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Cherished Page 2

by Banks, Maya; Dane, Lauren

  Garon stifled laughter at Sebastien’s rather irreverent address. “Your Highness” only got brought out for sarcasm. Xander’s security team were men who’d been with Xander for many years. Even before, they’d attended university together. Their friendship, trust and loyalty was unquestioning. Garon, Sebastien and Nico had been Xander’s only friends during a time of unrest in his country and in return they were the only people Xander trusted implicitly.

  “Some would argue that twenty-two is still very much a girl,” Garon pointed out. “Virgin. Untouched. She seems very unworldly for a woman who’s spent the last four years in one of the world’s most sophisticated cities.”

  “Are you trying to insinuate that Xander is a dirty old man?” Sebastien drawled.

  Xander chuckled and Garon did that half smile again.

  “I think it’s been well established that I’m a hopeless hedonist,” Xander said. “The question is whether she’ll be able to accept that.”

  Sebastien sobered and glanced between Garon and Xander. “Is that what this is then? A test?”

  Put that way, it sounded cold and clinical. No, nothing about his feelings for Talia could be considered cold.

  “Perhaps?” he said lightly, unwilling to let his friends see the depth of his uncertainty or his indecision. “Perhaps it is a test of myself as well to see if this…lifestyle…is what I need or if it’s something I’ve merely wanted and enjoyed in the past.”

  “We’ll endeavor not to fuck it up for you,” Garon said dryly.

  Xander lifted an eyebrow. “See that you don’t. She is to be spoiled and pampered. Her every need and whim seen to. She is mine—ours—make no mistake about it. She will be molded and taught. She will submit without reservation. But in return she will be treated and respected as the princess I intend her to be.”

  “Fucking a beautiful woman,” Sebastien said sardonically. “Such a chore. I think we should ask for raises.”

  Xander’s gaze sharpened. “You won’t be fucking her, Bastien. You’re going to worship her and pleasure her as you’ve never pleasured another woman.”

  “I have no problem with that at all,” Sebastien said in a lazy voice that was full of satisfaction—and anticipation.

  Xander checked his watch. “We’ve kept her waiting long enough. Go find Nico. I want a few moments alone with her and then I’ll expect all three of you to make an appearance.”

  Chapter 2

  Talia sat dutifully on the couch in the huge sitting room she’d been shown into. After a few nervous starts, she realized that the prince wouldn’t be making an immediate appearance and she turned so she could see out the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the beach mere feet from the back terrace.

  She hadn’t been certain what to expect. Maybe a palace worthy of a sultan. Something ostentatious that screamed wealth and privilege.

  The palace on Cristofino Island was straight from a fairy tale. Built in the 1600s, it had withstood conflict, wars and a major fire and still stood a proud monument to her country. Over the years it had been renovated, but special care had been taken to maintain the integrity of the original design.

  Here on this island, while she could certainly see the expense in the surroundings, nothing was garishly opulent. The colors were warm and soothing. The furnishings were in soft leather, so comfortable that she’d sighed when she sank onto the couch. It had been too tempting not to run her fingers over the surface almost as if she were petting an animal.

  As her gaze took in more of the outside, she realized that a large swimming pool was situated to the far right, jutting out toward the ocean. An infinity pool. It was raised a bit above the terrace itself and there was another patio and lounging area by the pool.

  Simply put, this was paradise. And for the next six months it was hers to enjoy. In what capacity, she wasn’t altogether sure, but this is where she’d live and she could certainly think of worse places for a man to indulge in his mistress.

  Her cheeks heated again as the word popped into her mind. She’d been saying such words ever since she’d packed her belongings to come here. It was an attempt to walk into the situation with eyes wide open. No illusions. No misunderstandings.

  The agreement involved sex.

  Her virginity, her body, everything that made her the person she was would be surrendered to Xander.

  Every time guilt or shame started to crowd into her mind, she was quick and fierce to battle it back. She hadn’t sold herself cheaply. She wasn’t certain what solace that would bring her, but no matter what, she’d enter this agreement with pride.

  The one thing she would not surrender to the prince was her self-respect. He could strip her of everything, but her pride would remain and she’d never feel shame for choosing to honor an agreement struck in order to save her mother and secure her own future.

  What was six months when compared to what it gained her?

  “You look as though you are fiercely debating the meaning of life instead of enjoying your first hours in paradise.”

  Talia jerked around, her gaze honing in on the prince, who stood just inside the door. His pose was casual. Perhaps deceptively so. He wore simple linen slacks and a short-sleeved button-up white shirt that wasn’t tucked in. It was bunched where his hands were shoved into his pockets and on his feet were leather flip-flops.

  Somehow this wasn’t what she’d envisioned at all.

  And yet, as she’d acknowledged, perhaps the semblance of casualness was all wrong because she sensed power. A confidence that bordered on arrogance and the strength to easily bend her to his will.

  She rose immediately, her breath rushing out in a shaky explosion. “Y-your Highness.”

  She dipped her head and curled her fingers into tight balls in front of her.

