The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 14

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “Katy, I’m here, relax, he’s just scared. He needs you to give him confidence, that’s all, just relax and talk to him. Sit still and relax your hand you are putting too much pressure on his mouth.”

  Storm is trying to keep his footing; he’s so close to the edge from Deanna’s vantage point it appears as though they both may plunge off. Deanna’s heart is in her throat, as all of them down below watch a very dangerous situation on the quarry face, the trail down is narrow and filled with loose shell rock.

  “That’s it, ease up him on the neck, that’s my girl ___ good ___ you got him now, just put a little leg on him to move him forward ___ I’m right here with you.”

  Deanna gasps as Storm loses some footing and seems ready to plunge over the lip of the trail. Jamie seems not to notice, intent on Katy and Legion. He sits his horse with ease as if unaware of the danger he’s in.

  Katy seems to have Legion under control and is moving forward down toward Dyon, who is sitting at the foot of the trail calmly watching Jamie take charge. Katy reaches the bottom and turns to look up at her and waves. Now Jamie proceeds down the trail, both he and Storm, none the worse for wear.

  The rest of the kids all take their horses down, when the last one reaches the bottom Jamie holds up his hand, looking up at Jonah and Deanna. He rides Storm up the path as though he was a mountain goat.

  “Are you two alright to go down, the rest of the kids had mountain horses or trail ponies so this is not a problem for them, but I am not sure of Buck or Misty.”

  “I will be fine Jefe, Buck and I do this kind of terrain all the time. Mother, do you think Misty will be all right?” He asks Deanna, concern on his face.

  “We can take the long way around and come in on the quarry road if you prefer” Jamie tells her.

  “No, I will be fine Misty is not spooky at all. Just lead the way and I will be right behind you.” The three of them descend to the bottom.

  Reaching the bottom all the kids cheer and head over to some tents they see has been put up for refreshments.

  “Ok everyone, why don’t you take your horses over there by the picket line and remove their headstalls. Make sure to halter them to the tie line, and remember to loosen your girths.” Jamie walks over to check on the horses.

  Suddenly Katy comes running up to her mother. “Mother did you see me, I didn’t really panic, I was scared, but Jamie was right there with me, talking me through it. Mother I know you will think this is insane, but when he touched me all my fear left me, it was there, and then it was gone. I just listened and everything was alright. Mother he’s magnificent, did you see him on the ledge, he didn’t flinch once, Storm was splendid also, don’t you think….. Today was the greatest day of my life.” She is just bubbling within herself.

  “I was so frightened until I saw Jamie reach your side, you were incredible, and you know you rode him down not Jamie.” Her mother says to her in all sincerity.

  “Yes I did, didn’t I?” She announces proudly.

  Tia and Marianna come over patting her on the back and telling her they are so proud of her, they run off to get some drinks as little Pita tags along behind.

  “Pita, don’t you fall in like last time or this time I will leave you there.” Jamie calls after them as they rush to the water’s edge and pitch some stones in the water.

  Walking over to Deanna, Jamie asks, “Would you like to take a walk over where there’s some shade?”

  “Yes, to be candid my knees are still a little weak, that was quite a scare that you both gave me. I thought you were about to plunge off the outer side at any minute.” Deanna confides to him quietly, so as not to let the children know just how scared she was.

  “Katy was ok, Legion just spooked a little, but I think she did fantastic under the circumstances and so did you.” Jamie says as he looks into her eyes.

  Feeling suddenly faint she collapses into his arms. “Deanna, are you alright?” He asks.

  Deanna’s shaking like a leaf as he holds her in his arms. She feels his lean hard body pressing against hers and Deanna wraps her arms around him and places her head on his chest. She feels safe in his arms. He releases her from the embrace and takes her face in his hands.

