Landon & Shay - Part Two: (The L&S Duet Book 2)

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Landon & Shay - Part Two: (The L&S Duet Book 2) Page 1

by Brittainy Cherry

  Landon & Shay - Part Two

  L&S Duet Series Book 2

  Brittainy C. Cherry

  BCherry Books, INC

  Landon & Shay – Part Two

  By: Brittainy C. Cherry

  Landon & Shay Part Two

  Copyright © 2019 by Brittainy C. Cherry

  All rights reserved.

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the author of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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  Published: Brittainy C. Cherry 2019

  [email protected]

  Editing: Editing by C. Marie, Ellie at My Brother’s Editor, Jenny Sims @ EditingForIndies

  Proofreading: Virginia Tesi Carey

  Cover Design: Hang Le

  Created with Vellum

  To second chances at love.



  Chapter 1

  Message #1

  Message #2

  Message #3

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Message #4

  Message #5

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Message #6

  Message #7

  Message #8

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38


  Eleanor & Grey

  The Elements Series by Brittainy C. Cherry

  Also by Brittainy C. Cherry


  About the Author

  Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

  ― Kahlil Gibran



  Eighteen years old

  I often wondered about the first person to ever fall in love.

  Did they know what it was right away, or did it feel like extreme heartburn? Were they happy? Sad? Was the love a two-way street, or was it a solo affair? How long did it take to get there? How many days, months, and years did they travel before the love arrived?

  Were they scared?

  Did they speak the words first or wait for the other to do the talking?

  Love was always a hard concept for me because I’d seen so many messed-up versions of it, but then I met Landon and fully understood how love could appear out of nowhere. Never in my life would I have thought I’d end up falling in love with my sworn enemy. I truly thought the only four-letter word I’d ever use for Landon would be hate. Then love creeped in without any care in the world for my brain’s opinion of Landon. Love only cared about how my heart secretly beat for him.

  Love swept in at its own speed, not believing in time, space, or constraints.

  It just came—sometimes welcomed, other times not—and it filled people up with warmth, with hope, with a feeling of acceptance, yet when the person you loved left without an exact return date? It left you waiting with bated breath.

  It had been nine months since Landon went away, and in those months, everyone around me had begun to lose hope for what it was he and I shared.

  But still, even with other people’s opinions, the love was still there.

  “I think it’s okay if you start seeing other guys,” Tracey told me one afternoon after school. “It’s our senior year, and you’re missing out on dating because you’re waiting on someone who hasn’t shown any signs that he’s coming back. How long do you plan to wait?”

  Oh, I don’t know, maybe the same amount of time it took you to realize Reggie was an asshole.

  I didn’t say that to her, though. I smiled and allowed her to have her thoughts because I was strong enough in my belief of Landon not to let outside opinions get to me.

  “Don’t listen to Tracey,” Raine commented after she walked away. “I think you waiting for Landon is very romantic, like you’re your own movie really. ‘When you find you, come back to me.’” She swooned, pressing her hand to her chest. “Gosh, you two are like The Notebook. He’s your Ryan Gosling, so ignore Tracey. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

  Sadly, Tracey wasn’t the only one who had those sorts of thoughts about my situation with Landon. My mother felt the same way, but I blamed it on her own recent heartbreak. She didn’t understand the strong connection he and I had formed when we were going through the darkest of days with one another. My cousin didn’t get it either. Eleanor was still convinced he’d actually cheated on me in the closet with that sophomore girl, and she hated him to his core.

  Outside of Raine, the only person who truly approved of our love story was my grandmother. Mima asked about Landon all the time, wanting updates on his heart. She believed in our nontraditional love, even when the rest of the world didn’t seem to do so.

  “Everybody has an option, Shannon Sofia,” Mima said, shaking her head. “You wear your hair long; they’ll tell you to cut it. You wear it short; they’ll tell you to grow it out. You lose weight; they’ll tell you you’re too skinny, yet if you gain weight, they’ll call you fat. Trust me when I say, there are no happily ever afters when you’re living your life based on others’ opinions. Also, double-check your friendships and make sure they’re coming from a genuine place. Someone can call you their friend yet wish evilness upon you in quiet. I’d be careful with that Tracey girl. I can tell she has jealous tendencies. The older you get, the more you’ll realize that just because a friendship has history, it doesn’t mean it has longevity.”

