The Domination of Diana

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The Domination of Diana Page 8

by M. J. Aleese

  Melody opened one of two large paneled, trimmed wooden doors. The plush office within contained the sweet scent of expensive tobacco. The trimmed walls and book-lined shelves emanated a powerful ambiance. How had Diana known Liam for so long and not known that he held this position of influence?

  Their shoes no longer echoed but sank into the plush multicolored carpet. In unison the three sluts fell to their knees, their bare asses visible from under the short black skirts. It was the same position Diana had assumed in her apartment, what seemed like a lifetime ago. Tears seeped from her newly painted eyes as she awaited her master’s voice.

  The name-plate next to the door read Security. Derek Terrill passed a card under a sensor and opened the locked barrier. Troy immediately scanned the small room which contained many black and white monitors. The scenes changed as different cameras shared their feed. One man sat scanning the multitude of screens. Troy wondered if every room within the club was under surveillance. Before he could ask, the door opened again. A tall blond man entered and slammed the door closed. Derek’s quick movement saved Troy from feeling the heated presence of the newest member to their small gathering.

  “Marcus back off, now." The man stopped his pursuit and turned toward Derek, who continued, “Did you get it?”

  “Yah, thankfully. If this son-of-a-bitch wouldn’t have moved when he did, it would have been too late. The cleaning crew was there seconds after I left.”

  “Do you think they saw you?”

  “I know they saw me, but they don’t have a fuck’n clue what I was doing.”

  “Give it to me." Derek said as he stared at Marcus. The tall blonde was obviously contemplating his boss’ directive. Derek repeated his command. “Give it to me. I will take care of this.”

  Troy watched in horror as Marcus handed Derek part of a candy-bar wrapper. More specifically, it was part of a Hershey’s Chocolate Bar wrapper. Immediately, he reached into the pocket of his jacket and removed the wrapper from Nicole’s surprise. It was only part of the paper. The rest must have fallen out of his pocket.

  Marcus watched the wheels turn in Troy’s head. When Troy finally looked up, Marcus met him chest to chest. “Do you have any fuck’n idea what would have happened to her if this was found by the cleaning crew?”

  Troy’s puffed chest deflated. “I thought I had it all covered: I hid her from the camera, I had the music playing, and I thought I had the wrapper in my pocket.”

  “Well guess what, ass hole, you didn’t. I saw you reach under the pillow. I saw the wrapper hit the floor.” Grabbing the front of Troy’s shirt, Marcus pulled him close. “There are some who would have contacted Clinton immediately. She is just lucky that those of us in here right now are not of that mindset.”

  Derek stepped between the two men, disconnecting their union. His gaze set intently on his employee. Nonetheless, before he could speak, Marcus leaned around Derek’s broad shoulders. “So was that your plan. Do you get-off getting the girls punished? It isn’t enough that you cause them pain, you want to know it continues when you are gone?”

  Derek seemed to grow by inches. “Marcus, I am going to tell you this once more. I will take care of this. I don’t think we have the full story. The reason Mr. Palmer wouldn’t move away from the door was because he wanted to be sure Nicole would be alright. I do not think he was setting her up." All Troy could do is nod his head. Could a candy bar really cause such serious repercussions?

  Feeling the blood drain from his already perspiring face Troy spoke, “She told me she hadn’t eaten, only scraps. She also said she missed sunshine and chocolate. I meant to help her, not hurt her.”

  “Sure, asshole, that is obvious with the riding crop and nipple clamps.”

  Troy’s shoulders squared as his volume increased. “That is fuck’n different."

  “Walk away now, Marcus. Go do a round through the clubs. Nicole is supposed to be in dining room three. You can confirm that she’s there. Text me and finish the loop." He waited a minute, before adding. “Now.”

  Marcus turned abruptly toward the door. He opened it with enough force to pull it from the hinges, before turning one more time toward Troy, his eyes drilled into Troy’s soul. He then turned to Derek and left.

  Unconsciously, Troy exhaled. The man at the monitors remained fixated on the screens. His diligence impressed Troy, who turned back to Derek. “I really meant to help. The other stuff is… well…”

  “Hey, man, it is what it is. Actually, it is her job, and she does it willingly. But, you need to understand there are specific rules here. And, well, since let’s just say more recently, things have become stricter. Clinton has been given more leeway on his punishments.”

  “Does Liam have anything to do with these changes?”

  Derek’s expression fought to remain stoic. However, concern showed in his eyes. “You know Liam Diamond?”

  “Yes, I have for a long time. Don’t worry, I won’t say anything about your and Blondie’s crusade to protect the girls. Actually, I admire it. Nicole told me, she has people who protect her. I can see she is right.”

  Derek nodded. “We aren’t prudes. We understand the scene. It is just that different people carry things out differently.”

