Asian Heat

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Asian Heat Page 8

by Leather, Stephen

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” she said, and kissed my hand.

  His name was Ray and he was Australian. He worked out in one of the Gulf States, something to do with the oil business, she wasn’t sure exactly what. He was divorced with two grown-up children but he hardly ever saw them.

  “How old is he?” I asked.

  “Fifty-seven,” she said. “But he looks good.”

  Fifty-seven? That meant he was almost thirty-five years older than her. Old enough to be her grandfather.

  She’d met him on ThaiLoveLinks while he was out in the Gulf. They talked on Skype and the previous week he’d flown over and spent ten days with her in Phuket. On their last night together he’d proposed. Actually, it was more of a proposition than a proposal. Ray wanted to retire to Thailand, and he wanted someone to spend the rest of his life with. If Nok would marry him, Ray would take care of her and her family for ever. He’d buy her a house and a car and he’d make sure her family were looked after. He’d buy farmland for them and a new house if they needed one.

  “He’s buying you.”

  “He’s taking care of me,” said Nok. “And that’s what I want.”

  I didn’t try to talk her out of it. Why should I? It was her life, and her call.

  “So it’s over, you and me?”

  She rolled over and buried her face in my chest. “I can still see you. If you want.”

  “What about Ray? He’ll be your husband. You’ll be his wife.”

  “You can be my Gik,” she whispered. A Gik is more than a friend, less than a lover. Something like a friend with benefits. Lots of Thai girls have a Gik, sometimes more than one.

  “Okay” I said. She kissed me on the lips and her hand slid between my legs and a few minutes later she was raping me again. Actually, I didn’t put up much of a fight.

  Ray was as good as his word. He started putting thirty thousand baht into her bank account every month. He bought a field close to where her mother lived and paid to have it planted with rubber trees. He bought her mother a brand new Toyota pick-up truck and paid for her sister to go to a decent school. They got married that summer, in Saraburi. She showed me the photographs, the two of them dressed in traditional Thai clothes. She looked beautiful. He looked old and as happy as a pig in shit. He was stick-thin and his hair was grey and he was only about five-eight. He looked as if a slight breeze would blow him away.

  “Do you love him?” I asked as I looked at the photographs.

  “Of course,” she said. “He takes care of me and my family.” Then she made love to me on her bed, the wedding pictures strewn across the floor.

  Ray was serious about wanting to retire to Thailand and after he’d married Nok he paid five million baht for a house on the outskirts of Pattaya, a ten minute drive from the sea. It was a nice place with four bedrooms and a swimming pool. Nok proudly showed me photographs of her new home. She quit her job and moved in with her younger brother who’d moved down from Saraburi, and Ray started paying for him to go to an international school in Pattaya. She kept paying for her room in Soi 11. She said she wanted to keep her own place but I liked to think that it was because she could still see me. The phone calls kept coming. Never more than once a month, but she was always happy to see me. And the sex got better and better. I never stayed the night, though. I never broke any of my golden rules.

  The arrangement continued for more than a year. She’d phone, I’d go around to her room, we’d make love, and I’d leave. Ray kept paying her and every two months he flew over and spent two weeks with her. The following summer, he took her to Australia to meet his mother. She was in her early nineties and was in a nursing home. It was after meeting his mother that Ray first mentioned that he wanted a child with Nok.

  “You’re not serious?” I said when she told me. We were in bed together. That’s where we did most of our talking.

  “Why not?” she said. “I can have a baby, easy.”

  “With him? He’s almost sixty.”

  ‘He’s a good man, Dave. He takes care of me. If he wants a baby, I can give him one.”

  I was lost for words. Nok was on the pill so I’d never used condoms with her. I’d never imagined she wanted a child, and certainly not with a man as old as Ray. And to have a child simply because he was taking care of her was just too horrible to even contemplate.

