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Mindbender Page 17

by David A. Wells

  “I paid the price that was necessary to succeed and I am glad to have paid that price. I do wish I could tell Constantine though. He would appreciate both the cost I paid and the result I have achieved.” He chuckled to himself almost as if he was laughing at an inside joke.

  “Enough of that,” Desiderates said with a warm smile. “You have need and I can help you. You say you were poisoned. That is a simple matter so perhaps I should look into your memories and thoughts so that I might suggest the best course of action.”

  Isabel was suddenly slightly wary. “How do I know I can trust you?” she asked.

  He smiled with a shrug. “You don’t, but then the time to consider that was before you opened the box. I have no wish to harm you. In fact, being that this is my greatest accomplishment, I intend to serve you as well as possible.”

  “All right,” Isabel said. “You can look into my mind.”

  Desiderates closed his eyes and tipped his head back slightly. He was silent for several moments before he opened his eyes with a deep breath and a sigh.

  “I’m saddened to see that the Reishi fell into darkness. When I knew them, they were honorable to a fault. It would seem that much has transpired in the many centuries since I passed from the world of life. However, I am somewhat excited that you are the Lady Reishi. Perhaps I could ask a favor.”

  Isabel blinked in confusion. “Sure, if I can do it.”

  “Please ask your husband to tell Constantine that I won our bet,” Desiderates said with a satisfied smile. “It would mean a great deal to me.”

  Isabel laughed out loud. “You really are a bit crazy, aren’t you? I’ll make sure he gets the message.”

  “Thank you. Now, eliminating the poison is easily done. You already have the proper magic flowing through your veins.”

  “The healing draught,” Isabel said.

  “Exactly, it was unnecessary but helpful nonetheless. My power is substantial but not infinite. The presence of healing magic within you will make it much easier to eliminate the poison, but there is much more that I can do to assist you.”

  Isabel frowned in sudden thought. When she looked up, her piercing green eyes were on fire with an idea.

  “Can you kill Phane?” she asked intently.

  Desiderates smiled sadly and nodded. “I can, but I hope you would not ask that of me.”

  “He’s trying to enslave the world,” Isabel said. “What could be more important than stopping him?”

  “That depends on whom you ask,” he said. “If I gave Alexander the choice to kill both you and Phane or the choice to preserve both you and Phane, which would he choose?”

  Isabel frowned with frustration. She knew the answer without question. “He’d choose to preserve us both.”

  “Choosing life is always a better option than choosing death,” Desiderates said. “If I kill Phane, I won’t have the power I need to save you. Also, for my own selfish reasons, I ask that you not command that of me. I would not have my final act be one of killing.”

  Isabel sighed. “He’s so dangerous. We have to stop him.”

  “And you will, but not this way,” Desiderates said. “Besides, Alexander needs you. I have seen the bond between you within the lens of your memories. Your love is profound. Do not throw that away lightly.”

  “I’m not throwing it away,” Isabel said. “But, if Phane was dead, then Alexander wouldn’t be in danger anymore.”

  “You’re wrong, child. There is always danger for one who wears the Sovereign Stone. It’s part of the job, especially for one who wears it in the spirit with which it was created. A champion of the Old Law will always have the evil and the ambitious seeking his downfall. Killing Phane won’t stop that, but it would destroy Alexander’s heart and cripple his soul. He would be only a shell of himself with the weight of the world bearing down on him. Please, trust my wisdom on this matter and allow me to help you so that you can return to your husband. He needs you more than he needs anything else.”

  “All right,” Isabel said reluctantly. “What else do you suggest?”

  “You are wearing a necklace of great power. Greater power than even you know. It was made to be worn by a high witch and it confers not only the power to speak with animals but the power to control them as well. I can infuse this power into you permanently. The necklace will cease to be enchanted but the power will no longer be limited. Animals will obey you.”

  Isabel was surprised again. She knew the power of the necklace Mage Gamaliel had given to her, but she had no idea of its potential. Then a thought struck her like lightning.

  “Would I be able to control wyverns?” she asked in a rush.

  Desiderates smiled knowingly and nodded slowly. “Indeed you would, but there is yet more that I can do for you. You are quite unique. You have within you passageways to both the realm of light and the netherworld. The ability to assert greater control over those conduits will be useful to you, especially after you undergo the mana fast.”

  “Wait, how do you know about that?” Isabel asked.

  He smiled. “I looked into your mind. I’ve seen your whole life and understand your duty and the challenges that you face quite well.

  “Presently, access to the light and the dark exists only within your subconscious mind, no doubt a natural defense mechanism. I can bring those portals forth and give you control over when and how you choose to access them. Given the nature of your enemy, this capability may prove invaluable in the future.

  “And there is one other thing. Since you have a gateway to the realm of light within your mind, you may be able to help me pass from this world into the light after all.”

  Isabel nodded. “Of course. Just tell me what to do.”

  “Once I release my magic, you will wake. Find the portal into the realm of light within your mind and will it to open. I will attempt to flow through. If I’m right, you may help me cheat death yet again.”

