An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2)

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An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2) Page 20

by K. C. Lynn

  “I don’t understand how the fuck Padalecki got caught up in this shit. Not that I care, the bastard was a waste of skin, but why use him to frame me? Why not someone else?”

  “Because he gave me information,” Katelyn whispers.

  Kolan stops mid-stride. “What the hell are you talking about? I thought you had nothing to do with him anymore.”

  She swallows nervously. “I haven’t. Not since…well, you know. But I heard that Nikki has ties with him, so I went and asked him where I could find her, and that’s when he told me about Annihilation.”

  Kolan’s entire body tenses, horror washing over him. “Tell me you didn’t fucking go there.”


  Kolan’s hands go to his head, looking like he’s ready to explode. “Jesus, I can’t believe this shit.”

  I decide now would be a good time to move on, because if he hears how I found her shit will spiral out of control fast. It still infuriates me when I think about it. “What about your father? Where does he fit into all of this?”

  He looks at me, a silent warning in his hard eyes. “Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t have anything to do with this.”

  “I know about the pictures,” Katelyn says, the pain in her voice gutting me all over again.

  Kolan remains silent, not making eye contact with her. He stands stock still, his expression as tortured as his sister’s.

  “I love you for trying to protect me but you shouldn’t have given him the money.”

  “There’s no way I was going to let those pictures get out.”

  “I thought we had them all,” she whispers, sounding broken.

  “So did I,” he grits.

  “I don’t understand why, after all this time, he would use them against us.”

  “He has a gambling problem,” Kolan replies, surprising me. “He owed bookies a ton of money. That’s why I paid him the first time. He gave me hours to transfer the money or said he’d release the photos on the Internet. So I did. Then I went and beat the shit out of him. I thought I got the rest of the photos but apparently not, because he came back a second time.”

  Rage pumps through my veins, and I swear when all this is done that motherfucker is going to pay, but not until I can make sure it’s kept quiet.

  “When I refused to pay it, they came here. I found them watching your salon one day.” Katelyn stiffens from the information. “I met them that night at the underground fighting club Knight was messed up in.”

  “That’s why you were there?”

  “Yeah. That’s also where I saw Bruce and found out about his little side business. Anyway, I ended up paying them off but told them it was the last time. That if any more money was owed they better kill him, because if they came back I’d kill them. Then I sent them away with a few broken bones and they haven’t been back since.”

  “Wait,” I cut back in. “So that’s what you have on Warren? He was a part of some illegal fighting ring? Seems a little extreme to want you dead for that.”

  Kolan shrugs. “Not really. He’s made a big name for himself in the fighting industry, and when I called him out he knew he would lose it all. Of course he gave me some bullshit reason why he was there, but when I mentioned it to Victor he said he wasn’t surprised. He thought Bruce was also betting on legal fights. When the bastard started spreading rumors about me, and the board asked me to do a drug test, I refused because I knew the fucker would find a way to set me up. But I guess he still found a way.”

  Jesus, what a clusterfuck!

  The sound of a pained breath fills the room and I look over to see Katelyn crying. She stands and moves to Kolan, her arms going around his waist. “I’m so sorry they’re doing this to you. I’m sorry Dad did this, because if not for him you would have never been caught up in it. And it was all to protect me.”

  “It’s not your fault,” he says, hugging her back. “I’d do it all over again if I had to. No one fucks with us, and I’m going to prove it when I find that evidence.”

  “We’ll find it.” I promise. “In the meantime, I’ll shoot my partner a text and get him to start digging into Warren’s past. Maybe we can find something else to draw him in with.”

  Kolan nods. “If you don’t think Warren has the evidence then I wouldn’t mind going back to Victor’s to look around. I’ll just have to wait until the place isn’t crawling with cops.”

  “I want you to stay here,” Katelyn says, stepping back. “Don’t leave again. I can’t stand it. I need to know you’re okay.”

  “Kate, I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself.”

  “Please, Kolan. For me?”

