Landon & Shay - Part Two: (The L&S Duet Book 2)

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Landon & Shay - Part Two: (The L&S Duet Book 2) Page 5

by Brittainy Cherry

  Oh, dream a little dream with me.

  “I’ll let him know, Mima.” I kissed her forehead.

  “Oh, wait! Let me pack him up some leftovers—just wait here.” She hurried into the kitchen to get Tupperware, leaving me alone with Mom and her displeasing looks.

  I sighed. “Okay. Go for it,” I offered, giving her the floor to flood me with her disappointment. “Please, go ahead and tell me how I’m making the biggest mistake.”

  “You’re making the biggest mistake,” she echoed. “I know you think this is all fun and games, but I want you to be careful with your heart,” Mom scolded, the same scolding I’d been getting for almost three years now. “He’s long distance and rising to fame. Women surround him day in and day out. He’s living in a world where unfaithfulness is so easily achieved.”

  Ever since Mom had found out about Dad’s cheating all those years ago, she was convinced everything with a penis had misplaced values.

  I hadn’t cared much what she thought, though, because she only saw my relationship from the outside looking in. She didn’t experience the warmth of Landon’s love, the comfort he delivered me even when he was miles away.

  Sure, our situation wasn’t typical, but it was ours, and I knew better than to let my mother’s thoughts taint my relationship. The moment you invite others into your personal affairs, they come with their toxic opinions and poison your story. I wasn’t going to let that happen with Landon and me.

  Whatever we had deserved the love and respect of our own privacy.

  “Oh my gosh, tell us everything.” Raine beamed as she sat across from Landon at the dining room table with her chin on her hands in amazement. “Tell me everything about being famous.”

  That privacy I thought Landon and I would get?

  Not going to happen with Raine living in the same place as me. She was so giddy seeing her best friend, and I couldn’t blame her. I was just as excited—even more so than her.

  Landon looked so good, so grown-up.

  He had facial hair that was groomed to perfection, and he smelled like sex appeal and honey. Since he’d arrived, I hadn’t allowed myself to be far from his side.

  I sat in the chair next to him, and he hadn’t removed his hand from my thigh, massaging it up and down.

  “I’m not famous.” Landon chuckled, giving Raine a smile. “I honestly don’t know what’s been happening to me, or why it’s been happening to me, but I feel like I’ll one day wake up and it will all be a dream.”

  “You know what I hate?” Raine asked, crinkling her nose up.

  “What’s that?” Landon replied.

  “When really famous people claim they aren’t famous. That’s like when rich kids are like ‘Oh, I’m not rich, my parents are.’ Like, shut up, Susan. You can’t say you’re not rich while driving your Mercedes Benz wearing your Gucci shoes. That’s not how that works.”

  I chuckled at my dramatic friend. “She is right, though. You are famous, Landon. The world has seen your tushy in boxer briefs. That’s the top layer of fame.”

  “And what a cute little tushy-wushy it is,” Raine mocked, leaning over to pinch his cheeks. “I’m a proud big sister.”

  “For the millionth time, I’m older than you, Raine,” Landon remarked.

  “By age, not by maturity.” She darted her eyes back and forth between the two of us. Then her stare moved to Landon’s hand caressing my upper thigh. “Is this about to get a little PG-13? Should I leave?”

  “You should probably leave,” I joked.

  She nodded in agreement. “Okay, well, don’t make plans tomorrow night, Landon. We’re going to have everyone over for a reunion. Now, go do whatever it is you’re planning to do, you two lovebirds—but remember, these walls are thin, and my bedroom is right next door to Shay’s.”

  I laughed. “I know, and I’m reminded of how thin the walls are every time Hank stays the night.”

  She gave me a smile and a wink. “We broke the headboard the other night.”

  Landon jumped in. “And I think that falls into the realm of too much information. I don’t want to think about Hank and you banging and breaking headboards. You are like a big sister to me, after all.”

  Raine walked around and patted him on the back. “You’re old enough to know that your sister gets laid, Landon—at least four times a week in many different positions.”