  As it happens, it wasn’t as simple as Ray thought. They spent the next six months trying to get Nok pregnant, but without any luck. She didn’t make me wear a condom, thank God, but she stopped letting me come inside her. Her timing was amazing – she seemed to know the precise second when I was about to explode and would deftly slide me out and finish me off with her hand. I tried to fake her out and pretend to be less excited than I actually was but she was never fooled.

  Ray started flying back more often, his visits coinciding with Nok’s fertile days, but she still didn’t fall pregnant. Ray asked her to go with him to see a specialist at a fertility clinic where they both underwent all the necessary tests and Ray deposited his sperm. The plan was for them to try IVF. Ray was determined to do whatever it took to get Nok pregnant. That was when Nok called me and asked me to go around to her room.

  She showed me the paperwork the clinic had given her. All the reports were in Thai but she translated them for me. The simple fact was that Ray was firing blanks. Nok was confused because he’d already fathered two children but the doctor had said it sometimes happened with older men, their sperm just stopped working. To be honest I was relieved because I didn’t like the idea of her having his child anyway. By the time the kid was in its twenties, Ray would be eighty. Or dead.

  “I have to give him a baby,” said Nok. “He wants a baby more than anything in the world. His own children don’t like him anymore so he says this time he wants to do it right.”

  “If he’s sterile, it’s not going to happen.”

  Nok shook her head firmly. “No,” she said. “If you help me, it can happen.”

  That’s when Nok told me her plan. She wouldn’t tell Ray about the problems with his sperm. She’d tell him the clinic was going to give her IVF using the sperm he’d deposited. But she’d have sex with me. A lot of sex. Unprotected sex. And as soon as I got her pregnant she’d tell him the IVF had worked. She and Ray would then bring up the baby.

  At first I couldn’t believe what she was suggesting, but she serious. “What if he checks the DNA?”

  “He won’t. He’s my husband. I’m his wife. And the baby will be his. And mine.”

  “Except it’ll be mine?”

  She shook her head. “It’ll be his. His name will be on the birth certificate.”

  “I’m just the sperm donor, is that it?”

  She grinned mischievously. “I’ll make the donating fun,” she said. She unbuttoned her shirt, and I have to say I didn’t need much encouragement. As I threw her on the bed and entered her she whispered in my ear. “I stopped taking the pill two weeks ago. Give me a baby, darling.”

  Nok was almost scientific in her approach to getting pregnant. She began taking her temperature every day and she was able to map her fertility cycle as the clinic had shown her. On the days she was most fertile she’d call me and I’d turn up and do what was necessary. Her love-making was as enthusiastic and energetic as it had always been, but there was no oral sex because she’d read somewhere that saliva damaged sperm. She made love to me in all the positions she enjoyed but she made sure I always came the same way – lying on top of her with her legs wrapped around me. And when I came she’d hug me so I couldn’t move and she’d keep me inside her as she contracted her muscles, milking me of every drop. When she did finally let me go she’d slip a pillow under her backside and stay that way for fifteen minutes, giving every one of my swimmers a chance to make it to the egg. And I must have some strong-swimmers because in just under ten weeks she was pregnant. I was there when she did the test and I heard her shriek from the bathroom. She came out waving the
little plastic stick. “I’m pregnant!” she said.

  “Well done, you,” I said.

  She kissed me on the cheek. “Your sperm very strong.”

  “You’ll be a great mum,” I said. And I meant it.

  I headed for the door. “Where are you going?”

  “My work is done, right?”

  “You’re crazy,” she said, taking off her shirt. “We can still make love. You’re still my Gik, right?”

  “Are you serious?”

  She tossed her shirt onto a chair and took off her bra. “You’re not bored with me are you?”

  I laughed and took her in my arms. God, she felt good. Soft and warm. She unzipped my jeans and pushed me onto the bed. “Besides, I have to thank you for getting me pregnant.” And thank me she did. Twice. With oral as well, because the strength of my sperm was no longer an issue.