  Her head is swimming; her breathing is heavy, it’s almost like the incident at the barn that first day. He tilts her head up and looks at her with those deep blue eyes of his. Without saying anything; he traces his finger tips down the sides of her face and cups Deanna’s chin gently, kissing her on the lips. A kiss like she’s never had, light not pressing, but with warmth that lights a fire within her, his lips linger on hers, until she’s almost breathless and trembling. Their lips part and he kisses her gently on each of her eye lids, Deanna places her head on his chest again. She can feel the beating of his heart, or is it her own? They stand without saying anything until Deanna resumes breathing normally; she gently pushes back from him.

  Jamie apologizes, “I’m sorry that was unfair of me to take advantage of your momentary weakness, it just seemed like the natural thing to do.” He admits in that honest way he has.

  “It’s alright, I rather enjoyed it, I guess it was the moment, we’re both grown adults and know that things like this happen sometimes. I assume that it was quite spontaneous, but I would be lying if…. I said, I… I didn’t enjoy it,” She stutters, feeling the heat emanating from her face.

  “Your kiss will linger with me long after the moment of flame is extinguished.” He says to her in a courtier’s manor and smiles.

  At that moment Jonah comes up to them, and bashfully announces that Dyon asked him to come and see if they’re ready to get moving back.

  “I think we’re ready to ride back now, how about you Deanna?” He asks her holding out his hand to give Deanna a hand up from the rock she’s sitting on.

  “I think I’ve rested enough, are we going up and out or what?” She asks Jamie with false bravado.

  “Tell Dyon I think we should use the service road to head back and use the cut off later.” Jamie suggests to Jonah.

  “Yes sir, oh, by the way, Jefe, thank you for helping Katy, I couldn’t react soon enough, and I would not have known what to do, even if I’d been able to get to her in time.” Jonah hangs his head.

  “Don’t you be silly, your job was to stay with the rest at the top, and you did. You didn’t panic that’s what counts, neither of you did, I’m proud of both of you, in fact, all of you.” He pats Jonah on the back as we head toward the rest of the kids. Jamie said just the right thing; he praised Jonah when he was feeling ashamed, now he’s filled with pride.

  Saddling up they head out, with Jamie and Deanna riding drag far enough behind to let the dust settle. They ride in silence not talking, Jamie occasionally pointing out something of interest. Deanna rides with her own thoughts; he’s a strange man and has a peculiar effect on all around him, his kiss and touch, which she can still feel left a sense of passion barbaric and wild. Deanna’s never been affected by a man’s kiss before that put her in such an aroused state before. It’s unsettling to say the least, not having been with a man since Steve got caught with his tramp secretary, and her not having had the interest in anyone seriously. Jamie, he may not have been with a woman since his wife passed away. That would explain why they felt the way they did or at least the way she did and what happened.

  Deanna musts meet with Ed Haskell and get his slant before she can start to finish this piece. She also wants to write in the results of the show and how it affects each of the girls, but it is certainly adding up to everything she felt it would and more. She just wonders how the Southwest Group is going to take the land purchase, and what they might do about it. Deanna doesn’t think she should close out the story yet, and she’ll tell Mr. Ellsworth about it tonight. Deanna still can’t believe Jamie planned this big party and didn’t say one word to her about it at all.

  Seeing the ranch just ahead they turn into the lane toward the main barns and staging area. A man is there by the gate, and he is wavi
ng, it’s Tim the magazine’s photographer, and he’s taking pictures of all of them. Deanna stops by the gate to talk with him, telling Jamie she’ll meet them at the barn.

  “Tim what are you doing here today, I thought you told me you never work on Sunday except at the National Horse Show.”

  “Ellsworth called me this morning and told me to get my ass over today and plan on staying late, or I was fired, and he didn’t sound like he was all that happy with you either. What’s going on anyway it looks like they are planning a wedding here or something?”

  “Jamie didn’t tell me about it until we got here, and I didn’t have time to call you or anything. I was going to, as soon as we got back; I was hoping that you would still be home. I’m glad Ellsworth got you; it’s a birthday party for Jamie and the anniversary for the rancho. Did you find out how many guests are invited yet?”