  He hesitates, clearly not liking the idea but unable to say no to her.

  “It might not be a bad idea,” I say. “Lie low here and it will be easier to communicate what we find. We can regroup in the morning and decide what our next move will be.”

  After thinking about it for another minute he reluctantly agrees.

  Katelyn launches herself at him. “I love you. I promise we’ll figure this out.”

  “I love you, too,” he grumbles.

  “You can have the guest room. Everything you need should be in there.”

  “That’s okay. Stone can have it. I’ll take the couch.”

  I glare at his not-so-subtle hint.

  “Nick’s sleeping in my room.” Katelyn shifts nervously.

  “Then where the fuck are you sleeping?”

  “Back off,” I snap, having enough of his bullshit. “She’s a big girl and can make her own fucking decisions.”

  He steps toward me. “Listen here, motherfucker, you’re not—”

  “Kolan, stop.” Katelyn steps in front of him. “Nick’s right. I can make my own decisions. He’s been by my side this entire time trying to help clear your name. He doesn’t deserve your hostility, he deserves your thanks.”

  His jaw hardens, eyes boring down on her. “He’ll be leaving when this is over. You know that.”

  She flinches as if he slapped her and my temper reaches its breaking point. “It’s none of your fucking business what—”

  “Would you two stop!” Katelyn shouts, her voice cracking with emotion. “You guys used to be best friends. It kills me to see you act like this toward each other. Please, just…stop!” She runs from the room, but not before I see tears tracking down her face.

  It makes me feel like shit.

  Silence fills the room as we glare at one another, tension coiling in us both. “Do what you want but don’t think for a fucking second that I won’t be coming for you if you leave her when this is over.” With that he stalks away, slamming the guest room door.

  The rage I’m feeling simmers just below the surface. The need to hit something—anything—becomes overwhelming. As much as I hate his intrusion, he’s right. I know I’ll hurt her, even though it’s the last thing I want to do. Just the thought of leaving her has pain slicing through my chest like a hot blade.

  That pain only worsens when I step into her room and find her curled in a ball on her bed, her body shaking with grief. Closing the door behind me, I move in next to her and pull her against my body.

  “I’m sorry,” I murmur, kissing her shoulder.

  “You both mean more to me than anyone else in the world. I hate seeing you guys like this.”

  “I know. I really am sorry. The last time we saw each other didn’t end well. We have shit we need to hash out but now’s not the time. I promise I’ll try harder. I don’t want you to hurt.”

  With a sniffle she turns around to face me, her soft, slender hand going to my face. There are questions in her eyes, ones I can’t answer. Not right now. So instead I seal my mouth over hers, tasting the saltiness of her tears, and try to inhale in her pain.

  Jesus, how the fuck am I supposed to walk away from her when this is over?

  Because I know of the possible repercussion if I don’t—it could be her who will leave me, and that hurts far fucking worse than anything else ever could



  Tension still surrounds Nick and Kolan the next afternoon but they’re being more civil and for that I’m thankful. It guts me to see how angry they are with each other and even more upsetting to know it’s over me.

  I’m exhausted, the stress of this past week taking its toll on me. I’m worried about my brother and how we’re going to get him out of this. Then there’s the stress of what Nick will think when I tell him I love him and want him to stay. My feelings shouldn’t come as a surprise but me fighting for him probably will. Especially since we had an understanding, something I knew I’d never be able to follow through with. If anything, I love him more now than I did seven years ago, if that’s possible.

  “What about this Nikki?” Nick asks, bringing me to the present. “What’s her connection to Warren?”

  Kolan shrugs. “I imagine he approached her when he found out about my…involvement at Annihilation.” He doesn’t make eye contact with me as he talks about the forbidden club. Not something I’m sure he likes me to know about. “He probably paid her off. She’s a money hungry bitch and has no conscious. She’s more fucked up than I am and that’s saying something.”

  “Don’t say that about yourself.” I hate when he talks like that. He’s so much better than he knows.

