Mine to Keep

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by Mine to Keep [Evernight] (mobi)

  “Do you know the name of the person who’s requested an application?” Gabriel asked, even though he knew the man already.

  “Someone by the name of William Johnson. Is he a friend of yours?” Paul asked.

  Gabriel smiled and stared at Amy. She was sitting by the pool with her feet over the edge. Her black hair cascaded down, and he pictured the dark length wrapped around his fist as he pounded inside her. The thoughts he kept having about Amy were not always about her being tied up or restrained. With other women, he saw them only in a completely submissive way whereas Amy was driving him crazy because he wanted to do much more with her. She was a young woman with so much going on in her life. He didn’t yearn to bring that part of him to her. His biggest fear was if he couldn’t let that side of himself go.

  The conversation went on around him about the changes coming to Cape Falls. All the time he kept his eye on his woman. She looked so happy and refreshed. He wanted to see her smiling face more often.

  “How do you think Amy will like living with you?” Dean asked, pulling him away from his thoughts.

  “Mia and Billy like my place, and I’ve got a lot of plans in place. I hope she’ll enjoy living with me.” He declined any more beer. He wanted to be sober when he took them back home.

  “I wanted to apologise for my behaviour outside the nursery. Laura has told me that your feelings for Amy are the real deal.”

  “Then she’s the only one who knows. I don’t think Amy has a clue how I feel about her.” Gabriel stared at the woman in question. How could he begin to tell her how he felt? What would he do if she rejected him?

  The confusion with his emotions was really starting to piss him off. He was a man who took control. He was not the type of man to wait for things to happen. He made them happen.

  “I don’t know. I bet Laura and Anna are telling her how you can’t stop staring in her direction. Just so you know, the age gap means nothing when you’re in love with someone. I still worry about Laura being on her own when I’m gone. Time doesn’t change the way we feel. I know I’d rather be with her than away from her.”

  Amy made her way over to him with Anna and Laura in tow. Mia and Billy were playing on the swings. David and Paul joined the other adults.

  “So these changes to Cape Falls, are they going to happen, or will they fall through?” Gabriel asked.

  “They’re going to happen whether the residents like it or not. Something needs to change in this town. I’ve lived here my whole life where they refuse to move forwards. I think a little gentle push is in order,” Paul said. Amy stood next to Gabriel, and he felt her presence against his body, the heat from her pulling him closer.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her close. The only way he would move out of the rut was to show her how he felt. She smiled at him and settled back.

  Dean raised his bottle to him. Time for change was round the corner, and he intended to make Amy his woman.

  Chapter Six

  In no time at all, Amy was taking her children to school for their first day. She waved them inside where she stood at the gate. Gabriel was by her side, and she appreciated his presence. He held her hand as they both saw her children off to school. The strength he gave with his touch meant so much to her. She noticed a few parents were whispering behind their hands and pointing in their direction but not as many as she thought. Life with Gabriel had been an exciting one. They’d spent the last few weeks redecorating some of the rooms. Mia now had her own bedroom, and Billy had his own room, too.

  Amy had the room next to Gabriel. There was a door connecting to the two rooms. He explained the house was very old, and it was designed for the husband to visit his wife during night-time hours. She’d felt her cheeks heat and thought about him entering her room for sex. When she had been with Steven, the sex had repulsed her. His touch as a man had repulsed everything about her. Gabriel made her feel differently. Instead of being disgusted, she lay in bed at night wondering what it would be like to lie beneath him as he had his wicked way with her.

  She got wet at the thought and found herself praying for him to enter her room. During the days, she walked the children to school or Gabriel drove them in his truck on his way to work. She made him lunch and walked into town. The walk did her good as it helped to clear her head. When she was at home, she found herself cleaning every room she could get her hands on. The jobs available at Cape Falls were filled when she phoned. Gabriel told her to stop looking for work. She didn’t need to work. He was more than happy to support her. Anna and Laura visited regularly, helping her to settle in. In her spare time she found herself baking fresh bread and cookies.

