Crimson Kisses: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Marked Souls Book 1)

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Crimson Kisses: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Marked Souls Book 1) Page 13

by Sabrina Shelley

  “Is there something you need?”

  It comes out harsher than I intend, but fuck. I’ve had to watch Rory walk around with not one, but now two guardians—and I’m pretty sure guardian number three is down in that godforsaken dungeon. Yeah, it fucking hurts, especially after what we shared in her bedroom the other night.

  My jaw tightens just thinking about it, and I try to keep my body under control as the images flood my mind.

  Rory against her door, arms over her head, moaning out my name as she came around my fingers.


  “Well?” I demand.

  Rory looks at me, hurt clouding her face. Yeah, not my finest moment right now, but damn, what am I supposed to do? Pretend to smile when the woman I’m in love with is standing outside my room with the man she’s destined to be with? A man who is most definitely not me.

  “We have a plan. We need your help.” Rory glances at North, whose jaw is ticking as his mouth flattens into a line. “Okay,” she amends, “I have a plan. But regardless, we need your help.”

  My eyes close briefly. If I know Rory, and I do, whatever she’s about to say is probably a really fucking bad idea. And I’m sure I’ll go right along with it anyway.

  “Come in then.” I hold the door open and gesture for them to enter.

  North hesitates, giving me a narrow-eyed glare, but ultimately follows Rory in. I don’t even try to hide my smirk. I don’t know what this dude really feels about my girl, but the fact that he has to go along with whatever this plan is because he’s bound to protect her, whether he likes it or not, gives me some small measure of satisfaction. We’re in the same boat there, in any case.

  “Okay, so here’s the deal.” Rory dives right in as she flops down on my bed. “We’re going to break Cassandra out of Eastwatch.”

  I don’t know what I expected, but that sure as hell wasn’t it.

  “Are you out of your mind?” I stalk over to the bed and look down at her. “Do you want to be killed?”

  “They won’t kill her, roughneck. You know this.” North looks at me like I’m a total idiot.

  “Are you sure about that?” I counter. “Are you so far up the Regime’s ass that you know their every whim, their every thought process? I’m thinking not. Because the Regime does whatever the hell they want to do, and nine times out of ten it’s totally unpredictable.”

  I don’t believe for a minute that there isn’t some master plan these Regime fuckers aren’t aware of. The Chancellor and his minions do as they goddamn please. And it wouldn’t surprise me if there weren’t even more secrets—some shadow government pulling strings behind the scenes or some shit. It’s just that fucked up.

  “I’m sure,” North sneers. “Rory’s too valuable to them. But I agree that it’s dangerous. Just because they won’t kill her doesn’t mean the consequences wouldn’t be dire.”

  He gives Rory another tense look, and I realize they’ve had this conversation already. That he feels the same way I do about this. But for whatever reason, North is going along with this mysterious plan of hers, even though, incredibly, we seem to be on the same side here.

  “Look.” Rory grips my wrist, drawing my attention back to her. God, her touch drives me crazy, in the best and worst ways. I try to ignore the burning need it dredges up so I can focus on the matter at hand.

  “The Regime won’t kill me—Xander’s right about that. But they will kill Cassandra. Stripping her of magic and sending her home is a load of bullshit—they’re going to kill her. And I won’t let that happen. I’d rather them do whatever it is they want to me if it means I can save her. Please Drew…tell me you’ll help.”

  I scoff. “‘Whatever it is they want?’ Come on, Rory. You can’t be serious. That’s a fucking broad statement, and there’s nothing to say that by the time they’re done with you, you wouldn’t rather be dead.”

  Her face grows impossibly more determined. “I don’t care. The Warden is coming back, which means if we’re going to do this—and we are—it has to happen before his return.”

  “Fuck. Why is he coming back?”

  Just the mention of that fucker’s name—because yeah, no one knows his real name. He gets off on just being known as The Warden, one of the many sick, twisted things he gets off on—has my blood boiling while I simultaneously feel the urge to vomit.