  He dismisses me as if I never said anything. “I went by her place shortly after I found Victor but she wasn’t there.”

  “She has to be around. She’s not allowed to leave town,” Nick says.

  “Well when we do find her I’m going to kick her ass,” I grit through clenched teeth. My blood boils at the thought of her so easily taking money in exchange to ruin someone’s life.

  Nick and Kolan stare at me in a way that has my back going up.

  “What? I can take her and it’s not like you can hit her.”

  “Easy there, grasshopper,” Kolan says, patting my head. “Let’s question her first then you can torture her with your numerous hair products.”

  Nick chuckles, finding him amusing.

  “Do you have any idea how sharp my shears are, Kolan? It could take your finger right off. So laugh it up, but sleep with one eye open, otherwise you might wake up with something missing… And that goes for you too, chuckles,” I add, looking at Nick.

  “Now don’t go and do that,” Kolan says, sitting back in his chair with a grin. “RoboCop won’t be able to wave his gun around. He’ll have to take disability and be a paper pusher.”

  Nick glares at him. “Let’s see how good you are at your job with two broken legs, asshole. And can’t you come up with anything fucking better than RoboCop? I don’t even look like him.”

  “Yeah,” I pipe in defensively. “He’s way hotter than RoboCop. He’s more like Miami Vice.” Nick’s glare swings my way. “What? I’m sticking up for you. Haven’t you ever seen the remake? Colin Farrell.” I whistle. “He’s fine but don’t worry, he’s got nothing on you.” I end with a wink.

  Kolan bursts out laughing and that’s when I lose my composure, laughing along with him. It feels good to forget about all the darkness plaguing us for a few moments.

  “Hardy fucking har,” Nick grumbles, making us laugh harder.

  Kolan stands and gives me another pat on the head. “That was a good one. I’ve taught you well.” He heads to the bathroom. “Miami Vice,” he says again, his laughter cut off when he closes the door.

  I glance back at Nick to see him looking less than amused, his hard gaze holding retribution. The thought makes my thighs clench. Getting up, I walk around the table to him. “Oh don’t be mad, Nicky Boy,” I coo, knowing I’m heading into dangerous territory.

  Hiking my jean skirt up enough to straddle him, I gasp when he hauls me down with lightning speed, situating me over his hard cock. “Do you have any idea what that smart mouth does to me, Katelyn?”

  He lands a hard slap to my bare ass. A harsh breath tumbles past my lips, trailing off on a whimper as I grind down on him.

  One hand wraps in my hair, tilting my head back, as his other hand soothes the sting. “Jesus, what the fuck you got on under here?”

  “Mmm, wouldn’t you like to know?” I try to be a smartass but it comes out all breathless and needy.

  He grabs the lace of my thong and tugs so the center of my panties slide against the bundle of nerves throbbing for attention. “I think you want me to find out.” His teeth begin nipping the delicate skin on my neck. “You like what I did to you last night, baby? Liked it when I had my dick in your sweet little ass?”

  “God yes,” I whimper, his filthy words almost enough to make me come.

  “That’s what I thought,” he growls, before pulling me in for a searing kiss. It’s rough and so incredibly hot; it sends my already heated blood into a frenzy.

  Our passion comes to a screeching halt when there’s a knock on my door.

  “Katelyn? It’s Faith.”

  Tensing, I look down the hall to see Kolan still in the bathroom. “Shoot!” I jump off Nick, righting my skirt then hurry to the door, glad it was her interrupting us and not my brother.

  That would have ended very badly.

  Gathering a deep breath, I open the door to see it’s both Faith and Cade. “Hey, guys!” I greet them cheerfully, hoping Kolan hears me.

  “Hey,” Faith says, and waits for me to invite them in. I try to think fast, not wanting to hurt their feelings, but know Kolan doesn’t want anyone else to know right now.

  “Can we come in?” she asks.

