To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary)

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To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary) Page 22

by Jane Cousins

  “You can’t be here.” She warned. “This is Valhalla, the true Valhalla, the gateway to my people’s version of heaven. Which if I have anything to say about it will be battlefields, blood and the eternal fight.”

  “Sounds fun.” Vaughn strode over the jewelled carpets grabbing her hand. “Let’s go.”

  “Honestly.” She huffed, trying to pull her hand back. “We’re standing at the gateway to heaven and you’re playing this game? Why not just use handcuffs to keep me by your side forever.”

  Vaughn reached over with his free hand cupping her face. The warmth of his hand felt so real … familiar.

  “If it really is heaven behind those doors then I’m guessing we can find some handcuffs there … if that’s what you want.” He grinned at her, his eyebrows waggling suggestively.

  “Vaughn you have to go back. You can’t be here.” She squeezed his hand hard to get him to focus on what was important.

  “I’m good.”

  Hadleigh rolled her eyes. “You’re dying!” She hated that thought.

  “We’re dying.” He seemed unperturbed by the fact. That smile on his face never wavering. The man really was mad.

  “How can you be dying?” That made no sense.

  “Xander shot me.”

  “Oh Goddess.” Just the thought made her gut churn.

  “It’s okay, it wasn’t that serious.”

  “Not that serious! You just told me you’re dying?”

  “I don’t think it’s the gunshot, I think it has something to do with my blood and you.” He frowned for a split second trying to recall something and then shrugged it away. He was with Hadleigh that was all that mattered.

  “Your blood?” Hadleigh muttered confused. “Oh Goddess, that’s why you’re here and glowing, you bled on me!”

  Vaughn pondered that for a moment, looking unconcerned. “Yeah that sounds right.”

  “You melded yourself to me!”

  “Cool.” He looked even happier than he already did and all she wanted to do was slug some sense into him.

  “Not cool. I’m dying and I’m dragging you down with me.”

  Moving in a step Vaughn tapped her cheek lightly. “Then don’t.”

  “Don’t? Don’t what? Die?”

  “Yeah, don’t die, come back and be with me.”

  “Oh Goddess you knew I was dying and you melded with me anyway didn’t you?”

  Vaughn shrugged. “Would you believe happy accident?”

  “You’ve been playing me from day one Vaughn as if I’d believe anything you have to say.”

  “Then believe this Hadleigh mine. Here now … whatever you choose to do, I’m with you every step of the way.”

  Hadleigh looked into those lovely gold eyes and whispered. “You’d die for me?”

  “It’s just another plane of existence right? We’d be together.”

  “You’d leave your team? Maat?”

  “For you? In a heartbeat.” He leaned down brushing a soft kiss over her lips. “Mine.” He said again, the word echoing in her head.

  “You always play dirty.” Hadleigh sighed in exasperation.

  He nuzzled his way along her cheek, planting kisses along the side of her throat. “I might stack the deck a little, but you have to know I wanted you from the very moment you walked out of that elevator. I couldn’t even see your face, just that glorious red hair and that you were tall. I think I fell halfway in love with you then and there.”

  She arched slightly, loving the feel of his lips, his warmth.

  “Then you decked Flynn and we met, I wasn’t sure what I liked more, your skills on the mat or the way you snarled at Nate when he tried to flirt with you.”

  “Like I said … insane.” She muttered before giving him a gentle shove to create some distance.

  “I’m not leaving you.” Vaughn warned, looming over her.

  Sighing deeply she turned looking towards the black double doors that still pulled at her gut, then she looked into Vaughn’s eyes and felt a stronger tug, this time in the region of her heart. Goddess darn it, she knew the first time she saw this golden god masquerading as a man he would complicate her life. Worse she was going have to suck it up and thank Great Aunt Alma for introducing them. That thought alone made her reconsider the double doors once more.

  “Well?” Vaughn squeezed her hand lightly.

  She gave him an innocent smile. “Time to wake up Vaughn.” With her spare hand she punched him hard in the jaw.

  * * *

  “You’re awake.” The feminine voice was an unfamiliar one.

  Hadleigh turned her head, gritting her teeth as knitting skin tightened and pulled. “Maat I presume.”

