Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)

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Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2) Page 18

by Sherry Ewing

  They had reached the stable, and a boy ran to take the bridle of Riorden’s steed. He dismounted easily and held up his hands to assist her, which she gladly accepted. Her legs wobbled beneath her, and she felt Riorden’s arms go around her to steady her stance. She rested her forehead on his chest while her fingers grabbed at the fabric of his tabard.

  “I fear you may need to support me, Riorden,” Katherine said, between clenched teeth. “I’m not even sure I can walk.”

  She found herself ever so gently scooped up into his arms then he made his way, sure-footed, into the nearby inn. How he managed such a feat with the slippery mud beneath his boots was anyone’s guess. He entered the relatively empty common room like a commanding general in the army and called for a bath for his lady then followed an older woman into one of the back rooms off the kitchen that was used, Katherine assumed, as a bathing chamber for guests.

  Katherine was set down on her feet, but before Riorden left her side, she peered into the wooden tub. Her hand flew to her mouth in disgust.

  “Please tell me, good woman, those aren’t lice floating on top of the water,” Katherine questioned repulsed.

  The woman looked into the tub as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Water’s only been used three times, milady. ’Tis still good and clean enough for ye.”

  Katherine went to Riorden and begged him to lean down so she could whisper in his ear. “There’s no way I’m putting myself in there. No offense, but even I have my standards of cleanliness. Jumping into a tub with floating lice isn’t one of them.”

  Riorden smiled slightly at her effort to get her point across and placed a kiss on her forehead. He reached into his belt for another precious coin. Again it was flipped with amazing accuracy. “Bring a clean tub and fresh water to my chamber for my lady’s needs.”

  The woman grinned, clearly pleased with the tender, then yelled to a man in the kitchen and ordered a tub and hot water be brought to the lord’s chamber at once.

  “Thank you, Riorden,” Katherine said softly as he escorted her from the steamy room. “I’m sorry to be such a bother.”

  He harrumphed at her words. “You may bother me anytime it so pleases you, Katherine. I hope you will not mistake my motives, but I have asked for a room for your friends where the men will stand guard. For some unknown reason, I feel the need to keep you close. I will of course sleep on the floor,” Riorden said, almost embarrassed he had asked such a thing of her.

  Katherine smiled lovingly into his eyes. “Again, I offer my thanks for your thoughtfulness, my lord, and seeing that we are well cared for.”

  She found herself, once more, in his arms when it became clear her attempt at climbing the stairs was too much for her. They followed the old woman, who showed them to Riorden’s room, and he set her down on a cushioned chair, ensuring her cloak covered her modern day clothing. She watched as several men managed to get a rather large tub into the room, and servants began filing in, carrying buckets of steaming hot water. Patrick followed in as one last bucket, for rinsing, was placed near the fire. He placed Riorden’s leather bag on a nearby table and discreetly fled, without a backwards glance.

  Tension filled the room as Riorden helped her rise. The heat from the water wasn’t the only thing that suddenly became hot in the chamber, now that they were alone. Riorden remained a perfect gentleman given her current condition, and helped her walk to the tub where she mumbled she could manage on her own.

  “You can stay, if you’d like,” Katherine said, holding her cloak in front of her like a protective shield. “I won’t mind. You have, after all, seen everything I have to offer.”

  He came to stand before her and placed a kiss on her parted lips. “There is a time and place for everything, Katherine, and we have a lifetime afore us,” he said kindly. Then, he turned and headed towards the door, adding. “Besides, you have tempted me enough in the past two days. I do not think I could stand much more.”

  “I’m not sure how I managed that, with all the groaning I’ve been doing from the sorry state of my backside becoming bruised for all time,” she complained roughly.

  He came back to her quicker than she expected and took her in his arms, pressing himself against her. Her eyes widened in recognition of what she felt throbbing between them. Her breath left her, knowing she was the cause of his arousal. Still…nothing could tear her gaze from his until his mouth claimed hers in an alluring kiss. He would have most likely continued his assault on her mouth, if only a moan of pain had not escaped her, as the sound was not one born of passion.

