Sassy Curves

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Sassy Curves Page 4

by Jordan Silver

  Tiffany, or the human barracuda as they'd pegged her, might pose a bit of a problem. I know what she's been after for the last little while but since I'd laid my cards on the table from the get go there was no mistake. Plus the contract she'd signed stated clearly that I could terminate our association at any time at my own discretion without any repercussions. I'd pretty much covered all the bases. I've never slept with a woman without at least two forms of birth control, not since I was a teenager and my dad had sat me down and taught me the ins and outs of a shake down. Not that I'm a player or anything it's just that men in my position can't afford to be careless.

  "That's sweet, I kinda missed you too." Her sexy voice drew me out of my musings.

  "Only kinda huh, we'll have to work on that." I found myself grinning like an ass for absolutely no reason. This girl, who I had yet to discover, had a strange affect on me.

  We stayed on the phone for damn near an hour before her girlfriends dragged her away to start her primping session I guess from all the chatter I could hear in the background. I can't even remember the last time I'd had more than a five-minute conversation on the phone with a female other than my mother.


  "He said he missed me, Braxton Maddox the hottest guy in the universe said he missed me."

  "Shit she's in shock."

  "At least she's changed her mantra Sam, now we don't have to listen to her screaming about having a date with him."

  "That's true Trace; now the only thing is how do we bring her back down to earth the first time he disappoints?"

  "Oh he could never disappoint Ellen, I just know it; he's like so perfect."

  "Oh man maybe we need to have her ass deprogrammed or something."

  "We don't need to go that far Melissa, we just need to get her ass laid. I told y'all we shoulda had her cherry plucked when we were younger; now see what happened? she's done lost her damn mind."

  "Sam must your mind always be in the gutter?"

  "Gutter my ass, my mind is on the dick and first chance I get I'm getting me a piece of that yummilicous Eric Maddox."

  She gyrated her hips as they all flitted around me with their instruments of torture. Sam was doing my hair in big roller pins, and Ellen had plastered gook all over my face and boobs. Melissa was working on my nails and Trace was busy giving me a pedi. All that was missing was Vicki but she'd be here later to do the makeup and make sure the others didn't trick me out like a two-dollar tramp.

  Chapter 9


  I'm extremely nervous; the girls have given up on trying to calm me down because there's just no help for it. They outdid themselves though, because I looked amazing if I do say so myself. My hair is done in soft, bouncy curls around my face, my makeup is subtle enough to appear natural with just a slight brush of natural gloss across my lips, which was good because I tend to bite my lip whenever I was anywhere near the delectable Braxton Maddox.

  My body has been buffed to a high shine; not really but close enough. My nails are a nice soft coral pink and I'm wearing open toe sandals with just a tiny bit of a heel. My above-the-knee length beige crocheted dress with cap sleeves showed just a hint of cleavage; my only jewelry was grandma's pearl studs and the watch dad had given me when I graduated from college.

  I'm happy and scared at once, but for some strange reason my best friends have decided it was best to leave me alone for the last ten minutes before he shows up. Of course I've been loaded down with advice, all not surprisingly centered around me losing my cherry to my dream crush on our first date.

  They were all for it of course but I knew it wasn't going to happen I'm just not made that way. Besides what if it didn't work out? Then I'll be out of a job because there was no way I would continue to work for him if things went south; and much worse than that my dreams would die. Better to drag this fairytale out for as long as possible before my bubble burst; and where had all these negative thoughts come from all of a sudden?

  The ringing of the doorbell had me jumping up from the seat I'd just taken after pacing back and forth like a nut. I looked around to see if one of the others would come to my rescue but no such luck, they really were going to make me do this on my own; oh well here goes.

  I reached for the door handle with sweating palms, took a deep fortifying breath and stepped into what I hoped was my future.

  "Damn!" He looked me up and down as I held my breath. The way he looked at me made me weak, he was eating me with his eyes.

  Meanwhile I wanted to jump him right then and there on the front steps. His charcoal pullover with gray slacks fit him like they were made just for him. He looked model perfect with his wind blown hair and just a hint of stubble on his jaw and chin.

  Before I knew what was happening I found myself drawn into his chest and his mouth was on mine. My toes curled and secret places started throbbing to the beat of my heart. Living hell, if the man could do this to me with just one kiss I was in serious trouble.

  "Get 'er done boss, woot woot."

  Geez could Samantha be any more embarrassing? he was laugh kissing me and it was so sweet.

  "I think I'd better go feed you before I violate you on your front steps for your neighbors to see." He waved up at the second floor window where my embarrassment committee was hanging out one piled on top the other it looked like. I could only shake my head because I knew they weren't done. Thank heaven the closest neighbor was separated by a hedge and a driveway or the mortification factor would've been through the roof, not that I wasn't already red in the face.

  "Hey Braxton, we can call you Braxton right since we're off the clock and you're snogging our sister?"

  "Kill me now."

  He grinned up at her as I hung my head. Now why can't she be like the package? That's false advertising if you ask me, she's model thin and beyond gorgeous but has the disposition of a dock wench. I should've known something was up when they all disappeared; they were plotting my humiliation. I'm so going to get them.