  “Raine,” Landon groaned, slapping his hand to his face. “Too much information.”

  “I bet you won’t think it’s too much information when Shay breaks out some of the moves from the Kama Sutra book I gave her. Good night, kiddos.”

  She hurried off, and Landon was staring at me with a highly arched eyebrow.

  “What?” I asked.

  “What’s this about a Kama Sutra book?” His lips curved up into a wicked grin.

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s nothing. Raine is just a sex-driven girl. She said she and Hank needed to spice things up after being together so long.”

  “I like spice. Spice is my favorite thing. What are some of the names of the moves in the book? What are we trying tonight?”

  I felt my face heating up from the idea of it all. “None.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Oh crap. You’ve really read this book, haven’t you?”

  “What? No. Not at all.”

  He smirked and pointed a finger. “You have one on the tip of your tongue. I can tell. Do share.”

  “Well…” I pulled the collar of my shirt between my lips and shrugged. “There is this thing called the butterfly.”

  The way his eyes smiled along with his lips made my cheeks heat even more. He rose to his feet. “Come on, let’s go. I’m going to butterfly the hell out of you.”

  The night resulted in a lot of failed attempts at sexual positions.

  “Is your toe supposed to be in my ear?” Landon asked, holding back his laughter. “If you start swirling that pinky toe around my earlobe, I’m going to explode from being so fucking turned on.” I giggled and began wiggling my toe in his ear. “Oh fuck, Shay, yes, yessss! I love it when you toe me,” he mocked, moaning in a dramatic tone.

  My stomach started aching from my laughter as I dropped my foot from his head and let it fall on the bed. Landon fell against me, pretending to be completely out of breath.

  “There’s nothing as good as a good night toe-fucking,” he said.

  “Next time, I’ll use my big toe.”

  “Don’t turn me on so quickly. I have to refuel the tank.”

  I lay my head against his bare chest, and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in closer. A simple embrace could’ve felt so sexually charged, but lying completely nude next to Landon felt more like comfort, like I was wrapped in the coziest blanket of my life.

  “I have news to share,” he said, making me look up from his chest. “I think it’s kind of cool.”

  “Oh? What is it?”

  “A few months back, I auditioned for a drama film with Kilt Entertainment. It was a leading role and way out of my league.”

  “No way. That’s a huge deal!” Kilt Entertainment was a huge production company known for making Oscar-worthy films. They worked with the cream of the crop, and they had the Midas touch. Everything they made turned into gold.

  “Why didn’t you say anything before?” I asked. If it were me, I would’ve been bursting at the seams to share that news.

  “I didn’t want to bring it up before there was an actual chance I’d land the part. But well, lo and behold…”

  I sat up in the bed. “Shut up.” My heart thumped hard in my chest as I stared at Landon’s giddy smirk and the sparkle in his eyes. “You got it?! You’re going to be the lead in a Kilt Entertainment film?!”

  “I guess I am. I’m not supposed to tell anyone yet, but I mean, you’re not just anyone. You’re the one—the only one I really wanted to tell right away.”

  “Your secrets are always safe with me, but holy crap. Landon, this is a big deal. This is massive. Oh, my
gosh.” I covered my mouth with my hands as my eyes welled up with emotions. There was no one in this world who deserved something so big, something so massive to happen for him more than Landon. “This is huge. This is one of those moments, the life-changing ones that turn your life upside down. You are amazing.” I leaned in and kissed him. “You are so, so amazing.”

  “Everything I have in this life is because of you.”

  Did he hear it? Did he hear my heart skipping as those words rolled off his tongue?

  He shifted in the bed and sat up a little. “Guess who’s the female lead?”

  I raised a brow.

  He smiled. “You’re going to like this. You’re going to love it.”


  “Sarah Sims.”