  Words of wisdom from Mima.

  I kept quiet about Landon and me to most people outside of Mima and Raine. I let our love be Landon’s and my secret. It wasn’t like we’d lost our connection, even though over two thousand miles separated us. There were times we promised to be there for one another, no matter what. For example, on Landon birthday, he’d either be in my arms, or we’d share a phone call to make sure his heart was still beating. I knew how hard his birthday was for him, and I refused to leave him alone with his thoughts.

  It wasn’t a one-way street, either. Whenever I ne
eded him, he was there for me.

  Every so often, we’d talk on the phone, but Landon wasn’t a big fan of phone conversations, and neither was I, a quirk Tracey warned would be an issue with a long-distance relationship. Still, it wasn’t for us. I didn’t like holding a phone to my ear and yapping on and on, so we’d text one another, and we’d talk on instant messenger, but my favorite method of communication was our notebooks.

  We began sending each other notebooks back and forth, just as we had in high school. It would take a few weeks for them to come due to the busyness of life, but whenever the package arrived in the mail, I felt as if it were Christmas morning, and I was unwrapping the greatest gift.

  Our love wasn’t traditional, but it was ours.

  And I’d vowed to do whatever it took to keep our story alive forever.

  January 10th, 2004


  Los Angeles is…weird—the trees, the weather, the people. Do you know it started raining the other day, and it was as if the world was going to come to a crashing end? I guess rain isn’t a big thing over here. I feel like coming from Illinois, we are weather experts. Negative fifteen degrees? Great—let’s go snow tubing! Eighteen inches of snow? Let’s build a snowman ten feet high!

  But, honestly, I like it here. It’s nice not to freeze your balls off in the winter, and well, Mom seems happier here, almost as if her heart was made for California.

  So, personal life updates. Let’s see…

  I’ve grown pretty attached to having candy close by at all times. Peanut butter M&M’s should be illegal, but damn, I’m happy they’re not. Don’t be surprised if I have a Santa belly the next time you see me. I blame you for this. Also, if you sent a few banana Laffy Taffys in your next package, I wouldn’t be mad about that. I can’t find those things anywhere.

  My therapist is no Mrs. Levi, but she does the job right. I feel okay after leaving her appointments, and I guess that’s the goal. I guess that’s another life update: I feel okay. I know you worry, but I’m doing the work to get right with my mind. It’s hard some days, and other days, it’s all right. The therapist says to take it one second at a time. As I write this letter, this second is pretty okay.

  Also, random. I met an acting agent the other day through someone Mom knew, and they are interested in working with me. I’m not sure shit will come from it, but damn. I’m definitely intrigued.

  The highlights of Los Angeles so far: Their addiction to avocado, being close enough to get to the ocean if need be, Mom’s here, and the sun.

  The shadows of Los Angeles: You’re not here.

  Kind of wish I could win the lottery to get money to come see you.

  I miss your face.

  I miss your heartbeats.

  Fuck. I miss you. I miss you so much I kick myself in the ass for wasting so much time hating you. I’m doing the work so I can be good enough to come back to you, but dammit, I wish my mind were faster at healing. But you know, second by second and all.

  Your turn. Tell me everything that’s going on there.

  I love you, I love you.

  Once so you hear me, twice to leave an imprint.


  P.S. Enjoy the package of peanut butter M&M’s included with the notebook.

  P.P.S. I wasn’t kidding about the banana Laffy Taffys. Don’t let me down, Chick.

  February 5th, 2004


  You should’ve never introduced me to peanut butter M&M’s—this is a sin upon sin. Who knew sins could taste so good against my lips? Why do they taste like this, and why did you only send me one pack? That seems pretty selfish, and I get the feeling you kept a few for yourself.

  Tracey, Raine, and I are rooming together next year for freshman year at UW-Madison. Mima is convinced that rooming with my two best friends is a terrible idea, but I think it will be okay. We’ve had enough sleepovers together to know we’ll be fine with one another.