  “The agreement is that you are to call me Xander,” he said, though there was no reprimand in his voice. It came as a gentle reminder but the tone still sent a shiver up her spine.

  “Xander,” she whispered.

  He took a step forward. “Please do sit back down. I’m sure you’re fatigued from your journey. Would you like something to drink?”

  “Water,” she croaked out, only because it seemed rude to say nothing.

  He raised his hand and snapped his fingers in the direction of an unseen person. Talia only heard footsteps as they moved away, but she’d never seen the person actually enter the room.

  When Xander continued to stare expectantly at her, she lowered herself to the couch once more, though she perched on the edge, not nearly as comfortable as she’d been moments ago.

  “Shall we pretend and have an awkward, stilted conversation about meaningless fluff or shall we get to the point of your presence here?” he asked bluntly.

  She blinked but felt some of her nervousness abate. This she could deal with. No coy beating around the bush. No guessing what the hell she was supposed to do. Yes, she wanted to get to the point so she knew exactly where she stood and what his expectations of her were.

  “I’d rather get to the point,” she said softly.

  His eyes gleamed, whether in amusement or approval she wasn’t certain. Time had been very good to him, though he’d certainly weathered several difficult years.

  He’d always managed to take her breath away with one look. He was…beautiful. No, that was a terrible word. He was…addictive to look at. Not classically gorgeous like a playboy or someone polished to perfection. He wasn’t suave and debonair but what he did have were strong features that screamed alpha male. A born leader. Someone who wore power like a second skin.

  His skin was dusted with the sun, a gift from his Spanish-born mother. His eyes were the signature trait of the royal family. An odd shade of gold, amber and brown that made her think of leaves turning in the autumn.

  His hair was dark but there were lighter glints, almost as if spending so much time in the sun had streaked it. He looked aloof, unconcerned with what others may think of him and he made her heart beat more rapidly
just by walking into the room.

  “I have no wish for you to experience any discomfort or unease,” he said, breaking into her wayward thoughts. “On the contrary, I intend for the next six months to be extremely pleasurable for you.”

  She couldn’t control the blush. It burst over her cheeks in a rush of heat. His lips lifted in a smile of acknowledgment.

  “I believe the contract was rather detailed.”

  She shook her head and he frowned.

  “What do you mean? You signed it. If you had questions, why didn’t you ask them?”

  She held up a hand, determined that sooner or later she’d find her damn tongue.

  “Of course I agreed…Xander.” She nearly choked on his name. It seemed disrespectful, and quite honestly, he intimidated her. He was a man who commanded respect and to address him so informally went against every instinct. “And the contract was clear on some matters. S-sex,” she managed to stammer.

  “Then what wasn’t clear?”

  She took a breath and leveled a stare at him. “What wasn’t clear was why? And how…” She broke off and blushed again. “I don’t mean how in regards to sex. I may be a virgin but I’m not an idiot. It’s just that the contract was very…cold. It said in black and white that for the next six months I belonged to you. Okay, so what does that mean?”

  He smiled then, white teeth flashing. His eyes glowed with all those warm, vibrant flecks of color and his look could only be described as possessive.

  “I will of course describe in great detail what my expectations are.”

  They were interrupted by an older man, short in stature, hurrying in with a tray. He set it on the coffee table in front of Talia and then poured a cup of coffee to offer to Xander.

  Xander frowned, refusing the cup. “You were instructed to see to her needs first. Always.”

  The older man’s lips tightened as if he were chagrined at having committed the error.

  “My apologies, Miss Montforte,” he said.

  His accent was British, though she certainly couldn’t place the region. Her ear wasn’t trained to pick up on the many variations of the English accent any more than she could pick out regional accents of the United States.

  The man put the cup of coffee down and then poured a glass of ice water for her. On the tray was a variety of pastries, cheeses and fruits.

  “Talia, this is Wickersham. He oversees the kitchen staff. He’ll be seeing you later to find out your likes and dislikes, if you have any allergies or sensitivities to certain foods. Feel free to give him a list of your favorite dishes so that he can arrange to have meals to your liking.”

  She nodded numbly. This was so…bizarre. She was here as…Well, she wasn’t entirely certain. So far she was being led to believe she was some honored guest. A far cry from the whore she’d kept labeling herself as so she wouldn’t forget the circumstances of her agreement.

  She flinched inwardly. No, not a whore. She was owning her decision. Her choice. She could have walked way. Whatever happened, she was no whore. Having sex didn’t make a woman cheap or tawdry. Making the best of a situation didn’t make her a slut or any of the other words she’d said to herself in order to toughen her mind.

  And who was to know anyway? Damn the world. She had what she wanted most. She had her mother, alive and well, recovering! And she had an education and four years in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. She’d seen and experienced things that she’d only dreamed about. Nothing would take those things away from her. It was time to pay the piper. That was all.

  “Are you not hungry?” Xander asked.

  She looked up, the glass cold in her hand. She was gripping it far too tightly. Wickersham had taken his leave and now there was only her and Xander and those damnable explanations.

  “No,” she said, proud of her poise. “I’d rather know what expectations you have of me.”

