To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary)

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To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary) Page 13

by Jane Cousins

  Vaughn accepted the glass of wine she handed over taking a seat on the sofa whilst Hadleigh absently toed off her sandals and curled up in the big armchair opposite.

  “So magic powers the grid?” Vaughn mused.

  “Not exactly … sort of.” Hadleigh issued a small groan and took a large gulp of wine. “If you must know, sex fuels the grid.”

  “Say again?”

  “You’ve seen it for yourself, my parents just now. They are like that twenty-four seven. It’s why my brothers and I moved out of home as soon as we were able.”

  “So your parents having sex fuels the grid?”

  Hadleigh blew out a shaky laugh. “Not just them, all the meld match couples. To be honest I’m single and I try not to think about it too closely. All I know is that my parents and all the other couples go at it like rabbits and the resulting friction, um, energy, I don’t know feeds the grid.”

  “Wow.” Vaughn thought through the implications. “How do I get in on this action?”

  Hadleigh laughed. “Find a nice sanctuary girl and meld with her. The stronger the meld between you the more energy the grid supplies but the more it needs in return. My parents have a gold meld match, that’s the highest ranking so you can imagine, never a dull moment in my house growing up.”

  “Wow … so how does a melding work?”

  Hadleigh shook her head taking another sip of her wine. “Family secret.”

  “Maybe I’ll ask your mother next time I see her, I’m pretty sure she likes me.”

  “Suck up.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be honest. I’m pretty sure your mother would have been nice to any friend you bought home.”

  “You mean any potential baby daddy I bought home.”

  “I think you do her an injustice. She’s worried about you. One way for her to channel her fears is into the whole grandchild mission.”

  “My mother? Worried about me?”

  “You’re a family enforcer. You have a dangerous job, much more so than your brothers. There’s real fear for you in her eyes when she looks your way.”

  “All she fears is that I’ll end up single and barren.”

  “Now that I’ve met your brothers I can see why you’d be so defensive but trust me your mother worries about you. Maybe she thinks if you have a meld match and children you’ll settle down.”

  Hadleigh snorted softly. “My father is a warrior it never stopped or slowed him down.”

  “Yeah but I bet he grew more careful once he had your mother and you in his life. You should ask him some time.”

  Thunder boomed outside, rain splattering the glass windows. Hadleigh contemplated what Vaughn had said as she stared into the rapidly approaching bottom of her glass. Where had all the wine gone? Draining the dregs she reached for the bottle and re-filled her glass before handing the bottle over to Vaughn. Settling back into her chair she found herself smiling, then laughing.

  “What?” Vaughn looked her way.

  “My brothers.” She laughed again. Outside lightning sizzled past the window, it made Vaughn jump and think of Gunther Valhalla for a moment. “I especially like the pea in the eye. Poor Locke thought he’d be safe from your suddenly clumsy ways across the table, but bam, flying green ball of pain.”

  “Well I had to do something. I couldn’t believe you’d just sit there and take all that abuse without retaliating.”

  Suddenly the smile was gone from Hadleigh’s face and she shifted in her chair looking uncomfortable. “Well it’s late. That’s the problem with the time difference between here and Australia.” She gave him a pointed look. “You should get going.”

  Vaughn cast a pointed glance at his recently refilled glass. “No I can say a little bit longer.” Vaughn decided changing the topic might be in his best interests. “So about our non-date. I’m thinking tonight … well later today. I’ll pick you at six.”

  For a moment Hadleigh looked puzzled before slowly shaking her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Six o’clock pick up or the non-date?”

  “Either. Look I only have three more weeks, then I’ll be back at the Sanctuary on the other side of the world and you’ll be here.” She shrugged awkwardly. “Why bother?”

  Vaughn laughed. “Maat you’re a piece of work. So like I was saying six o’clock, wear something casual, jeans maybe.”

  He just kept gazing at her intently until she groaned and agreed. “Fine, yes six o’clock but if we’re going on a non-date there need to be some rules.”

