on his feet, he would keep moving forward, he would fight no matter the odds. He would make it back to Lauralyn.

  Finding his footing Roa opened his eyes. All he could make it were the rough shapes of two people about ten feet in front of him.

  “Hey, are you ok?!”

  As his eyesight cleared a bit, Roa saw a raven haired girl start moving towards him only to have her arm grabbed pulled back.

  “Don’t waste your time with trash like him babe, now what do you say we get out of here Illa.”


  “Oh! Looks like you have some fight in you Ms. Stratfield! I like that in a woman, but come on babe; do you really think you can take me? You should just come back to my place, don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

  Roa looked at Richard Drahgo, gritting his teeth in frustration.

  “Oh, the silver haired garbage looks mad. I guess I’ll just end you in one shot after all.”

  Pushing Illa aside Drahgo smiled as electrical currents began manifesting through the length of his arm.

  “This one should knock you out for a few months silver trash, unless of course you die.”

  Drahgo launched himself full speed at Roa. Inches before his fist collided with Roa, his body stopped.

  “What the hell is this!?! W-why can’t I move!?!”

  In a moment Drahgo was blown back by a wave of force and crashed into the wall knocking him out.

  Roa quickly reached for a table to support himself before he collapsed and forced his body into a chair.

  “What was that!?!”

  He hadn’t noticed, but the girl was standing next to him now. She was stunning. Her long legs bewitchingly extending from a tantalizing skirt cut just a tad too short. Her white blouse teasingly left one button too many undone. Her youthful face combined with her fully developed curves gave her the smoldering allure of “adult” sophistication.

  Roa was caught speechless.

  “You can talk can’t you?”

  As she spoke, she tucked a strand of her ebony hair behind her ear.

  “Ah... yeah”

  “That was pretty amazing what you just did. You knocked Drahgo out cold. He’s not exactly a push over either.”


  “Hmm… why are you acting all shy? Oh maybe you want a reward for gallantly coming to my rescue?”

  Before he could react Roa was kissed on the cheek. She smelled of summer, peaches and sunshine. Roa almost lost himself to the scent, but quickly came back to his senses.

  “Ah! What was that?!”

  “Oh I’m sorry, was that not enough? Hmm… well I do have some time before my next class. Should we go back to my room so I can give you a real reward?”

  Her eyes looked at Roa questioningly as her lips f
lashed a seductive smile.

  “Eh?! No that isn’t...”

  She cut him off.

  “I know, I’m just teasing you.”

  Roa’s face went red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. Pulling his battered body up out of the chair without a word, Roa moved to grab his things and leave.

  “Wait, wait, wait!” The girl jogged up to him.

  “I’m sorry, it was just a little joke, but I really am happy you saved me.” She playfully batted Roa’s silver hair out of his face and smiled at him.

  “I’m Illa Stratfield a third year. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  “Oh, well I’m...”

  “Roa Arvellen right? Everyone knows you; your hair color kind of gives it away.”

  Roa sighed to himself.

  “Figures… This hair really is a pain.”

  “What did you do to get hair this color anyway?”

  “Nothing. I was born with it like this. My mother had the same hair.”

  “If that’s the case then you should cherish it.” Roa looked at Illa surprised, then smiled and laughed.

  “Huh? Was it something I said?” Illa looked a little confused as Roa laughed to himself. Noticing her, Roa stopped, wiping a tear from his eye.

  “I’m sorry, you just reminded me of someone I met a long time ago.”

  “Oh is that so?”

  “Yes, and also you’re probably right about my hair.”

  “Hmm? Well I am usually right about things, and besides it suits you.”

  Smiling Illa ran her fingers through Roa’s hair then twirled a lock of it around her finger.

  “I really do love your hair.” As Illa played with Roa’s hair, Roa was at a loss of what to do.


  “Yeah you’re probably right; we should get you to the nurse’s office to take a look at those injuries. As for him…”

  Illa looked at Richard Drahgo still knocked unconscious on the floor.

  “He can stay there and think about what’s he’s done. Though I should probably warn you Roa, when he wakes up, he’s going to come looking for you.”

  “I’ll have to cross the bridge when I come to it.”

  “Oh! Well not only is my little hero brave, but wise as well. I’m such a lucky a girl.” Illa smiled warmly at Roa, not being able to help himself he simply smiled back.