  “Actually, Nick and I were just going to head out and—”

  “Hey, Miami Vice, maybe you can…” Kolan trails off when he sees me at the door. “Shit!”

  Faith gasps and pushes her way past me. “Oh my god, Kolan!” She runs and jumps on him the same way I did last night. “I’m so glad you’re okay. We’ve been so worried.”

  Faith is probably the only other person, besides me, who could do this to him. Kolan doesn’t like to be touched and definitely no affection, but he has a soft spot for her. However, his reception is still uncomfortable and awkward.

  “I’m fine. Well other than the fact someone is trying to fuck me over.”

  Faith steps back. “I hope you know we didn’t believe it for a second. I knew you’d never do something like that.”

  “Thanks. Nice to know there were at least a couple people who did.”

  “Cooper know you’re here?” Cade asks, walking in.

  Kolan visibly tenses, his eyes narrowing. “No, and he’s not going to.”

  I clear my throat, trying to break the tension. “Why don’t you come sit down and we’ll explain everything.” It’s clear Kolan isn’t happy about my invitation, so I rush to reassure him. “It’s okay. We can trust them.”

  “You can,” Faith adds. “Cade will keep this to himself if that’s what you want.”

  You can tell he’s nervous to trust them but relents with a nod and follows us into the kitchen. I’m the one who gives them the rundown with Kolan and Nick adding in when needed. I even tell them about my father but leave out the photos. It’s something I’m not ready for anyone to know, including Faith. She and her parents already harbor so much guilt over Kolan’s and my upbringing, I don’t want her feeling responsible for this, too.

  By the time I’m done, Faith is crying and hugging Kolan. “I’m sorry this is happening to you, but we’ll figure this out. You have our support.”

  “Thanks,” Kolan mumbles, shifting uncomfortably.

  “I still don’t understand why you won’t go to Cooper with this information,” Cade says.

  “Because if I do go he has no choice but to arrest me, and once he has me behind bars I’m fucked. I won’t ever get out. Not with the evidence they have. His hands are tied and his station can’t be trusted. Just look at what happened to Knight because of that dirty fucking cop.”

  “That had nothing to do with him.”

  “Maybe not, but it was still his officer. Look at
how many people were caught up in that shit. I don’t trust anyone. Not when it comes to my freedom.”

  Cade finally backs off. “Fair enough.”

  “So what do we do?” Faith asks. “What’s the first step?”

  Nick is just about to say something when his phone rings. He looks at the caller ID before answering. “Stone.” His eyes move to Kolan as he listens on the other line. “What?” The tone in his voice puts us all on alert. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be down soon,” he says before hanging up.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “That was Cooper,” he says, surprising me. “He has the two guys from the shoot-out in custody and they’re giving confessions.”

  “What?” Kolan and I say at the same time.

  “I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I told him I’d come down. Why don’t you guys go out to their place since it’s close to the station.” He gestures to Cade and Faith. “I can come by after and fill you in.”

  “No,” Kolan says, dismissing the suggestion right away. “They have kids. I’m not bringing possible trouble their way.”

  “If you want to hide out that’s the safest place for you to be,” Cade says. “No one steps on my property without me being alerted. The kids can go across the way to Jaxson’s or Sawyer’s. Christopher is gone so you’re welcome to the guest house for as long as you need.”

  Kolan’s quiet as he mulls the idea over.

  I place my hand on his arm. “He’s right, it’s the safest place for you to be at the moment.”

  He’s reluctant but agrees. “Yeah, all right. Thanks.”

  “Let’s go then,” Nick says, standing. “I want to find out what the hell is going on.”

  I do too, and I hope by some miracle this is true and these people clear Kolan’s name. Then I’ll only have one more thing left to tackle to make my world right again, and that’s trying to hold on to a man who’s too scared to love anyone.



  “They’re lying,” I tell Cooper as I stand next to him, looking through the two-way mirror as the men sign their confessions. I knew it was a lie the moment they confessed to killing Vince and said the entire setup was organized by Keith Slade.


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