Captain Tanoh Ohnat

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Captain Tanoh Ohnat Page 5

by Frank Carey

  "There was no chance of that. Stelgar loves him too much to harm even a single hair on Kalock's head."

  "Did Kalock know?"

  "No. He was acting on something akin to instinct. He truly feels there is a better way. Once he was safely in the League, we females started making changes. Unfortunately, we did not see two of our own going rogue."

  "What will happen to Nesta and Recklesh?"

  "Since the station crew and miners weren't harmed, only detained on the planet, your League has left their fate up to me, the new ruler of the Lysan Commonwealth. Our new queen is leaning toward public service for a year. The crews of the ships were only following orders, so they'll be returned to their normal duties."

  The door to the treatment rooms opened and Tan stepped out looking fit, but tired. He saw his mother and went to one knee. "Mother! Congratulations on ascending to the throne of the Lysan Commonwealth."

  She shook her head while hurrying over to help him to his feet. "Foolish young man, give your mother a damn hug before she explodes."

  He hugged her, ignoring the pain from his wound as he concentrated on the joy he felt seeing her. "I'm gone for a few hours, and you're already breaking tradition," he said.

  "It is the Queen's prerogative to make and break rules," she informed him.

  He turned to Treena. "Captain. Did we stop a war?"

  "Nobody told you?" she said in shock. She gently took him by one arm while his mother took the other. "We really need to bring you up to speed."

  "This ship has a great cafeteria," Kalesca informed them. "Let's get you some food, shall we?"


  In one of the Cubes many lounges, Tan sat in an overstuffed chair and read a posting description for the twentieth time, yet he was unsure whether he should take it or not. It was an assignment beyond the far edge of the League where only the first smattering of explorers had gone. From the description, it sounded like Earth’s Old West where law was either served at the end of a rope or the barrel of a blaster. The Space Patrol was looking for volunteers to tame some of the wildness out of the region and replace it with some civilization.

  Things had not been going well for Tan. Since the incident at Algol IV, Tan found himself a sort of pariah shunned by both his kind and many of the people he’d almost given his life to protect. His parents suggested he return to Lysa and start a new life of obscurity in the hopes that some day his role in the affair would be forgotten. Though most of the population was relieved that the war with the League had been stopped before it had begun, there were a vocal few who felt it was their manifest destiny to rule the universe. With the help of the League, the Lysans would eventually come around, but Tan’s patience had already grown too thin for him to continue. He was looking for somewhere to go, someplace that had never heard of Kalock Stor or Tan Ohnat. His musings were interrupted by someone taking the post announcement.

  “Hey!” he said. He looked up and saw Treena holding the paper and giving him a massive hairy-eyeball look. “Still in your funk, I see. I thought we talked about this. Tan, are you listening to me?”

  Tan was too busy staring at the Lysan woman standing next to Treena. Seeing this, Treena made introductions. “Captain Tanoh Ohnat, I would like you to meet my new friend, Dr. Leesta Merser.”

  “A pleasure, Doctor,” he said as he shook her hand while continuing to stare at her. “You work here at the Cube?”

  She nodded, her hair moving in crimson waves. “I’m part of a scientist exchange program set up to share knowledge between the League and the Commonwealth. My specialty is bioengineering. Treena tells me you and her help people?”

  “We’re Space Patrol, Doctor. We help anyone in need. Do you need help with anything?”

  Treena rolled her eyes and muttered, “My gods!”

  “Actually, I need help with hunger. I’m just getting off from a twelve-hour experiment, and I’m starved. Do you think you can do something about that?”

  “I know this place up on the next level that serves beast steaks to die for. You do eat meat, don’t you?”

  A faint growl could be heard coming from the doctor. “As long as it’s flame kissed and still mooing.”

  “Wonderful. Care to join us, Captain?” Tan asked.

  “Well, I am…” she stopped when she saw Leesta waving her off with her left hand, the one Tan couldn’t see. “I’ve made other arrangements. Call me when you’re free so that we can talk about…”

  He took the announcement from her hand and threw it into a trash receptacle.

  “You two have fun,” she replied.

  She watched as the two walked off while chatting as if they were long-lost friends. When they were out of sight, Treena shrugged and headed to her quarters for a glass of wine and a nice warm bath.


  About Frank Carey

  Frank Carey has been formally writing and publishing works of science fiction since late 2013. Over the years prior, he had dabbled in various forms of writing including haiku poetry, but that all changed when he and his wife, Jo, decided to try their hand at writing and self-publishing. All his work, to date, has been in the science fiction genre.

  Most of his stories take place about two centuries in the future when Earth joins the League of Planetary Systems. Many of his protagonists are strong females. He is an inveterate pantser who believes the story will go where the story wants to go.

  Frank’s background includes degrees in physics and extensive work as a scientific programmer and technologist.

  Frank and his wife produce a podcast—Xtreme Self-Publishing—which details their self-publishing efforts.

  Frank can be reached through his podcast at or via e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected]




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