  Who else could it be? Dusky skin, black long hair pulled back in a plait, a serene mature beauty dressed in hot pink yoga pants and a black long sleeve wrap top. With her sitting on the side of the bed this close Hadleigh could see the Goddess’s eyes were the colour of quicksand.

  “You need to fix it.” Maat’s tone was eerily flat.

  “Which part? The one where Xander is trapped in a burial tomb, Mot and Sek the sons of Apep the God of Chaos are out there plotting to raise daddy back from the dead or the fact that Serena is incarcerated somewhere unknown by the accolades of Apep.”

  “None of those need concern you. I’m talking about Vaughn.”

  Hadleigh looked around the room. “Has he relapsed?”

  She distinctly recalled him allowing Nell to administer to his gunshot wound once Nell swore that Hadleigh was on the mend. Still he’d appeared unconvinced, every time she’d opened her eyes he’d been hovering. To the point where finally she’d had enough with being treated like an invalid made of spun glass. Insisting he go touch base with the team and grab a shower. Leaving her to rest and recuperate in peace. But instead of that she was being visited by a Goddess who was looking kind of peeved with her.

  “His wound has healed but you need to take care of him.” Maat’s tone was terse.

  “So he’s fine?”

  “He’s far from fine, take a good look at him next time he checks on you.”

  “You couldn’t give me a little hint what this is all about?”

  Maat issued a heartfelt a sigh. “Just. Look. At. Him.”

  “B..” Hadleigh looked around, where had Maat gone?

  And what was up with Vaughn that a Goddess who supposedly practiced tough love felt the need to interfere? Taking a deep breath she flung back the sheet, she still had on her tank top and knickers, that was a relief. Sitting up wasn’t as painful as she feared, nor was swinging her legs around to rest her feet on the lush carpet. It was the woozy heady feeling swamping her that was the hardest part to deal with. Losing that much blood really did take it out of a girl, thankfully as Mot had commented she was a big girl she could afford some blood loss. She needed to find Vaughn but first a quick visit to the bathroom.

  Five minutes later she was staring at her reflection in the elevator doors. Frowning not because she looked like some sort of cross between a high class call girl and a special forces reject in her black satin short robe and shit kicker boots, no what had her concerned was the update she had just received from Marcus, who’d filled her in on the team’s mission to Egypt.

  Drum had led the team into the buried tomb of Apep. They’d arrived just before sunset, intending to lay a trap for Sek and Mot. As the sun kissed the dirt all they’d found in the tomb was a catatonic Xander, drooling, eyes vacant. The sarcophagus containing Apep’s remains gone. The team had taken custody of Xander and were now on their way back to Atlanta to regroup.

  Clomping out the elevator on Vaughn’s floor, Hadleigh used the wall for support as she made her way across the foyer. She just intended to knock, have a quick glance at Vaughn as instructed by Maat and then go back to bed. Stomping around like this was giving her a mega headache. Raising her fist to knock, she changed her mind at the last second and tried the handle. Okay it was open and much quieter this way, quiet was good. Head thr
obbing, she made her way through the living room and into Vaughn’s bedroom, hmmm nice. Last time she’d been in there she’d been too embarrassed to take much notice, masculine without being too overpowering. Taking a seat on the end of the bed she faced the closed bathroom door.

  She thought about inching back and lying down but rejected that thought immediately, if she lay down right now she’d fall asleep and she didn’t want that. She needed to see Vaughn, make sure he really was alright.

  He came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair wet and golden dark slicked back against his skull whilst beads of water clung to his shoulders, chest and abs. Oh my. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the man, even woozy, with a throbbing headache he made her knees weak and heat pool between her legs. Nothing wrong except for the fact he wouldn’t look at her.

  His eyes had widened, surprise and delight lighting his face for a split second on sighting her before a blank mask had slammed down over his features. He’d even gone so far as to turn his back on her whilst he yanked open drawers in search of clothes.

  “Should you be up?”