  My mouth hit the dang floor when he said her name. Sarah freaking Sims! Also known as one of the most amazing actresses of this day and age. Sarah freaking Sims had the trifecta of talents. She was an award-winning actor, director, and screenwriter. She’d been in the world of film since she was five. Her father was Jack Sims, one of the most prolific screenwriters in the history of ever, and, and, and! Sarah Sims was a holder of the greatest award in the whole world.

  She was an EGOT winner. She’d received all four of my goals in life: an Emmy, Golden Globe, an Oscar, and a Tony.

  She was one of my biggest idols in the whole wide world, and Landon was going to be working right beside her.

  Wow, wow, wow.

  “Tell her I love her,” I choked out, the hairs on my arms standing up from the idea of it all. “Tell her I love her and aspire to be just like her, and think she is the most talented, beautiful, breathtakingly talented woman ever.”

  He laughed. “You said talented twice.”

  “I know. She’s that good.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Do you have a girl crush on this woman? Should I be worried?”

  “Only if you ever let me anywhere near her. I’m a pretty classy girl, but if I get around Sarah freaking Sims, I can’t guarantee I won’t feel the need to dry-hump her leg.”

  “I feel oddly disturbed and turned on all at once.”

  “This is huge, Landon. Do you realize that? This is huge for you.”

  He shrugged, very nonchalant about it all. He didn’t seem to realize his life was about to change forever. A small knot of nerves formed in my gut as that realization truly settled.

  His life was about to change forever. His life, which was already busy was going to become even more insane. I couldn’t shake the small fear of wondering how I’d end up fitting into this new world of his. We’d hardly had much time as it was, yet when Landon’s career took off—which it would—how would we manage to figure out a way to make us work? He was moving full speed ahead, and I was hardly moving inches. I was at a standstill with my dreams, and sometimes, I couldn’t see how I’d ever be able to keep up with Landon’s.

  It was almost as if he knew the worries floating in my mind because he pulled me closer to him and wrapped me in his embrace.

  “You’ll have to come out while we’re filming. Maybe you’ll be able to stay for a week or so. I have money now, Shay. We can make trips a more frequent thing.”

  “I can’t do that, Landon. I can’t have you paying for such big trips.”

  “I want to,” he expressed. “I want you there with me. If I’m honest, I don’t know how much longer I can go without seeing you on a somewhat regular basis, maybe even once a month. I just want to make sure I’m giving you as much of me as possible, Shay. I want to make sure I’m good enough for you. Also, I selfishly want to fall asleep with you in my arms more and more.”

  My heart skipped a beat, feeling as if we were finally getting closer to the dream of us I’d been hoping for. “Really?”

  “Really. The money isn’t an issue. I want you around more. I need you around. I know you have school and all, but we can work around your schedule, too. For the first time in a long time, I feel as if everything’s getting better. The stars and the moon are aligning, and I want to look up at that sky with you.”

  I bit my bottom lip. “Can I meet Sarah Sims if I come visit you on set?”

  He laughed. “Oh God no. You’ll leave me for her in a heartbeat, and I cannot take that type of rejection.”

  “Hmph. You’re probably right. Plus, I bet Sarah has magical butterflying skills.”

  “I’m going to nail that butterfly position before I leave, dammit, and you’re going to forget Sarah Sims even exists.”

  I snickered. “Very unlikely about me forgetting she exists, but I encourage you to keep trying the butterfly.”

  “I’m not one to give up easily, fret not.”

  “I’m so happy,” I said, running my hands through my hair. “I’m so happy you’re here, and I’m so happy you’re achieving your dreams.” I beamed ear to ear and sighed. “I’m just so happy, Landon.”

  “Someday soon, I’ll be acting in one of your creations,” he said, placing his lips against mine. It was as if he saw the insecurities I had of my own dreams not coming to fruition and kissed them to sleep. “You’re next, Shay. You’re up next, and the world will be better because of your words.”

  He brushed his nose against mine, giving me Eskimo kisses before placing a kiss on my forehead.

  “You know what I want to do right now?” he whispered. His hot breaths rolled against the nape of my neck.

  “What’s that?”