  Two months after moving in, every room was clean, and she’d baked enough cookies to sink a ship. There was one room she couldn’t get inside. The room was locked, and all the keys Gabriel gave her wouldn’t open the door.

  One night after putting the children to bed, she sat down with a glass of fresh orange juice and asked him about it.

  “I can’t open the door off the kitchen to clean.”

  “That’s the basement. You don’t need to clean it. Leave it alone,” he said.

  “Are you sure? You know I don’t mind cleaning. I’d rather have something to do with my spare time.” She tucked her hair behind her ears, staring at the floor.

  “Do you really want to spend the rest of your life cleaning for me?” he asked.

  Amy stayed quiet and kept her gaze on the floor. She heard movement, and seconds later he was kneeling in front of her.

  “Look at me, Amy.”

  There was no way she could deny him. She lifted her gaze to his. “Do you want to clean for the rest of your life?”

  She shook her head unable to voice her opinion.

  “What did you want to become before you became a mother?” he asked.

  “I never wanted to be anything,” she said. Motherhood had come to her, and any thoughts of a future disappeared the moment she got a ring on her finger.

  “You didn’t want to go to college?”

  “In case you hadn’t noticed, not many women from Cape Falls end up in college.” Amy never thought of what her life could have been like if she hadn’t gotten pregnant.

  “Laura went to college. She told me so.”

  “I wanted to go. I remember thinking about college, but my parents said I couldn’t, so I stopped thinking about it.”

  “This town has a shit-load to answer for,” he said.

  Amy giggled. “We sure are a fucked-up bunch. I do know that Mia and Billy can make their own choices. If they want to go to college when they’re older, then I’ll let them. I’d do anything I could for my babies.”

  “And I’ll do anything for you.”

  Her heart melted when he said sweet stuff. He made her feel cherished.

  “I want to take you out Friday night. I’ve talked with Laura, and they’re happy to have the kids. Will you go on a date with me?” he asked.

  “You’ve already arranged it. How could I refuse?”

  “You can refuse, Amy. I’m just hoping you’ll give this old man a yes and make him happy.”

  She chuckled. “You’re not an old man, Gabriel Anderson. Far from it.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes. I’d really love to go on a date with you.”

  “Good. Because I got you a little something for the occasion.” He got off his knees and left the room.

  Amy stood smiling like a love-sick fool. Gabriel had asked her out on a date.

  Don’t get too excited. It could just be between two friends.

  She shut down the negativity. He’d asked her out, and she was going to remember the moment for the rest of her life. Steven had asked her parents. She’d never been asked out before.

  Gabriel came in carrying a large gift box. “I went into the city the other day to see a friend, and I saw this in the shop and knew it would look good on you.”

  He laid the box on her lap. She ran her hand over
the surface, relishing the sheen of the gift box.

  “Open it,” he said.

  “All in good time. I want to enjoy this moment.”

  He laughed, and the sound was magical to her ears. Smiling, she cupped his cheek. “You’re a good man, Gabriel.”

  “You don’t know all of me.” He made it sound like a warning.

  “I’ve seen enough to know you’re a good man.” She ran her thumb along his bottom lip. His tongue peeked out and licked her thumb, making her gasp at the contact.

  “You haven’t seen everything. Open your present.”

  She pulled away and untied the bow at the top. Gabriel took it off her, throwing the bow to the floor. Laughing, she removed the top and the tissue paper.

  Red fabric lay before her. Holding it by the straps, she lifted it out of the box.

  “Gabriel.” She stood up and held the full length red dress against her body. “It’s beautiful.” There was a long slit up the outside leg. From the feel of the fabric she knew it had to have cost a pretty penny.

  “There are some under-things to go with it, and I found some shoes.” He handed her the bag. “Would you try it on for me?”

  “I’d love to.” She made to leave the room, but he stopped her.

