Damned in Dixie: Southern Horror

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Damned in Dixie: Southern Horror Page 25

by Ron Shiflet

  “It can’t be, can it?” Kasey said, her voice breaking. “It must be a mistake.”

  But Mark knew it was no mistake. A small black-and-white picture accompanied the article. Despite its grainy quality, he clearly recognized Jonah.

  “A ghost tour from a ghost,” Robin mused, sitting down on the bed.

  “Should we tell anybody?” Mark asked.

  “Oh yeah, great idea,” Kasey said. “Everyone will think we’re loonies.”

  “But something happened to us,” Mark said. “Something…otherworldly, something supernatural. We can’t just forget it, can we?”

  The three looked from one to another then back at the photo of Jonah Simpson. No, Mark knew none of them were likely to forget what had happened. Not as long as they lived.


  D. J. Barber was born in New Jersey. An early love for reading led to an interest in writing. After several years in nursing, D. J. had an opportunity to take up writing full time in the spring of 2006. He currently lives in Eugene, Oregon with his lovely wife. His publications include short stories in Tales From the Moonlit Path; a novel called Canyons of Gray; and a flash story in the upcoming November 2007 Odyssey Magazine.

  Lawrence Barker lives just outside Atlanta, Georgia. When not writing, he works as an epidemiologist and tries to corral his numerous cats. His newest novel, Mother Feral’s Love, is a cross-genre science fiction/ fantasy/horror/murder mystery. Lawrence’s work has appeared in a number of anthologies and periodicals.

  Edward DeGeorge-Circa age six, EDWARD DeGEORGE remembers creating a picture book from sheets of typing paper and bound with green yarn. His prose appeared in Swords Against Darkness V, Nirwana, Fantasy Book, and Screw. Comic books include Battle Axe, Big Bang Comics, Dr. Weird, and Y’s Guys. A commercial he directed can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EdwardDeGeorge

  Mark E. Deloy is the author of the paranormal thriller, The Ghosts of Silence. His work has appeared in Dark Recesses, Lighthouse V, Yog’s Notebook, Ten Plagues and several other horror magazines and anthologies. Links to all his work can be found at http://www.theghostsofsilence.com

  Michael Ehart is best known for his multiple award nominated short story fantasy series, Servant of the Manthycore but he occasionally dabbles in horror, to odd effect. He is married to one of the most beautiful women in the world. They live with their son in the Pacific Northwest. You can find out what he is up to at http://mehart.blogspot.com

  Loretta Giacoletto divides her time between Collinsville, Illinois, and The Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, where she writes novels and short stories while her husband Dominic fishes. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in The MacGuffin, The Powhatan Review, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine, The Scruffy Dog Review, and Hell in the Heartland.

  Former teacher Ken Goldman has homes in both Penn Valley Pennsylvania and the South Jersey shore, depending upon the track of the sun. His stories appear in over 445 publications in the U.S. and Canada, the UK, Ireland, and Australia. He has received honorable mentions in Ellen Datlow & Terry Windling’s The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror #7, #9, #16, and Ellen Datlow and Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant’s YBF&H #17. Anthologies due in 2007 are Potter’s Field 2 (Sam’s Dot Publishing), The Macabre Underground (Splatterpunk Press), Book of Dead Things (Twilight Tales), and SDP Cameo (a chapbook of Ken’s stories as yet untitled, by Sam’s Dot Publishing).

  Mark Allan Gunnells is thirty-two years old and holds a degree in English and Psychology. He has sold over fifty of his short stories to various markets and is currently working on a novel. A small town boy at heart, he still lives in his hometown of Gaffney, South Carolina, with his lover of five years.

  John Hubbard is a writer and poet from Georgia. He is married and the father of two boys. He likes boxing, dogs and whiskey, in that order. He has had over 20 acceptances over the past year and a half and hopes to write even more in the future. You can visit his homemade and unprofessional website that is never updated at http://www.freewebs.com/johnhubbard/index.htm

  Mark W. Johnson is a civil servant living in Mississippi with his wife, sons and cats. He has more than one hundred publishing credits, ranging from short fiction to op-ed pieces, nonfiction, humor and more. He edited and published Dragonlaugh, the zine of humorous science fiction and fantasy, until real life commitments took away his time.

