Torrid Teasers Volume 35

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Torrid Teasers Volume 35 Page 1

by Susan M. Sailors, Camryn Cutler

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  Whiskey Creek Press

  Copyright ©2007 by WHISKEY CREEK PRESS

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  VOLUME 35:



  Camryn Cutler & Susan M. Sailors


  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052

  Copyright © 2007 by Camryn Cutler & Susan M. Sailors

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 978-1-59374-956-9


  Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

  Editor: Chere Gruver

  Printed in the United States of America



  "Lord of the Forest is a tale of second chances and a shot at a blissful eternity. Ms. Sailors’ sex scenes are hot, hot, hot; they make me want a werewolf of my own. The tortured relationship plot line is aptly explored and I loved the humorous quips in this tale. Enjoyable and possessing great heart, Lord of the Forest is a perfect bite of story."

  Reviewed by Michelle at FAR



  "Welcome to the House of Fun is a very unique paranormal romance, which takes place in an interesting world. Ms. Sailors’ take on hell is very imaginative, and the relationship between Lisa and Dante is hot and loving. Welcome to the House of Fun is a great way to spend your reading time."

  Reviewed by Marlene Breakfield for Mystique Books



  "Susan M. Sailors’ The Labyrinth is a fantastic love story. An inventive plot and lively characters combine for a fun loving story. Charity and Damon's sexual energy is overwhelming. Their erotic escapades will leave the reader wanting more. I wish I could pull men from my books. I want to read more of Ms. Sailors’ books."

  Reviewed by Ophelia at Erotic Escapades



  "Moonlit Magic and To Autumn are very sweet love stories. Aaron and Alexander are booth caring men deeply in love with their women and willing to allow the women to set the paths of their relationships. Gloria and Erica are kind and loving. Susan M. Sailors infuses both stories with romance and great passion. These are wonderful stories I recommend to everyone."

  Reviewed by Tara Renee at TwoLips Reviews



  "Susan Sailors writes a refreshing romantic fantasy that leaves you wanting to know what happens next. Each character was wonderfully written with precision and flare. [Night Gardening] is going to be one for my keeper shelf and I can't wait for the next installment in the series."

  Reviewed by Zollyanna at Night Owl Romance

  "Night Gardening by Susan M. Sailors is a wonderfully sweet love story. Jennifer is accepting of the new knowledge she is given. Asyan must deal with reemerging into living after years of mourning for his wife. I was touched by the emotions he feels for Jennifer and the fact that he is willing to put her needs before his own desires. Another wonderful aspect of the story is the secondary character cast. Jennifer's friends and Asyan's family round out the story to perfection adding humor to the love. Night Gardening is a well written love story that will touch every reader."

  Review by Tara Renee at TwoLips Reviews


  From author Camryn Cutler:

  This story is dedicated to my buddy Dan.

  Thanks for being such a wonderful friend.

  From author Susan M. Sailors:

  To the tour guide who inspired this story



  Camryn Cutler

  The ship rocked and the lamps swung upon their chains. The silence in the dim wardroom was nearly deafening.

  "I will send word to Barbados and you will write letters proving your identity,” Alejandro said at last.

  "If I refuse?"

  "If you refuse, I will take your lovely daughter and tie her to the mast where she will be available to any sailor who passes.” Noting the governor's horrified look, he continued, “She will not last very long. Should you continue to refuse, I will take your other, younger daughter."

  "You are a vile bastard,” the governor sputtered.

  "Give me your answer."

  "I will write the letters.” His voice was low, defeated.

  * * * *

  Alejandro had the governor escorted back to his family and opened the door to his bedroom where Isobel awaited him.

  She was seated upon his bed and he knew she'd overheard his conversation.

  "Would you really do that?” she asked bluntly.

  Alejandro removed his coat and laid it carefully over the chair, then sat.

  "Probably not, but if he thinks it so, then half of my work is already done."

  She regarded him carefully. “Probably?"

  "All right, querida, I would not take his daughters.” He smiled.

  "You frightened him; I could hear it in his voice. Are you that cruel?"

  Alejandro straightened in his chair, incensed at her questioning.

  "Isobel, it is not your place to question me.” He could see the flinty look in her eyes and wondered how long it would be before she would finally stop defying him.

  She stood near the door, motionless, waiting.

  He sighed.

  "I took the pinnace because it was English, small and unguarded. I have a particular dislike for the English, as you well know. The ship was rich, the ransom for the new governor of Barbados and his family will be richer."

  "He is right. You are a vile bastard,” Isobel said.