  “I’ll go and make us a drink. I’ll give you some privacy.” He walked out of the room leaving her staring after him.

  She pulled her shirt over her head and tore off her sweat pants. In the box lay a sheer lace bra and matching red thong. The entire outfit screamed sex siren and expense. She put on the underwear and liked the way they felt on her body. The moment the thong settled into place, she felt the instant flare of heat inside her. The dress settled into place like a dream.


  Gabriel paced outside the door. He’d gone into the city to see William about his decision to move to Cape Falls. His friend had already closed down the club he ran and was finalising all of his debts. Gabriel needed to tell Amy that William would be staying with them for a while. The dress in the store called to him the moment he saw it in the shop window. The mannequin hadn’t done the dress justice. When he’d gone inside, a petite blonde accosted him and offered to try the dress on. He had refused and had gotten it in Amy’s size. The underwear was a bigger indulgence. He felt women deserved to feel nice and appreciated.

  For fuck’s sake. He was a forty-five-year-old man having feelings about a twenty-three year old woman. He should be taken into the woods and shot for his wicked thoughts. The door to the sitting room opened, and there stood a vision in red. Her hair fell around her in waves. She must have taken the clip that held the locks in place out of her hair. The dress fit her every curve. Her tits looked full and round, and her figure went in to her small waist then expanded out for her hips. She was a short woman to begin with, but in the red heels he’d found, she stood tall and proud. Her ass curved nicely out.

  “Give me a twirl,” he said.

  She held her hands out to the side and turned slowly. Her ass looked so tempting. The slit in the side of the dress made him want to reach out and feel the softness of her panties. He could finger her pussy easily under a table, and no one would notice. “You look like a vision of beauty.”

  “Thank you. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me.”

  He moved closer to her. The lemony scent he associated with her flooded his senses. She made his mouth water for a taste of her.

  “I’ve got a friend coming to dinner to visit in the next few days. He’s only going to be staying the one night to meet you and the kids.”

  “Is he your brother?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t have any relatives. He’s a friend, but he’ll be staying with here soon until he finds a place of his own.” He hoped William could keep his desires to himself. Amy was his, and he would hate to fight a friend he’d known most of his life.

  “Have you told him about Cape Falls?” Gabriel noticed her smile and couldn’t help but smile himself.

  “Yes. He knows about this place. I think he’ll find it more of a challenge than a problem. Let’s just say William is not the type of man to be put off by a little derision.” He ran a hand down her back, bringing her closer to him. “Dance with me.”

  She stumbled. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to these heels.”

  He held her tighter against his body. “How long has it been since your wore a pair of heels?”

  “Never. My parents didn’t like anything improper, and with the kids I never got a chance to.”

  She looked sad. Gabriel knew he was going to spoil her with so many different pairs for her to look forward to. “You’ve got pretty feet, and you’d better get use to wearing heels. I like seeing them on you.”

  He wrapped her in his arms, inhaling her scent as she rested her head against his shoulder.

  “Thank you, Gabriel.”

  “For what, honey?” he asked.

  Amy pulled away. He saw the intensity of her gaze. She kept flowering before him, and he was seeing the true woman within.

  “For everything. You’re an amazing man, and I’m so pleased to know you. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  He thought she was going to say those three magical words. Most of his life he’d avoided women spilling out their feelings for him. The one woman he wanted to hear say the words “I love you” kept the words back.

  Gabriel knew his feelings for her were not fickle, nor would they change. She could ask him anything, and he would give it to her without question. The feelings inside him had progressed quickly over the last few months. He knew the reason he had kept visiting her at work was not only to make sure she was okay but to see her. He loved her company. She was a woman who’d suffered at the hands of a mad-man, and he’d seen her fight to be the woman who now danced in his arms.

  No woman held anything to her. She really was the one for him. Her fingers curled in his hair, stroking the length.

  “I love the fact you keep your hair long,” she said.