  William B. Kaliher, has sold over 200 articles in the genres of history, travel, health, politics, nostalgia, literary and horror fiction and writes a column for the internet magazine Ether Zone. His work has appeared in The World & I, The Pragmatist, Down Memory Lane, Sand Sports and ClubMex. Mr. Kaliher is currently caught between the desire to finish three books and taking a motorcycle ride around South America.

  Anna M. Lowther, a former teacher turned full-time author, is a mother of four residing in her hometown of East Liverpool, Ohio. Though born and raised in Yankee territory, she is related to the only soldier from East Liverpool who fought for the Confederacy. She believes revealing any more personal information would not be becoming of a proper lady.

  Cover artist Philip R. Rogers was reared on the works of H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Ray Bradbury, the films of Vincent Price, Hammer Horror Movies, Ray Harryhausen, Buster Keaton and a heavy dose of horror comics like Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella. He is Assistant Editor for the In Lovecraft’s Shadow. Philip lives in Claremont, North Carolina with his wife Janet who constantly inspires and encourages him. They share their home with four cats (Sammy, Shiitaké, Ringo & Jazzy) and one skeleton affectionately called “Mr. Bones”. He can be found on the web at www.artbyphilip.com.

  Josh Reynolds currently lives in South Carolina where he tries to write in between bouts of backbreaking physical labor. Sometimes he even succeeds. This was one of those times.

  Trent Roman is a young(ish) writer from Montréal with an interest in all types of fiction strange and unusual. He is fascinated by what makes people tick at both the intimately personal level and the sweeping societal level, and enjoys every opportunity to pursue such questions through the means of fiction.

  Rob Rosen is the author of the critically acclaimed novel, Sparkle, and the forthcoming Divas Las Vegas, to be published by The Haworth Press. His work has appeared in numerous anthologies, magazines, journals, and on literary sites all over the world. Please visit him at his website www.therobrosen.com or email him at [email protected]

  Ron Shiflet is a native Texan and has been writing horror fiction for several years. His work has appeared in anthologies such as Horrors Beyond from Elder Signs Press and Cold Flesh from Hellbound Books. He is co-contributor to the Wandering Flesh chapbook with John Hubbard and has sold fiction to such publications as Dark Wisdom and Strange Tales. Elder Signs Press will be publishing his first story collection, Looking for Darla: Stories of Mythos Noir. Visit his website at: http://www.freewebs.com/rshiflet/

  A.C. Wise is worse-than-a-Yankee by birth (Canadian), a Southerner by marriage (Louisiana), and a plain old Yankee by residence (Philadelphia). Wise’s work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in publications such as Realms of Fantasy, Lone Star Stories, Jabberwocky and the anthology Into the Dreamlands. For a full list of works please visit the author’s website at www.acwise.net.

  Lee Clark Zumpe After receiving a bachelor’s degree in English at the University of South Florida, Lee Clark Zumpe abandoned a Seventeen year career at Sears, Roebuck and joined Tampa Bay Newspapers, a publisher of several weeklies. Today, Lee spends his days proofreading and assisting the editorial and production departments and contributing movie, book and music reviews. His nights are consumed with the invocation of nightmares, dutifully bound in fiction and poetry. His work has appeared in magazines such as Weird Tales, Dark Wisdom and Paradox, as well as the anthologies Horrors Beyond, Corpse Blossoms and Chaosium’s Arkham Tales. Visit www.freewebs.com/leeclarkzumpe.

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  What really happened to the Anasazi people? Was Jack the Ripper someone’s second choice? What was the famous Ranger tracking in Gypsy’s Gulch? These and other questions are answered in Hell’s Hangmen: Horror in the Old West as twenty-two of today’s most talented writers bring you fantastical tales with a Western flavor. Thrill to those eerie days of yesteryear as tales are spun by Steven Shrewsbury, Lee Clark Zumpe, Lawrence Barker, John Sunseri, Pasquale Morrone, Jacob Bayne, William Jones, J.W. Schnarr, John Hubbard, Gene Stewart, Ron Shiflet, R.M. Ridley, Kris Ashton, Hana K. Lee, Rob Rosen, Robert J. Santa, Charles Black, Alan D. Peschke, Jason Andrew, Joe McKinney, Josh Reynolds, and Matthew Baugh.

  1 From “Hours with the Dead,” Arthur Fleming, published in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 34, Issue 200, Jan. 1867.




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