To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary)

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To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary) Page 19

by Jane Cousins

  “Don’t worry Darling I know what you need.”

  He gripped her hips starting to thrust hard and fast and Goddess it felt good, she knew she was breathing his name over and over but couldn’t seem to stop herself. Maybe she could just reach down herself and … it was like Vaughn knew what she was up to, practically picking her up now and slamming her down, once, twice … please oh Goddess yes.

  She was coming, he was coming. She swore she saw the inside of the sun. Everything suddenly seemed so bright and then the light was splintering and she could smell clearing ozone as if a summer storm had just blown through. Sitting up properly, she rested her sweat soaked forehead on Vaughn’s shoulder, gasping for breath, feeling kind of naughty at the idea that he was still inside her.

  “So…” Vaughn caught his breath, hugging her in close, revelling in the way her body moulded to his so perfectly. “Last few things on the list. Too emotionless - not with me. Too cool - I don’t think so. Too silent - well maybe a little but you just need to get into the habit of telling me everything that goes on in that gorgeous noggin of yours, because whatever it is I want to hear it. Too scary – yeah, but in a really good sexy way. I love your smile, I like that you don’t bestow it meaninglessly or casually, it makes it that more valuable when you do. Same goes with your laugh … though I should probably warn you my cock gets hard when you do, so laugh at your own risk.”

  The very thought made her laugh and as good as his word his cock twitched inside her … hmmm.

  “And last but not least, not feminine enough - I don’t want some fragile hothouse flower. I want you Hadleigh Valhalla. Warrior, ninja, bad-ass angel in shit kicker boots.”

  Hadleigh with her forehead resting against his hot biteable shoulder couldn’t help but laugh in sheet delight at his description of her. And as he’d forewarned there went that twitch again.

  Vaughn tightened his grip on her hips. “I told you what happens when you laugh. Just know you bought this on yourself.”

  She lifted her head, biting her lip to keep from smiling as she stared into those liquid pools of gold. “Duly noted.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Hadleigh blinked as the morning Atlanta sun hit her in the face. Strange when only minutes before she’d been home, in her bedroom at the Sanctuary watching the moon rise. Vaughn lying naked in the bed beside her, the gold glints under his skin dancing under the moon’s light. Lying on his stomach, his arms flung wide the man slept deep and heavy. He hadn’t awaken when she’d slipped out from under him to grab a shower, nor did he stir when she got dressed.

  It wasn’t like she begrudged the man his rest, he’d proven tireless earlier, nothing able to blunt his enthusiasm for ensuring that every doubt she’d ever harboured about not being a sexual being was blown out the water … and then some.

  She had been tempted to strip and climb back between the sheets with him but the frantically blinking red light on her pager had to come first. Studying Drum’s increasingly urgent messages she’d high tailed it back to Atlanta only pausing long enough to leave Vaughn a note, propping it on the pile of his clothes she’d picked up from the floor and folded into a neat pile. Wow, she really must be gone on the man if she were willing to pick up after him.

  “Hey.” Drum looked up to study Hadleigh as she entered the equipment room. “You look…”

  Hadleigh’s eyes narrowed in warning.

  Drum laughed a deep joyful bark. “I was going to say well rested but now I’m tempted to say something entirely different.”

  Hadleigh smiled. “Just because you’re taller than I am don’t think I can’t knock you on your ass.”

  Drum slid a few more knives into the pockets of his vest. “I saw that love tap you gave Flynn the first day you arrived, bring it little girl.”

  Hadleigh couldn’t help but laugh. “Little girl?” She shook her head in wonder. Outside of Valhalla she’d never thought to find a place where she would be deemed ‘little girl’. “So what’s up?”

  “No Vaughn?” Drum looked behind her.

  “I couldn’t...” Thank the Goddess she didn’t blush. “Couldn’t wake him, I left a note.” Hadleigh glared at Drum daring him to make a crack but all the big man did was send her a huge approving grin.

  “Then I’ll just take you along, grab some gear.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’ve had multiple reports of trouble here in town.”

  “You think it’s got something to do with Xander’s disappearance?”

