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AA, see Alcoholics Anonymous
ABA, see applied behavior analysis
Abas, Elisha, 426
Abi-Dargham, Anissa, 317
Ablon, Joan, 134, 146
abnormal, abnormality:
avoidance of use of word, 28
Foucault’s view of, 30
abortion, 18, 79, 109, 159, 487–93
autism and, 236, 279
disability and, 27, 29, 30, 35, 39, 189–90, 490, 680
disability care compared with, 26
Down syndrome and, 185, 189–90, 193, 198, 199, 221, 684
illegal, 489
involuntary, 27
multiple severe disabilities and, 393, 394
rape and, 21, 482, 485, 487, 489–94, 496, 497, 508, 509, 516, 523, 527, 533
selective, 20, 189, 279, 393, 500
therapeutic, 489–90
US history of, 489–93
absolute pitch, 422–23
crime and, 564, 569–70, 582
in juvenile justice system, 552
punishment vs., 517
rape and, 481, 484, 496, 512, 513, 514, 517
at residential facilities, 211–12
verbal, 552
see also child abuse; sexual abuse
abusive fathers, see fathers, abusive
Academy of Music, Berlin, 449–50
acceptance, 46, 47, 133–34, 678, 686–87, 697
of autism, 258
self-, 6, 26–27, 30, 136, 157, 284, 334
autism and, 283
deafness and, 50
dwarfism and, 126
acculturation, irony of, 28
achondroplasia, 21, 116–19, 125–32, 135, 141, 146, 155–59, 680
early diagnosis of, 129–30
genes and, 155–58
ACLU, see American Civil Liberties Union
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see AIDS
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) injections, 205
child, 416
with Down syndrome, 213, 214
dwarf, 139–40
AD, see Ashley’s Dad
Adahy, Kelly (formerly Kerry), 655–59
Adams, John, 470
ADD, see attention deficit disorder
addiction, 11, 185, 586, 616
see also alcoholism; substance abuse
Adelson, Anna, 141–44, 149
Adelson, Betty, 116, 141–44, 156
Adelson, David, 141
Adelson, Saul, 141–43
ADHD, see attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
admiration, crisis in, 472
autistic, 239, 274
brain of, 546
Deaf identity of, 3, 104
disabled, 23
Down syndrome, 207–8
dwarf, 127, 128, 129, 133, 134, 135, 143, 161
multiple severe disabilities and, 374
schizophrenia in, 295, 297–98, 303–4, 318, 338–39
transgender, 608-9, 616, 622, 631, 641
adoption, 30, 40, 551, 679, 682
autism and, 246–47
of deaf children, 63
disabilities and, 19
Down syndrome and, 199, 201
dwarfism and, 123, 150, 156
multiple severe disabilities and, 372–73, 376, 378–79, 399–400
prodigies and, 436, 438
rape and, 482, 485, 487, 490, 495, 497, 500, 503, 516, 526, 531
rape compared with, 477
transgender and, 606, 667
in Vietnam, 94
adrenocorticotropic hormone, see ACTH injections
adultery, rape as, 478
Africa, 113, 140
see also Rwanda
African-Americans, 4, 8, 44–45, 79, 89, 103, 140, 146–47, 179
author’s apology to, 8–9
author’s teasing of, 8
autism and, 258–60
civil rights and, 44, 182
crime and, 555–59, 566, 574–75
deaf, 50
in gangs, 574, 576
gay, 9, 45
gay cause rejected by, 18
Jim Crow laws and, 27
rape and, 479
Against Our Will (Brownmiller), 480
Age of Autism blog, 280
Age of Reason, 412
aging, age:
asynchronous, 426
autism onset and, 222–23
as disability, 33
effects of stress on, 24, 42
maternal, and Down syndrome, 180, 199
mental, 205, 209
multiple severe disabilities and, 376, 384
paternal, and autism, 250
paternal, and schizophrenia, 306
prodigies and, 458
residential placement and, 211
agranulocytosis, 312
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 94–95, 221, 645, 684
rape and, 505, 527–30, 532, 535, 645
Ain, Michael, 135, 160
Aka (central African tribe), 140
Akayesu, Jean-Paul, 534
Albert Einstein Medical Center, 108
Albury, Casey, 290–91
alcohol, 271, 299, 316, 321, 326, 352, 469, 546, 551, 568
crime and, 546, 547, 556, 570
of dwarfs, 153
rape and, 513, 522
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 33, 271, 547
alcoholism, 539, 540, 549, 555, 556, 632
prodigies and, 417
Allan, Clare, 337
Allen, Woody, 118, 360
Allport, Susan, 363
alpha-fetal protein blood test, 196
altruism, filicide and, 292, 294
Alzheimer’s disease, 200, 249, 250, 295