  “Now then, let’s get you to the nurse.” Illa quickly picked up Roa’s bag and put the books in them.

  “Hey, aren’t I going to get in trouble for just taking books like this?”

  “Well, yes. Of course.” As Illa stared at Roa questioningly, Roa stared back at her blankly. After a moment Illa began to laugh.

  “Of course you would, but I won’t. Third year students are allowed to take what they need as long as they bring it back at some point. I’ll check these out for you. Now come on, those injuries won’t heal themselves.

  Grabbing Roa by the hand, Illa dragged him through the halls toward the nurse’s office.

  If Roa wanted to avoid attention this certainly was not the way to do it. The halls of the upper division academic wing of the Magus Academy was always packed full of would be Magus’. As they walked down the halls hand in hand all eyes were on Illa and Roa. In the short time since he had begun attending classes in the academy, Roa had come to hate this wing as his smaller stature made it exceedingly difficult for him to force his way through the crowds. Now however, the crowds parted unerringly as the pair moved briskly through them.

  “We’re attracting way too much attention Illa.”

  “Oh don’t be silly, we’re fine and isn’t this much faster than trying to take the long way around campus? See look they see us coming and they just part, it’s like we’ve had a spell cast on us.”

  “That’s probably because we’re such a strange sight.”

  “Or, maybe it’s because we look perfect together?”

  “You’re having too much fun with this.” Roa sighed as he continued down the hallway hand in hand with Illa.

  “Ok this is it.”

  They stopped in front of an old wooden door. The deep engravings on the door had long since faded leaving only smooth faceless bodies in an unrecognizable scene. Above the door the word “Nurse’s Ward”was written clearly.

  Illa opened the door quickly, dragging Roa in while onlookers continued to stare. As they entered the room a thousand different smells hit Roa at once, some of them good, most of them bad. Catching a few too many of the scents at the back of his throat, Roa began to cough.

  “Ah, sorry this room takes some getting used to, all the medicines and potions and such.”

  As Roa attempted to regain his composure, Illa wandered throughout the ward. It was bigger than the humble aged door belied. On each side of the room a dozen beds were lined up perpendicular to the wall. In the very back was an operating room and a lab for mixing potions, behind that were two giant double doors that led to the supply store room.

  As Roa observed the massive room, Illa was busy looking for help.

  “You’re not a very lucky guy are you Roa? Looks like everyone’s out for lunch or something.”

  “Does that usually happen?”

  “Yeah, but only at lunch time.”

  Roa sat on one of the sick beds. Because of the commotion, he hadn’t realized how much pain he was in. His face throbbed and swelled from the blow he sustained earlier, but it was nothing to the feel of the bruised and burnt skin where Drahgo had discharged an electrical current through him. As he tenderly tested his burn mark, Illa approached him with some supplies.

  “Alright take your shirt off.”

  “Huh? But…”

  “Oh please, Roa Arvellen, this is not the time to be shy. Oh and hold this to your face. We don’t want that handsome face of yours getting ruined do we?”

  Though hesitant at first, Roa gently took off his shirt as to not upset the wound. After he did so, Illa handed a small block of ice wrapped in light cloth.

  “Now hold that up to your face while I take of these burns.”

  Illa rubbed a generous portion of a white slave between her two fingers

  “Ok, hold still.”

  The slave did its job disinfecting Roa’s burns but had the unfortunate side effect of stinging as it did so.

  After she was done applying the medicine, Illa gently blew on it to alleviate some of the stinging.

  “There now that wasn’t so hard was it? If it stung a bit I’m sorry.”

  As Illa began to slowly wrap bandages across Roa’s chest, he spoke up.

  “Thanks… for all this.”

  “Hmm? Well it’s the least I could do; you did help me out with that idiot Drahgo earlier.”

  “You know,” Roa began, “I really don’t know anything about you.”

  “Well, I guess you’re right. What do you want to know? My three sizes? I’d rather not say that here where it would be easy for someone to hear… Maybe I should just show after we’re done here?” Illa smiled and winked at Roa playfully.

  “Are you ever going to stop that?”

  “Stop what?”

  “Teasing me like that?”

  “No? Seeing you get all pouty is one of my new favorite things.”

