The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 9

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “Like Rosa takes care of things here, she sees to all the parishioners’ needs, like housing and washing, making sure they get to the doctors and such. Don’t know what I would do without her really. I’m not very good at domestic things, more into saving souls so to speak, it’s easier.” He chuckles and Irene smiles weakly, but still appears withdrawn.

  “Well Irene, I will let you watch the swans a while longer and come and get you when dinner is ready, alright?” She nods and goes back to watch the swans, a faraway look in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry about that; she becomes very agitated if she thinks that people are going to find out what happened to them.” He explains.

  Deanna sees a chance to ask some questions that she has been waiting for the right opportunity. “What did happen, I haven’t heard anything about any of the children except a little about Tia. Do you know Father?” She tries to press him for some answers.

  “I am afraid Jamie is the one to tell you that, especially since they are all minors, but I’m sure he will, he has asked us all to be as helpful to you as possible.” Deanna can see she’s not going to get the answers she needs from the old man.

  Deanna asks Father Scanlon if he has seen her daughter Katy anywhere, he tells her that he thinks they are all in the game room downstairs. Jonah walks up and she asks him also. He tells his mother, they are downstairs, finding the stairs was no problem as Father Scanlon shows her the way.

  “Thank you Father.” Deanna tells him.

  Deanna descends the stairs to the game room, it’s incredible, and filled with video games and pool tables and a large plasma screen TV is on the wall. It looks like a movie theater; on the far end is a large fire place. She spots Katy sitting at an old fashioned soda fountain sipping a soft drink and talking with Marianna.

  “Hi Mother,” She calls out as she sees her. “Isn’t this the greatest ever, how cool is this whole setup.” She’s laughing and smiling more than Deanna has seen her in two years. She is almost like her old self except for her eyes, the sparkle has yet not returned.

  “What a great room, you all must love it and be very happy here,” Deanna comments to the girls.

  Marianna quickly answers “This is a place right out of a fairy tale. Uncle Jamie wants all of us to be happy and feel as though this is our home, always. He thinks that by making it fun and comfortable, we will want to stay at home more than any other place… That’s why we have all this, so we don’t feel like we have to go hang out at an arcade. If we want to invite friends they’ll want to come to the rancho and hang with us. I hope to be adopted here someday, that’s what I pray for.” She sighs longingly.

  “Do you live here all the time Marianna?” Posing a question that might shed some light on the girl’s situation and help her understand what does go on at The Ranch of Angels

  “I am here most of the time, unless I have to go to a supervised visit with my Father. Most of the time I get sick when they tell me I have to go, that way I don’t have to go too often.” She smiles, a knowing smile.

  “Do you have your own room or share with one of the other girls.”

  “No Senora I have my own room in the main house as we all do. Dyon is like our big sister if Uncle Jamie is not here, plus there is Rosa.”

  “Why doesn’t T. J. live with her mother, I just met her, and she seems very nice.” Trying to figure out what the story is with that arrangement.

  “T. J. needs special care and her Mama is very sick, so she stays here with Uncle Jamie all the time. We are like family, all sisters surrounded by Aunts and Uncles. You could not want a better home or be with nicer people than here, everyone cares, even Old Tanner.

  Katy would be very happy training with us, if Uncle Jamie can fit her in. I know she would not live here like us, but she would have friends and would feel safe when she is here.” Marianna sounds much older than her years.

  Tia runs up to us. “There goes the dinner bell we’d better hurry. Father Scanlon will want to say the Benediction before the meal.” Tia takes Deanna’s arm and herds her toward the stairs.

  They all hurry up stairs to the dining room and Jamie greets them at the archway. “I was ready to send out the troops to look for you. Allow me to escort you to your seat. As our guest of honor you will sit next to me, with Jonah next to Dyon and Katy will be between Tia and Marianna if that’s alright.”

  When everyone is seated, Father Scanlon stands and starts to give the Benediction.

