To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary)

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To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary) Page 7

by Jane Cousins

  Leaning forward she stared intently at his upper arm. “You know you have some teeth in that bite right?”

  Drum glanced down to study the wound. He couldn’t even recall being bitten. Clearing out nests was like that; frenetic with the babies and young’uns mindlessly attacking you whilst you did your best to find and take out the deadlier larger parents first. Reaching up he ran fingers over the wound feeling the lumps of little teeth burrowed deep in his flesh. Pulling his favourite blade from his boot he contemplated the angle of extraction.

  “That knife is way too big. Don’t get me wrong it’s gorgeous. What’s it made from?” Hadleigh eyed his knife like most women he knew eyed a diamond necklace.


  “Nice. Here try this.” She passed over hilt first a slim razor sharp dagger.

  He had no idea where she’d had the blade hidden but it was exactly the size he required to extract the teeth from his flesh. Hadleigh was proving an intriguing mystery, seeming to have a sharp edged weapon for every occasion. Drum briefly contemplated the idea of trying to win this warrior woman for himself. But no, Vaughn had laid claim first. Plus there was the way Hadleigh looked at him. There was no heat in her gaze when she met his eyes, not like when she watched Vaughn when his attention was directed elsewhere. Flicking the last of the Nim teeth in to his empty coffee cup Drum wiped the borrowed dagger on his trousers to clean it before passing it back.

  “This Sanctuary of yours, there are more like you?”

  “Guardians? About fifty full time another twenty or so in reserve.”

  “Actually I meant beautiful women?”

  For the first time in his presence she looked distinctly uncomfortable, giving him a wary look, not as cold as the one she’d given Nate when he’d been flirting with her but definitely on the chilly side.

  “Oh, well yes … I suppose. I do have lots of female relatives.”

  “Mmmm, tell me more about this Southern Sanctuary of yours.”

  * * *

  Hadleigh paused for a moment in the doorway of the Maat Production canteen. It was early; the sun had been up barely half an hour. She wasn’t the kind of person who needed much sleep but she generally required more than the scant three hours shut eye she’d managed. Unfortunately the timetable provided for her by Rafe had a team breakfast scheduled for six am this morning. Not that she could have forgotten thanks to the pager she’d been supplied that beeped a wakeup call followed by five minute reminders until she’d been awake enough to respond that she was on her way. She’d showered when she’d gotten back to the apartment a few hours before so all that was required was to get dressed, brush her teeth and wash her face.

  The canteen was pretty much empty, except for the long trestle table over by the windows where Vaughn and his team were gathered, breakfast trays already loaded in front of them. Keeping her head down, avoiding making eye contact Hadleigh grabbed an empty tray making a bee line for the buffet line.

  No doubt they all knew by now what had happened with Xander Marr the previous day. What must they be thinking? Did they think she spelled her own underwear? Should she tell them it was a practical joke inflicted upon her by Declan? But then they might ask when Declan had placed the spell and admitting to her epic man drought would just be the cherry on the top of this whole humiliating chapter. Better to say nothing and try not to attract attention to herself she decided taking a seat on the bench next to Flynn, which had the added bonus of being as far away from Vaughn as logistically possible.

  Vaughn had been aware of Hadleigh from the moment she’d paused in the canteen doorway. He’d read Drum’s glowing report from last night’s mission but still some kind of building pressure within his gut eased now that he had confirmed with his own two eyes that she was safe and well. Maat love her, the woman was such a distraction, he was barely aware of shovelling breakfast in his mouth until his fork hit metal. In fact it might have been empty for quite some time from the way Drum was eyeing him with silent amusement. Shaking himself he pulled his focus away from Hadleigh’s gorgeous red hair to find Marcus staring at him intently. Quickly he played back in his mind the last few minutes. Marcus had been enquiring about Xander’s health.

  “He’s fine, no concussion, just the cut on his head and a couple of bruises.”

  “We’re lucky he didn’t land on his face.” Dash mused. “Otherwise it would be lawsuit city knowing X.”

  Vaughn frowned for a moment, then shrugged. “He doesn’t seem to recall exactly what happened, he thinks he over exerted himself wrestling with Hadleigh and fainted hitting his head.”