  She stared at his back, it was a nice back, okay more than nice but what the hell was up with Vaughn? He was acting like he couldn’t bear to look at her. She didn’t respond to his question just waited him out. Finally he cast a swift glance over his shoulder, running a quick assessment from head to toe before he turned his attention once more to rummaging through the dresser. How long did it take the man to find a t-shirt?

  “The boots are a nice touch.”

  Aahhh, there was a trace of the Vaughn she knew and … loved? Yes by the Goddess … loved. “Is there a reason you don’t want to look at me?” She enquired, pushing down on the throbbing ache in her head. It was like having Big Ben knocking inside her skull.

  “I looked. I saw the boots didn’t I?”

  Okay now he was being evasive and the one thing Vaughn had never been with her was evasive, persuasive yes but not this.

  “So it’s me you don’t want looking at you?”

  Vaughn issued a laugh but it sounded hollow. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Is it? Okay then, turn around.”

  “I’m busy here and you need to rest.”

  She watched the muscles pull, stretch and play across his back, it was tempting just to walk up behind him and plaster herself to him, just the thought of it made her head pound harder. Ouch, what was up with this headache?

  “Vaughn. Turn. Around.” She enunciated every word slowly and clearly.

  “No.” He slammed a drawer shut, resting his hands on the top of the dresser as if he was exhausted. “You need to leave Hadleigh. Go get some more rest, you haven’t finished healing up yet, you look kind of pale.”

  “I’m fine … except for this pounding headache.”

  She watched as Vaughn lowered his head into his hands.

  “Yeah tell me about it.”

  Hold on, she had a headache and he did too? Oh Goddess, she was finally starting to get a clue, she’d never seen Vaughn look this pale, shaky even. Exactly like she was feeling.

  “Vaughn, turn around … please.”

  Sighing Vaughn straightened and turned, his back wedged against the dresser for support. “Hadleigh … please just go.”

  “You melded to me didn’t you? It wasn’t just a dream …Valhalla … the marble shot through with lightning. You were there and you offered to go with me.”

  “We can talk about this when you’re feeling better.”

  “Did. You. Meld. Yourself. To. Me?”

  “Yes.” He crossed his arms, looking stubborn.

  “We need to talk about it.”

  “No we don’t, you need time … to heal up … to adjust. You shouldn’t rush into anything right now, make any hasty decisions that you might regret later.”

  “Are you scared I’ll say yes or scared I‘ll say no?”

  “Yes.” He all but growled at her.

  “So you’re prepared to be a martyr through all this? You know that weakness you’re feeling, the shaking … it’s not going to get any better. The headache will go, once I get some aspirin but the rest, well nature doesn’t like it when things are only half done.”

  “I said I’ll be fine.” He managed to get out through gritted teeth.

  Hadleigh laughed softly, shaking her head. “You think I need more time to decide about you and me? No doubt you have some grand ten step plan to seduce me around to your way of thinking.”

  “I don’t want you to do anything rash. Anything you’ll regret. You were slipping away and I just knew … somewhere deep inside how to save you … how to stay with you. But I know you’re not in that same place, not yet.”

  Hadleigh rolled her eyes, pushing off the bed to stand up, waiting a moment for the room to dip, sway and then return to normal. “You’re trying to make all the decisions again Vaughn, what’s best for us, for me.” She took a step closer. “You’re really going to have to work on that.” She took another step, Vaughn didn’t look happy she was closing the distance but with the dresser at his back there was nowhere for him to go. “Otherwise.” Another step. “I’ll have to beat it out of you.” She smiled. “Although.” Another step. A dagger magically appearing in her hand. “Come to think of it I might enjoy that.”

  “Hadleigh.” He put his hands out as if to ward her off, silly man.

  She raised the dagger, using the tip to cut open a thin cut on the palm of her right hand. “Just think of all the wrestling we have in our future Vaughn.” She sent him a devilish smile. “You know I like to wrestle naked don’t you?”

  His gold eyes glowed at the thought, with him momentarily distracted she swept the dagger out, opening a shallow cut on his upper chest, smashing her right palm down on it, willing her blood into him. He arched up straight whilst Hadleigh cried out as heat then fire shot through her veins.

  It felt wonderful, on instinct she swooped in, just before her lips touched his she whispered one word. “Mine.”