  “I don’t know but the police ban is going crazy with reports of weird pranks that are currently being attributed to some as yet unknown band of college students. But you and I know if something sounds crazy it probably falls into our realm to deal with. There’s trouble downtown, mid-town and out by the airport. I’ve already sent the others out, you and I’ll head for the airport.”

  Hadleigh nodded, grabbing a vest. “Okay let’s go.”

  “Weapons?” Drum frowned.

  She held out a hand a broadsword magically appearing. “I’m good.”

  Drum smiled approvingly. “Yes you are little girl. Come on. Vaughn can man the command post when he drags his sorry butt out of bed.”

  * * *

  Hadleigh released her white knuckled grip on the dashboard as Drum pulled his black Viper to a stop behind a row of warehouses.

  “You okay?’ He asked finally acknowledging her frozen in terror state.

  “You could have warned me.” She clenched her fists a couple of times to get the blood moving to her fingers once more.

  “What can I say, Maat is the wings beneath my wheels. We’re here and we’re alive, quit your whining.”

  They exited the car and stood surveying their surroundings, looking up as a plane banked overhead, engines roaring, its low passing ruffling Hadleigh’s hair. So much for being able to hear where their quarry might be, at least when they did track them down creeping up on them wouldn’t be an issue. She watched as Drum lifted his head and breathed in deeply …. scenting the air? His head swivelling back and forth.

  “Xander’s here, that way.” He pointed left. “And I’m getting traces of Serena that way.” He pointed to the right. Pulling out his radio he tried to contact the others. “Nothing … you?”

  Hadleigh shook her head; likewise her radio was all static. Perhaps being this close to the airport control tower was interfering with their signal. “We shouldn’t waste time waiting around. We don’t know who has him and how much damage they may have inflicted. You go after Serena, you know her and I don’t, you’ll be quicker to gauge what’s what.”

  Drum nodded, a wry smile twisting his lips as he surveyed the huge rows of warehouses and the general air of abandonment lingering in the air. “It smells like a set up.”

  Hadleigh nodded, grinning. “Doesn’t it just.”

  Drum laughed softly. “Vaughn is one lucky man. Okay let’s go. We’ll meet back here in twenty. If you need help, whistle.”

  Drum set off at a fast pace. When he’d tasted the air Serena’s scent had been faint, as if she’d already been and gone. But still he needed to check it out, despite the mystery surrounding her disappearance Drum didn’t think for one second that Serena was behind all their troubles, if anything his gut was telling him she was neck deep in this thing herself.

  Entering the warehouse where her scent was strongest he moved from shadow to shadow, his eyes searching both the floor and the ceiling for any imminent threat. Ducking behind several rows of crates he finally came to a spot that reeked of Serena. Nothing, except a broken crate with its contents spilled across the floor, bathroom fittings and sawdust. Drum took a deep breath trying to get a fix on who else might have been there but the smell of sawdust was all but over powering. Wait, there, a tiny piece of rope, getting down on his hands and knees he sniffed, Serena. Rope? Why the broken crate? Had there been a fight? Moving over to the crate he studied the broken edges of wood carefully, yes there, a minute trace of blood. Taki
ng a sample of air, he reared back. The blood belonged to Xander, perhaps who ever had Xander had taken Serena as well. Maat, just what was going on here?

  Hadleigh moved cautiously further into the warehouse, the one where someone had oh so accidently left a bloodied handprint smeared on the door. Might as well put up a big neon sign, here be bad guys. It was hard to tell yet whether this whole thing was being organised by an evil genius mastermind or an incompetent ninny. Only time would tell.

  She heard a groan from somewhere towards the back of the building but didn’t rush, taking her time, looking for guards, threats or spiders … ick. Thankfully it was way too bright in here for paralyxis spiders, one saving grace. Silently she moved forward, her favourite dagger ready in her hand. Pausing at the protection of the last row of cardboard boxes she leaned cautiously forward, spying Xander tied to a chair dead centre of a cleared space. His head was down, his chin almost resting on his chest. He didn’t look too hurt, some bruises, a bit of blood. Hadleigh took one more careful look around, still no one. Worse guards ever or gilded mousetrap?