  “Holy Father we beseech thee to shine your holy grace upon those gathered here. We give thee thanks for the bounty in our lives, as we enjoy the fruits of our labors. We also wish to thank you Lord for bringing to us three new friends to join in our rejoicing of your name. Bless this house and all who reside here with your Love and Compassion, in Jesus name we ask this. Blessed be his name now and forever, Amen.” He makes the sign of the cross, as do those so inclined.

  Jamie stands up and looks in his guests direction, “Deanna, Jonah and Katy allow me to introduce the rest of our family. Will all of those that have not met our guests please stand, from right to left. This tall young man is Esteban and next to him is Theresa his fiancée, Marta and Gila are next, they are Rosa’s cousins and work at the mission with Father Scanlon, I believe you all met Rubin and Irene, T. J.’s Mother. That very stern faced fellow is Eduardo, Rosa’a husband and ranch manager. Where’s Tanner? Oh, here comes our Mr. Tanner now. Tanner you’re late I suppose you have the same excuse again?” Jamie has a smile on his face, but still tries to look stern.

  “I will be on time when that old bible thumper stops asking the almighty to do the same things all the time; I’ve heard it all already.” He answers gruffly and sits down next to Irene, who smiles at him as he takes her hand in his, and he returns her smile.

  “You are looking prettier every time I see you Ms. Irene, yes siree, a right smart looking lady you are.” He winks and Irene beams. It is the first time Deanna has seen her smile; she seems at ease with him there.

  “Well I guess you will always be late Rufus Tanner, because I will say the Benediction the same way. I will pray for your soul anyway and for him to improve your disposition.” The elderly priest says to him good naturedly.

  “Well you have been a saying it that a way for all the years I’ve known you. I suspect you should know it already, you are just an old croaker.”

  “This Deanna is Tanner; he is my oldest friend, also the blacksmith and resident vet here at Rancho de Los Angeles. We go back a long time he and I, and age has not improved his temper or disposition at all. Tanner, say hello to my guests. This is Deanna Gaynor, her son Jonah and her lovely daughter Katy.” Tanner stands and shakes her hand and Jonah’s; he turns and smiles at Katy.

  “Pleased to meet you all, Ms. Katy you make sure anything you need doing for your horse you come sees old Tanner, and I fix it up for you.” He softens his tone when he speaks to her and flashes a huge toothless grin.

  With introductions over Rosa and the other girls get up and go out only to return with a large tureen of soup along with plates piled high with delicious smelling food. Salad is passed out in addition to hot bread, Jamie stands and takes Deanna’s bowl and ladles soup for her, then the same with Katy and Jonah, as she tries to protest.

  “Please as my guests let me serve you first.”

  It’s a typical family dinner with people having conversations and enjoying each other’s company. Jamie asks the girls about their day at school and what they did, the vaqueros make ranch reports and Father Scanlon brings all up to date on the mission, current births and new arrivals.

  Rosa’s daughter Pita finishes first and gets up and sits on Jamie’s lap against her Mother’s protest. “Pita you know better than that, Don Diego has not finished his meal you must not bother him, you know this,” she says with exasperation in her voice.

  “Jefe, is it alright if I sit with you?” Pita asks Jamie, putting her hand on his face.

  “You are going to get me in big trouble with your
Mamacita little one, but I am finished now so it will be ok. And he winks at Rosa. Pita takes both her hands and places them on either side of his face looking into his eyes.

  “Jefe, will you sing for us later I heard you singing today Por favor?” All the other girls chime in with Pita; they know he refuses her little.

  “Please Uncle Jamie play for us. Please, Please,” they all ask in a chorus.

  “Alright I know when I have been outmaneuvered. Yes I will, but only after you have helped with the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.” They all clap and giggle, Jamie turns to Deanna and whispers, “I’m sorry, but you will have to suffer through this.”

  “I heard you singing today, and I look forward to hearing you play once more.” She says to him honestly.

  “Well you all asked for it.” And he laughs. “Rosa may we take dessert in the great room tonight?”

  “Si Patron I will bring in coffee in a moment, go sit, let us clear the table.” She states like a majordomo commanding the troops.