  “Rosa said about two hundred, Ellsworth said all the right people have been invited, the president of the show grounds, politicians, a U.S. Senator, it looks like the who’s, who of Palm Beach. So I am taking lots of pictures, did you know they are roasting two whole cows for this thing. And they have an army of people here, everyone’s busy decorating, cooking, this is big. I think you might have blown this one baby, Ellsworth was livid.” Tim tells her.

  “Ok, just keep taking shots of everything we will figure out next week what we are going to use. I’m going over to the main house and try to see what I’m going to wear to this thing. I may have to borrow your car and head home to get something to wear, did you bring something nice.”

  “Yea, a tie and a corduroy jacket,” and he laughs.


  “The Medallion”

  Rosa greets Deanna as she approaches the main house looking for Katy and Jonah. “Hola Senora Deanna, did you enjoy the ride? The Patron he asks me to show you something for the fiesta, I have many things that he has bought me, but I have no time to wear such beautiful things. Come I show you, sometime the men they forget that women like to fuss and pick the right things, is that not so? Come to mi casa[32] and you look, if you do not see anything that you like, then he gave me the keys to his car, and you go.”

  She takes Deanna by the arm, how can she say no to her, Deanna is afraid now that she will insult Rosa’s taste? She wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings for the world.

  “Rosa your home looks new was it here when Jamie bought the rancho?”

  “No Senora, Don Diego he says that I should have my own house for me and Eduardo and Pita, so he had the house built, he and Eduardo do much of the work themselves, I would not have so fine a house in my country, I will be glad I will be a citizen here in United States.” She answers proudly.

  Going into her home she leads Deanna to a room with many closets. Opening the door to one that has so many dresses it looks like a boutique.

  “See I tell you many have never been worn.” She takes out several scoop necks Spanish style ones that have a handmade look about them with fine stitching and colored Spanish lace.

  “This is beautiful Rosa it has such detail, but they are a little revealing I mean they are low cut.” Deanna says examining one that she would love to try on.

  “Nonsense you have a good body, men would love to hold and dance with a Senora that has such breasts.” She says unashamed, “You must remember we are not so modest about our sensuality as Anglo women. Sometimes they are for to show not all, but just enough to catch a Senor.” She smiles and winks….

  Taking off her clothes and standing in front of the mirror, she remembers his kiss this afternoon and how he felt holding her against his body. She puts on the camisole and pulls the strings tight; her breasts become firm under the light weight material. Pulling the dress over her head, Deanna then adjusts it on her shoulders so that the camisole is just under the bodice of the dress. The length is just below her knees, and it sways with her as she walks. Looking into the mirror, Deanna doesn’t recognize the person she sees. She is sexy and loves the dress; it fits as though it were made for her.

  Coming out of the dressing room, Rosa is standing there looking at her smiling and says, “You are too beautiful, you need to try on nothing else, and it fits as if it were made for you. What size zapata[33] do you wear?”

  “I wear seven and one half, why? Don’t tell you have shoes for me also? Deanna says laughing.

  “Si Senora look, still in boxes come try these on. She holds up a pair of gold sandals that lace up the leg to the calf. They fit perfectly; Deanna tells her she should open a boutique and make a million dollars.

  “Then who would look after Don Diego if I became a lady of business.” They both laugh and Deanna tells her how much she loves the dress and would be honored if she could borrow it.

  “Do not be silly, it is yours Senora, it fits you much better than I. It is my gift to you, you have made the Patron smile again, and he is alive once more. Come I must show you to your room, it is time for you to take the siesta and then the bath, and I will come and fix your hair so you will be the most beautiful woman at the fiesta tonight. Rosa replied smiling as she winds her way back toward the kitchen.

  Deanna follows Rosa to the main house carrying the clothes she’s just tried on as though she were one of the children. Rosa, although young has a commanding presence and Deanna knows not to try and argue with her.