  “What did happen?” Marcus queried.

  Out of the corner of his eye Vaughn noted Hadleigh freeze for a millisecond before continuing to finish her eggs. There was definitely something weird about the whole episode. From where he’d been standing he’d witnessed Xander reach out to adjust Hadleigh’s tank and bra straps and then within a blink of an eye the man had been flying backwards. Yet he’d swear to Maat Hadleigh hadn’t physically interacted with Xander.

  “Did you throw him across the room Hadleigh?” Flynn asked a huge grin on his face at the thought.

  Hadleigh turned her head studying him for a moment before shaking her head in bemusement. “Something like that. You’re not upset that I hurt him?”

  “Hurting him nah, killing him would have been wrong.” Flynn noted.

  “Would it though?” Dash quipped.

  Flynn ignored his brother. “But a clip on the head. It might be good for him.”

  “It couldn’t hurt.” Marcus agreed.

  “Yes but now he’s bound to harp on about the whole thing ad nauseum.” Nate added.

  “Any change in topic other than the man’s love affair with the mirror will be well received.” Marcus shook his head in exasperation. “The other day he asked me if his pores were too large.”

  “Too large for what?” Dash asked frowning.

  Marcus shrugged. “No idea but I pulled the old standard and he ran off muttering about booking in some time with a beauty therapist.”

  “What’s the old standard?” Hadleigh smiled, beginning to relax and enjoy the banter.

  Rafe directly across the table from her provided the answer. “Whenever the good Professor asks us a grooming question we stare at the area in question, act surprised, kind of worried and then say something reassuring but in a really fake sincere way.”

  “It usually sends him bolting for the nearest mirror.” Marcus finished.

  Their laughter was abruptly cut off as Flynn howled with pain, raising his hand to stare in horror at the fork now protruding from it.

  “Oh Goddess.” Hadleigh muttered curses under her breath as dread flooded her. What had she just done? What was she still twelve? “Oh Flynn, I’m so sorry. I have three brothers … not that that’s much of an excuse but trust me, dinner time at my place is like war. You protect what’s on your plate at all costs.”

  Goddess shoot her she was babbling.

  Flynn yanked out the offending piece of cutlery and grabbed his napkin, using it to staunch the flow of blood. Hadleigh wanted to sink into the ground and disappear. She wanted to scream and preferably kill something. Everything had been going so well. They’d gotten past the whole almost killing Xander with good humour and then she had to go stab Flynn in the back of the hand just because he’d been trying to filch a pancake from her plate.

  Okay, so realistically what harm had she done? She’d offer to pay for the medical costs, pack her duffel and head home to wrangle invisible sheep. No harm, no foul. Except then she wouldn’t see Vaughn again. Goddess why did that thought send pain ripping through her gut? Chancing a glance up the table she found all eyes directed her way, their expressions all identical. Each of them was shaking their head looking vaguely disgusted. Except now that she really looked their focus wasn’t on her but on Flynn.

  “Flynn.” Drum barked. His tone causing Hadleigh to freeze in her seat instead of making a run for the door
. “Apologise now for disrespecting our guest.”

  Wait, what? Apologise to her? But she’d stabbed him. Turning she found a sheepish Flynn looking at her with contrition in his green edged hazel eyes.

  “Hadleigh, please accept my deepest, sincerest apologies. My actions were thoughtless and your reaction was understandable. Hopefully you will deem my injury punishment enough for my crime.” He held up his napkin wrapped hand, blood staining some of the material. “But if you do not deem that punishment fit for the crime I await your judgement.”

  A hush fell over the table, Hadleigh wanted to fidget, she hated being the centre of attention and right that minute she knew every man at the table had his focus on her, waiting for her reaction. Buying some time she took a small sip of her orange juice, praying to the Goddess above for dignity and grace. Two more things her brothers had repeatedly stated she lacked. Replacing her glass she looked to Flynn. “I accept your apology Flynn if you would accept mine in return. I may have overreacted in my rebuke when a simple no would have sufficed.”