  “Yeah,” North says, resigned now. “He wasn’t supposed to be back as long as Rory is here. But it seems someone has informed him of just how talented she is, and he’s…intrigued.”

  The word holds a sense of something ominous. No one wants a scrap of attention from the Warden, much less any type of fascination. There’s no way in hell I’m going to let that bastard anywhere near Rory if I can do anything about it.

  “We need to get Rory out of here then, too.”

  A nod from North. “That’s part of the plan.”

  Huh, what do you know. We’re in agreement on two things today. The planets must all be in alignment for this shit to transpire. But I guess Rory’s safety might be the one thing we’ll always agree on. And while I don’t like the idea of trying to jailbreak another witch, I like the idea of Rory meeting the Warden even less.

  “Fine.” I sigh and sit next to Rory. “Tell me your plan.”

  No hesitation. She jumps right in.

  Listening to her, I grow more and more incredulous. But North seems to be okay with it. So he’s either going along with Rory’s harebrained scheme and leading us all into a trap, or he trusts Rory’s judgment. I don’t trust the bastard any more than I trust anyone else here, but the Warden coming back is a game changer. Working together is a risk I may just have to take.

  God, this night keeps getting crazier and crazier.

  “So let me get this straight,” I say when she finishes detailing her plan. “Not only are we masterminding one jailbreak, but two?”

  “We need Ryker, Drew. And I know you don’t want to leave him down there alone when the Warden returns,” she adds pointedly.

  Damn fucking right, I don’t.

  Rolling everything she’s just told me around in my head, trying to make sense of it all, but also already trying to find the flaws in the plan so that we can refine it, I watch Rory for so long that it almost starts to get uncomfortable.

  As much as it pains me to admit it, because it’s fucking risky, she’s right. We have to do this. We have to get Ryker out. We have to get Rory out. And Rory has too big of a heart to leave behind one of the girls who helped her out in Eastwatch, so we have to get Cassandra out too. Fuck.

  “Okay…I’m in.”

  Because what choice do I have?

  The smile on her face is almost reward enough for me joining up with this unlikely group of rebels. She throws her arms around me and nearly knocks me over on the bed, making me laugh.

  And in spite of the dire circumstances, Rory laughs as well. “I knew I could count on you.”

  North mutters something under his breath, then focuses on Rory.

  “That’s two then. Now we just have to get Nico on board. Leave him to me.”

  Rory looks up at North and nods, then just as he’s about to turn to leave, she stands and takes his hands.

  “Thank you, Xander. Seriously.”

  And fuck, I sure don’t want to bear witness to this shit right now, but the dude’s face actually softens for a moment as he studies her, tracing his fingers over her cheeks and twining them in her hair.

  They stand there like that silently for a ridiculously long minute—or maybe it just feels like it—before he bends and kisses her on the forehead, nods brusquely, then disappears out the door.

  Leaving Rory and me alone.

  In the span of a heartbeat, the air in the room shifts. Becomes thicker, tense, full of expectation. This is the first time we’ve been alone since that night in her room. I’d thought it might be weird, or at least semi-awkward.

  But it’s not. Instead, it feels like it’s always felt between us. Comfortable. Eas
y. Natural.

  And yeah, there’s that desire I’ve always kept just below the surface, so familiar that it’s pretty much a part of me. The only thing different now is that it’s not under the surface.

  For either of us.

  She’s looking at me in a way I’ve only dreamed she would for half my fucking life.

  “Rory…” It’s a caution, almost a warning. Because we can’t go there again, no matter how much I want to. It’s too dangerous. Not just for me, but for her. I won’t risk getting caught with her knowing it could be the final thing that takes me from her—I’m committed to protecting her, guardian or not.

  She silences me with a finger on my lips, and god, just that small touch is almost enough to unravel my resolve.

