Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx

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Winters Family Psi Chronicles 2: Project Onyx Page 14

by John O'Riley

  “You’re looking a bit tired. How are you holding up?” Amy asked.

  “I’m fine,” Brian said dismissively.

  “Don’t lie to me,” Derek said.

  “If you must have a full report, I’m tired but my psionic shielding is strong and there’s no sign of psychic burnout,” Brian said sardonically. “Are you happy, now?”

  “It sounds like you’re doing okay,” Derek said hesitantly.

  “I’m sure I’ll get used to it,” Brian said. “Besides, you’re tired as well. All level tens get drained being in a crowd.”

  “Yeah but I don’t have the psychic burnout problems either,” Derek retorted.

  “This isn’t a competition,” Amy said flippantly. “We all feel old and tired but we have many years ahead of us.”

  Derek grinned at her and Brian just shook his head but his lips reluctantly twisted in amusement. Without warning, Brian felt a sharp rap against his shield.

  “I hope you don’t faint in class today,” Zack said mockingly from behind him.

  Zack was with one of his buddies, Lance, who leered at him as well. Lance was a short, stocky kid with brown hair, a crooked nose, and brown eyes.

  “Where have you been?” Zack sneered and rapped against the shield again.

  Brian shored up his protection and realized that Zack must do this frequently but he’d never been able to sense it before as he’d lacked strong telepathic ability.

  “Are you going to faint on us?” Lance interjected with a sneer of contempt.

  Brian leveled an annoyed look at the two of them.

  “Knock it off,” he said.

  “Are you trying to scare us off?” Zack said with mock horror. “I’m terrified!”

  Zack and Lance both smacked his psionic protection which was considerably weakened. Knowing that the two of them had contributed to his psychic burnouts in the past, anger blazed in Brian’s mind and he roughly shoved back at their minds. Zack and Lance started but quickly recovered.

  “Did you skip school because you’re failing your psychic control and development class? Maybe if you’d learn how to make a decent shield,” Lance said with another telepathic shove.

  Brian pulsed a wave of fear at Lance and pushed his emotional energy out of balance just a little. Of course, everyone was usually slightly or moderately out of balance emotionally; however, the discomfort level was sharply increased with little effort. Lance stiffened and fear glittered in his brown eyes. He took an unconscious step back. Zack didn’t notice and shoved forcefully at Brian’s shielding. Brian pulsed a wave of fear and created a slight misalignment in his energy matrix.

  “It’ll be a lot worse if you ever do that again,” Brian said warningly.

  “I’m not scared of you, ass wipe,” Zack said but his voice cracked.

  He and Lance hastily retreated and Brian turned to realize that Derek was gazing at him with wariness while Amy grinned with satisfaction.

  “I can’t believe you did that,” Derek said with a mixture of reprisal and admiration.

  “There’s nothing wrong with telling them off,” Amy said. “They deserved it.”

  “No, he attacked them empathically,” Derek said in a quieter tone as if afraid someone would overhear.

  “You did?” Amy’s gaze sharpened as she regarded her brother with surprise.

  “They were attacking me telepathically. Since my telepathic skills have always been low level before, I could never sense it. That’s why you two couldn’t feel it,” Brian explained. “I just decided to level the playing field. Psionic shielding doesn’t protect nearly as well against empathic manipulation.”

  “Interesting,” Amy said. “Were they attacking me or Derek?”

  “No,” Brian said. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if they do sometimes.”

  “They’re a couple of jerks. I suppose when they focus on us, they’re probably attacking psychically.”

  “I believe so,” Brian said. “They weakened my protection quite a bit. No wonder I’ve been having a problem with psychic burnout.”

  “I wonder why they don’t bother us as much,” Amy said in reference to Derek and herself.

  “Your shields are stronger than mine were, I suspect,” Brian said. “Bullies are like predators. They prey on the weak.”

  “I guess that means they’ll leave you alone now,” Derek said.