  After she was done with the bandages Illa ruffled Roa’s hair.

  “Ok take off the ice and let me have a look… hmm… well the swelling has gone down a bit so that’s good. Just hold it there for a little while longer.”

  “How do you know all of this?”

  “All of what?”

  Roa pointed down at his bandages then up at the ice that was causing his face to go numb.

  “Oh, that’s just basic first aid. I took a class on it last year. I guess it came in handy.” Roa looked intently at Illa as she constantly checked to make sure his bandages were dressed correctly. It has been a long time since someone other than his aunt had been kind to him. With his aunt’s blessing Roa promised he would make something of himself, and h
e would find his way back to Lauralyn no matter the cost. Never once, did Roa ever consider for a moment that anyone would help him during these trials, yet here stood a beautiful girl carefully tending to him.

  Illa caught Roa staring at her.

  “Now don’t tell me that a little ice and a few bandages was all it took for you to fall in love with me Roa. I was hoping I’d have to work a bit to make you mine.”

  Satisfied with her work, Illa lied down on the cot Roa was sitting on, as she did Roa turned to her.

  “You never let me ask anything.”

  Illa turned over on her side to face Roa, resting her head in her palm.

  “Ok Roa Arvellen, ask away.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “Are all these questions going to be boring? I thought they were going to be interesting.”

  “I was just…” Illa chuckled as Roa was found at a loss of what to say.

  “I’m just joking. I was born in Forie. I came here three years ago, I turned seventeen last month.

  “What about your family?”

  Illa’s sighed as she lied back down and faced the ceiling.

  “I have two older sisters. They both work in the Magister’s Circle. My first born sister, well… actually I have no idea what she does, only that she’s a fairly high ranking official. My second sister works in the medical field. She’s somewhat famous in the world of medicine for various breakthroughs. She’s annoyingly good at healing wounds and stuff like that; she has been since she was little. It’s like she was born to do that kind of stuff.”

  “Is that why you took the first aid class?”

  “I wanted to see if maybe that came as naturally to me as it did to her. Unfortunately anything beyond simple first aid is beyond me.”

  Illa turned and smiled at Roa for a moment then faced the ceiling again.

  “Forie is run by an elite group of Aristocrats. They delegate what’s best for Forie and the people in it. It’s not a perfect system, there is a lot of infighting between the aristocratic families, but for the most part people are satisfied with the way things work. The five noble governing families of Forie are the houses of Izman, Oberin, Fiella, Bellanor, and finally Stratfield.”

  “So then you’re…”

  “Yep, an aristocrat and member of one of the ruling houses of Foire.”

  “But how does that work when you and all your sisters are Magus?”

  “Well right now my father is head of the family and therefore represents us. All members of the Stratfield family are blessed with magic, it runs in our blood. Because of this as soon as we begin to manifest our powers we are sent here to the academy. From there we go on and work like any other Magus might do. The only difference is when the head of the family steps down or passes away; the oldest child relinquishes their ties to the circle, and becomes the head of the Stratfield family.”

  “Then your older sister…”

  “Yes, my old sister Constance will take the seat at the head of the family. Rema, my second sister, wouldn’t have time for that anyway with the work she does. As for me, well I’m basically free to do whatever I want as long as it doesn’t disappoint the family.”


  “I know; it’s kind of pathetic isn’t it? I have two sisters that have these huge positions and reputations, and then I’m just kind of here. It’s like I don’t even really have a place anywhere.”

  Roa stood up and began putting on his shirt as Illa watched silently. The bag was heavy from the extra library books as he slung it over his shoulder. Walking towards the door Roa spoke quietly.

  “Make your own place…”

  “What was that? I didn’t hear you Roa.” Illa turned on her side to see Roa leaving. Roa opened the door then stopped.

  “Make your own place Illa, you have the freedom to, so do it. Now, get up; you’re going to be late for class.” Then Roa left through the door leaving Illa, as she went back to starting at the ceiling.

  “Well that caught me off guard.” She smiled to herself.