  Then her hands are cupping my face and she’s moving closer to me, inch by inch until our mouths are only a fraction of an inch away, until we’re sharing the same air, the same breath.

  The shift is so sudden it takes me by surprise.

  “You don’t want to do this, Rory.” But my words are in stark contrast with what I feel in my heart. I want her to want this. To want me.

  “Yes, actually, I really fucking do.”

  I groan. God, this is all I’ve ever wanted. Even just a few moments with Rory in my arms would be better than nothing. But I have to think with my head here—the one sitting on my shoulders.

  “There’s too much at stake, baby…”

  “Do you want me?”

  Her question throws me off balance. Doesn’t she fucking know how much I want her? How much I’ve always wanted her?

  “Dammit, Rory, do you even have to ask? Of course I want you. More than you know.”

  It’s like that’s all she needs to hear.

  “Then make love to me.”

  Holy hell. It feels like this is coming out of nowhere.

  I rake my fingers through my hair, making it stand on end. She’s got me wound up like a coil, ready to spring loose and wreak havoc. Every fiber in my being wants to pick her up, toss her on her back, and give her everything she’s asking.

  “Rory, you don’t know how much I want to. But the risk is too much. You aren’t mine, even though I wish to God that wasn’t the case. But it’s out of our control. The laws of the guardian bonds are clear.” I reach up and run my thumb across her lips, wanting so badly to kiss her, but reminding myself as I say the words just how important it is that I abide by them.

  But she’s not having it. She shakes her head vehemently and stares at me with a passion that is one-hundred-percent my fiery little Rory.

  “Don’t you see Drew? That’s exactly it. Everything in my life is out of my control. I’m hostage to fate or guardian bonds or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I’m hostage to the Regime, in their damn employ, even though I despise everything they represent. I don’t have a choice. Or if I do, none are good.

  “Don’t you see? This is good. We’re good. And this is my choice. I want you, consequences be damned. If we’re going into battle tomorrow, not knowing if we’ll live or die, I’m not going to take the chance and miss what could be my only shot to have everything I’ve ever wanted. Even if it’s only for one night.”

  She stares at me, emotion raw on her delicate features.

  “Don’t you see, Drew? I love you.”

  My heart feels like it could explode out of my chest. The combination of joy at those words and the intense ache of knowing she’ll never truly be mine is almost too much.

  I’d do anything for this woman. Always. Forever.

  And even if she isn’t mine in the eyes of this fucked up world of witches and guardians, she’s still mine.

  It doesn’t matter if we can’t ever actually be together. In my heart, in my soul, Rory Bright is mine.

  Even if it means certain death for me.

  I’d rather die knowing Rory was mine in every way that really counts than leave this life never knowing.

  She stares at me, her breath coming fast, her chest rising and falling. Waiting. Calling to me.

  She’s right. Tomorrow, everything will change. None of us know what will happen. All we know is that nothing will be the same.

  We may die.

  And if we do, then I won’t let it all be in vain. Rory is the strongest woman I’ve ever known. I’ve loved her as long as I can remember. My life’s purpose is to protect her.

  But more than that, my life’s purpose is to love her.

  And I do. Body and soul. This woman is mine. Guardian or not.

  I don’t fucking care.

  And if we’re going into battle tomorrow, if this could be the only night we have…I won’t waste it. I’ll give her everything I have to give.

  I stare into those emerald eyes, getting lost, feeling everything she feels. The fear. The uncertainty. But also the determination. The strength. The passion.

  Everything that is right, everything that is good, is embodied in this woman. This beautiful, passionate, stubborn woman who is willing to sacrifice everything for another.

  I can’t fault her for it. As much as I want to be her protector, tell her that this plan is a fool’s errand, I won’t. To stop her from doing what her heart leads her to do is to stop her from being who she is. Something I would never do.

  And so I accept it. I accept her. And everything that entails.

  My lip lifts at one corner. “I love you too, Rory Bright.”