  Xander shifted his head slightly and issued a small moan. Sounded like the good Professor was regaining consciousness, perhaps he could tell her what was going on.

  Bending low she raced across to his position, kneeling beside him, lifting his head up by the hair. “Xander.” Her voice barely above a whisper. “Xander.”


  “Shhss.” She looked around, still no sign of whoever had perpetrated the kidnapping. “Okay listen carefully, I’m going to cut you loose and we’re going to get out of here.”


  Xander’s head was lolling around but there was a look of recognition in his eyes, so at least he would co-operate. The knot keeping him tied up was a simple one, Hadleigh ignored it slicing through the ropes with her faithful knife as if they were butter. No longer tied, Xander’s upper body collapsed forward onto her, Hadleigh automatically disappeared her knife so she wouldn’t accidently cut him. “I’ve got you.”

  * * *

  Vaughn didn’t appreciate waking up alone. From the moonlight filtering in through the curtains he guessed it to be early evening in Australia, which meant he’d overslept. Damn it, he flung back the sheet reaching for his clothes, now neatly folded on a plush oversized armchair, his pager and a note sitting on top. Opening the note he felt the tension that had begun to churn in his gut dissipate - ‘Drum paged, needs help. Coffee in kitchen.’

  It wasn’t a blow off note or a profusive love letter, no typical Hadleigh it was brief and to the point. He grabbed a shower first, dressed and headed downstairs to find the kitchen.

  He liked Hadleigh’s house, it reminded him of an old barn conversion he’d seen and admired once; high ceilings, wide doors, light coloured floorboards under foot and comfy furniture big enough to take a warrior’s weight. Yeah he could definitely see himself living here.

  The only thing he didn’t like was the half-naked man he found in the kitchen. It wasn’t just the man’s lack of clothing that made Vaughn see instant red. It was the fact that even as a male of the species he could tell this fucker was stunningly attractive. Lounging at Hadleigh’s kitchen table wearing nothing but runners and shorts, despite the fact he was drenched with sweat, the dude somehow managed to look styled and perfect. Magazine cover shoot ready.

  He was raising a bottle of water to his mouth when Vaughn appeared in the doorway. Gold eyes flashing heat and the promise of a quick death met amused violet eyes. The half-naked stranger ran an assessing gaze over Vaughn’s frame, strangely resulting in a pleased smile gracing his all too perfect features. That smile made Vaughn want to rip the dimples right out of the stranger’s cheeks. No man should be that pretty and no man that pretty should be half-naked in Hadleigh’s house.

  “Perfect.” The man uttered the word, climbing to his feet, approaching Vaughn his hand outstretched in greeting, the dim kitchen light highlighting his lean fit muscular frame, six-pack abs and perfect alabaster skin.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Vaughn scowled, it was all he could do not to move, not to tear, not to shred bone and muscle. He was a hair’s breath from being consumed with putrid jealously.

  “Many no doubt find the scowl intimidating but trust me after living with Hadleigh for three years nothing can…”

  His words were cut off as Vaughn sprang across the room. They wound up wedged against the refrigerator, Vaughn’s huge hand wrapped around the stranger’s throat. “One more chance pretty boy. Who the fuck are you?”

  “Uh …Uh.”

  Vaughn relaxed his grip a smidgeon of a fraction.

  “Dec … Declan … apprentice. Hadleigh’s apprentice.”

  Vaughn didn’t like the answer. This Romeo had lived with Hadleigh for three years? This was the apprentice who had be-spelled … touched Hadleigh’s underwear?

  Declan’s hand tried frantically to find some leeway in Vaughn’s grip, barely succeeding in pulling back one finger, but it was enough for him to be able to speak. “Hadleigh’s...”

  Vaughn growled, if the man said lover, he’d be a smear on the floorboards in less than three seconds.

  “Cousin. Hadleigh’s cousin.”

  Vaughn released his grip instantly, taking a step back to watch Declan slide to the floor, his back hard up against the refrigerator, one hand massaging his throat.

  “Thanks.” Declan coughed, cleared his throat and then sent Vaughn a large easy grin.