  “Habits are hard to break. I’ll probably have to fend them off a few more times,” Brian said.

  “I hope I get to watch it when it happens,” Amy said with amusement.

  Unfortunately, Brian couldn’t rebuild his psionic protection so everyone’s thoughts and emotions poured more heavily against him. Fatigue settled into his body by the time his last and least favorite class rolled around, psychic control and development practicum. To his dismay, he discovered he was still paired up with Zack for another month. Mr. Hagen gave Brian a new personalized list of skills for developing. Obviously, the government had informed him of the new multipathic abilities because they were listed on the sheet. For today, everyone had to focus on the assigned individualized plan for their second phase. Brian gazed down at the paper and sighed with relief when he began transitioning into the alternate sight using his connectivity psi. Brian found this ability to relax him and helped ease the stress of his other psychic abilities. He spent fifteen minutes practicing slipping into the sight as long as possible. He was swiftly becoming very adept at this particular skill.

  Mr. Hagen slowly made his rounds to check on everyone’s progress. When he came to Brian, he gently probed his mind and Brian allowed access to the memories pertaining to this practice as well as his current view of the energy flowing around him.

  “Very impressive, Brian. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had this ability for years rather than weeks,” Mr. Hagen said telepathically.

  “Thanks,” Brian said modestly.

  Zack had sensed the exchange but obviously couldn’t eavesdrop with their barriers blocking him. He frowned with irritation and jealousy flashed in his eyes. When Mr. Hagen finished his rounds and made his way back to the front of the room, he had the telepaths focus on him so they could watch his progress as he slipped into invisibility.

  “I don’t know why he keeps showing us. It takes advanced training to do this,” someone muttered under his or her breath nearby.

  Since the majority of the students were telepaths, most of them were either paying very close attention or pretending to. Brian silently agreed with whoever had complained but forced himself to concentrate on his instructor’s thoughts which were very disciplined and focused. Brian couldn’t imagine achieving this mental state. He couldn’t tell all of the nuances that Mr. Hagen progressed through telepathically but lost hold of his mind shortly before he vanished. Even though he couldn’t see him physically, he could still sense him empathically. Mr. Hagen was quietly traversing the room. He abruptly became visible between two students who were whispering to each other.

  “Is there something you care to share with the rest of the class or shall I?” Mr. Hagen said icily.

  Both students froze and expressions of horror transformed their faces. Brian couldn’t believe anyone was stupid enough to let themselves be caught like that when they knew their instructor was invisible and could literally be anywhere in the room without anyone knowing. When the class finally ended, Brian threw his book and notebook in his bag and swiftly joined the ranks that currently shuffled toward the door. Derek stepped up beside him as he stepped outside. The two of them headed for the parking lot where Amy would be waiting.

  “Are we still hanging out at Roe’s Café?” Derek asked.

  “Yes. I’ve got tons of homework but there’s no way I’m going to get caught up anytime soon,” Brian said.

  A cold, forbidding sensation seeped into his skin and his heart slowed. Brian stumbled as a pervasive fatigue settled deep into him.

  “Are you all right?” Derek asked with concern.

one’s trying to kill me,” Brian whispered fearfully.

  “What?” Derek asked with shock.

  Brian closed his eyes and slipped into the sight even as his body grew colder and his heart threatened to stop completely. He could see a sickly green energy wave with flecks of black washing over him and traced it back to an individual who stood quite a distance away. Whatever type of psychic ability the individual utilized was superseding the psionic shield so it wasn’t telepathic in origin. Brian focused on the sphere of green and blue energy which flared bright to indicate a high level talent. Brian sensed that his body was shutting down and that he was almost out of time. He could barely hold onto his other sight and could feel it slipping away. Summoning as much of his remaining strength as possible, he forced a block on the attacker’s link to the Global Net which immediately destabilized and weakened his abilities. The ugly green and black energy abruptly halted. Brian lost his second sight and quickly opened his eyes and narrowed them to see a figure off in the woods bordering the school. It was a man watching him with binoculars.