  “You will use the same one you had last time and the Senorita Katy will be across the hall. I have taken the liberty to place bath oils and shampoos in the bath for you, I hope you like the scent.” She opens the door and Deanna smells roses, looking around the room she sees there is at least a dozen in a vase on the bed by the table, all yellow.

  “What beautiful roses how did you know I love yellow roses.” Deanna exclaims as she walks over to smell them.

  “Don Diego ordered them this morning, along with the table flowers for the fiesta, he says to Eduardo make sure you get yellow for the Senora.”

  “How could he have known that they are my favorite flowers?” There it is again, that feeling of him knowing things about her, sets off a little bell inside Deanna’s head.

  “Sometimes he knows these things about us, we have wondered many times, but he knows, I ask him one day, and he says.”

  “I don’t know I just do.” He shrugs his shoulders and says no more. It is enough that he’s right and that you like them, no?” Rosa questions her.

  “I will leave you to your thoughts, I will return by five o’clock to help you and the Senorita to get ready.” Rosa turns to leave.

  Excuse me Rosa, is Theresa here tonight and could she possibly do my hair?” Suddenly realizing she may have hurt Rosa’s feelings.

  “Theresa… she did your hair last time. Yes, she will be here, I will have her come; she is much better than I. She was so proud that you love the way she did it, you made her feel wonderful…

  Don’t look so Senora, I am not offended, Theresa, she does my hair also.” She smiles at her and closes the door, Deanna has never seen such intuitive skills, and these people notice everything at least Rosa does.

  Deanna takes off her clothes and fills the bathtub; there are different bath oils on the vanity. She chooses one that’s called Nature’s Pearls, it’s soft and sensual to the touch, the water is hot, and she eases into it. Oh, it feels great, warm and the oils go all over her body. Deanna runs her hands down her abdomen and over her legs. Lying back in the tub she rubs her hands over her breasts then up and around her neck keeping her hair up out of the water. Theresa will shampoo it when she comes; she prefers to do it that way.

  For now Deanna enjoys just lying there and lets her thoughts stray to the events of the day. Jamie was very straight forward about what he intends to do with the land and Deanna wants so very much to believe him. She would like to have a relationship after the story is completed, and she knows the kids do too. Jonah thinks the world of him. Not since his Grandfather, Tom’s Dad has he been this excited about a man in his life, not even his teachers or coaches. Katy
hasn’t had one outburst of anger since meeting him, they have not fought once. Deanna wants so much to keep him as a friend once the smoke clears. He reminds her of her Father in many ways. He’s strong, confident and sure of himself, but he also stirs feelings in her that she doesn’t quite know how to handle.

  Deanna suddenly thinks of his kiss and how it made her feel. She wanted him to kiss her, and she wanted him to touch her as well. Deanna was not weak with fear, it was the nearness of his body and his kiss, and she could feel his power at that moment. He must have made Mary very happy, Deanna is sure he is a wonderful lover. His hands were so tender and loving; his touch gentle. She still feels him caressing her face lifting her to his lips. Deanna has goose bumps all over her even in the hot water…

  The water is starting to get cold, and she’s a little sleepy, so draining the tub, she steps out grabbing a large fluffy terry towel that’s luxurious. Drying off she wraps up with it and goes into the bedroom. Deanna lies down and closes her eyes when suddenly there is a knock on the door,

  “Mother, are you awake?” she hears Katy’s small voice.

  “Yes honey, come in.” She opens the door and pokes her head in.

  “Do you mind if Tia comes in with me, we have something to talk to you about?

  “No, come in, hi Tia, How are you? Why aren’t you two getting ready for the party?” They both sit down on the edge of the bed and Deanna can tell something is up.

  “We were just discussing me training here with Uncle Jamie, Mother, after today, how could you not agree that this is where I belong? I can’t think of ever training with anyone else again. Please you have to ask him. Tia please, won’t you tell my mother what you told me?” Tia looks uncomfortable and ill at ease almost as if she wanted to be somewhere else

  “Tia if you don’t want to tell me, it’s ok I can see you’re not comfortable.” She waits for her to speak.


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