  After the positive pregnancy test, I didn’t hear from Nok for almost two months. I tried phoning a couple of times but the calls went straight through to voicemail. I was starting to think I’d never hear from her again when one night she Skyped me. It was her. “Are you alone?” she said.

  I said I was. I was trawling through ThaiLoveLinks, looking for possibles.

  “Not butterflying?” she asked and laughed.

  “Of course not,” I said, which was a lie. I had been trawling through possibles but not having much look. Almost every girl that had contacted me through the site was old, out of Bangkok, or tattooed. “Where are you?”

  “My room. Do you want to come and see me?”

  I was there in twenty minutes and within thirty seconds of her opening the door we were naked on her bed. She was on top and as she rode me I could see the slight swelling from her pregnancy. She rode me hard, her nails scratching my chest. As she came and a few seconds later I came too, though by then she had already flopped down onto my chest, gasping for breath. Her back was wet with sweat and I could feel her soft breath against my neck. “Thank you,” she said, and I laughed.

  “I’m the one who should thank you,” I said.

  “I mean for everything you’ve done,” she said. “For giving me a baby and for being such a good Gik. For never making life difficult for me.”

  I stroked her hair. “If you’re happy, I’m happy.”

  “I’m happy.”

  Later, as she lay in my arms, she explained what had happened once she’d told Ray she was pregnant. He was ecstatic and sent her the money for a ticket to the Gulf. She spent a month with him in his rented house and he introduced her to all his friends and colleagues. Then he took her on holiday to Singapore where he showered her with gifts, including the gold Rolex watch she was wearing. He’d flown back to Thailand with her and spent another two weeks with her in their home in Pattaya and had already started buying furniture for a nursery. Before he’d left to go back to the Gulf, he’d gone with her to see a top paediatrician at the Samitivej Hospital in Soi 49 to check that everything was okay. It was. There were good hospitals in Pattaya but Ray wanted Nok to have the best and the doctors in Samitivej were world class.

  “What happens now, with you and me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re pregnant, Nok,” I said. “How can you keep seeing me?”

  She rubbed her swelling belly. “You think I’m not pretty any more?”

  “God, no, you’re lovely.” She was, too. If anything, being pregnant had made her even sexier. Her hair seemed glossier, her eyes were brighter, and I was sure her skin was smoother. And there was something incredibly sexy about the fact my child was growing inside her. She might have been married to Ray, but it was my baby she was carrying and I was the one who had just made love to her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” I said.

  “Good,” she said, and she rolled on top of me again. “Because you’re still my Gik.” She kissed me and laughed when she felt me growing hard. “Again?” she said.

  “Oh yes,” I said.

  I started seeing her once a month when she came to Bangkok to see her doctor. Ray had started calling her on the landline of the house in Pattaya so she couldn’t stay overnight. She’d arrange her appointment for the afternoon, and I’d go to see her straight from school, usually getting to her room at about six. We’d have a couple of hours in bed and then she’d drive back to Pattaya. Ray had bought her a Toyota Fortuna SUV, which had set him back a million baht or so. And he’d also bought her a new Mac laptop so they could Skype every night, and a new iPhone to go with it. Nok was getting the life she wanted, and I was pleased for her.

  I thought she’d stop wanting sex with me, but it was the opposite. As the months passed, she seemed to want it more. She was always thinking up new positions, new techniques, and she became more vocal; shouting and screaming and urging me on. I’d never had sex like it. It was as if carrying my baby inside her had kicked her hormones into overdrive.

  She was about six months pregnant when she showed me a scan. “A girl,” she said. “We have a daughter.” I couldn’t tell who she meant by “we” but I got the feeling she was referring to herself and Ray. The scan was a black and white blur but I could just about see a head and tiny little hands.

  “She’s lovely,” I said, even though I couldn’t make out much. “She looks like you.”