  "And you are a slave who acts above her station,” Alejandro said angrily. “Now go to the galley and see to our supper."

  He sat and looked at her until she finally dropped her gaze and turned, closing the door hard behind her. She stalked down the long corridor to the galley and slammed the door open, startling a cook.

  "The captain wants his supper,” she said through gritted teeth.

  Once more he'd reminded her of her status here aboard his ship. She was a slave to a Spanish pirate, taken in a raid. Once, she had been a stock trader in Manhattan, now she was his bed wench and personal slave.
A time traveler, she'd awakened from her vacation in Jamaica, not in the sumptuous hotel in which she'd fallen asleep, but in the middle of a gun battle between his ship and the city's defenses.

  Before she'd known exactly what was happening, she'd been taken.

  Isobel had been tossed in with a dozen other captives and seated upon the deck of his ship waiting for him to decide what was to be done with them. Some were sent to be sold as slaves, others were simply tossed overboard.

  When his eyes stopped upon her, a slow smile spread across his features, softening his handsome face.

  "Send that one to my quarters."

  That night nearly three weeks ago had been the beginning of an intensely physical relationship between them, and to be entirely honest, he hadn't had to force her very much. He was an incredible lover. The danger and mystery of him thrilled her like nothing she'd ever experienced.

  "If you please me, perhaps I shall free you,” he'd said that night. The thought alternately filled her with elation and dread. Freedom was what she should dream of, and she did, but at the same time, what did freedom mean for her here? Perhaps if she pleased him, he would keep her, was her silent prayer.

  Isobel did not know exactly what, if anything, he felt for her. She had tried her best to please him that much was certain, but whenever she thought he might have feelings for her he would dash those hopes to dust.

  Alejandro Garcia Ramirez was the son of a Spanish nobleman who'd been killed in a raid by the English.

  He now exacted his revenge by plundering any English ships unlucky enough to encounter his Black Angel presumably with the blessings of the Spanish crown.

  * * * *

  "Have it sent to his wardroom,” she said and left the galley.

  Isobel Carter was his slave, but she was not confined belowdecks any longer. She was free to move about the ship, but only if she told him where she would be. Tonight she decided to defy him. She was still angry and knew they would fight if she returned. She could not adjust to this world where she must be submissive at all times, and he could not understand her willfulness and independence.

  She had tried to make him understand who she was, what she was. She had tried to explain, but had not gotten very far before he was kissing her and making love to her and all thoughts of explanation were gone.

  * * * *

  Abovedeck Isobel watched the crew making repairs to the ship. The skirmish with the governor's pinnace had been short but damaging. The workmen labored to patch holes left in the bulkhead. One man would hold the boards, hammering them into place, and another would slop hot tar over them to seal the raw wood. It was hot, dirty, smelly work, and she was glad it wasn't her job.

  She sat upon a crate and watched the sea and the birds until the sun was long set and the lanterns were lit.

  Let him spend the night alone. Her feelings for Alejandro ran hot and cold and she rarely understood why. By rights, she should hate him and constantly search for ways to kill him and free herself, or perhaps she ought to kill herself.

  She shook her head at that thought.

  She'd been raised as a good Catholic, but in her heart she had always questioned her faith. She couldn't see the sense in taking her own life, especially over something like sex. She supposed part of her enjoyed this bondage, in some inexplicable way. Certainly her life was much different now.

  As though she'd conjured him, she turned her head toward the hatchway and watched him emerge. Tall, with dark hair and eyes, he moved with the grace of a man who'd spent his entire life upon the sea. He crossed the deck, observing the sailors and settling his gaze upon her.

  "Go belowdecks."


  "Isobel...” A warning tone entered his voice.

  "You can't just tell me..."

  With barely any movement, he took her by the arm and pulled her to her feet. “Get belowdecks before I raise your skirt and beat you here before everyone,” he growled.

  "Jerk,” she muttered but moved as he'd told her.

  Alejandro was close upon her heels as she descended the stairs to the walkway below, still she managed to slam the door of his wardroom on him and turned smirking at the door.

  Her smug look vanished as the door opened and crashed against the wall behind it. He advanced upon her and she turned fleeing to his bedroom where she slammed that door and threw the bolt.

  She stepped back and let out a long sigh of relief. “I'll just let him cool off for a while, then I'll..."

  The door crashed open, splintering the frame. Isobel shrieked and backed up, falling onto the bed, then scrambling back as far as she could.

  "Alejandro...” she said.

  "Do not speak,” he said, and she could see he was furious with her. “I was about to apologize to you,” he continued. “And then you decided to act like a spoiled brat."