  She simply smiles. “I know.”

  We stare at one another for what feels like an eternity. The air heavy with things yet unknown. Things we want, things we need, but never thought we’d have.

  Time spirals out, like a million years were leading to this moment, my destiny twining with hers, binding me to her in a way that can’t be explained. I’m not one of her guardians. Yet I would give my life for her. It feels like an infinite amount of time that we sit there together, yet only a heartbeat passes.

  It’s all we need. All the time it takes to know.

  That she wants this as much as I do. That not another second can go by without this.

  One moment, we’re staring at one other, gaging, measuring. The next, we’re tangled in each other’s arms, sharing the same breath, the same heartbeat.

  Her mouth finds mine, searing, searching. Desperate. The need matching my own.

  I’m going into battle with her willingly. Knowing that whatever fate awaits my Rory, I’ll be there for her. But this? This I never expected.

  I never imagined that the woman I’ve loved my entire life would return the feelings. Would kiss me the way Rory is now. Like nothing else exists. Like I’m her reason for being.

  Our eyes lock as our lips part, only a hint of a breath from one another. Again, searching.

  I want to ask her if she’s sure. But the look she gives me silences me. A look of awe, wonder, and pure love.

  The moment hangs on our own bated breath.

  Then we both surrender.

  We come together, our bodies melding, our souls calling to one another as our lips meet yet again. This time in promise.


  “Shh.” I silence her with a hard kiss.

  Yes, we could talk about this, discuss what it means, where it leaves us. But does it really matter? In the end, she’s right. This moment is all we have. And right now, I want to devour every moment I can get with Rory.

  Breaking the kiss, Rory pulls back and stares at me, her eyes suddenly devilish, teasing. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “Rory fucking Bright,” I grit out as my cock threatens to break free and show her exactly how ready I am. “Are you kidding me?”

  She laughs, then before I can even One-Mississppi, she’s got me flat on my back, her legs straddling mine.

  “How about this?”

  Goddamn this witch and her power over me. Though, yeah, not gonna lie, she’s always had it.

  But right now, I’m the one who’s going to make her mine.

  I grin up at her. “Not quit

  Then I grab her by the hips and flip her around in one quick motion until I’m hovering over her, staring down at her raven hair splayed across my bed, her eyes staring up at me with desire, a heartstopping image that far surpasses anything I ever imagined.

  And I crush my mouth to hers.



  This moment. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t mean anything.

  It’s like we’ve been building to this, like everything has led to this. I know the danger. I know it’s forbidden.

  Yet I can’t deny what my heart is telling me.

  Yes, I also can’t deny that I also feel something for Xander, Nico, and now Ryker. I have my own unique connection with each of them.

  This with Drew…it’s also something unique. Something special. I won’t let some witch code that I’m not even totally sold on dictate my life. In the end, I’m the one who makes the decisions for my life.

  And right now, I choose Drew. And this moment.

  Staring into his blue eyes, clear as an exotic sea, I know this is right.

  So I kiss him back with abandon. Pouring everything I feel into him, showing him just how much I love him.

  His lips are soft but firm, gentle but demanding. It’s everything.

  His hands trail down my sides to my hips, gripping them, and I feel his hardness against me. I moan, the need inside me growing with every passing second.

  I may not be very experienced, but my body knows exactly what to do. My hips buck against his instinctively as I wrap my arms around his back, my fingers digging into his shirt.

  It’s not enough. I need to be closer. Pulling at his shirt, I lift it up and over his head, breaking the kiss briefly. He stares down at me in wonder, and I run my fingers along his chiseled chest. My body feels like it’s on fire, burning with need.

  The next thing I know, he’s tracing circles with his fingers under the hem of my shirt, along my stomach, then higher…higher.

  I feel his calloused fingers cup my breast, gently at first, then squeezing harder, kneading. I moan again.

  “Drew…more. Please.”


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