  “Not at all kind lady.” Flynn dipped in his head in an old world manner. “You are a gentle breeze of justice.”

  Hadleigh rolled her eyes. “Okay now you’re laying it on a bit thick.”

  Flynn grinned, the mischief back in those hazel eyes of his. “Gentle breeze a bit too far?”

  “Seriously.” Hadleigh laughed. Relieved the others at the table had taken their focus off her and were once more concerned with finishing their breakfast. “You must apologise a lot huh, you’re pretty good at it.”

  Flynn waggled his eyebrows. “I’m good at many, many things Red.”

  Hadleigh suppressed a sigh letting the nickname pass; at least it was kinder than the ones her brothers assigned to her. “Here let me see your hand.” She grabbed his big hand unwrapping the napkin, using a clean edge to wipe away the smear of blood on the back of his hand to find the four holes already scabbing over. “Wow, you guys heal fast.”

  “The bigger the wound the more time it takes but this shouldn’t cause me any problems.” He flexed his fist open and closed a few times. “Still hurts a little though, want to kiss it better?”

  Hadleigh couldn’t help but laugh at the faux hopeful look that Flynn shot her. “It takes a lot to shoot you down doesn’t it?”

  “I’m just waiting for the right woman to come along and tame my bad boy ways.”

  Hadleigh laughed again. Flynn was flirting with her but it was done with no real intent that for the first time in what felt like forever she actually felt comfortable engaging in banter with a member of the opposite sex.

  “You could be that woman Hadleigh.” Flynn batted his long eyelashes at her.

  Hadleigh shook her head in bemusement of the male species. “I knocked you to the mat and now I’ve stabbed you in the hand, surely that puts me out of contention?”

  “If anything it puts you in the lead.” Again he waggled his eyebrows. “Sort of like foreplay for those who like to play rough.” Flynn leaned forward lowering his voice. “Do you like to play rough Hadleigh?”

  Any other man asking her that question would have received another piece of cutlery through the hand but it was Flynn. Funny, mischievous Flynn, who reminded her way too much of Declan for her to take seriously. It was novel for her to feel comfortable enough to reciprocate in kind to his teasing. Freeing in fact to punch Flynn hard in the upper arm, causing his entire upper body to sway sideways under the impact. A look of surprised pain and amusement crossing his face as he clutched at his now numb arm.

  “Sure I like it rough Flyboy. But somehow I’m not sure you’re capable of handling what I can dish out.”

  A loud bang sounded at the far end of the table causing Hadleigh to shift her attention immediately to Vaughn. He was glaring down the table at her and Flynn. Around her the table had gone quiet, all the men giving Vaughn their undivided attention. Damn the man was even sexier when he was angry. Those eyes of his had turned a dark liquid gold that made her stomach twist and her knees wobble, thank the Goddess she was sitting down.

  “Okay enough with the fun and games.” He sent that scowl pointedly in her and Flynn’s direction.

  Perhaps he was still upset with Flynn for disrupting the breakfast earlier or perhaps her for stabbing his friend. Blanking her features she accorded him all her attention. His rebuke was understandable. She was here to do a job, not make friends or joke with his men. Attentively she listened as Vaughn ran through a series of updates on the previous day’s missions, then listed the proposed sites for the episode to be filmed later in the week. Both Rafe and Marcus made notes on their tablet computers whilst everyone else remained respectfully quiet and attentive. Then Vaughn ran through the list of assignments scheduled for today. At the end of which he lifted his head and with a dark look issued a challenge. “Any problems?”

  Rafe lifted his head. “We need to swap the pairs around. I’ll take Hadleigh for the day you need to meet with Michael to discuss next year’s budget.”

  “Surely that can happen another day?” Vaughn’s scowl actually blackened.

  Rafe seemed unperturbed, shrugging. “Michael’s flying to London tonight to discuss the syndication deal. If you don’t touch base with him today we lose almost three weeks.”

  Vaughn sighed, running a frustrated hand through the silken mass of his white gold hair. Hadleigh could sympathise, running Maat Enterprises along with the team’s work for Maat must be a heavy burden on Vaughn’s shoulders. That’s why she kept things simple instead of moving into an office based role at the Sanctuary, plus she really really liked to behead things; hardly an activity conducive to a corporate role.

