The First Quest

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The First Quest Page 4

by Nick Storming

  The man has two Bonded? She wondered to herself. How is that even possible?!

  Careful to make no sound the old innkeeper made her way over to the pantry and pulled down the ceramic jar marked ‘prunes’. Lifting up the lid she pulled out the creamy parchment and quill within. Slipping off to her rooms she penned two missives, each identical. One she sent off to the imperial capitol of Melind and the other to the Academy. Her heart beating wildly in her chest as she attached the letters to the clockwork pigeons and set them aloft, both flying away to the north and west.

  Chapter Three

  B raden, Druska and Leesha left the village and spent the morning hours walking through a story book countryside. Green grasses and giant spreading oaks on hill tops filled the spaces between neat little farms and orchards. The river split the landscape in twain, the occasional barge or fishing punt floating along its placid waters. To the east mountains rose and to the sounds the forest marched off, a dense dark thicket of tangled woods.

  They had decided to search for Emma first, Druska worried the trail had already grown cold. Turning off the road at a small trail Betsy had said Emma often used, Braden held out his hand and drew down Scry Bot, smiling as he ordered the little guy to range out ahead and keep an eye out for him. Once they had passed into the forests shadowed interior Druska drew out the bag and took several deep breaths, sniffing the contents. She tilted her head up and sniffed at the air, a frown on her face as she turned this way and that. Braden noticed shadows gathering at the alien woman’s feet, and as the pool thickened, she seemed to catch a small scent, her nose questing this way and that in a small spot.

  “The shadows Druska,” Braden said an idea forming in his mind, “see if you can smell her through the shadows.”

  Her perfect eyebrows drew down for one second in confusion, then she noticed the shadows dancing along the ground, mottled patterns of light and dark. Holding out her hand she summoned them into her grip, they leapt into it as if that was all they had ever wanted to do. She brought the writhing mass up to her face and drew in a deep breath, her eyes opening wide at once.

  “I can smell… everything.” Leaning back down she drew deep again, “She is there, but I’m not sure exactly where, there is too much between us blocking and masking the scent. She is in that direction however, several miles at least.” She pointed deeper into the forest and at a slight angle away from their current path.

  “That’s great Druska.” Braden said, feeling a large weight lift from his shoulders, now that they had some actual information on the girls whereabouts. “Let’s keep heading in that direction and hopefully we can get a more precise location the closer we get.”

  Druska ranged out ahead and Braden and Leesha kept watch. He questioned her about more aspects of the world as they walked along the trail, Scry-bot flying out ahead, popping into sight now and then. They had gone a couple miles into the woods, the trees growing denser around them. Several times Druska would stop and wait for them to catch up with her, then she would pull out the bag and summon the shadows once more. Emma’s scent remained elusive, but she was able to narrow them in closer and closer.

  Near noon they found themselves atop a small hill, with a trickling creek below while Druska walked around the base slowly smelling to see which way to go next. She came back her face a mask of frustration.

  “I know she must be near, but the scent is all over, like its diffused here or masked. I am sorry Master, I’ve failed.”

  “Nonsense Druska, you got us here. I think we’re close. I’m getting this déjà vu feeling looking around these woods.” Taking a long minute, he let his eyes wander over the trees and bushes that crowded around the hillside, the stream trickling loudly just out of sight. Turning his head to call for Scry-bot he felt a familiar tugging at his vision and spinning back saw nothing but the forest before him.

  The little scrying orb floated down to hover before him and with a thought he sent it into the woods searching. It slipped past a tree and then flew straight through a branch, disappearing from sight. Braden smiled to himself.

  “I think I know why the scent was masked,” he said.

  Advancing slowly and with the girls flanking him to either side, he drew his blade and held the tip out ahead of himself. The blade passed into the trunk of a tree like it didn’t exist, and the illusion unraveled before them.

  On the edge of the clearing stood and odd stone archway with a single numeral inscribed at its peak, Scry-bot spinning happily beside it. Its dark opening lead back in the hillside. Sighing Braden sheathed his sword and looking around, saw nothing else of note in the clearing.