  "Don't answer her Braxton, I beg you."

  "Oh no sweetheart, this ought to be good, what is it Sampson?"

  "Tomorrow's Sunday, no work, she doesn't have to be home until late, in fact if you know what you're doing she shouldn't be home at all before late afternoon."

  They all cracked up at that as I hung my mouth in amazement; okay this is the stuff we did to each other as teens but come on.

  "I'll take that under advisement Ms. Sampson."

  "You do that, oh and Cami, you know the pledge, save a horse and ride a cowboy, yeehaw."

  "Let's get out of here before I die of mortification, geez they're horrible." My face was on fire and I could see out the side of my eye that he was fighting hard not to laugh.

  "Go ahead, chuck it up, just so you know if you hang around here they'll be picking on you soon too."

  "I'm a big boy I can take it."

  "I bet you are." As if my word vomit wasn't bad enough, he looked around in time to catch me licking my lips. This guy was either gonna have to marry me or I am moving to Timbuktu.

  Chapter 10


  Who knew the stalwart Ms. Gosling had such a naughty mind? If I wasn't catching her giving me inappropriate looks, she was saying something outlandish; I love it. The evening promised to be very interesting if the onset was anything to go by. Her girls were a riot and that, coupled with the revelations from the night before gave me hope that this would be more than just the usual run of the mill bullshit date. We didn't have to pretend with each other, we both pretty much knew what we wanted from each other, I knew she had the hots for me and I can honestly say that the feeling is entirely mutual.

  I was trying to be a gentleman and not stare at her newly revealed curves but I was dying to know why she'd been hiding her assets all this time, she had an amazing ass which is like my weakness, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. And they weren’t kidding about her tits. Damn I feel like a dog. But shit, she’s built like a brick shit house, and
what had she done to her hair?

  I took her hand as we walked back to my car and suddenly I felt like a young kid again. She thinks she’s the only one that’s nervous; I’m not sure what I am exactly but I feel just a little out of my depth. I’ll be the first to admit, all my conquest so far have been self-centered somewhat vapid women.

  That worked for me then, because I wasn’t looking for anything that went beyond the bedroom. With this one I’d like to fuck her in the bedroom, the boardroom…you get the idea.

  We drove in comfortable silence, both if us seemingly lost in our thoughts. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her ass as I helped her out of the car. I gave the valet a glare when I caught him doing the same thing. What the fuck? I put my arm around her waist and felt her softness under my hand. Right away my mind went to how all of that would feel under me. Change your thoughts Brax before you embarrass yourself. Already my slacks were feeling a little snug in certain places.

  "I hope you like seafood, this place makes the best salmon croquettes not to mention their mains are amazing."

  "I love seafood thanks." She was back to being shy again. All these twists and turns just made me want to dig deeper until I uncovered all her hidden places, especially the big one. Ever since I'd learned of it the night before her virginity has been plaguing me.

  There's no way I was leaving that for some other dude, but was it fair for me to take it and some day walk away? A woman held onto that possession all these years, she was not going to give it up lightly, which meant she was probably holding out for love and marriage. Was I ready for that or should I walk away? That question had been at the forefront of my mind since I awakened this morning.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" She bit her lip and I almost pounced.

  Instead I studied her for another minute without answering her. Just took my time to appreciate her for the first time since I'd known her. She wasn't a classic beauty, her look was a little more exotic with that wide mouth and upturned nose. Her eyes had a slight slant to them that added to their appeal, fine porcelain skin with high cheekbones that seemed to wear a permanent blush; a long slender neck that gave way to flawless shoulders. Better stop there Maddox any farther south and things might start to rise.

  "Just enjoying the view." There she goes attacking that lip again.

  "Do you do that to get a rise out of me or is it really just an innocent move?"

  "What?" I guess that answers that.

  "Never mind, I'll order us some wine shall I?"

  "I'm not sure I should have anything to drink, you do recall last night's episode right?"

  "In that case we're definitely having wine."

  I ordered a nice bottle of fume blanc to go with our meal as I ordered for both of us.

  "I hope you don't mind, it's just I'm an old fashioned kind of guy; I think a gentleman should always see to his lady's needs."

  She was staring at my mouth in the strangest way, I almost thought I had something stuck there until she made a deep sigh and shook slightly.

  Damn it was going to be a pleasure to tap into all that repressed heat; I guess I'd made my decision after all. It wasn’t as painful as I’d thought it would be. Might be a bit hasty but I’ve never been one for patience.


  I wasn't sure what I was eating, could've been sawdust for all I cared; all I could concentrate on was him. His voice, his hand movements, the way he fed me from his plate, which I have to admit I'd seen done countless times I just never knew what it did to the person on the receiving end.

  "You have the most amazing lips Camille anyone ever tell you that? I just want to kiss them off your face."

  Okay I'm a liberated new age woman of the times, but when a man looked like that, sounded like that and said things to you in that voice while rubbing his thumb over the pulse point in your throat what's a girl to do? Especially one who's had more than her allotted two glasses of vino because she becomes a pseudo slut after that.