  Vaughn laughed. “Why does that not surprise me? Okay what are these rules?”

  “No flowery compliments, no holding hands, no touching, no kissing, no…”

  Vaughn held up his hand cutting her off. “I get it. Don’t worry, leave everything to me, I have a plan.”

  As lightning flashed outside so did his golden eyes. Why suddenly did Hadleigh feel that she’d just sprung the trap Vaughn had laid out especially for her? Eyes narrowing with suspicion. “Okay but the moment you break one of the rules the ... non-date is over, agreed?”


  Chapter Fifteen

  “You know you could have stopped me from falling in.” Hadleigh groused as she wrung out the bottom of her tank top, the stream of water joining the puddle that was rapidly growing at her feet.

  Vaughn stood back, arms crossed over his chest, taking a moment to enjoy the way her top now clung to her like a second skin. It made his mouth water at the thought of tasting and playing with those erect nipples clearly outlined by the soaking top and bra beneath. “Well I didn’t want you to misconstrue my actions. You might have said I was trying to hold your hand and we couldn’t have that could we?”

  Hadleigh scowled at him. He’d been like this from the moment they’d entered the amusement park gates, throwing her non-date rules back in her face at every possible juncture.

  The last straw came as they exited the cannonball mountain ride. A group of overexcited teenagers had brushed past knocking Hadleigh into the pool of water at the ride’s base. Vaughn hadn’t even offered her a hand to help her out of the water.

  Glaring at him she squelched over to take a seat on a nearby bench, yanked off first one sneaker then the other to empty them of water. “Then according to the rules you shouldn’t be staring at my boobs.”

  “I don’t remember looking being one of the rules and seriously, I’d have to be in my grave not to be looking … where I’m looking right at this moment. I’m still a man.”

  “This was a mistake. We should leave.”

  “You’re trying to tell me you’re not having fun? So you’re a little wet, it’s a warm night, five minutes time you’ll be dry.”

  “You told me I throw like a man.” She hissed, wincing a little as she pulled her damp sneakers back on.

  “Are you still harping on that?” He took the empty seat next to her. Glancing up to watch as the next log full of happy people shot out of the mountain and down the water slide sending a plume of water splashing out. “You said no compliments and you knocked all those bottles over, so I just stated a fact.” He glared hard at two men walking by who paid a little too much attention to Hadleigh’s wet top. At the sight of Vaughn’s hard gold death stare the two quickly averted their eyes and picked up the pace to scurry out of sight.

  “You’re still going to cling to that lame argument?” She huffed, sitting back to let the balmy night air go to work on drying her jeans and top. Thankfully she’d managed not to get her hair wet. Absently she buffed dry the wide band of gold encircling her left upper arm.

  Vaughn started smiling, then proceeded to laugh.

  “What?” She asked, working hard not to notice the way his dark red t-shirt clung to his chest and arms.

  “You know we’re fighting like a couple on a date right?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “No think about it. I made an inappropriate comment. In my defence it was a fact. In your mind it was an insult. But
hey you didn’t leave me with much wriggle room when you said no compliments and it was pretty cool the way you knocked all the bottles over with just one ball.”

  Hadleigh rolled her eyes. “Why couldn’t you have just said it was cool?”

  Vaughn grinned. “Because I knew if I said you threw like a man you’d get all hot and bothered and I like seeing you hot and bothered.”

  Goddess, Hadleigh was surprised steam wasn’t rising from her damp clothes the way Vaughn was looking at her with hot appreciation. “So you admit trying to provoke me?”

  “I admit to nothing more than stating a fact. And as for not helping you when we came out of the water slide? How could I? Don’t think I haven’t noticed the three foot barrier you’ve invoked between us. Not one of your original rules either by the way.”

  Hadleigh fought hard not to shift uncomfortably when he flung the truth in her face. She’d been so busy avoiding the man she’d practically walked into the water on her own. She really didn’t want to explain that she’d been trying to keep her distance from him physically throughout the evening because the more time she spent with him, the greater the temptation grew to reach out and touch him.