  Katherine opened her eyes only to see Riorden’s smoldering blue-eyed stare. She wasn’t sure what to say, given what had just passed between them. It was about perfect in her mind.

  “Get in your bath afore it grows cold, Kat. I will be outside the door if you have need of me. We shall sup once you are done.”

  “You won’t go far?” she asked in a hushed tone.

  His eyes bore into hers, and she was again caught in the heat of his stare. “Nay, my lady,” he said simply, and she watched him leave the room.

  She slowly shimmied out of her clothes and lowered herself into the soothing water. The sting of its warmth began to have a calming effect on her bruised exterior. She closed her eyes to thoroughly enjoy the moment her gallant and thoughtful knight had provided her. He was most chivalrous. Katherine couldn’t ask for anything more than what she had found in Riorden. She smiled with a contented sigh, thinking she was indeed blessed, as the warm water began to work its magic on her sore, abused body.

  * * *

  The smoky tavern had grown quite rambunctious as the evening had progressed. The patrons of the Black Bull Inn had increased significantly as those in the crowded room called for more ale. Serving maids made the rounds with pitchers brimming with cool brew and avoided the grasping hands of those looking for something more than to merely quench their thirst.

  Their small company had taken over one of the larger tables up against the wall where the men could keep a vigilant eye on the goings on of those around them. Only one drunken fool had dared to come forward with a proposition on his lips for one of the women. Danior quickly dispatched the man with his dirk landing sharply between the man’s fingers, which the drunkard had brazenly placed on their table. He had mumbled an apology and fled while he still had his hand intact.

  Emily fingered the wool of her dress beneath the table. She was fidgety and wished she was able to take out her pens and paper to write down a line or two of her latest story. It wasn’t to be, however, for the women’s purses had been confiscated by the men as a precaution against their contents falling into the wrong hands. It seemed they didn’t wish to tempt fate any further than it had already been pushed by bringing four women to a time where they obviously didn’t belong.

  Perhaps that was not entirely true, Emily pondered, while she watched Katherine and Brianna emerge themselves into this whole experience of living in medieval times. They truly were meant for this time period, and Emily had the strange notion that, if given the choice, her dear friends would remain in the twelfth century. The same could not be said for herself or Juliana, if she were to hazard a guess into her other friend’s thoughts. It did become a bit problematic, though, when even she could see that Jewels and Danior already had this unspoken connection between them. If a look could speak, it would have voiced in a thousand words they were falling madly in love with one another. Whoever said there was no such thing as love at first sight was a complete moron. It seemed to be happening all around her.

  The evening wore on, the table was cleared of their meal, and the men began discussing their strategy to split up and meet back at Berwyck. By the time they finished arguing with the women of the group and at last appeased their worries, most of the patrons had left the inn for their own humble abodes, or so Emily assumed. She took a glance around the room, now that she felt more comfortable doing so, since most of the unruly crowd had disappeared. Her eyes were drawn to one lone
stranger sitting in the corner with the hood of his cape pulled up over his head. For whatever reason, she couldn’t look away, and at last, she saw him pull open his cloak, ever so slightly.

  There, beneath the garment, was the sight of a familiar sash. Her eyes lit with excitement until she saw him cautiously raise his finger to his lips to gain her silence. With a slight nod of his head towards the door, he rose and left the tavern. Now her only thought was how she would make her escape to follow him. She must have news of Tiernan’s whereabouts and find a way to warn him of the danger he was in.

  Emily lingered behind as everyone rose to finally make their way up to their rooms. Was it just a stroke of dumb, blind luck, or karma giving her a little nudge, that she was the last to ascend the stairway? Whatever the reason, she took the chance and carefully made her way out the front door without anyone noticing.