  “Fine.” Vaughn conceded, though his tone seemed to say it was anything but. “Rafe you and Hadleigh tackle that problem in New York. I’ll grab Michael and get the budget squared away.”

  Rafe sent Hadleigh a charming smile, his forest green eyes dancing with amusement. “Excellent, I’ve been hearing great things about you Hadleigh, I can’t wait to get you out in the field and see the magic in action.”

  Hadleigh dipped her head slightly at the compliment. She would have preferred to have spent the day with Vaughn but at least this way with Rafe she’d be able to focus on the job at hand and not make a fool of herself. Rising to her feet she made to follow the rest of the team.

  “Just a moment Hadleigh.”

  She turned to find Vaughn still scowling. Double damn if he didn’t stop looking so angry and downright edible she was going to throw herself at him and rip that tight t-shirt and fatigue pants right off the man. “If this is about my underwear don’t worry it won’t happen again.”

  His scowl changed instantly to a perplexed confused look. “What?”

  Darn, so that wasn’t what he’d wanted to talk about. “Sorry, I thought you wanted to talk about what happened to Xander.”

  “Well … maybe we should since we’re on the topic.”

  “It was supposed to be a joke. My apprentice put a spell on my underwear. First person who touches it, wham.”

  “That was some spell.”

  “Yeah.” She shifted uncomfortably. “There’ll be ramifications don’t worry, someone could have gotten seriously hurt. It won’t happen again trust me.” She felt suddenly warm as Vaughn’s eyes instinctively dipped to the v of her top. Discussing her underwear with him was making her hotter than Hades, time to shift the conversation along, grab a cold shower and hit the road. “So what did you want to talk about?”

  “Flynn.” The scowl was back.

  She couldn’t keep the guilty look off her face. Damn she knew she wasn’t going to get off lightly for stabbing him. “I don’t need a lecture I feel guilty enough.”

  The perplexed expression once more flashed across Vaughn’s face before settling back into the scowl. “Well see it doesn’t happen again. And if you must do it find somewhere private.”

  “What?” Hadleigh was now the one feeling perplexed. “You want me to stab him with
cutlery somewhere more secluded?”

  “I don’t care about the stabbing.” Vaughn yelled and if anything it turned Hadleigh on even more. “I’m talking about the flirting, take it elsewhere.”

  “I wasn’t flirting.” Hadleigh’s back came up ramrod straight in angry defiance. “I don’t flirt. I never flirt.”

  “I know what I saw.” Vaughn took two steps closer to her, the muscles in his jaw working hard to unclench before he pulverised his teeth.

  Hadleigh took a couple of steps forward of her own, bringing her almost nose to … well chest with him. That was a new experience for her in itself, having to look up to a man. “Flynn was flirting with me.”

  “You were flirting back, I know what I saw.” He was breathing heavy, his eyes looking like pools of melted gold they burned so hot.

  “I was not flirting.” She inched even closer, her eyes the colour of storm clouds. “I couldn’t have been flirting.” So close now the tips of her breasts rested against the material of his t-shirt. “I don’t even know how to flirt you idiot!”

  They grabbed for one another simultaneously, bodies moulded together, his mouth coming down on hers, hard and insistent. Yet she didn’t shrink from him, rising up on her toes to push back, giving as good as she got.

  She couldn’t keep the moan from escaping as liquid heat pooled between her legs. And that was all Vaughn required, that small needy sound of acknowledgement to wrap his arms even tighter around her, wedging her back against the table, pushing her legs apart to fit his lower body snuggly against hers.

  The feel of his hard length rubbing against her hot needy core made Hadleigh ache for release. For a moment all her problems, all her deficiencies when it came to men dropped away. She stopped worrying and she started enjoying; the masculine smell of him, the taste of him, the feel of his heated skin through the thin material of his t-shirt and the hard planes of all those muscles. Goddess she loved that he was taller than she, that his strong arms held her with a promised strength that they wouldn’t bruise or break under her touch. It was a heady feeling, unlike any other previous encounter she’d shared with a man.


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