  “She’s got your nose,” she said. I think she was joking but for some reason when she said it I felt all warm inside. It was my baby, and no matter what she said about Ray I would always be the father.

  Her belly was so big by then that I wasn’t able to go on top anymore. Her favourite position was on her knees with pillows supporting her chest, her swollen belly resting on the mattress, her head turned to the side so she could watch me as I moved inside her. I was careful, trying to make my movements as gentle as I could because I didn’t want to hurt the baby but she kept urging me to do it harder and faster and as I made love to her she’d reach between her legs and touch herself, intensifying the sensations until she’d close her eyes and moan as she came.

  I kept thinking she’d stop wanting to have sex with me when the baby got too big but that didn’t happen. In fact, as she entered the third trimester, she wanted it more and she started seeing me twice a week. Not that I was complaining because, hand on heart, it was the best sex I’d ever had. Nok looked sexier than she’d ever looked, her hair was black and glossy, her breasts heavy and full, and when she was on top of me I couldn’t take my eyes off her swollen belly.

  I’d stopped meeting girls through ThaiLoveLinks. I didn’t see the point. Sex with Nok was so much better than with anyone else.

  She came to see me three days before the baby was due. I let her in and within seconds we were on the bed, kissing and removing each other’s clothing. Her belly was enormous, the skin stretched as tight as a drum. I said there was no way we could make love and she just laughed and said she was horny and I wouldn’t have to do anything, all I had to do was to lie back and enjoy it.

  I did as I was told. She climbed on top of me and leaned forward to kiss me but her belly was so big she couldn’t get her face close to mine. She laughed again and then groped between my legs. I was as hard as a rock and wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anyone. She bit down on her lower lip and then slid my dick inside her. “Be careful,” I whispered.

  “Don’t worry,” she said. She took me all the way inside her and then started moving slowly up and down. I reached up for her breasts. They were bigger than I’d ever seen them and as I gently caressed them small white dots appeared in the nipples. She was lactating. “Your baby’s milk,” she said. She leaned forward so I could lick it away, all the time working herself up and down my dick.

  I felt myself start to come and I moaned. She shook her head fiercely, her eyes blazing. “Not yet,” she said. “Me first.”

  She started to move faster, pounding herself against me, grunting with each down stroke.

  I fought to stay in control, trying to think of anythin
g but the gorgeous pregnant girl making love to me. “Nok, please…” I said. “I have to come.”

  “Not yet,” she said. “Wait for me.” She reached down between her legs with her hand and stroked herself, and within seconds she came, with me following immediately afterwards.

  I lay there panting for breath as she brushed the hair from her eyes, smiling down at me. “Good?”


  She gently rolled off me and lay down, her head against my shoulder. I reached across and stroked her belly and almost immediately felt a soft kick.

  She smiled. “Did you feel that?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  “She’s strong. Like her father.”

  “What about a name? Have you decided what to call her?”

  “Ray says it’s unlucky to decide on a name before she’s born. He says we should see her first, before we decide.”

  “But what name do you want? You must have thought about it?”

  She shrugged. “It’s up to Ray. He can decide.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  She shrugged again but didn’t say anything.

  “Nok, do you love me?”

  She frowned. “Why ask me that?”

  “Because I want to know.”

  “Love, not love. What can I do? You cannot take care of me and my family. Ray is a good man and he can do everything for me.”

  “But you don’t love him.”

  “Love not important,” she said. “You think too much.” There was no point in trying to discuss it with her. She was Thai and I was English and we just had completely different ways of looking at life. As she left, she kissed me on the lips and stroked me between the legs. “I go into the hospital on Saturday,” she said.

  “I’ll be thinking of you,” I said. “Will Ray be there?”

  She nodded. “He’s coming tomorrow. He wants to see the baby being born.” She laughed and patted my groin. “You’ll have to keep that for me for three months, you know that? The doctor said it’ll be three months before I can have sex.”


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