  As Roa left the Nurse’s office he briskly walked down the empty hall. He was already four minutes late, and tardiness was not well tolerated in the academy. As he walked he remembered the first time he had set foot in the academy. It had only been a few months, but it felt much longer. Roa had spent the majority of his time distancing himself from people, in hopes that he wouldn’t draw too much attention to himself and could quickly and quietly graduate. However, this had all been a pipe dream as the second he was admitted to the school, word spread like wildfire of the violet eyed silver haired student. His unique looks had gained him no favors, as the students of the academy assumed he was of some rare magical lineage possibly not even entirely human. On the other hand, the professors simply stared at him with hungering curiosity.

  As he neared the classroom he heard a loud shout behind him.


  Richard Drahgo’s face was swollen and painted with dried blood. There was no time to think, in an instant his body was consumed in crackling blue electricity as he began charging at Roa. On instinct Roa created a barrier to attempt to hold back Drahgo’s charge.


  Time seemed to slow as Drahgo charged full power at Roa. Roa could hear the hum of the energy surrounding Drahgo, as well as the sound of the sparks crackling from the ground with every step Drahgo took. Then slowly but surely he began to see engorged blue tendrils connected to Drahgo, as he ran the tentacles grew larger and larger as if they were sucking up the world around them. As Roa stared on, he began to feel the energy emanating like a hum tingling in his fingertips. Roa closed his eyes and focused on the energy surrounding Drahgo. All at once, the world quieted, the tingling began to subside, and then he heard a crack.

  Opening his eyes, Roa saw Richard Drahgo on the ground howling in agony as his hand swelled brutally. Roa hadn’t understood what happened, all he knew was that in an instant Drahgo was now on the floor cradling his right hand.

  As various professors stormed out of their classrooms, Drahgo was dragged off to the medical ward while Roa was led down the hall to the administrative wing for questions. The woman Roa was brought before looked ten years shy of being a fully embalmed mummy. As she looked down at Roa from her oversized nose and black on black robes and dress, she looked like a crow visualizing the best way to pluck out Roa’s eyes with its beak.

  “Roa Arvellen. I trust you have an explanation as to what happened to Mr. Drahgo?”

  “Yes! I was minding my own busine…”

  “MR. ARVELLEN!” Roa was cut off with a cruel shriek.

  “I did not say you could speak, I only asked if you had an explanation.” She smiled grimly as she opened up a file containing Roa’s information.

  “Now let’s see here… Roa Arvellen of Valkeen; notable for hair and eye color.” The woman looked up and eyed Roa as if scrutinizing him.

  “Well obviously… what else…prodigious level of magical talent with no prior training. Oh is that right? So you’re told you’re a prodigy, you get a big head, and then you injure a student?”


  “Of course that’s not what happened right Mr. Arvellen? I’m sure you’re completely innocent and Mr. Drahgo is injured because of a simple accident correct?”

  “No! that isn’t…”

  “Hmm well first you’re not guilty then you are guilty, which is it Mr. Arvellen.”It was easy to see that she was getting perverse enjoyment out of watching Roa squirm.

  “Let me explain Miss.”

  “It’s not Miss.”

  “Pardon Ma’am?”

  “My name is not Miss. My name is Ms. Taler. You will address me as such.”

  “Ms. Taler if you’d just let me to explain.”

  Before Taler could cut Roa off once again there was a knock on the door, sighing Taler spoke.

  “Yes, yes come in…” It was a professor Roa didn
’t recognize and next to her was Illa.

  “Ms. Taler, I’m sorry for disturbing you but Roa Arvellen is innocent. We have this student to validate his claims that he was only acting in self-defense. We also have an eye witness account from one Pearl Sorvin claiming that she was with Drahgo when he accosted Mr. Arvellen in the library earlier today.” Ms. Taler clicked her tongue a little too loud, and then eyed Roa with intense disappointment.

  “You’re free to go Mr. Arvellen, just make sure to keep out of trouble…”

  “Yes Ms. Taler.” Roa couldn’t get out of the room quick enough. Waiting for me outside was Illa.

  “I told you Drahgo wouldn’t take that sitting down. Then again, it looks like you can take care of yourself pretty well my little hero.” Roa thought about telling Illa about the blue tendrils he had seen vortexing into Drahgo but decided he should just let it go.

  “Thanks, for your help I mean.”

  “What are friends for? Though I suppose you owe me one now.”

  “What do you mean by ‘owe you one’?”