  The night was dark, but the light from the open door of the stables lit her path as she made her way across the grounds. Opening the door, it creaked loudly, and the sound echoed harshly into the darkness surrounding her. Her arm was grabbed and she was hauled roughly into the stable. Emily gulped in a large breath in order to scream when she was pushed against the hard wooden door. Her mouth was covered, preventing her outcry. She began to struggle, all the while wondering why this continued to happen to her.

  “Ye have led me on a merry chase, lass, following ye across the countryside,” a voice whispered brusquely in her ear, as he lowered his hand slowly from her mouth. His voice, even though its harshness was evident, was like a sweet caress to her senses.

  “Tiernan?” Emily asked softly.

  Tiernan took the hood from his head, and she reached out her hands to feel his face beneath her fingertips. “Were ye expecting another?”

  “No, but you have no idea what danger you’re in of being captured.”

  “I have evaded worse and come out the better.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  Tiernan captured her hands and held them roughly. “So, why do ye not enlighten me, Emily? Why is it ye ride with me enemy? Do I even now have cause to fear ye have already alerted them I am here?” he said gruffly.

  “I wouldn’t do that to you,” Emily said shrilly.

  “Bah! Why should I trust ye? Ye barely know me,” he replied, just as hotly.

  “I know you well enough to know you would never hurt me. Why are you so angry with me? I’ve done nothing but come to care for you.”

  He pressed himself against her as his eyes bore into hers. “Who is he?”

  Emily looked at him in bewilderment as her heart accelerated with his nearness. He made her forget what they were talking about, but she quickly came back to her senses to answer him. “Who?”

  “Ye know of whom I speak, woman. The redhead who has been all but mauling ye these many miles as I’ve watched ye come to favor him,” Tiernan yelled.

  A bitter laugh escaped her until she saw it only angered him more. He was jealous! “Trust me when I tell you, I feel nothing for Aiden other than that of a brother. Truly…He irritates the hell out of me.”

  “I repeat…why should I trust ye?” he whispered, releasing her hands, as if all the fight went rushing out of him.

  Emily reached up and caressed his face, moving a lock of his hair that had fallen over his eye. “Because of this,” she said softly and pressed her lips against his.

  What started off as a tender kiss quickly turned to one completely out of her control. She was crushed against his solid body even while she attempted to clasp him to her more fully. Her heart sang with joy, knowing all this time he had been following her, despite his words he would have others do so. Surely, his kiss meant he had come to care for her.

  Tiernan tore his lips from hers abruptly, as if he had come to realize his predicament of being captured. “Ye must go, Emily, afore they come looking for ye.”

  “I would rather stay here with you,” she said, leaning in for another stolen kiss.

  “Nay, lass, but ne’er fear. I willna be far from yer side,” Tiernan said, and he placed another quick kiss on her lips.

  Her name was being called from outside the stables with enough urgency that Tiernan reached for her hand and led her out the back.

  “Tell them ye went to the garderobe,” he insisted. He quickly ushered her out into the cool night and pulled her cloak around her to keep out the chilly evening air.

  “Will I see you soon?” she asked, desperately wrapping her arms around him, not wanting him to leave.

  “Soon enough, lass, soon enough.”

  With another quick kiss, he turned her away from him. Emily looked back over her shoulder and saw him disappear into the night. Then she took flight at a fast pace. Rushing, she rounded the corner of the barn and ran smack dab into Aiden, who had an angry look plastered on his face.

  “Where the hell have you been?” he admonished her with his hand still firmly planted on the hilt of his sword. He continued his assessment of the night to ensure there was no danger in sight.

  Emily flipped her hair out of her face. “Taking care of business,” she huffed.

  “What business?”

  She nodded towards the outhouse and her answer seemingly satisfied his curiosity.

  “Next time, let me know. I will accompany you to ensure your safe return,” Aiden ordered as he steered her back inside the inn.

  “Can’t I ever have a bit of privacy?” she asked bitterly as she began climbing the stairs.

  “Nay! Not on my watch,” Aiden declared and ushered her inside her room, closing the door behind him as he left.