  It was a hard kiss, a brief kiss, mainly because Vaughn remained stiff and frozen under her touch. Stepping back she appraised him, noted the gleam of gold returning to his skin, his eyes once more seemed bright and steady. Her job here was done, taking a few steps back towards the bed on wobbly legs she collapsed on the edge. Ignoring him now she leaned over to yank first one boot off and then the other.

  “What did you just do?” Vaughn sounded kind of upset.

  There was just no pleasing some people. She kicked the boots away. “Melded myself to you.” She contemplated trying to take off her socks but leaning over hurt her head so she decided against that. Yawning she pulled at the tie keeping her robe together.

  “Why? Why would you do that now?” Vaughn really did sound pissed, obviously his headache was gone if he could start yelling.

  Hers however was not, as she raised a hand to touch her temple, gosh she was tired. Ignoring him she turned and crawled up the bed, yanking back the sheets to climb under the covers.

  “What are you doing?”

  She yawned again, settling back against the pillows closing her eyes. Only to open them a split second later as a heavy weight dropped beside her, rocking the mattress.

  “Hadleigh.” Vaughn was looming over her, those burnished gold eyes glaring at her. “Why?”

  She smiled up at him; she liked him all intense and broody. Reaching out she laid a hand along the curve of his jaw. There was a lot she should probably say, most of all that she loved him but her head ached and her limbs shook at the effort of leaving her sick bed. “You were fading ... pining.”

  A look of horror crossed his face. “So you pity melded with me?”

  What? Her tired mind attempted to assimilate what he was asking but honestly she was too sleepy to put any more words together, let alone keep her eyes open any longer. Her last thought as she drifted off was that despite being a golden god Vaughn could sometimes be a really stupid man.

  Chapter Twent

  Hadleigh woke smiling. She felt heaps better and she was in Vaughn’s bed. All was right in the world. Had anything interesting happened? She lifted the covers, noting she still had on her tank top, knickers and passion killer socks. Oh well, there was plenty of time for the fun stuff now they were melded, they had an eternity together, well at least a hundred years or so. Where should they live? Maybe her place and he could commute. And Kids? She’d heard what he’d said to her mother but had he been telling the truth? Could he even have kids? Did she want kids; little golden haired warriors running around terrorising the neighbourhood? Funny, she thought she kind of did.

  Stretching she noted her headache had dissipated, her skin no longer felt tight in places and raw strength once more coursed through her limbs. She felt fantastic as if she could wrestle a bear, eat a whole hog and do incredibly naughty things to Vaughn's gorgeous golden body. Goddess she felt horny. Taking a deep breath she paused, whew that smell was her, she really needed out of these clothes.

  Throwing back the sheets she clambered out, no dizziness, no nothing, yeah for her. In the bathroom she stripped and got into the shower, unable to fight the smile that clung to her face as she used the body wash to clean up. Her skin felt so sensitive, needy. Even under her own touch her breasts ached and the throb between her legs, it pulsed like it was emitting radio frequencies.

  Was this what it was like to be melded or was this what it was like to want Vaughn? Perhaps both. Who would have thought 6.6ft, sturdy and curvy, red headed warrior Hadleigh Valhalla would find a man? A man like Vaughn? She had to stop smiling. She was swallowing too much water.

  She thought she’d be more angry, she who hadn’t wanted to be melded. Couldn’t in her wildest imagination ever dream of being melded. But it was Vaughn, and he made her happy, made her feel sexy, wanted and Goddess yes complete.

  Out of the shower she faced the mirror, staring at her red hair, height and too full curves and still that smile stayed in place, another first. No hairdryer in sight, she towel dried her hair, used Vaughn’s toothbrush and rubbed moisturiser over her arms and legs, marvelling at what a good job Nell had done on removing the black netting and fixing all her cuts. She kicked the tank top and knickers into a corner. They needed to be burnt. Then she grabbed the short black satin robe, tying it closed. Out in the bedroom she contemplated exchanging the robe for one of Vaughn’s t-shirts but since her mission was just to find the man and have her wicked way with him she didn’t think it mattered what she was wearing, when she found him she wouldn’t be wearing it for long.


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