  “Don’t worry Roa I won’t ask anything too terrible.”

  Roa didn’t like the sound of where this was going.

  “What… did you have in mind Illa.”

  Illa smiled coquettishly as she stepped in front of Roa bringing her face inches from his.

  “Come to my place tonight, six o’ clock, don’t be late.”

  Illa turned took a step forward then looked back at Roa.

  “Ah! Almost forgot. Reaching into her purse, Illa pulled out a pen and wrote a room and building number on Roa’s hand. I live here, oh and if you’re late I’ll have to punish you.”

  With a wink Illa turned back around and left Roa standing there.

  “I swear that girl is nothing but trouble.” When Roa finally made it back to his small dormitory, he threw his bag next to the door and hurled himself into his bed.

  Such a tiring day…

  Roa looked at his watch. It was already five and he was expected to be at Illas at six. Roa sighed to himself.

  “No rest for the weary,” Roa thought.

  After lying on his bed for three minutes or so, Roa got back up, gathered some clean clothes, and started heading towards the showers.

  “Wait. That would be bad.” Taking out a pen and piece of paper form his desk, Roa wrote down Illa’s building and room number.

  It would have been a real problem if that got washed off.

  Satisfied, Roa headed off towards the showers. His body still ached from the events that day, and as such, he worried when he wondered what exactly Illa had in store for him.

  Roa was always thankful of how clean the community shower was. Every time he walked in, the room was flawless with not even a spec of dirt or grime. This was obviously thanks to some form of enchantment that had been placed on the room, for this, Roa was always eternally grateful that magic existed. Another perk of the academies showers, was that there was limitless instant hot water. It was doubtful anyone in the academy had ever taken a cold shower unintentionally. As Roa let the warm water shower his face and body, he instantly felt much better. The stress of the day had reached a fever pitch with Drahgo only a few hours earlier, but thankfully that was all over. All that was left was whatever Illa had planned then heading off to bed early.

  Heading out of the shower, Roa put on fresh bandages just as Illa had done earlier and got dressed. He wore a simple white shirt and pants as he always had. And, as always, his hair was a mess.

  It wasn’t hard to find the girl’s dormitories as the male students constantly talked about the easiest and best way to infiltrate the building at night. Entering the building’s lobby, Roa was immediately stopped by an older woman.

  “And where do you think you’re going?”

  “Oh, umm... I was invited here? I’m Roa Arvellen.”

  “By whom? If I may ask?”

  “Illa Stratfield.”

  “Come along.”

  Leading Roa to the lobby’s desk, the woman brought out a binder and looked through it carefully. She stopped on a page, glanced at a picture, up at Roa, and then down at the picture again. Alright take that elevator to the sixth floor, first room on your right.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Roa did as instructed. Upon finally reaching the sixth floor Roa could feel the butterflies gathering in his stomach.

  “Gah... I really hope she’s not planning anything strange, “and then, touching his bandaged middle through his shirt, “and if strange, then I hope it isn’t strenuous.”

  Knocking on the door twice, Roa heard Illa call from behind the door.

  “Coming! Just a sec!”

  A moment later the door opened. Illa was wearing a short low cut black dress showing off both her ample bosom, and long slender legs. A simple yet elegant necklace adorned with a large purple gem complimented her ensemble. She looked gorgeous.

  “Oh good, you made it.”

  Illa checked her watch dangling from her left hand.

  “Oh and its two minutes until six, I guess there’s no punishment.” Illa sighed dramatically.

  “That’s too bad; I was really looking forward to giving you just a little punishment.” Between Illa’s words and dress, Roa didn’t know where to look

  “Well come in and make your way to the living room please.”

  As Illa led the way into her room, Roa immediately realized that it was at least three times the size of his dormitory.

  “Your room is huge!”

  “Well of course, what did you expect from the daughter of Forie nobility? Normally boys aren’t even allowed in the girl’s dorms, but of course I have special privileges.” Illa laughed a bit at Roa’s wide eyed amazement as he eyed the room.

  “Now then, if you’d please sit down right there.”

  Illa pointed at her small but stylish solid wood square table. The table sat four comfortably and had matching chairs. Two places were set at the table, both next to each other.