  “It’s quite simple, Talia. You belong to me. I own you. Completely. While you are here you will obey me without question. I decide what you do, what you wear, when you sleep, when you wake.”

  Her eyes widened. “You want me to be…submissive.”

  “You will be submissive in all aspects and without reservation.”

  She swallowed nervously. “I—”

  “Say what it is you’re thinking, Talia,” he said gently.

  “It frightens me.”

  He nodded. “That’s understandable. What about it frightens you? Is there a specific fear or is it that you fear having to obey me in general?”

  “I don’t know what you’ll ask me to do,” she whispered. “And…I don’t like…pain. I mean and being tied up would scare me, I think.”

  He gave her a confused look before understanding dawned. Then he chuckled lightly. “Come here, Talia.”

  Her scrambled brain knew this was a command no matter how gently rendered it was and she hurried off the couch to where he sat diagonal to her in the overstuffed armchair.

  “Sit,” he directed, pulling her down onto his lap.

  As soon as she settled onto his lap, his scent surrounded her, as did his warmth. It was heady. It made her nervous and eager all at the same time.

  He touched her face, exploring for a moment the curve of her cheek and then he threaded his fingers into her hair.

  His touch was electrifying. Each brush, each point of contact whether purposeful or incidental sent a cascade of chill bumps scurrying across her skin. She wanted to lean into his caress like a cat seeking more attention. She wanted to be stroked and petted. If she reacted so strongly now, what would it be like when they were naked? Skin to skin. His hands on her body.

  Her senses surged to life and her nostrils flared, heat pooling low in her groin. There was no doubt she was excited. That she wanted him. Even not knowing fully what would be expected of her, she eagerly awaited the unknown.

  He touched her lips, tapping, almost as if he knew she was preoccupied. Only when she turned to look fully at him did he speak.

  “You assume because I demand your obedience and your submissiveness that I am asking you to enter into a BDSM relationship complete with whips, chains and God knows what else is running through your head right now. Am I right?”

  She bit her lip, suddenly embarrassed. But what was she supposed to have thought? Then she slowly nodded.

  He frowned, his lips twisting in distaste, as if the mere thought was reprehensible to him.

  “I have no desire to hurt you. Quite the opposite. I want to bring you as much pleasure as you’ll bring me. I have no intention of frightening you either. I have no need to restrain you if you’re obedient. Tying you up would represent a lack of trust on my part. If I ask you to do something, I have every confidence that you’ll do as you’re told without me having to truss you up.”

  She sagged as relief lessened the tension in her shoulders. So far this wasn’t going badly at all. Hell, it sounded too good to be true.

  “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let me tell you what you can expect. I am a highly sexual person. I like sex. I like kinky sex. I have no doubt some of my proclivities will shock you. You and I will be having sex frequently in all manner of ways. If I decide I want to have you in the middle of dinner, make no mistake, I’ll bend you over the table and fuck you then and there.”

  Her cheeks were going to explode. An odd tightening sensation coiled in her midsection and spread to her nipples until they were hard and pointed. She had to refrain from fidgeting restlessly on his lap as the erotic words brushed over her ears.

  “I’ll have your mouth, your pussy and your ass,” he continued in a quiet, firm voice. “There is no part of your body I won’t avail myself of. You belong entirely to me. And as such, what I choose to do with your delectable body is also completely at my discretion.”

  She narrowed her eyes in confusion.

  He smiled lazily, his eyes glowing as he looked toward the doorway. She glanced up, mortified that three men stood there. Had they heard any
part of the conversation?

  “And I’ll choose to share you with them,” he said, motioning toward the doorway. “Often.”

  Chapter 3

  “You’re scaring her,” one of the men drawled as he ambled into the room.

  There wasn’t an undertone of deference and it didn’t seem to bother Xander at all. Whoever these men were, they weren’t the typical subordinates.

  Talia eyed the three men as she went still in Xander’s arms. He seemed to sense her unease because one hand tightened just above her knee while the other hand soothed up and down her arm as if to calm her nerves.

  As if.

  These were powerful men in their own right. Hell, maybe they were some type of royalty. Maybe the whole damn island was some posh refuge for exiled princes and the like.

  Okay, she was starting to get hysterical even if she was exhibiting no outward signs. But inside her head, she was screaming what the hell and fast wondering just what she’d gotten herself into.

  This was beyond something as simple as being a mistress. Or whatever the hell word she wanted to call it. Maybe whore hadn’t been far off the mark though she winced at the mere whisper of the word in her mind.

  She was beginning to feel like a…thing. Something purchased, bartered, borrowed. Oh God. It was a revolting thought.

  “You better say something damn quick, Xander,” one of the other men said in a grim voice. “She’s looking like she wants to jump out of the window.”

  “Perhaps I was a bit too blunt in the explanation of my expectations,” Xander began.

  “You think?” the first man said, shaking his head.

  Xander sighed and then touched Talia’s cheek so she would turn away from the men to look back at him. “Talia, these are my most trusted men. They act as my security team, but they are much more. They are friends. They are the only ones I trust implicitly. With my life and now yours.”


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