  “Please tell me she isn’t down there.” Leesha said, her voice filled with horror. Turning with a concerned look Braden drew her into a one-armed embrace. The small elf shivering like a leaf in his arms. Druska didn’t need the shadows however, with a grim expression she nodded her head, flexing her fingers dangerously.

  “I can smell her, somewhere deep down there. Along with a lot of other nasty stuff. Doesn’t this seem all too familiar Master?”

  “Aye it’s a strange coincidence, alright. Everything about this world is strange. Leesha are these dungeons typical?”

  Leesha dragged her eyes away from the opening, her limbs trembling in fear she answered with a calm composed voice, “I have never seen or heard of anything like them before I was dragged into one Master.” Braden held her closer and kissed her on the cheek warmly.

  Braden sent Scry-bot down to scout as they ate a small meal of dried meats and cheese the Innkeeper had packed for them. It took considerably longer for the small little scrying device to return this time and it projected a much more detailed map onto the ground. Braden was happy to see evidence that his magical algorithms were working and the little guy was learning.

  In some ways the magic worked for him like software, operating in functions and small objects that flowed together in logical ways. In other ways it was like trying to control the ocean, vast sweeping currents that required tremendous will to use. He suspected that these may all be different schools of magic, but it was difficult to discern one aspect of magic from another. Like a picture seen from unfocused eyes, he had difficulty making out the separate parts and felt himself blundering through because of his ignorance. The sword helped with that, sharpening his senses and feel for the magic, making far more possible when he wielded it.

  The map showed several large chambers and interconnected corridors, all filled with small red dots that he knew to be monsters of some kind. In the far corner of the complex was another large hole with a spiraling staircase, leading presumably to the second floor. In the room with the large hole was the largest collection of small red dots.

  “You don’t have to go down if you don’t want to Leesha.” Braden said turning to the terrified elf as she squatted away from the entrance, “Druska and I can free Emma.”

  “No,” her terrified eyes grew fierce as she gazed into the darkness, crackling red energies arcing their way up her fingers and arms, “I couldn’t stand out here and do nothing while someone is down there trapped.” A small shiver ran down her spine, then with a firm nod she straightened up as tall as she could stand and strode into the darkness death dancing at her fingertips.

  Braden drew his blade and Druska her pistol as she advanced behind the small elf. Leesha marched ahead the red energies arced out occasionally and struck the stone wall to either side, leaving small burn marks. The corridor curved down and to the right and coming around a sharp turn the first large room opened up. Three large creatures huddled in one corner, at their feet a bag with its strewn contents scattered across the floor. One of the monsters had a pair of pale white panties in its hands and they had been taking turns sniffing them.

  Leesha screamed in rage at the sight of the tall, beasts and her hands came together before her, the arcing red energy forming a thick bolt that shot out of her and blasted a burning hole into the back of one beast. It crashed into the wall crying out in
pain and forcing its bigger black furred companion to drop the panties. The beasts left standing stared down at the soiled undergarments then as one turned rage filled faces on the intruders.

  With screams the beasts charged. They were taller than Braden with muscled limbs and fang filled snarling maws. Their thick hides were coated in coarse bristly hairs and their limbs ended in ripping sharp clawed hands.

  The scream cut off in a cold snarl and her hand wove in the air, each inscribing a simple glyph that Braden memorized. Then she drew her hands drew back in a ripping motion and each creature crumpled to the ground, blood gushing out of their mouths as their limbs twitched in death. Screams and cries of alarm came from dozens of voices and Braden pointed off down one corridor but Leesha was already stalking forward, her head tilted, a feral smile twisting her lips as she dashed forward.

  “Druska follow her!” Braden cried and was happy to see the alien woman dash down the corridor after Leesha then Braden was turning to engage two of the monsters as they boiled out of a doorway to the side of the chamber. He took the guard stance Druska had shown him and stood his breath coming hot and heavy as they bore down on him. The magic swelled and he drew on it, punching out with two force blows that stunned the creatures, then stepping forward he slashed across first one and then another throat. The weight of the blade felt right in his hand as he slashed across and stepping forward, he stabbed the blade straight out at the next creature.