  The rest of the room was decorated in white and black with the couch and some chairs upholstered in purple. The carpet was soft to the touch and resembled freshly fallen snow. Another item of note was a large Forie banner adorned across the wall, as well as the Stratfield coat of arms hung on the wall next to it. In the very back was a door leading to Illa’s bedroom.

  “Umm… Illa? What is exactly is it that you wanted me to do?” Illa laughed to herself from the kitchen, then began making her way with two plates.

  “Oh I never told you?” Illa was still grinning as she set down a plate in front of Roa.

  “Would you have dinner with me?” The chicken and vegetable dish in front of him looked delicious and very skillfully made. Roa looked up at Illa and smiled.

  “I’d love to Illa.”

  The meal was as delicious as it looked. The chicken was juicy with the perfect amount of spices, and the vegetable medley was fresh with just a pinch of salt and pepper. After Roa took the first bite, Illa spoke up.

  “Well, is it good?”


  It was all Roa could manage between mouthfuls of chicken.

  “Good, I’m glad.” Illa betrayed a look of relief as she watched Roa devour her home made meal.

  “Who taught you to cook?”

  “My mother actually, we used to cook together on the weekends. It’s the one thing I could do better than my sisters, so I’m pretty proud of my cooking.” Roa finished his plate looking satisfied.

  “Would you like anymore? There’s still a lot left.”

  “No thanks Illa, I’m stuffed.” Roa sunk back in his chair feeling full.

  “Ok then, I’ll just take your plate then.” Illa picked up Roa’s plate and took it off to the kitchen.

  “Oh, I can help you with the dishes if you want Illa.”

  “No, no its fine don’t worry about it. I was going to leave them for later anyway. You can just sit on the couch; I’m just going to wash these off really quick. Thank you though.”<
br />
  “Oh, ok.”

  Roa got up and moved to the couch. As he sat down his whole body sunk in comfortably. As he sat there his eyes began to burn, for weariness. Deciding to ease the irritation, Roa closed his eyes and almost instantly fell fast asleep.

  Roa woke up with a jolt as sunlight came streaming through the many windows around him. As he tried to move he felt a weight on his body holding him down. Looking down he saw Illa wearing only a large white button down shirt and not much else. She had her head nestled comfortably on his chest, while her thighs were locked around Roa’s leg.

  “IL... ILLA!”

  The shout woke Illa up and she drowsily looked at Roa.

  “Hmm? Ah, let’s just stay like this for a little while longer.”

  With that, Illa nuzzled Roa’s arm.

  “ILLA YOU FOOL! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!” Illa looked up at Roa. She seemed rather upset about being woken up.


  “Ok.. ok …. Sorry. But why am I in your bed?”

  “Huh? Oh, you fell asleep on the couch. It’s not good for a growing boy to sleep on the couch, and I’m certainly not sleeping on the couch…”

  As Illa answered drowsily she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

  “Sorry,”Illa yawned as she spoke, “I’m something of a cuddler in my sleep.”

  Roa looked worried as he tried not to make eye contact with Illa.

  “We didn’t… umm… do anything, did we?”

  “Don’t worry; I don’t think you’ll get pregnant.”

  Wide eyed, Roa looked down at himself and saw he was wearing the same clothes he had worn the night before. As Roa looked up, Illa was crawling toward him on all fours, when she was painfully close to him, she whispered in his ear gently.

  “Just kidding.”


  Illa smiled and quickly sprang up and away from Roa.

  “I think you’re just a tad too young for me, Roa Arvellen. Though it was fun having a sleep over, we should do this again some time.”

  As she spoke the clock next to her bed began to ring.

  “Ah! I’m going to be late! Sorry Roa we’ll have to play some other time I really have to go.”

  Roa got up quickly and began moving toward the door.

  “Oh! Roa meet me in the dining hall at twelve thirty! We can have lunch together.” Roa turned to say goodbye to Illa.

  “See you later then.”

  As Roa put on his shoes and left the apartment he realized he was still drowsy from the sudden rousing, now that he was calming from his morning encounter with Illa.

  “If Lauralyn ever found out about this, she’d have my head.” Instantly, Roa was swept into a daydream, “Lauralyn… I wonder what you’re doing right now…

  The oversized bed was much too large for the single girl laying it. As the morning sun rose warmly, sunlight gently caressed her soft features.




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