  Isabel gave him a warm smile and hugged him. “Thank you, Desiderates. You’ve saved me in more ways than you know.”

  “You are most welcome, child, and remember to send word to Constantine that I won our bet,” Desiderates said with a smile as he raised his arms. He lost form and became a bright light. The light expanded to encompass all of Isabel’s awareness, filling her entire being.

  She woke up in bed and the reality of the spell hit her like a thunderbolt. Abigail was sleeping in a chair nearby. Wren was curled up on a mat in the corner. One of Lita’s attendants was sitting at a small table watching for any sign from Isabel. She sprang to her feet and left the room the moment Isabel opened her eyes.

  Isabel suddenly remembered the passageway to the realm of light. She found it easily and willed it to open. A radiant, life-giving light poured out into her mind and filled her with hope and purpose.

  She heard Desiderates say, “Thank you,” as he passed from the world of time and substance into the realm of light.

  When Isabel blinked the light away, she was surrounded by people and she was suddenly famished.

  “Are you all right?” Abigail asked with a mixture of grogginess and worry.

  “I’m good,” Isabel said. “The magic worked. The poison is gone.”

  Abigail smiled with relief. “You’ve been out for two days.”

  “Two days?” Isabel said. “How can that be? It only seemed like a few minutes.”

  “After that light went into you, we couldn’t wake you up, so we moved you to your bed and we’ve been watching over you ever since,” Abigail said, taking her hand.

  Wren appeared on the other side of the bed. “Are you hungry? I have soup on the fire.”

  Isabel nodded emphatically. “I’m starving. Soup would be wonderful.”

  Wren hurried off and Lita took her place at Isabel’s side.

  “Can you tell me what happened?” she asked.

  Isabel shrugged. “Not really. I remember a bright light all around me. I floated there for a while and then I woke up here. It didn’t s
eem like it took all that long, maybe a few minutes.”

  “I’ve never seen magic like it before,” Lita said. “I’m very curious to learn how it works. If you remember anything else about the experience, please tell me.”

  “Of course,” Isabel said.

  “I’m going to cast a spell over you now to determine if the poison is indeed gone,” Lita said. “It is a simple spell and it won’t hurt at all.”

  Isabel nodded.

  Lita held her hands over Isabel and chanted softly for several moments. There was no outward sign of magic but when Lita stopped chanting, she smiled at Isabel warmly.

  “There’s no trace of the poison,” Lita said.

  Wren came in with a tray and stopped tentatively.

  Isabel saw her and sat up. “Thank you, Mistress Lita,” she said. “What I’d really like right now is something to eat.”

  “Of course, we’ll leave you alone,” Lita said. “I recommend that you rest for the remainder of the day and through the night. I’ll check on you in the morning to make certain there were no unforeseen effects from the magic.”

  Isabel ate her soup while Abigail and Wren watched. She felt a little awkward eating alone but they insisted that they’d already eaten. Isabel thought about the strange experience with the spirit of the long-dead wizard Desiderates. She’d seen magic before but nothing even close to the power she had just experienced. She pondered the possibilities while she ate. After she finished her second bowl, she sat back against her pillows and sighed contentedly. Even though she’d slept for the past two days, she realized she was still tired. When she looked at Abigail and Wren, it was apparent that both women were exhausted.

  “Both of you look tired,” Isabel said. “Why don’t you go get some sleep? I’m going to take a nap.” She closed her eyes before they left the room.

  She woke with the light of the next morning. A cacophony of fierce thoughts and powerful feelings were coursing through her mind. At first she was alarmed but then she realized that she was hearing the thoughts of the wyverns. She reached up and found that her necklace was missing, yet she could still hear the sounds of the powerful animals that formed the basis of military power for the Sky Knights.

  With a little effort she focused her mind and closed off the thoughts that were running rampant through her consciousness. It was a strange thing to hear the instinctual feelings of so many animals in her mind at once. She found that she could easily shut them out once she figured out how to control her newfound power.

  Next, she reached out with her mind and found a single wyvern, making a connection with the animal easily. It was in the launch bay preparing to depart on patrol. It was excited and eager to be in the air. Isabel was surprised to discover how much the creatures loved to fly. As it launched she felt a kind of exhilaration and soaring freedom that she’d never felt before. She tried to look through the wyvern’s eyes but was unable to. It was different than her connection with Slyder. She could sense feelings and instincts but wasn’t able to access the beast’s senses. She gently introduced her mind to him. At first she felt a sense of alarm from the wyvern, as if something wasn’t right, but within a few moments it seemed to accept her and even respond to her thoughts.

  “Are you hungry,” Wren asked from the doorway.

  Isabel severed the connection to the wyvern and looked up with a smile. “I’m starving, what’s for breakfast?”

  “I have eggs, potatoes, and biscuits, but I can have the kitchen prepare whatever you’d like,” Wren said.

  “No, that sounds wonderful,” Isabel said. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Wren hurried off and Isabel got up and got dressed. She found her animal-charm necklace on the table beside her bed and put it on for appearance’s sake. She had no intention of revealing her new ability to the Reishi Coven.