  "That's it, screw dessert lets find a nice quiet place somewhere and pollinate my ovaries."

  What the hell is he laughing at? I'm dead serious here.

  Chapter 11


  “Did I tell you how much I love that mouth of yours?”

  She's unbelievably funny and quirky. Nothing at all like I expected her to be, and the things she says. I wondered how she'd react if I took her up on her offer. I'm sure she would blame the wine before the night was through but I'm beginning to think it's just her, all her.

  I don’t recall ever having this much fun over a meal before. Form the moment we sat down until now. I watched everything she did; I couldn’t seem to help it. She was courteous to the wait-staff that smile of hers always at the ready. And men just seemed drawn to her. It’s a wonder she’d held onto her virginity this long with all the attention she was getting. I had to remind myself that she’d come out of her shell for me. Only me.

  She was also a natural born flirt. The way she moved her hair off her shoulders when it got in her way. Or the way she folded her lips when she was taking a bite from my fork. It all went straight to my dick. and I haven’t even touched on the effect that little glimpse of cleavage had on my libido. Fucking bombshell. She was a throwback to those pinup models from the sixties. How the hell she’d kept all this hidden for two years is a mystery. Two wasted years. I wonder of I can talk her into counting them as part of the buildup so we can head straight to the main course?

  “How was your dinner sweetheart?” We had finished and were onto a nice port after our shared dessert of tiramisu.

  “Almost as good as the company.”

  “That’s my line?” She’d relaxed considerably after I plied her with wine. I’m on fool I wanted the Camille I’d met in that bar last night, not that I had anything against the woman I’d known for the past two years, but this Cami was way less repressed and hell of a lot more fun. I had no doubt that as time went on she wouldn’t need liquid courage to let her hair down with me. She could remain her shy timid self with everyone else though. I’m not too sure I’d like her having this same affect on other men. In fact I’m pretty damn sure I wouldn’t.

  I felt a prickling sensation on my neck; you know that feeling you get when you're under someone's steady gaze? I've been feeling it for the past half hour or so but had chosen to ignore it since my present company was so entertaining and refreshing; now I was almost compelled to look.

  "Fuck...shit...sorry Camille."

  How could I have been so stupid? shit.

  Camille was looking at me a little strangely and who could blame her after that outburst?

  "Hello Braxton fancy meeting you here." Tiffany leaned over the table and placed her lips on mine. Oh this was bad; I kept my lips closed as my insides went cold.

  It didn't matter that I had fucked up and should've spoken to her before taking Cami out. The reality was that we were not exclusive, a fact she was very well aware of even if others might not be. It was a cold calculated and very unkind move that she pulled.

  Easing back in my chair I tried to see around her to Cami; I'm sure there were others watching this little fiasco; I wanted to pick her up and run the fuck out of there. If she was embarrassed I will make Tiffany pay. I was a little surprised at my level of anger, not to mention kicking myself for putting her in this position.

  "Tiffany." I was kinda stumped for words, it wasn't everyday that I found myself in this position after all. There was no kind way to extricate myself; I’d fucked up. And though her behavior was catty and unwelcomed, it was I who should’ve handled things different. Still, Cami had nothing to do with it and she shouldn’t be made to pay the price for my stupidity.

  She turned to Cami with the fakest smile I've ever seen on a human being, talk about cold.

  "Oh aren't you his mousy little secretary; I'm so embarrassed I actually thought my man was two timing me there for a second, silly me. Had I known it was just you I could've saved myself all that annoyance."
She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she cocked her hip, her perfectly manicured nails on razor thin hips. Men are stupid why I chose now to realize that fact was beyond rational thought but I'll have to deal with that later. Right now I have to salvage whatever future I might've had with the woman who had been steadily working her way into my heart since last night.

  Before I could open my mouth to say one word Tiffany's D&G winter white pantsuit was sprayed with a mouthful of blood red vintage port. Oh shit.

  I wasn't sure what to expect next but I'm quite sure it wasn't what followed.

  My delightful little darling retrieved her phone from her purse and made a call. I was almost afraid of what was coming next. Tiffany meanwhile had been struck dumb as she looked down at herself, embarrassingly covered in secondhand wine.

  "Bitch you need directions to the coochie what are you doing calling us on your date? I thought you'd be deep in dick territory by now." There was a howl of raucous laughter following that outpouring which both Tiffany and I heard since she'd been thoughtful enough to put the phone on speaker.

  "Hold your druthers there sister we haven't gotten to the deflowering as yet, there’s a serpent in the garden."

  "Huh?" That sounded like Sampson.

  "Well that sounds better than a barracuda, I don't think they can stay too long on land can they skankonia?" She directed that last at Tiffany who was now fuming and looked ready to do Camille bodily harm.

  "Camille..." I started warningly.

  "I'll deal with you in a minute; so anyway girls this land shark has walked up to our table, where we were having a very nice time I might add. We were just discussing the pollination of my ovaries, more on that later; anyway this clinging vine of poison ivy has taken it upon herself to try to embarrass me. Apparently I'm a mousy little nobody so she doesn't have to worry about her man being out with me." There were loud screeches coming through the speaker, then they all started speaking at once.


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