Scarred Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 2)

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Scarred Protector (Midworlder Trilogy Book 2) Page 7

by Mundy, Maggie

  The pants were black and beautifully cut. How the hell did they know her size? She looked in the full-length cheval mirror next to the dressing table. She looked good, and the simple black pumps set it off. It was like looking at someone else, except she did notice the dark shadows beneath her eyes. The crazy curly hair was all over the place as usual, too.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  She thought it would be Suzie, but it was Heath. Before she could think, her breath caught in her throat. He looked wonderful and handsome, like something out of a book, in his modern version of a frock coat. His shirt was slightly undone, and her mind went back to how his chest had looked when he had moved on top of her in the dream. She knew he had a small amount of hair across his chest that had trailed down to his magnificent dick. She could fall for him right now. Did he have any idea how shitty her life had been and how much she’d wanted someone like him? A gorgeous, considerate lover. Did he also know she would never let that show because to be let down would kill her?

  “I hope you have found the room to your liking.”

  He kept his hands behind his back and seemed so formal. It threw her. They had been in a fight with the bad guys and flown God-knows-where. She had thought he was dying and had an erotic shared dream with him, and now he was acting like a polite host at a country estate. It was as if all closeness between them from their short time together was gone.

  “The room’s lovely, and the bath was great. Thanks for the clothes, but will I be able to go back to my place and get some of my things?”

  “At the moment, I want you to stay within these walls where we can protect you. We can discuss it again later. If you’re ready, I’ll show you the manor house and introduce you to the other members of my enclave. You must be hungry as well. My housekeeper has prepared food for you.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “I’ll want my things, Heath. It’s not up for discussion, but I’m happy to look around for now.” She didn’t like being told what to do. These guys might have more of an idea what was going on, but she still wanted to be part of the conversation about things that were going to affect her. Heath nodded, turned, and walked from the room expecting her to follow. With his long legs he strode down the corridor outside her room, and she had to walk fast to keep up.

  “There are six rooms on this level. Yours is the guest room next to mine. The others have members of my group living in them. My housekeeper and her husband live on the ground floor at the back of the house.”

  Heath stopped by a large window at the end of the corridor. Evie looked out to see an enclosed courtyard garden. It was where they had originally landed. There was another outbuilding opposite. Heath pointed to them.

  “The stables have been converted, and the rest of my group lives there.”

  Evie turned back thinking Heath had moved away, but he hadn’t, and she bumped into his chest. She couldn’t move. It was as if her body was frozen to the spot. She stared at his chest in front of her, almost too scared to look up. He smelt so good−clean soap and all man. Lifting her gaze, she met his eyes as he stared down at her. His smoldering gaze bore into her. Her mouth opened, but no words came out. He bent his head down so that his lips were close to hers, but not quite touching. It was so intimate while they breathed in each other’s breath. Then he turned away.

  “Come. I will show you downstairs.”

  What the hell had just happened? One minute he acted like a stranger, and the next she thought he was going to jump her. She might be crazy, but she had not imagined it.

  “Wait, Heath,” she yelled after him. “What’s happening? I’ve been taken away from my home and brought here. You said you did some bonding thing on me. I need to know more of what that means because I also have some strange thoughts going through my head concerning a ‘shared’ dream.”

  Heath stopped and turned and moved toward her. Evie found herself backing up against the wall as he moved closer until his whole body was pressed against hers. He was hard for her, and it turned her on so much that an ache developed between her legs. There was no hesitation this time as his lips came down hard on hers with passion. His tongue entered her mouth and explored hers, just as he had done in the dream. She wanted this. In fact, she would be happy if he took her straight back to his room or even had her up against the wall. She didn’t want him pressed up against her. She wanted him inside her. It was the only way the yearning would be controlled. Eventually, they broke apart. Both of them were breathing heavily, and he placed his hands on the wall on either side of her head as he stared at her.

  “Does that answer your question about the bonding? Our bodies are keening for each other, and it will get stronger. I’m known to be one of the calmest Midworlders to ever live, and yet near you my mind is running wild. I should be protecting you, and yet all I have done is force myself on your body here and in your dreams.”

  She placed her hand against his cheek. “You haven’t forced anything on me I didn’t want. You say it’s the bonding, but I knew somehow from the first moment I saw you that you would help me, or even save me. I saw a pain in you I recognize in myself.” The passion she had seen in his eyes before was replaced by sadness.

  “I haven’t saved you. All I’ve done is given us a reprieve for a month. Then I’ll have to try to turn you. If I touch you the way I want to touch you without a guardian you would conceive and the genetic difference in the child would kill you.”

  “This is all moving so fast for me. Babies? I don’t want babies. I’ve only just met you. I do feel this crazy connection, though, and I want you. So what are we going to do?”