  Breakfast was wonderful. Isabel ate two helpings before she sat back and sighed with contentment.

  “Thank you, Wren. I think my stomach is trying to make up for lost time.”

  “I can get more if you want,” Wren said.

  Isabel shook her head, “That was plenty.” She looked over at Abigail and smiled. “So, have you named your wyvern yet?”

  Abigail frowned and shook her head. “I’ve been trying to come up with a good name for him, but so far I’m not happy with anything I’ve thought of.”

  “I always thought Kallistos would be a good name for a wyvern,” Wren said.

  Abigail considered it for a moment and nodded. “It’s better than anything I’ve thought of. Kallistos. Huh, I think I like it. Knight Raja has been pressuring me to choose a name. He says the sooner I choose one, the sooner my wyvern can learn it and the sooner he’ll respond when I call him.”

  “How’s the training going?” Isabel asked.

  Abigail shrugged a bit sheepishly. “I’ve been here with you as much as possible, between feedings anyway.”

  “Well, I’m fine now. You need to get back to your wyvern,” Isabel said.

  “You’re sure you’re all right?” Abigail asked.

  “I’m certain,” Isabel said. “In fact, I’m going to ask to start training for the trials as soon as possible. I know it’s supposed to take years, but I don’t have that long. Alexander’s probably preparing to lead an army through the Gate from Ithilian to Ruatha. I want to be ready to help him when he does.”

  “If I know my brother, he’s probably going to move sooner rather than later,” Abigail said.

  “Exactly my point,” Isabel said. “We have to be ready to join him as soon as possible. He’s not going to wait for us and I’m sure he could use our help.”

  “Wren, have you been sleeping here the past two days?” Isabel asked.

  Wren shrugged. “Of course, I wanted to be here when you woke.”

  Isabel smiled fondly at the waifish young woman. “Thank you, but I’m fine now. You should go spend some time at home so your parents don’t get worried about you.”

  “I sent word to them,” Wren said. “They won’t be worried.”

  “Maybe not, but I bet they’d like to see you now and then,” Isabel said. “Besides, I’m going to go poke my nose into the coven’s business. It would probably be best if you weren’t with me when I do.”

  Wren’s eyes widened a bit. “Please be careful,” she said. “My mom always says it’s a bad idea to cross a witch.”

  “I’ll bet. Go on home. I’ll see you at lunchtime,” Isabel said.

  Chapter 16

  Wren left Isabel and Abigail alone. When Abigail got up to leave for her Sky Knight training, Isabel motioned for her to follow her out onto the balcony.

  “The box did much more than cure my poison,” Isabel said in a low whisper. “It was incredible. I’ll tell you all about it later, but for now you should know that I can hear the wyverns and even control them. The magic in that box was amazingly powerful. It took the magic of my necklace, magnified it and infused it into my consciousness.”

  Abigail blinked in surprise. “This changes everything. With the wyverns, we could leave right now.”

  “I know,” Isabel said, “but I think we should take advantage of the opportunities we have here. You still need to learn how to ride better, not to mention how to fight from the air, and I think I’ll be able to help Alexander much more after I’ve taken the mana fast.”

  Abigail nodded slowly. “All right, but we have to make sure the coven doesn’t find out about your power until we’re ready to use it.”

  “I agree completely,” Isabel said. “As fond as I am of Wren, I didn’t want to risk telling her. I don’t think she would intentionally betray us but she’s young and naïve. There’s no telling what she might let slip.”

  Abigail smiled. “That’s probably wise. I’m off to ride,” she said as she headed for the door.

  “Enjoy yourself,” Isabel said. “I’m going to see about the mana fast.”

  During their stay in the fortress island Isabel had familiarized herself with the layout fair
ly well. There were still a few areas where she got turned around but she always found her way eventually. Today was no different. She made her way to the triumvirate’s audience chamber and found the hall that led to the working chambers for each of the triumvirs.

  The passage was guarded by two big Sky Knights. They stopped her before she could enter the hall. “What’s your business here?”

  “I’ve come to speak with Magda,” Isabel said simply.

  The Sky Knight frowned disapprovingly. “Mistress Magda has not requested your presence.”

  “No, but I’d like to speak with her nonetheless,” Isabel said.

  “That’s not how it works. The triumvirs are not to be disturbed. When she summons you, then you may speak to her, not before.”

  “I see,” Isabel said as she peered around the big man and down the hall, which ran straight for fifty feet and had three doors, one on each wall and one at the end.

  “Which doorway leads to Magda’s chambers?” she asked.

  He regarded her suspiciously for a moment. “Why do you want to know?”

  Isabel shrugged innocently. “Just curious,” she said.

  “If I tell you, will you leave quietly?”

  Isabel smiled brightly. “Of course.”

  “The door at the end of the hall is Mistress Magda’s, the door to the right is Mistress Cassandra’s, and the door to the left is Mistress Gabriella’s,” he said with a hint of exasperation.

  “Thank you,” Isabel said and started to turn when the door at the end of the hall opened. Mistress Lita stepped out and closed the door. When she looked up, she smiled brightly and waved at Isabel.


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