  “That’s him over there.” Brian pointed.

  The man lowered the binoculars and retreated into the woods. Brian reached out with his mind and could feel the attacker continuing to retreat and recognized his energy signature as Brandon, one of the researchers who’d kidnapped him. He was safe from further attacks for now. Brian had no idea where the FBI agent was posted as he couldn’t sense him in the school.

  “What just happened?” Derek asked.

  “Brandon tried to kill me with one of his new abilities,” Brian said grimly.

  “You should sit down,” Derek said.

  Brian’s body trembled with fatigue and blackness crept along the edge of his vision. He realized he was losing consciousness even though the psychic attack had stopped. The two of them looked around but there weren’t any chairs nearby so Brian sat down on the ground with his back against the wall of the nearest building.

  “I need to call Dad,” Brian said weakly as he fumbled for his cell phone.

  “I’ll call him.”

  Derek took the phone from his friend’s trembling hands and called his dad.

  “It’s Derek,” he said. “One of the researchers attacked Brian with some kind of psychic weapon and he’s losing consciousness. We need some help.”

  “I’ll be right over. Where exactly are you?” Paul asked.

  Derek told him then disconnected. He knelt down beside Brian and patted his shoulder reassuringly. Several other peers came into view and watched with worried expressions from a short distance.

  “He’ll be here soon,” Derek said.

  Brian’s eyes were closed and he took slow deep breaths. Derek pulsed healing energy at him but something was still very wrong. A disturbing sense of pain and sickness radiated from Brian. Derek pulsed more empathic healing energy and shut down the pain receptors in his friend’s body. Brian opened his eyes which were bloodshot as several blood capillaries had burst and smiled weakly.

  “Thanks,” he said.

  Derek forced himself not to cringe at the sight and for once Brian seemed oblivious to his emotional reaction. Paul came running from the parking lot and rushed over to them. More kids had gathered to watch.

  “Brian, can you stand up?” Paul asked.

  “No,” Brian said.

  “The ambulance is coming. They’ll be here any minute. I called them before I left,” Paul said.

  The principal strode toward them just as Driscol and Hurst came into view. The principal, Mr. Kurs arrived at just the same time as the two FBI agents who broke into a run when they spotted Brian and Paul.

  “What happened here?” Mr. Kurs asked gravely.

  “Someone attacked him with a psychic weapon of some sort and ran off in the woods over there.” Derek gestured at the woods and the gawkers all turned to look as if ready to see the attacker come charging out of the trees to finish the job he’d started.

  “I’ve already called for an ambulance,” Paul said reassuringly. “Brian feels weak but steady. He’ll be fine.”

  “Good,” Mr. Kurs said then turned and spoke authoritatively to the crowd of onlookers. “There’s nothing more to see. Go about your business.”

  They reluctantly left the vicinity while Hurst intently eyed Brian then turned sharply to Paul.

  “Do you know what kind of weapon was used?” Hurst asked sharply.

  “No, I don’t,” Paul said.

  Hurst turned her back on them and walked a short distance away as she spoke with Morgan.

  “Where was your guard when all of this happened?” Paul leveled an accusing gaze at Driscol.

  “He was dead,” Driscol said grimly. “Brandon killed him somehow.”

  Paul was taken aback by the news and turned back to his son with renewed concern. The ambulance pulled up just as Morgan arrived. He rushed over to Brian and frowned as he scanned him.

  “Can you pick up anything?” Hurst asked.

  “Yes, he was attacked by a healer,” Morgan said.

  “A healer did this?” Mr. Kurs asked with outrage.

  “A newly developed healer,” Paul said. “It’s a long story.”

  “I expect to hear all about it as soon as Brian is safe,” Mr. Kurs said authoritatively.

  “Of course,” Paul said.