  “I like my space.”

  Vaughn leaned over, breathing warm air against her throat sending a tingle of awareness down her spine. “Liar.”

  Averting her head she studied her jeans, pleased to note some dry patches appearing. “We should go.”

  “I think we should conduct a little experiment.”

  “What kind of experiment?” Her tone heavily laced with suspicion.

  Vaughn glanced at his watch. “We torpedo the idea of being on a non-date and for the last hour, until the park closes, we act like we’re on a date, with first date rules applying.”

  “First date rules?” Hadleigh scowled.

  “Sure you know, innocent but truthful compliments are allowed, hand holding is a must and last but not least, stolen kisses.”

  “Stol…” Hadleigh turned her head to look at him, her words instantly cut off as his soft lips descended on hers for a split second of warm gentle pressure.

  “Stolen kisses.” He confirmed in a husky voice, straightening up abruptly.

  “It...” What had she been going to say?

  “So we’re agreed then?” Vaughn smiled broadly.


  Lightning fast he grabbed her hand, stood up, hauling her up next to him. As her shoulder came to rest against his arm he leaned over and kissed her yet again. Vaughn smiled down at her, his eyes a soft gold, his white blond hair teasing the tips of his long dark gold eyelashes. “By the way I never got to tell you that you look really beautiful tonight.” He nodded his head slightly, gazing directly into her eyes. “Really beautiful.”

  “No ... I…”

  “Shut up and take the compliment.” Vaughn warned her good naturedly. “Come on. We have a lot to get through yet before the fireworks display and the park closes.”

  He turned and strode off, keeping a firm but gentle grip on Hadleigh’s hand ensuring she was tucked in right by his side.

  * * *

  “I’m starting to lose the feeling in my hand.” Hadleigh complained thirty minutes later.


  Again he leaned over and breathed the word into her ear, making her nipples harden and her breath catch. Turning his head he pressed another fast kiss against her lips before straightening. He’d been doing that a lot over the last half hour. Holding her hand, making her laugh and planting lightning fast kisses on her whenever the mood took him. And to be brutally honest Hadleigh was beginning to get fed up. She hated those kisses, hated them with a passion. Why did they have to be so hot, so sweet … so brief?

  She needed some alone time to recover. Even a few feet of distance from this irritating gorgeous man might help but would he let go of her hand? No, it was like they were welded together. Grrr, she was going to smack him soon, either that or embarrass them both by finding a dark corner of the park, throwing him to the ground and having her wicked way with him.

  “Hey, the haunted house.” Vaughn abruptly charged off, hauling Hadleigh along in his wake. “Somewhere I can get you that’s dark and secluded. Perfect first date location.”

  Goddess was the man reading her mind now? They’d almost made it to the line when a male figure broke across their path.

  “Well I’ll be damned.” Xander Marr stood there looking male model perfect yet slightly out of his element in a striped shirt and pressed blue jeans. “Fancy running into you two.” Stepping forward he shook Vaughn’s hand before leaning up to kiss Hadleigh awkwardly on the side of the jaw as she refused to bend over to give him any greater access. Unfazed Xander acted like that was perfectly normal behaviour. “Is Vaughn showing you the Atlanta sights?” Xander flashed those brilliant white teeth in a wide smile.

  “Er … yes.”

  “I’m here doing likewise with an old friend myself.” Xander looked around for a moment. “Ah here she is. Bella you have to meet Hadleigh and Vaughn, who I work with.”

  There was a high pitched squeal, a flash of pink and a girl came hurtling out of the night shadows right at Vaughn. Who instantly dropped Hadleigh’s hand to prevent the flying pink dervish from hurting herself. Hadleigh backed up a step, watching with a blank expression as Xander’s friend Bella snuggled into Vaughn.

  “I watch Xander’s show all the time, and I just…” Bella dropped her voice to a low throaty tone. “…love you.” There was a promise in those big brown eyes of hers that she would be quite happy to prove her words true.