  “Come my friends let’s retire to the other room,” Jamie stands and pulls out Deanna’s chair and offers her his arm. Linking her arm in his they stroll toward the great room. Katy goes with the girls and Jonah asks permission to help also, Deanna thinks he wants to spend time with Dyon. Tanner and Irene have each found a comfortable chair along with Father Scanlon, while the men go outside for a smoke.

  Jamie takes Deanna over in front of floor to ceiling windows and asks her to stay right there. Walking over to the wall by the fireplace he flicks a switch, walking back to her, he asks Deanna to look out the window. She’s overwhelmed by what she sees; the lake has been transformed into a light show. A fountain in the center with many pulsating colored lights appears and the shore line is a blaze of color.

  “Jamie it’s magnificent I have never seen anything more beautiful.” Deanna gasps unable to say anything more; the beauty of it takes her breath away.

  “Deanna the only thing lovelier than what you see out there tonight is you. When you entered the room before dinner you looked like a vision from a dream, the dress, and your hair everything about you. Beauty entered my home tonight I hope it comes many times again,” he takes her hand and kisses it.

  She feels herself blushing and is saved from further embarrassment by the men returning inside from having their smoke.

  “Come sit down enjoy your dessert, Rosa makes the most perfect pastries you’ll love them.” Jamie tells them.

  He guides her to a chair by the fireplace that someone has started, a cheery blaze that reflects from the hearth and adds warmth and color to the room.

  Jamie sits down and asks Eduardo “How are the bulls in the north pasture, when do you think the breeding will begin?”

  “Patron the bulls are starting to fight now, so I had Rubin and Esteban move the younger ones that show no signs of bravery to the west fields, Midas is still the king, he will be first to the cows. They will be ready to put to him next week, I watch him to know when the season begins, and He knows when the time is right.” Eduardo states as if he were talking about a person.

  Jamie turns to Deanna and says, “Midas is the bull that Eduardo raised on my old place from a calf. He is very proud of him, and he should, he is huge and extremely virile.”

  Rosa and all the girls come in with plates of pasties and hot chocolate and coffee, placing them on the buffet table against the wall they all begin to serve themselves.

  “Rosa these are wonderful you must give me the recipe, I would love to make these for the holidays,” as Deanna put some more on her plate, the coffee smells rich and strong like the people that live here.

  “Si Senora Deanna I will tell you, but you must write it down, my English is not so good on paper.” She admits a little shamefully.

  “Not a problem we can do it together I will write, and you talk and that will make it faster.” Rosa smiles at her for making it sound perfectly normal.

  “Si Senora, muchas gracias[21].” She is pleased with Deanna’s answer.

  Jamie steps over to Jonah. “Jonah, I was just speaking with Eduardo, and he tells me our cows will be ready to be bred starting next weekend, and I think we will need some more help moving them to the breeding pastures. Would you be interested in some part time work on weekends starting next Saturday? You would be working with the vaqueros moving the cows.”

  “Jefe, you said I would be working with the cows along with the vaqueros,” Dyon says to him, her whole attitude now bristling.

  “You know how I feel about you doing that kind of work Dyon, a young lady should be learning other pursuits.” He shoots right back at her.

  “I am as good a vaquero as Esteban or Rubin, it is only you and Eduardo that I can’t outride Jefe,” Dyon pouts.

  “Ok, you will work with Jonah, if he would like the job, and it’s all right with you Deanna.” He relents to Dyon.

  “I would love it that’s my dream to work as a cowboy. It would be alright wouldn’t it Mother?” He looks to his mother with a light in his eyes, Deanna feels trapped and nods her head yes.

  “It’s settled next weekend you start, you may stay Friday night if you wish so you can get an early start on Saturday agreed?” Jamie walks over and shakes Jonah’s hand.

  “Yes sir” he beams and looks at Dyon, she’s smiling also.

  Pita runs in, an almost bowls Jamie over jumping on him, shouting “Jefe you promised that you would play for us, now Por favor.” She cries and gives him a hug and kiss.

  Father Scanlon laughs, “She knows how to play a room, don’t you think?” Winking to Deanna

  Jamie goes over to the piano and sits down and warms the keys up by playing the scales.