  The only light in the room came from the fire, and Emily saw Brie and Jewels were already in bed.

  “Where have you been, Em?” Brianna whispered frantically, in concern for her friend.

  “Just out catching some air,” Emily replied with a smile. She took off her dress and, after carefully folding it, climbed into the bed. “Oh, my…” She let out a sigh of pure pleasure to feel the softness surround her being.

  Juliana laughed softly from the middle of the bed. “I know how you feel. A feather bed! Have you ever felt anything more glorious than this?”

  Emily turned on her side and watched the fire as it began to die out in the hearth. She had indeed felt something more glorious than what she would sleep on this night, and that very something had been found in Tiernan’s sweet and memorable kiss.

  Chapter 24

  The low light of the fire cast glittering shadows on the walls surrounding them. He opened his eyes, and all he could see was the golden glow of her body as she lay atop him. She gave him a devilish smile, took his earlobe gently between her teeth, nibbling it, and began placing soft kisses down the length of his neck.

  Her teasing did not stop there as she made a trail with her lips slowly down his chest. Her tongue flicked him here and there, causing him to gasp in the pleasure she sweetly gave him. Her fingers fanned out as she caressed his muscles, reaching ever lower down his taut stomach. She gave a seductive laugh and took special delight as she wrapped her hand around the hard pulsing length of him. She squeezed slightly and he felt as if he were about to crawl out of his skin if he did not make her his own in every way.

  He flipped her over so she was at last beneath him. Taking hold of her hands, he brought them above her head afore she could extract any more of the exquisite torture she had in store for him. He looked his fill of her, marveling at the perfection beneath his gaze. Her tanned skin, kissed by the sun, was as smooth as porcelain. Her breasts were full and firm with their pink nipples, peaked from the coolness of the air, or was it from the passion and heat that seemed to radiate naturally between them? He leaned down and took one of those tempting buds gently into his mouth, teasing her now as much as she had him but moments afore.

  Her moan reached his ears, and her back arched, begging him for more. He let go of her hands to cup both of her breasts in order to give each his undivided attention. She grasped at his hair ’til he at l
ast looked up into her passion filled eyes, shining full of so much love. He never thought to ever see such an intense stare directed at him.

  “I want you, Riorden,” she whispered urgently as she reached down to once more take hold of him, “and I can tell you want me, too. Please don’t make me wait any longer, my love.”

  “’Tis my turn, Kat. Be patient…” he said, a bit harshly, trying to hold back the urge to plunge into her softness and take this woman who meant all to him. He returned the favor of tormenting her to see just how easily he could make her writhe beneath him. It did not, in truth, take long as his lips tasted his way lower and lower down the curve of her waist and her stomach.

  Riorden twirled a length of her hair between his fingers whilst he continued his assault on her senses. It gave him satisfaction to hear the tiny whimpers and catlike purrs now coming from his lovely lady. He raised his head and glanced at the tendril winding its way around his hand as if taking possession of him.

  He frowned, astounded when the blondish-brown tresses began to transform into the color as black as midnight. The golden skin he had been caressing with his rough, calloused hands turned to the color of ivory and became much too lean for his taste. He jerked back in surprise, for no longer was it his sweet Katherine lovingly calling out his name in the heat of passion. Nay! It was a face that had haunted him for most of his adult life. It was his father’s wife who now began to take command of his very soul.

  “I knew you would come back to me, Riorden. You will always be mine,” she declared knowingly with an evil laugh.

  She wound her arms up and around his neck whilst her hair took on a life of its own. The black locks wrapped themselves around him in a binding grip, much like a spider that had trapped its prey in its silvery, sticky web. Her lips touched his, and he felt the air rush out of his lungs as her hair began to squeeze him tighter and tighter. She frantically whispered words of a sorceress, laying claim to his heart, even as he gave one last gasp for breath. Suffocating him, she sucked the very life from his soul with her wicked and spiteful kiss of death.


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