  “I want to butterfly you again.”

  The rest of the night was filled with making love, making jokes, and having fun.

  It was so easy to smile whenever Landon was around me, and that night, he was in such a good frame of mind. I loved watching him be happy, be healthy, be with me.

  We laughed so hard that tears formed in our eyes and rolled down our cheeks from the ridiculous adventures of Shay, Landon, and the Kama Sutra. I loved how safe I felt with him and how he held my body as if he was worshiping gold. Never in my life had I known just being in someone’s arms could make you feel so much like you’re at home. His skin against my skin, and my head resting against his chest…home. This was home to me.

  Our breaths weaved in and out in harmony as we closed our eyes that night. One breath in, one breath out. Calm breaths that felt so at peace, so in harmony, so extremely right. It was hard being away from Landon for such long periods of time, but the reunion was always worth it. This thing we had was real, and it was ours.

  Feeling his chest rise and fall was one of my favorite sensations. I’d never felt so close to a human in all my life.

  One breath in, one breath out…

  I closed my eyes to fall into slumber, knowing that when I dreamed of home that night, I’d dream of his heartbeats.

  On our last night together, I woke up in the middle of the night due to movements against the comforter. Rubbing the tiredness from my eyes, I rose up on my elbows to find Landon sitting up on the edge of the bed with his phone in his hands. His head was down and staring at a message.

  “You okay?” I asked, yawning. He didn’t reply. The sky was still pitch black. The only light that shone in my room was the light from the cell phone. How long had he been sitting there, staring at the glow?

  I moved over to him and placed my hand against his stiff back. “Lan, what is it?”

  “My, um…” He sniffled and brushed his hand beneath his nose. “It’s my dad. He had a heart attack.”

  “Oh my gosh.” I sat up straighter. “I’m so sorry. Is he okay?”

  “I don’t know. I woke up to go to the bathroom and saw a message on my phone from his assistant, April. It was sent over four hours ago. He’s at St. Luke’s Hospital.”

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  He grimaced. “No. You don’t have to come with me. It’s late, and you should rest. I should get over there, though, to see how he’s doing.”

  “Landon, don’t be ridiculous. Come on, get dressed. I’ll drive.”

  He did as I told him, and we hopped into the
car. The whole ride there was silent, and Landon sat with his hand wrapped around the heart necklace I’d given him as he stared out the passenger window. I didn’t want to give him any words of encouragement because I knew anything would probably seem bleak to him. I could tell his mind was spinning. I’d spent enough time with Landon to know when his head was messing with him, based on his facial expressions. His brows were low and hard, and his left foot tapped repeatedly against the floor mat of the car. His jawline was clenched, too.

  Every now and then, I’d reach over and give his knee a comforting squeeze, a simple reminder that he wasn’t alone. I knew how sometimes his mind could make him feel that way, so it was my job to slip in little reminders that it wasn’t the truth.

  The sun was just beginning to rise when we pulled into the hospital. We hurried inside, and the moment we turned the corner to the waiting room, someone called out to Landon. We turned around to find a woman standing there in a peacoat and high heels. She had a small frame and looked a bit older than us, perhaps in her thirties or so.

  “April, what’s going on?” Landon asked.

  April—his father’s assistant.

  She appeared flustered and nervous, but I supposed hospitals had a way of making people feel those things.

  “He’s in recovery. It seemed to be a bad one this time, worse than the last. That was why I called you.”

  “Worse than the last?” Landon asked, his brow knitted. “What do you mean worse than the last?”

  April crossed her arms. “He had a mini heart attack a few months back. I was going to tell you, but he made sure to tell me not to, saying it was his business and he didn’t want you to know. This time was different. I was so scared when it happened that—”

  “You were there when it happened?” Landon cut in.

  April’s eyes widened with shock. I took a quicker look at her appearance and noticed that the hem of her garment peeking out beneath her peacoat looked like satin—satin with a trim of lace.

  April caught my stare and tugged on the bottom of her coat. “I, um, I was.”


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