  “I will refrain from touching you and keep a gentlemanly distance. I take this opportunity to apologize for my behavior.”

  Heath stood away from her and put his hands behind his back as his eyes glazed over, showing no emotion. How could he do that? Her mind was a tumult of sensations all the time, from the darkest gloom to laughter and everything sensual in between. She had always fought like a terrier or curled up in a ball in the corner. She didn’t know how to do calm, cool, and collected. Plus, the way her nether regions were still hot from his touch. Cool wasn’t something she could manage right now.

  “Let us get some food.” Heath walked off toward the stairs, and Evie tried to get her legs to obey her and follow him. Eventually they did but still felt like jelly. She might not know Midworlders and what their personalities were supposed to be like, but Heath was blowing hot and cold even for her. She knew she could have mood swings since the darkness came and could be tricky to live with, but this was pushing a whole new set of buttons.

  Downstairs, he showed her through to the kitchen. The tour of the ground floor was obviously going to happen at another time. Perhaps he didn’t want to get caught in anymore dark corners with her. The kitchen was like a large traditional farmhouse one with a big range on one side and a large table in the middle that would sit at least twelve. There were six people in the room, and they all looked up as she walked in with Heath. She knew Suzie, Tiny, and Luke, and the others she recognized from the rescue, but she didn’t have a name for them. There was also Marge, who was busy at the range. Marge looked across and smiled.

  Suzie came over and threaded her arm through Evie’s. “Hey guys, stop staring. Just because she’s bonded to our illustrious leader doesn’t mean she’s grown horns.” Suzie guided her to the table. “Tea, coffee, or juice?”

  “Coffee would be great.” Evie looked at the faces and then across at Heath, who she had thought would introduce her to the others. He didn’t. He just leant back against the counter with his arms folded and a scowl on his face. Suzie sat down next to her.

  “I see he’s in a great mood as usual. Thought the bonding might have softened him, but no.”

  Tiny and Luke nodded to her as they sat across the table. There were also twin girls with beautiful braided

  “Hi, I’m Dana.”

  “I’m Altia.”

  A huge plate of food was placed on the table, and everyone started to help themselves. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Evie helped herself and tried to eat, but the food seemed to stick in her throat. Heath still stood by the counter, not taking his eyes off her. Everyone was talking and laughing, and the sounds were too much. So long she had lived alone, and now it was like everyone was clambering in on her. She needed to get some fresh air. Pushing her chair out she tried to stand, but her legs gave out. Heath was there and caught her before she hit the ground. Luke had rushed to her aid as well, and she thought for a second that she heard Heath growl at him. Heath peered at her, his eyes full of concern.

  “I need some fresh air. That’s all.”

  “Take her outside, and I’ll bring a tray of food. This gaggling lot would get on anyone’s nerves. Like being in an army barracks sometimes,” Marge said, as she shooed them out the kitchen door. Heath carried her across to a sun lounge in the corner of the garden, sat her down, and pulled up a chair so he was close to her. He glanced at the sky, obviously looking for the enemy she assumed, and then looked back at her.

  “Thank you. I’m not sure what came over me. I’ve been used to being on my own in a small house for so long, and it all suddenly seemed too loud.”

  “That’s perfectly understandable. I’m sorry. I was not polite. I should have introduced you to the others.”

  “You looked to the sky. Do you think Charles will come here?”

  “Not for a while until he feels he has the upper hand, but he won’t give up.”

  “So what’s the plan?” They were interrupted by Marge with a bacon-and-egg sandwich and fresh coffee.

  “Now, you make sure she eats it.” She wagged her finger at Heath.

  He might intimidate the others but not this woman, thought Evie. They made them tough in Wales.

  “The plan is to get one of our healers here to remove whatever this darkness is that is harming you. Then I’ll be able to take you over and get a guardian and release you from the bond.”

  It all sounded logical. But after the imaginary sex, Evie wasn’t sure she wanted to have the bond broken. Dear God, she sounded horny. She had been lonely for so long, she could cope with a relationship that was just physical. She didn’t need his love. There was something else that scared her. The memory of what she was like before the darkness came was so distant now, she wasn’t sure what would happen. Would she lose her mind completely if it was gone?

  “So when will this healer come?” Evie asked, then bit into the food. It was so good and she realized how hungry she was.

  “Tonight. We need to get you a new guardian as quickly as possible before a stronger connection is made between us.” He looked down at the ground, avoiding her gaze.

  Evie considered it might be too late for both of them. “You said you think some of the darkness has gone into you. Will they be able to get rid of it from you as well?”

  “I’m sure they will. I can assure you of one thing: I have bonded with you, and I won’t let you die no matter what happens.”

  Evie couldn’t stop the tears coming to her eyes. She had believed for so long it was just a matter of time and that the end was near, but now she had hope.