  Chapter 16

  Brian recovered thanks to a healer at the hospital along with supplements administered to him by the medical staff. His psionic shield had weakened along with his physical condition so even though he felt a lot better, his empathic and telepathic senses were wearing him down. He had only spent an hour at the hospital before the doctor had discharged him. He leaned back in his seat on the couch in the living room as his father, Dick, Derek and Amy visited with him.

  “I can’t believe they would attack you. Why in the world would they do that?” Dick asked.

  “They must think I’m a threat to them somehow,” Brian said.

  “Agents Hurst and Driscol want to put us in protective custody. Instead, they’re having at least two agents watching over Brian at all times,” Paul said.

  “Don’t let them talk you into protective custody. That really sucks,” Dick said.

  “We may not have much of a choice if there are more attacks,” Paul said.

  “How are you feeling?” Amy asked with concern.

  “Quit asking me that,” Brian said emphatically. “I’m okay.”

  “I can’t help it. I’m worried,” Amy said. “If I’d been there, I would have kicked Brandon’s ass.”

  “Oh, please,” Dick said derisively.

  “I wouldn’t have to raise a hand to do it either,” Amy said grimly.

  “You’re not that strong,” Dick said.

  The couch shot up into the air and everyone clutched it to keep from falling as it had vaulted straight up by about twenty feet and now hung suspended and motionless.

  “You don’t think so?” Amy said sarcastically.

  “Knock it off!” Dick said with a sickened expression on his face. There were two primary phobias for him; the first was spiders and the second was heights. Not that he’d ever admit to either one.

  “You’ve made your point,” Paul said and looked pointedly at her.

  “All right!” Amy exclaimed with exasperation.

  She slowly lowered the couch down and Dick rose to his feet and took up a standing position about six feet away. Amy grinned at him mischievously and Paul shot her a warning look.

  “I could have done the same thing,” Dick said as he crossed his arms defensively across his chest.

  “Why don’t we play darts or something?” Derek suggested.

  “Sure. Let’s go,” Dick said.

  “Hurst is stopping by tomorrow afternoon to resume our hypnosis sessions. I gave her a good lead this morning but she was too late to find Ashley,” Brian said.

  Dick was distracted by this remark and the dart he tossed actually hit the wall beside the target. Amy and Dere
k chuckled at the sight while Paul tried not to. It was rare to see Dick play like that as he was so competitive.

  “I wish you wouldn’t say stuff like that when I’m playing!” Dick said with disgust.

  “What do you mean?” Brian asked with confusion.

  “Talking about murders and dreams,” Dick said accusingly. “You’re trying to make me mess up.”

  “I’m sorry,” Brian said.

  Dick threw his last dart which hit dead center and he smiled with satisfaction. It was Derek’s turn next.

  “Do you dream about the kidnappers a lot?” Dick asked.

  “Just about every night,” Brian said.

  “Why do you think that is?”

  “The trainer who worked with me at the wellness center said that connectivity psi will get dreams about people who are a threat to them. Since the researchers kidnapped me, my subconscious still views them as a loose end. After Brandon’s attack, I’m sure it’s working overtime to provide me with even more dreams about them,” Brian said.

  For a split second Dick looked as though he’d been slapped but his expression turned sympathetic.

  “It must be rough having that ability,” Dick said.

  “Yes, it is. I’m afraid it may dictate my career choice in the future. Virtually all connectivity psi become investigators as they seem to tune into crimes around them without conscious intent. It’s impossible to ignore it. If they try, they are forced into an investigative line of work eventually,” Brian said. “That’s why I’m going to work for Phoenix Enterprises. It will give me the freedom to do more than one job function so my connectivity psi won’t rule my life. Once I’m connected to the Zen Network, I may not receive so many disturbing dreams.”

  “That’s a good decision,” Derek said. “I’m going to work for them, too.”

  “You are?” Dick asked with surprise. “Why?”

  “I want to feel good and live pain free,” Derek said.


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