  “Give me a minute and I will be ready. Alright what do you want to hear?” He asks Pita, she giggles and tells him, “Play a love song, Jefe.” And she snuggles along side of him on the piano seat.”

  ”Pita, you are hopeless romantic,” chuckles Jamie.

  Marianna and Tia chime in as well “Play us a love song Uncle Jamie.”

  He begins to play a song that Deanna immediately recognizes as a Josh Tatum’s song, “You are more than a memory.”

  She listens to him play and to sing the lyrics, his voice is soft and sweet, he is an accomplished musician and vocalist. Pita adores him snuggling as close as she can to him and Dyon never takes her eyes from him, she sees Deanna looking at her and averts her eyes, Jamie finishes and they all clap.

  “Eduardo where is your guitar come, we will play Melaguena[22] for our guests.” Eduardo picks up a guitar from the corner of the room, and they begin to play a duet. Eduardo is a great guitar player himself, together they sound good enough to be on stage, when they finish everyone claps and cheers. Next they play songs the girls can all sing along too.

  When Jamie finishes with the girls he asks Dyon to come sing with him an old song. “Put your head on my shoulder,” together they are remarkable and Dyon has a wonderful voice, rich and vibrant. Watching them all interact one can see that this is a family, with love filling the room.

  Father Scanlon moves over on the couch and whispers to Deanna. “She could be a professional if she chose; she’s that good, wait until you hear her at Christmas time. She will bring tears to your eyes, her voice is angelically sweet.” He confides to her.

  “Father I think she’s in love with him.” Deanna whispers to him as she watches the way she looks at Jamie.

  Father Scanlon says “No, not in the way you think, she is protective of him because she does not want to see him hurt again, she loves him with all her heart, not as a woman, not in the way you think my dear. Dyon sees him as a person who stands tall, and she is proud of him as he is of her, but not in a carnal way, she is truly his daughter of the heart. He was the only person that cared for her ever. Remember each of them have a story, first hear the story than judge them.” He pats her hand after that gentle chastisement, he than smiles and winks.

  “I’m sorry Father you of course are right, but when will I
hear the stories.” She tries again to get him to open up to her.

  He whispers to her. “When Jamie shares them with you, what Jamie wants, are the results of his program here to be known, not having their past paraded before the public.” Deanna feels a little ashamed, and she must try to think objectively.

  Jamie and Dyon finish their song and stand for a round of ovations. Deanna watches the faces of those in the room noticing how each seems to be at ease how much they seem like any natural family. Watching her daughter chatting, laughing much like any thirteen year old would be.

  “Excuse me please.” Deanna stammers and feels the need to get some fresh air and runs outside.

  Standing there looking at the lake Deanna starts to cry, suddenly feeling hands on her shoulders then turning her around. Its Jamie, he puts his arms around her and holds her gently as she weeps not even knowing why.

  “Let it out, we can stay here until you feel you have no more tears. I understand, you’ve had a life spinning week, so much is new, you’ll see, everything will work out for you. You don’t have to be afraid anymore.” He whispers into her hair, as he holds her close.

  Feeling the hardness of his body, she feels safe, like when her father was near. He releases her from his embrace. Deanna steps back and wipes the tears with a handkerchief that he had handed her.

  “I will be alright now it’s been as you said, a whirlwind week and my ex is giving me a lot of trouble. Seeing all of you in there and how much you care for each other just made me sad, comparing my own life.” Deanna apologizes to him.

  “You will not have a reason to be sad any longer, you have purpose and people that love you, here you will always have a friend and sanctuary, should you have need of it. Shall we go back in?” Jamie suggests and takes her hand.

  “We really have to be getting home we have a new member of the family that has been alone all day.” Deanna says to him.

  “Really who is this new family member?” Jamie asks.

  “She’s a dog that appeared out of nowhere on my property, at the same time my ex husband was about to get very ugly. She just came out of nowhere, she’s so sweet and very protective of me and the kids; I’m going to keep her, unless someone claims her.”


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