  Chapter 7

  Liliath’s Servants

  Charles was not happy, and his men were avoiding him. It was just as well, since he liked to take his anger out in the training room. They had weights and a boxing ring with a cage. Two of them had fought him earlier, and he had broken their arms and bruised their bodies. They would heal, though. He needed to get the anger out of his system so he could think clearly. He had never been beaten before, and was not keen for word to get out now. He didn’t care about the female anymore, though he had thought she would have been good to beat and fuck. He wanted Heath’s scalp and would not give up until he got it and everybody knew.

  He thumped the punching bag again and again until his hands ached and stung as they swelled. He imagined it was Heath’s face he was beating and that the handsome countenance was replaced by a bloody mess. The door to the room opened.

  “What now?” he yelled, as he turned to see who was disturbing him. A tall man he didn’t know stood by the door to the room and was smiling at him.

  “Hallo, Charles.”

  The visitor looked like a model from a magazine with his perfect chiseled looks, black hair, and a suit that looked like Armani. Charles liked him already for his impeccable taste, and he didn’t even know him. He was obviously a Midworlder, but not from around here. Charles knew each one that lived within a hundred-mile radius. The man walked toward him and held out his hand. Charles wiped his own on a towel and nodded, accepting the firm handshake.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt your workout. My name is, Sayell, and I’ve been keen to meet you since I heard of a recent disturbance you had here.”

  If this Midworlder had come to gloat at his defeat, Charles would take him on−and take him down. His anger had not quite dissipated yet. “I’m unsure what you mean.”

  “I believe you had a run-in with a Midworlder called Heath. I’ve met him, but he’s not my concern. I heard a rumor that a female was involved. One who doesn’t have a guardian?”

  News had travelled fast. If it was one of his people who had blabbed, he would make them pay. Charles needed some time to find out about this Midworlder named Sayell. He was not about to divulge anything to a stranger unless he could see how it would benefit him.

  “Let us retire to my rooms. I’ll get one of my people to look after you while I wash and change.” Charles noticed the twitch at Sayell’s left eye. He recognized a kindred spirit who did not like to be kept waiting.

  Charles showered, and, as the water ran over him, he thought back to the woman. For unknown Midworlders to be turning up at his door there must be something else going on here. Did this Sayell have connections with the Elevated who wanted to come over? If he did, then Charles would have to work out how he could use and then dump him. He dried himself and dressed in smart pants and a silk shirt. After all, he could impress, too, if he had to. When he walked back into his lounge, he found Sayell sitting comfortably in one of the chairs sipping on a red wine. He looked at the bottle. It was one of his bottles of Grange from Australia. The man knew his red if he had chosen that one.

  Charles poured himself a glass and sat opposite. “I’m fascinated by your interest in this woman. As you can imagine, I like to know what’s happening on my patch. If you try to take her I’ll have to retaliate.”

  Sayell twirled the wine in the glass, sniffed its aroma, and then sipped. He smirked as he peered over the top of his glass. “I would not dare to intrude. I’m here to make a suggestion that could benefit you. I believe we both have something to offer each other.”

  Charles was more than skeptical but would listen.

  “Go on.”

  “I have a connection with an Elevated. She has requested that I approach you about a meeting.”

  The twitch was back again. It was almost imperceptible at the corner of Sayell’s eye. This request did not sit well with him then and Charles needed to know why.

  “I’d like to think I have a wonderful reputation, but I have to think this is not about me, but the woman Evie. If you think you can take her over to Pergor, I can tell you it’s not going to be easy.”

  “So what happened, if you don’t mind me asking?” Sayell sipped on his wine again as he crossed his legs and sat back in the chair. Charles was not convinced at this pretense of relaxation.

  “I happened to be nearby in the hospital when Evie’s father died. I heard the message his Angelic sent, saying there was a woman there who could see guardians. It piqued my interest, so I went to investigate. Heath managed to get to the female before I did
and tried to take her over to Pergor. When I captured and tortured him, he said he didn’t know what it was that stopped them.” Charles was going to leave out the fight on the roof and how he had been debilitated and any other details that did not bode in his favor.

  “And you believed him?” Sayell raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

  “No, but we knew he’d bonded with her by then and the bonding was making him sick. We tried to take her over ourselves but were attacked by something in the conduit. When we returned, there was a full attack by Heath’s enclave resulting in the unfortunate loss of the girl.” Charles nearly snapped the stem on the wine glass at his frustration at what had transpired.

  “Rather careless of you,” Sayell said, as he shook his head.

  Charles wanted to wipe the smug grin of this Sayell’s face. “Both I and some of my men were incapacitated by what had attacked us in the conduit. If we had returned at full strength they would not have succeeded.”

  “I’d like you to accompany me to Pergor now, if you feel recovered. I think with what has happened, the sooner you speak to the Elevated, Liliath, the better.”


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