  Maat the man was strange indeed, strangle him and he looked at Vaughn like they were best friends. Feeling slightly guilty, after all the man might be mad but he was Hadleigh’s relative, he reached out a hand to help Declan to his feet.

  “You don’t like surprises?” Declan asked curiously, moving past Vaughn to grab his water bottle, chugging down half its contents in one go.

  “More like I don’t like half-dressed strange men in Hadleigh’s house.” Vaughn headed for the coffee pot, it might be dark outside but he was still on Atlanta time.

  “Actually I live in the cottage just past the orchard.” Declan waved a hand towards the back door. “But Hadleigh lets me use the kitchen and laundry.”

  Vaughn drank deeply of his coffee, thinking fast. He still wasn’t too sure about this half naked supposed cousin of Hadleigh’s who walked the dangerous precipice of being almost too good looking to live. But he forced himself to make an effort, him being family and all.

  “So you like to run?” It was more a statement of fact, what with all those lean muscles on display and just how did the guy get his six-pack to glisten like that? It was like the dim kitchen light hit Declan and strengthened, showcasing him, weird.

  Declan shrugged. “Not really but a surprisingly number of … people enjoy chasing me.”

  Vaughn sensed that instead of saying people the man really wanted to say women, in fact he seemed kind of embarrassed by the fact so that won him some points.

  “So you and Hadleigh…” Declan paused for a moment, noting the golden giant’s eyes narrowing. “Are friends?”

  “We work together.” Vaughn’s eyes alighted on a bowl of fruit, snagging an apple he bit into it. He’d worked up an appetite.

  Declan stared at him for a moment, those dark violet eyes assessing once more. Again he grinned. “Right, work colleagues. Is Hadleigh around?”

  “She had to head back early, working on a case.” Vaughn tossed the apple core in the trash and this time chose a banana. “When Hadleigh mentioned she had an apprentice for some reason I assumed you’d be ... younger.”

  Declan laughed, a husky attractive sound. “I think you were going to say a girl but no, just me. Fighting isn’t really my strong suit but in order to past the enforcer test you have to be well-rounded so Hadleigh has been doing her best over the years to get me weapon ready.”

  “You’re better at the magics I presume. I was there when your spell on Hadleigh’s bra was triggered.”

  Declan laughed. “Did you get a shock?”

  “Shock? The poor bastard went air borne, you’re lucky he wasn’t hurt worse.”

  Declan froze and for the first time looked serious. “Wait, what? Someone besides you triggered the spell and got thrown across the room?”

  “Yeah a civilian I work with. What?”

  “Who is he?” Declan was on his feet. “Where’s this guy?”

  “What’s wrong?” Vaughn’s whole body tensed.

  “The spell I put on Hadleigh’s underwear it had a double edge, if you meant Hadleigh no harm you’d get a mild electrical zap, if you meant...”

  “Her harm you’d get whammied! Maat I have to go.” Vaughn slammed down his empty coffee cup almost shattering it, leaving the kitchen at a run.

  Maat he should have seen it all along. Xander wasn’t the victim in all of this, he was the bad guy!

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Pushing from her knees, not her back, Hadleigh managed to get both herself and a groggy leaden Xander into an upright position. All the while she was on high alert, looking for any potential threat. Just why would who ever kidnapped Xander go to the trouble of hauling him out to a warehouse near the airport, only to leave him unguarded? None of this was making any sense. At least Xander appeared capable of holding his own weight now, with one hand free she called up a dagger. Catching Xander’s grin in the corner of her eye, she mentally rolled her eyes. Whatever they’d given the man had made him loopy he was smiling like a loon.

  “I’ve been waiting for you Hadleigh.”

  “Well now I’m here, let’s get you somewhere safe.”

  She grabbed him under one elbow and then turned, searching the exit path for any hindrance. Okay this might just work if Xander could watch their backs. She’d better check his pupils, make sure he was lucid enough to be useful. Under her grip Xander tensed, he’d sensed a threat, no scratch that, as Xander pulled out a small blade lightning fast from his pants pocket, the amber handle glinting dully in the dim light. Acting on instinct Hadleigh moved to block him, her hand gripping his wrist tightly.


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