  "How was I supposed to know...” she began and he held up a hand silencing her.

  "You childishly slam a door in my face, and then bar me from my own rooms?” His voice was soft, incredulous.

  "I'm sorry,” Isobel said.

  He lunged and grabbed her by both wrists, pulling her face down upon his bed.

  "I think perhaps a bit of discipline is called for."

  She looked up and saw his pupils nearly filled his irises, making them appear black. His accent normally soft, became more pronounced, a sure sign of his arousal.

  Alejandro reached to his bedside table and picked up a silk cord. It dawned on her that he really meant to punish her and it was then that she began to struggle in earnest.

  "Let go of me!” she yelled and he slipped the knotted cord over her wrists, pulling tightly, holding her hands down.

  "I'll scream, Alejandro!"

  "So scream,” he said. He flipped her neatly onto his lap and drew her skirts up, caressing her creamy white backside.

  "Dear God how I love your ass,” he said softly.

  Thinking he might be relenting, she relaxed a bit, then howled as the first stroke of his bare hand came down upon her skin.

  "Alejandro, you bastard ... Don't you dare!” He spanked her again and again, ignoring her cries of outrage. She could clearly feel his enormous erection between them, rubbing against her belly as she writhed helplessly upon his lap.

  "This is turning you—Ow!—on! You sadistic prick!"

  Above and out of her view, Alejandro smiled lustfully. Between each stroke and the next, he would caress her heated skin, soothing it slightly before the next blow. Finally he felt her wiggle against his lap and then rest, resigned to his next slap. He could barely wait to fuck her.

  Isobel's ass felt as though it was on fire. She knew it must be glowing red and visibly throbbing, but inside she could feel the familiar tickle of desire springing to life. She was angry as hell with him for beating her and for the way he treated her, but incredibly she was powerfully aroused.

  During the long pauses when he would stroke her sore ass, she felt the flames of desire flickering and pulsing at her core and she knew she wanted him deeply within her.

  His hand stroked and caressed her again and she steeled herself for the next blow, but instead she felt his fingers slide lower finding her wet and aroused.

  "What do you call someone who experiences pleasure from pain, Isabet, my pet?” he whispered and she shuddered. His fingers never ceased their gentle explorations.

  "Uh...” She groaned “A ... masochist."

  "Hmmm,” he said. He turned her onto her side a little and gazed down at his little captive writhing upon his lap.

  "I am sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier,” he said. “I should have explained myself better to you, although you know it is not my nature to do so."

  She nodded slowly, and while she appreciated his efforts of apology, it was somewhat lost upon her as he stroked and pinched her clit. She exhaled.

  Alejandro saw the nod and heard the lust-filled sigh; he watched her eyes slip closed in a long blink as she struggled to maintain control. It was a s
truggle she was bound to lose.

  A short pause preceded a violent shudder and she arched into a climax, whimpering quietly.

  He grinned and continued. “However, querida, I will not apologize for the spanking ... You see, I love your helpless body spread across my lap. Your struggles and cries, your soft tits pressing into my thighs...” He let his words trail off as he gazed into her green eyes, then pulled her head up into a searing kiss electrifying in its power and intensity.

  Alejandro groaned softly as she opened her mouth and yielded to him. He held the back of her neck with his left hand, while his right pulled the cord from her wrists. Kissing her deeply, he plunged his tongue into the warm cavern of her mouth to meet hers, to dance and duel, finally breaking reluctantly for air.

  Isobel's eyes were large and glassy, definitely aroused, but he could see she was still angry with him. She slid from his lap and stood looking at him for a moment.

  He didn't move but watched her as she decided what she wanted.

  She could simply turn and leave, and he would know she did not enjoy such things or, she could stay and together they would change the level of their passion.

  A small flicker of a smile touched her eyes. She drew her gaze over him and he spoke.


  With no hesitation she pulled the laces on the bodice of her gown, then those of her chemise. She let the undergarment fall to the floor and kicked it away, standing naked before him.

  "Now help me."

  He laid back and she moved to him, but rather than untying his shirt laces as he expected, she untied his breeches, releasing his rampant cock. His eyes widened slightly as she sank to her knees before him.

  She took him within her mouth and he groaned a bit at the sensation—the warm wetness, the light caress of tongue and teeth.

  He watched her head move up and down along his great shaft as she took him deeper into her throat. He reached down and pulled her long auburn hair up and back. Resting his hand lightly upon her head, he settled in to watch her suck his cock.

  Soon however, he realized she did not intend to stop until he was spent. The very thought of her being so impudent made his dick twitch and she looked up at him, knowing he knew.


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