  Hadleigh stood frozen for a moment, a small ball of anger and jealousy forming in the back of her throat, moving promptly to the pit of her stomach. Threatening to bring the slice of pizza she’d had earlier back up.

  Bella was everything she wasn’t; petite, trim but shapely without bordering on stripper curves, long blonde hair, cupid bow mouth and big brown eyes filled with adoration fixated currently on Vaughn. No doubt the pink sun dress wearing midget was as sweet as molasses as well. Without question she would know how to flirt, how to act coy, tease and please a man whilst being able to attain her own personal pleasure.

  “Isn’t she perfect for Vaughn?” Xander’s words echoed her own thoughts as he took a step closer and clasped her elbow. “I had a feeling they’d get along, just call me match maker. Hey were you guys on your way to the haunted house? Us too. Shall we?”

  Hadleigh gave Vaughn a last shuttered look before letting Xander lead her towards the end of the line waiting for the haunted house. Any excuse really to turn her back on the nightmare of watching Vaughn realise he’d just met the woman of his dreams.

  * * *

  Maat help him, Xander’s friend was like a pink limpet mine. Every time he tried to detach a limb she managed to wrap another one around him. Who wrapped their legs around a strange man? Looking for help he glanced Hadleigh’s way only to see her give him a stony blank expression before wandering off, letting Xander lead the way. Vaughn’s eyes narrowing in on the hand Xander had clasped around Hadleigh’s elbow.

  Grabbing Bella by the waist, he pushed carefully but firmly until she was forced to let him go. Hanging limply in the air he gently placed her onto the ground.

  “I’m here with someone.” He pushed past her. “Nice meeting you.”

  He caught up with Xander and Hadleigh as they took their places in the line. Sidling in next to Hadleigh he caught her reluctant hand in his, pulling her ever so gently away from Xander’s grasp.

  “Where’s Bella?” Xander asked, startled at Vaughn’s sudden appearance.

  “No idea.” Vaughn shrugged off, unhappy to note Hadleigh was now determinedly avoiding eye contact with him.

  “Uh…” Xander paused, then smiled. “I’ll be right back. Save us a spot.”

  “Hadleigh.” Vaughn leaned over to nuzzle her ear.

  She tried to move away but Vaughn refused to let her go, turning her head, her eyes now a dark and stormy
grey glared his way. “Let me go.” She ground out in a soft urgent whisper.

  “Never.” Vaughn rested his forehead against hers.

  Hadleigh pulled her head back. “Look I’m perfectly content to find my own way home if you want to spend time with … someone else.”

  “Now why would I want to do that when I have you?” Vaughn crowded in closer forcing her to back up a step, then two. “Unfortunately fans are part of the job. We try and keep our identities private but that’s proving harder and harder with YouTube and the internet. They can be a little intense sometimes, just like back there. But it doesn’t mean anything. I would have been happier shaking the girl’s hand. She’s the one who threw herself at me and you were no help.”

  Hadleigh could tell by the way those gold eyes focused so intently on her that Vaughn was telling the truth. She couldn’t help but laugh in bemusement. “Me, what was I supposed to do?”

  “Protect me?”

  Hadleigh laughed again, feeling the tension and jealousy that had settled in her gut unravel. “She’s half your size and you need me to protect you, right.”

  “To be honest women that size scare me. I always think I’m going to step on them or something.”

  “And you don’t think I feel the same? She’s half my size as well.”

  “Yeah but you won’t get into trouble for putting your huge hands in the wrong spot when you try to push her away.”

  “Did you just call my hands huge?”

  Vaughn laughed softly lifting up the hand he was holding and planting a warm kiss on her palm. “You? No way. Your hands are slim, delicate and the thought of them on me….”

  The rest of what he was about to say was cut off as Xander with Bella in tow shoved in next to them in the line.

  “Hey guys we’re next.” Xander beamed, hustling them forward towards the waiting four seater car.

  “I just love haunted houses.” Bella’s eyes were fixed on Vaughn. “Snuggling up to a big strong man for protection.


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