  His thrust wasn’t powerful enough and the creatures toughened hide deflected the blow. Braden felt himself being driven back and to the ground but he refused to give in, holding himself fast. He realized that an aspect of magic was actually infusing his limbs and in its wake was a strength he had never known. With remarkable ease he threw the creature away to crash against a wall. It slowly picked itself up, stunned and warry.

  Braden swung his sword experimentally and smiled at the sound it made as it cut through the air. The magic burned out of him at an alarming rate. He noticed and with focus he was able to dial back his strength, drastically reducing the amount of magic burnt. He was now roughly twice as strong as he had been.

  With a scream of rage the creature charged again, spurred on by three more of its kind pouring out of the doorway to join the fray. Braden felt the thrill of battle coursing through him, time seemed to slow and everything took on a crystal clarity. He moved by instinct, stepping forward he thrust again, this time his blade slide like a knife into butter as it pierced the creatures chest. Stepping back, he ripped the blade free and let the corpse toppled forward. The next beast drew within range and Braden lashed out, a hairy limb flying free, hot blood spraying wide.

  His left hand filled with magic as the second and third creatures closed. With the sword in hand he could feel different flows of the power, and wrapping two together he wove a streaming attack, his will enforcing the crude magic. An ugly stream of molten steel blasted out from his hand, tearing away tough hide and blasting apart bones, as it burned through the creatures.

  He was panting heavily and looking for more enemies when Scry-bot spun in the air and zoomed off in the direction Druska and Leesha had gone. He could hear the screams and clashes of battle joined and sprinted off after the flying orb to help.

  The curving corridor lead further down as the sounds grew louder. The walls lit in flashing red light and as Braden entered a large room, he saw Leesha dancing side to side slowly, her feet incased in a thick substance. Her fingers wove red lightning around the room as she moved, each arc tearing through flesh as she fought back a half dozen creatures, dropping one at a time. Dozens of the dead creatures littered the floors and Braden was stunned to see large alligator like creatures; one fighting alongside each of the monsters. Druska was falling backwards, as she handled the monster and beast attacking her, her feet too caked in the strange goo, slowing her steps and nearly making her stumble.

  Braden stopped in place and drew deep on the magic and focusing it through his sword, blasted three pairs of creatures fighting Leesha with molten steel. They and their beasts fell to the floor screaming in pain as they burned. Leesha turned to throw a smile at Braden, but he saw her eyes widen in shock when she saw him.

  “Master!” She cried in between attacks, more creatures pouring into the room, “Your feet! The floor! Keep Moving!”

  With a start Braden realized he couldn’t move his feet, and that he was sinking into the floor itself. With a mighty effort, only possible when he ramped up his magical strength, he drew his leg out of the quicksand like floor. The monsters were unaffected and walked over the floor as if it were stone. The limb weighed as much as him, the dense material coating him up to the knee. It took him a while to drag himself clear, panic setting in as he saw Druska and Leesha falling back, the substance coating their feet thicker and thicker with each step, slowing theme even more

  The fighting grew desperate as several engaged Braden and it was all he could do to hold them off. He tried to drag himself free of the muck constantly pulling him down and trying to hold him fast with greater strength. One wild attack cleaved through the skull of a fel-alligator. Braden saw its master stumble but he was forced to defend his flank from a raking claw, the blast of force magic pushing the creature back only a few feet. Exhaustion was stealing his breath and weakening his limbs, when he turned back and saw the monster without a companion stumbling back, the muck floor clinging to it as it did himself. Suddenly realization hit him and sweeping his blade before himself to get some breathing room, he leapt up into the fel-alligators corpse, his feet no longer dragging in the floor and gathering more crud.