ambivalence, 21, 38, 403, 470, 685
rape and, 477, 503, 506
Amenia, NY, 175
American Academy in Rome, 468
American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, 51
American Asylum for the
Education and Instruction of the Deaf, 51
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 546, 665
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 199
American colonies, rape in, 479
American Law Institute (ALI), 490
American Medical Association (AMA), 489, 610
American Psychiatric Association (APA), 232, 336, 609
American Psychologist, 23
American Sign Language (ASL; Sign), 3, 51–56, 58–63, 67–70, 72, 73, 76, 78, 80–83, 88, 99, 105, 106, 108, 110, 373, 402, 436, 462, 493
English compared with, 82
grammar of, 83
Hessey family and, 95–96
implants vs., 81, 91, 93
increase in use of, 111, 114
Miriam Feldman and, 101–2
musical performance compared with, 420
nuance in, 55
regional variations of, 68
validity of, 62
American Sign Language Institute, 373
American Society of Reproductive Medicine, 683
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA; 1990), 28, 69, 125, 154, 183
the gifted and, 457
mental illness and, 339
Amir, Menachem, 479–80
Amish, 113, 115
amniocentesis, 156, 224, 681, 693
Down syndrome and, 171, 187–88, 190, 191, 196, 199, 201
amulet, 482
Ananda Marga, 572, 573, 574, 578, 579
Anaya, Luis Alberto, 567, 568, 576, 583
Andersen, Hans Christian, 284
Andreasen, Nancy, 314–15, 424
Andrews, Nigel, 42
androgens, 255, 607, 666
Andrus, Cecil D., 491
Andry, Nicholas, 163
dwarfs and, 130, 149
autism and, 225–26
Angello, Michele, 610, 632, 660
anger, 45, 73, 109, 573, 655
crime and, 537, 550, 551, 554, 557, 566, 572, 575, 590, 595
crying vs., 521
of dwarfs, 138, 145, 147, 148, 152
of prodigies, 430, 470
rape and, 488, 501, 506, 524
transgender and, 617, 656
animal studies:
autism and, 253–54
dexamethasone in, 17
Down syndrome and, 200
schizophrenia and, 306–7
Annas, George, 395
anorexia nervosa, 34, 438
anosognosia, 334
anthropic principle, 698
antiabortion movement, 485, 491, 492, 500
anticonvulsants, 400
antidepressants, 38, 138, 256, 264, 267, 271, 274, 431, 510, 522, 551
antielitism, 458, 462, 472
antigay laws, 16–17
Antioch College, 481–82
antioxidants, 319
antipsychotics, 304, 309–13, 317, 318, 319, 321–24, 326–29, 343, 349
autism and, 267
child abuse and, 655
Mad Pride movement and, 335, 336–37
antiseizure medications, 267
anti-Semitism, 10, 593
see also Holocaust
Antonovsky, Aaron, 23
anxiety, 195, 202, 218, 678
autism and, 223, 256, 267
multiple severe disabilities and, 376, 384
prodigies and, 436, 438, 441
rape and, 493, 494, 522
schizophrenia and, 303, 307, 319, 348
transgender and, 601, 604, 605, 610, 626, 627, 630, 632
applied behavior analysis (ABA), 235, 243, 260, 266, 281, 615
Archdiocese of New York, 216
Archives of Neurology, 401–2
Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, 387
Arden, Jay, 395–400
Aristotle, 52, 425, 444, 611
Arizona, 340
Arizona, University of, 99
Armstrong, Kit, 455–57, 463
Armstrong, May, 455–57
army crawling by dwarf infants, 130
Arnold, Gary, 125
Arnsten, Susan, 205–10, 402
art, artists, 113–14, 372
autism and, 232, 233, 274
with Down syndrome, 213, 214
Asch, Adrienne, 189, 680
Asheville Radical Mental Health Collective, 336
Ashkenazy, Vladimir, 429
Ashley X, 385–93, 401
Ashley treatment, MSNBC survey of public attitudes toward, 389
Ashley’s Dad (AD), 385–93
Asians, 4, 179, 180, 531
as musical prodigies, 419, 445–49, 451–57, 463–65
prodigies dominated by, 454–55
As Nature Made Him (Reimer), 614
Asperger, Hans, 231–32
Asperger syndrome, 232, 276–79, 283
diagnosis of, 246, 258, 348
language and, 232, 265
prodigies and, 426
Aspies for Freedom, 279
assaults, 543, 547, 550, 551, 556, 580, 582
juvenile detention and, 552
transgender and, 650
assimilationism, 44, 110–11, 164
Association for Retarded Citizens (the Arc), 182
assortative mating, 250
asthma, 95, 96, 263, 425, 604, 605
atheism, 33
Athens, Greece, 249, 413, 478
athletics, see sports and athletics