  “You don’t think I should cut it?” He used to keep his hair short and out of the way. Like with most things, time had turned him lazy, and he liked the length of his hair. He didn’t leave it to go greasy, and when he fucked a woman, he enjoyed her fingers sinking in and pulling. Gabriel imagined Amy pulling on his hair as he made her scream in pleasure.

  “No. I like your hair. It’s lovely and long. I could run my fingers through it all day.” She did what she said and ran her fingers over his hair. If he was a cat he’d be purring in bliss. Her stare held him in place. There was no better feeling in the world than when she put her hands on him. No words were spoken for the longest time. Words were not necessary. The heat of their bodies touching was the only important thing.

  He leaned down and brushed her lips with his. Gabriel pulled away for a split second to see her reaction before taking her lips once again. She responded on the second kiss, her grip tightening in his hair as he held her in his arms. He moved his touch down her back to her ass, squeezing the delightful globes. She was all woman, and she made him hard as rock.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she said, pulling away from him.

  “Why?” he asked, missing the contact.

  She stopped, her gaze going from his eyes to his lips.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’m not your ex. I’m not like Steven.” He cupped her cheek and tilted her head back. “I would never hurt you.”

  “I know. I guess I’m just scared.” She stared at his chest, and his heart ached for her.

  “I’m older than you, and I’m new around here,” he said.

  “No. Not any of that. I don’t care about your age at all or the fact that you’re new around here.” She stopped talking. He wanted to take her in his arms so badly. The desire he felt for her threatened to consume him. Instead, he stood and listened. “I’ve never felt anything like this in my whole life.”

  She took his hand and pressed it against her rapidly beatin
g heart. “When I’m around you I’m always aching to feel your touch or to see you. I tried to ignore the happiness I felt when you came into the shop to see me. I want to give myself to you in a way I’ve never given myself to another man.”

  “You’re scared of being hurt again?” he asked.

  “I wasn’t hurt with Steven. He was a bully and a bastard, but I never loved him.”

  Gabriel felt his stomach turn over. “Do you love me?”

  “I feel like I could love you with time. I never felt anything for Steven at all. With you I feel so much, and I don’t want to be hurt by it.”

  “We’ll take it easy.” He wrapped his arms around her and brought her close to him. The dom inside him was put to rest. Amy wasn’t sending him away. She needed the time, and the one thing he’d learnt over the years, was he could be a patient man to get what he wanted.

  “Do you want me to cook dinner for your friend? I wouldn’t mind,” she said.

  “I’m sure it would be lovely.”

  “I’ll make it a late dinner. The kids will be in bed.”

  Gabriel saw her to her room. He laid a kiss on her head before going to his own room.

  Chapter Seven

  Amy touched her lips and smiled. Gabriel had kissed her. The sensation was such a heady one she didn’t know how to stop herself from giggling like a little school-girl. She collapsed against the door. Her heart pounded inside her chest. This is what she thought love with a guy could be like. The movies she had watched over the years had left her feeling bitter about life and love. What Gabriel made her feel was nothing to be bitter about.

  She felt so happy she could burst. Her children adored Gabriel, and she knew she was half in love with him already. His kiss had made her feel faint, and her toes had tingled when he held her close. The magical experience would stay with her for the rest of her life. She went and stood in the mirror and stared at her reflection. For the first time in her life she saw a woman reflecting back at her. A happy woman with a future ahead of her that was filled with love.

  The dress meant more to her because Gabriel had picked it out himself. She ran her hand down her body feeling the expense of the fabric and the wonderful sensation of it gliding against her skin. She removed the dress and her underwear and stood looking at her reflection. The last time she’d viewed her body in the mirror she’d seen nothing but skin and bones. The starvation she’d undergone at Steven’s hands had left nothing of her. Now, she was on the plump side. Her hips were thick and her tummy rounded. Her breasts were large and fit with the shape of her body.


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