  “The pets! Kill their pets!” Braden cried and drawing deep on the magic he traced the simple glyph from earlier in the air. The glowing blue lines appeared in the air, hanging for one second before Braden felt the magic drawn forth from him and through the glyph. Like a tunnel it constrained the power and directed it. Braden could still felt his will on the magic as it reached out deep into the bodies of the three pets before himself. Then with a savage snarl he ripped the force magic through their innards, tearing through guts, heart and lung in an instant. The monsters attached to each immediately began to struggle on the floor and he made quick work of them with magic and blade, careful of his footing on the dead fel-alligators back.

  Turning he saw that Druska and Leesha too had just finished of the last of their enemies, each panting in exhaustion as they dragged their heavy legs up onto dead creatures backs. The goo on his legs clung to everything it touched like glue, when he reached down to try pushing it off, it coated his hands in the wet cement like substance, heavy as lead.

  Thankfully no more monsters charged into the room. It took several minutes of trial error, each of them coated with the stuff from elbows and knees to digits, before Braden discovered a solution. He slid magic slick as grease along his skin like a glove, that would pass beneath and break the goo’s bond.

  Like peanut-butter and gum, he thought to himself with a smile. Working quickly, he was able to clean himself off enough that he was able to climb across corpses, the dead flesh not triggering the magic trap in the floor, to Leesha and free her. Druska had most of the goo coating her and it took nearly ten minutes to clean it off her clothes and body.

  The second-floor entrance was through this room. Moving quickly, they made their way across the trapped floor. Taking time on the other side to clean themselves off once more, they rested for a short time. Scry-bot scouted the area but found no more monsters, so they took the time to heal minor wounds and recover what strength they could.

  Once they were ready, they made their way carefully to the back chamber. Druska out ahead found two more traps along the way. An arrow trap triggered by pressure plates within the floor and a trapped door, with a poison tipped needle that would stab any unwary hand that gripped the doorknob. She was able to disable both without much trouble. The final room was filled with refuse, bones and the scattered remains of a half dozen meals.

  “They haven’
t been here long,” said Druska as she scouted around, “Like the last dungeon.”

  “Something doesn’t feel right about this place,” Leesha said, “it all seems too simple. Clear the monsters, save the girl.”

  “Not much has made sense to me about any of this,” Braden said walking over to the giant hole and spiraling staircase down. A numeral 2 was inscribed upon the stone, marking the entrance to the dungeons second level.

  He sent scry bot down to search below and crouched, awaited its return. Druska came and crouched by his side, drawing her pistol and checking its charge. Leesha paced restlessly, her eyes scanning the room constantly. Braden could sense the unease in her growing, the weight of all that stone above pressing down on her, stifling breath and thought. He wished there was some way he could help her, but the only thing that seemed to work was action. Moments later Scry-bot returned, his scanner showing the 2-D floor plan, a long empty corridor with another hole and spiral staircase at the end.

  “This should be interesting,” Braden said and nodding to Druska he watched as the alien woman gave a big grin and leapt out into the open space. Her controlled fall a thing of beauty that both Leesha and Braden watched with awe until she disappeared from sight. Red energy coursing along her skin Leesha gave a tight smile as she stepped out into emptiness next. The crackling energy tracing the walls around her as she fell, dragging along the stone and slowing her. She looked magnificent as she fell, red hair standing up and white gown flowing around her in the coruscating energies. The red lightning ball disappearing into the darkness Braden stepped up to the edge.

  With the sword enhancing his control he stepped out into the empty space. This time he’d forgone the force blades in favor of a more nuanced approach. Braden had never been content with good enough. The engineer in him cried out that things could always be improved. Channeling below himself, a dense yellow energy radiated down slowing his descent. The approach wasn’t perfect and at first, he tilted and wobbled, nearly falling before he was able to mater the magic. The yellow energy was fickle and slow to react to his will, but with a gentle guiding will he could use it to change his body in space. With time and real mastery, he thought he might be able to fly one day. All he could manage now was to reduce his falling speed enough so that he landed on the stone floor below as if he had jumped off a three-foot ledge.


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