Atlanta Court of Federal Claims, 263
Atlantic Monthly, 181, 457–58, 632
ATOH1 gene, 109
atresia of the choanae, 367
attachment, 700
lack of, 571
maternal, 181, 363–64, 372
multiple severe disabilities and, 363–64, 371, 372
attention deficit disorder (ADD), 626
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 252, 267, 498, 540–41, 542, 604
attenuated psychosis syndrome, 319
Attorney General, US, 552
Auditory Integration Training, 266–67
auditory system, 91, 108–9
electrical stimulation of, 89–90
Auer, Leopold, 450
Auriemma, Angelica, 291
Auriemma, Ioanna, 291
Australia, 91, 319, 335–36, 390, 654
gender and, 660
transgender and, 622, 624
autism, 4, 5, 40, 45, 205, 221–94, 685
age of onset of, 222–23
anxiety and, see anxiety, autism and
Asperger’s view of, 231–32
as blanket term, 249–50, 253, 305
causes of, 22, 231, 232, 245, 249–55, 261–65, 270
challenge of, 295
cost of, 260
diagnosis of, 257–58, 260, 261, 262, 279, 284
as difference, 28
as disability, 224, 284, 292
Down syndrome compared with, 44, 195, 366
early intervention in, 224, 225, 238–39, 243, 266, 318, 584
education and, see education, autism and
filicide and, 272, 290–94, 393
gender nonconformity compared with, 607
genetics and, 249–54, 256, 264, 265, 273, 279, 283, 306
as identity, 2, 34, 224, 292, 610
as idiopathic, 245, 254
increase in, 221, 260–64
institutionalization and, 226–30, 244, 245, 274, 366
love and, 223–24, 226, 227, 229, 230, 240–41, 247, 274, 275, 278, 281, 288, 292, 294
in males vs. females, 255
musical prodigies and, 425–26
neurodiversity and, 224, 238, 263, 275–84, 334, 462
as overexpression of cognitive masculinity, 254–55
personality and, 252–53, 257
as pervasive disorder, 222
prominent people with, 231, 232–33, 273–75, 284
psychiatric diagnosis in addition to, 255–56
regression in, 261–64
savants and, 255, 273
schizophrenia compared with, 251, 253, 305, 306, 316, 318, 324, 338, 353
sexuality and, 230, 240, 268–69
social class and, 36–37
spectrum of, 232, 257, 260, 264, 277, 278, 279, 282, 283, 426
subtypes of, 253–54
symptoms of, 221, 222–23, 245–46, 251, 253, 254, 257, 261, 263, 274, 282
as syndrome, 221–24, 251, 252
transgender compared with, 613–14, 653
treatment of, 223, 224, 229, 244, 266–67, 269–70, 276, 615
use of word, 231
vaccines and, 250, 261–63, 265, 270, 280, 281
variable penetrance in, 250
Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC), 257
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), 257
Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale-Generic (ADOS-G), 257
Autism Every Day (documentary), 244–45
Autism Genetic Research Exchange, 256
Autism Society of America, 260, 289
Autism Speaks, 256, 263
Autistic Self Advocacy Network, 233, 277
Autistics.org, 283
Autobiography of a Face (Grealy), 34–35
AVEGA (Association des Veuves du Genocide Agahozo), 527, 528
Avery Fisher Career Grant, 461
“Awakening, The” (Babel), 427–28
Bâ, Amadou Hampâté, 113
Babel, Isaac, 427–28
blind vs. sighted, 31
designer, 683
disabled, 23, 28
murder of, see infanticide
“no such thing as” (Winnicott), 1
pain of, 40
premature, 42–43, 116, 394, 603, 679
talking to, 407
test-tube, 683
with two faces, 686
Baby Doe Amendment (1984), 189
babyfaceness, 203–4
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 442, 450, 459–60
Bach, Terry, 553, 583
Backlar, Patricia, 308
baclofen, 400
Baggs, Amanda, 238, 283
Baglio, Joe, 332–33
Baglio, Johnny, 332, 333
Baglio, Rosemary, 331–34
Baglio, Sal, 332–33, 334
Bahan, Benjamin, 83
Bailey, Sharon, 486
Bali, deafness in, 41, 83–87, 93
Ball, Kay, 490
balloons, color of, 7, 8, 9
Ball State University, 493–94
Balzer, Carsten, 654
Bancroft School, 285
Bangladesh, rape as a weapon of war in, 529
baptism, 398
Barchas, Jack, 318
Barenboim, Daniel, 409, 433
Barnes & Noble, 178, 205
Barnum, P. T., 126
Baron-Cohen, Simon, 254–55, 282
Barrett, Delia, 509–11
Barrett, Emily, 507–11
Barrett, Flora, 507–8
Barrett, Gideon, 510–11
Barrett, Phil, 507, 508
Barrington, Daines, 416
Far From the Tree Page 164