  I got my second ever rejection letter from a writing agency. I’m thinking about framing it! What’s success without a little bit of failure, right? At least one of us is rocking our dreams! Speaking of that, I’m really proud of you. You’re going to be huge one day, Landon, and I’m already your biggest fan.

  You’re going places, kid.

  Highlights of Raine, Illinois: There’s only ten inches of snow coming down on us tomorrow. Yay! Mima’s food is still sent from the gods. Mom is doing okay getting over her broken heart, even though sometimes she still cries. My cousin Eleanor seems to be smitten with Greyson ever since they met at a party over the summer. I like seeing her happy with him, especially since she’s struggling with her mom being sick.

  Shadows of Raine, Illinois: You’re still gone.

  I love you times two.


  P.S. Send. More. Chocolate.

  P.P.S. Bought five lottery tickets the other night. Not a winner yet, but the moment I am, I’m buying a ticket to come see you.

  May 1st, 2004


  Today’s hard. Probably one of the hardest days of my life. Today, we have to say goodbye to my Aunt Paige, and all I can think about is how it’s too soon. I wish you would’ve had a chance to get to know her. Her energy was contagious. She had a light about her that could make the darkest days shine. She loved art. She loved children. She loved her family.

  Gosh, did she love her family.

  I know my cousin Eleanor is going to struggle for a long time with losing her mother, and I am going to stand by her side today to hold her up. Greyson came down to stand beside her, too. You did a good job choosing a best friend like him. We’re here for two weeks, and then we fly back to Illinois. I’ll have to be strong for that long. I’ll have to hold my cousin and my uncle up because I know they are going to fall apart.

  Then when I get home, I’ll fall apart on my own because I loved my aunt. I loved her so, so much, and this hurts. It doesn’t seem fair. Mima said a prayer and told me Heaven is waiting for Paige’s arrival, but I don’t think that’s fair.

  It’s not fair that God gets the good ones when we weren’t finished loving them yet.

  No highlights today. Only shadows.

  I wish I could hug you. I know that’s selfish and silly, but gosh, I miss your hugs.

  I could really use a hug right now.

  Today is hard.

  Maybe tomorrow will be better.




  When Mom and I landed back in Illinois, it wasn’t easy. There was an emptiness in my chest from having to say goodbye to Aunt Paige. When we got back to Mima’s apartment, it was pretty somber all across the board. There wasn’t really much that could be said to make things feel less heavy. Still, Mima made us dinner, and we all ate together before heading off to our own spaces.

  I sat in my bedroom, and my phone dinged.

  Landon: Did you make it back to town safely?

  Shay: Yes, back home.

  Landon: How’s your heart?

  I closed my eyes as I read his words.

  Shay: Struggling.

  Landon: I’m sorry, Chick.

  A few seconds passed and another message came through.

  Landon: Meet me by the willows?

  Shay: LOL I wish.

  Landon: No, really. I’m in town. Meet me at the willows.

  That was all he said, and it was enough for me. Five words was all it took for me to have my world rocked upside down.

  “Mima!” I hollered, dashing out of my bedroom as I scrambled to put on my sneakers. “Can I borrow your car?”

  She sat in the living room, doing yoga moves on her mat, being more flexible than anyone her age should’ve been. “No. It’s late, and I’m sure you’re exhausted after your travels.”


  “No buts. There isn’t a good enough excuse for you to go out at this—”

  “Landon’s back in town,” I spat out. Now, trust me, I was never one to cut my grandmother off
when she was speaking to me, but I knew those words would make her reconsider.

  She got to her feet and arched an eyebrow. “He’s back?”

  “Yes. I don’t know for how long, though, and he asked me to meet him.”

  “Tell him I said hello,” she replied without a beat of hesitation.

  “Will do.” I snatched her keys off the counter and hurried out the door, and when I was halfway down the hallway, Mima called after me.

  “Wait, Shay! Wait!” I turned around to see her hurrying toward me with containers in her hands. “Here, give him these leftovers. Then give him my love.”

  She leaned in and kissed my cheek as butterflies filled my stomach.

  My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as I drove to the two willow trees at Hadley Park. The sun had already fallen asleep as the night’s shadows danced through the trees. I raced through them, my heart pounding so hard I was certain it was seconds away from exploding out of my chest, and when I reached my destination, I slowed my pace.


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