  “I think I am starting to get that. I mean, I remember Liam with Nicole. It made me kinda sick. But yet, when I was alone with her -– it was so hot.”

  “It is none of my business. Are you new at this?”

  Troy looked up to answer, however his attention suddenly went to the woman in the attached office. He had not noticed her before.

  Derek followed his stare. “Can I help you, Mr. Palmer?”

  “Yes." Troy stared at the woman through the window of the door. She had long straight blonde hair, a short black dress, and was casually leaning against the desk, reading a magazine. “Is that Dr. Sells?”

  Derek’s smile widened. “Yes." Troy turned toward him. “That is Mrs. Terrill, my wife.”

  Troy’s mind swirled. Dr. Juliana Sells is a psychologist in his office building. He’d seen her many times. Legend said she was a bitch and a half, but a hell of a therapist. About a year ago, she married. Now she is just a half of a bitch. “No Shit. You are Dr. Sell’s husband?”

  Derek’s smile widened as his chest inflated. “Something like that. Do you know my wife?”

  “Nothing more than a nod on the elevator, or a hello at the café.”

  “Well, let me introduce the two of you. Perhaps this will broaden your perception of BDSM." Derek led Troy to the private office.

  As soon as the door opened and Juliana saw her husband, she dropped the magazine and knelt with her head near the floor. Her dress was longer than the waitress’s and didn’t expose anything, other than a nice round material covered ass. Derek grinned at Troy and spoke, “Jules, rise and meet our guest.”

  Dr. Sells immediately obeyed standing and settling herself next to her beaming husband. Troy couldn’t help think how pretty she looked. He’d literally seen her dozens of times, but never like this. Standing demurely next to her Master, she radiated beauty and confidence. Derek continued to coordinate her movements, “Say hello to Mr. Palmer.”

  Juliana smiled politely and bowed her head, “Hello, Master Palmer.”


  “Master Troy." Juliana looked at him for a moment and again lowered her eyes. “Master Troy, I believe we have met.”

  “Yes. I work for Jameson, Freeman, and Lewis, on the same floor of the Wyatt building as your practice.”

  Troy couldn’t help notice Derek’s amusement and pride. “Yes, my slave is a well-known psychologist. You will find that BDSM and master – slave relationships, occur in all walks of life, actually much more often than the vanilla people of the world know."

  This was so obviously different than what Troy experienced thus far at Creation Inferno. His curiosity got the better of him, “I apologize. I am so surprised. So the two of you are husband and wife, master and slave, and carry on normal li

  Juliana smiled into her master’s shoulder and waited for him to speak.

  Derek turned to embrace the beautiful blonde body and lightly kiss her lips. Troy yearned for a woman to look at him with the trusting soulful eyes he saw peering at Derek. “Yes. Jules agreed to be my slave of her own free will. From that moment on, I became master of that free will. That was a year and a half ago. We have been married for over a year. We both have our jobs, but the most important thing is us and our relationship.”

  Troy turned toward Juliana, “But you still work and see patients?”

  She didn’t speak. Derek did. “Yes, because I allow it. My slave is gifted. I am proud to have her help others.”

  “So if you decided she needed to stop, she would?”

  Derek smiled and squeezed the tight body pressed to his side. “Answer the male, my slave.”

  “Master Troy, if my master told me to stop seeing clients tomorrow, I would. I trust his judgment completely. Honestly, it has been the most transforming relationship. I feel completely free, being a slave."

  “But you two don’t …" Troy hesitated and looked at Derek, “You don’t like beat her, or …”

  Derek smiled. “My love, tell Master Troy. Do you ever deserve discipline?”

  “Yes, Master Troy. My master reminds me of appropriate behavior as much as is necessary.”

  Troy couldn’t believe his ears. This overtly affectionate couple willingly practiced BDSM. He watched as Dr. Sells molded to Derek’s side and whispered in his ear. It felt so natural to see these two together.

  “Juliana Louise Terrill, apologize to our guest. It is rude to whisper in front of someone. If you have a request, you know what to do. Ask permission to speak and then speak so that you may be heard by one and all." Dr. Sell’s head hung as she listened to her husband’s reprimand. When he’d finished, Troy watched Juliana fall to her knees and speak first to him, “Master Troy, I apologize for being rude to you. I did not mean to offend.”

  Troy marveled at the power of Derek Terrill and replied, “Apology accepted, you may rise.”

  “Now, make your request known." Derek’s voice left no room for misinterpretation. Juliana had been chastised publicly, and her display of obedience wasn’t complete.

  “Master,” her eyes peered toward only Derek. “May I use the bathroom?”

  “Very good, now tell our guest what would happen if I said no.”

  “I would have to wait." Troy could see, in her expression that she feared that particular response, but her eyes brightened at Derek’s next words.

  “However, I will not." Turning to Troy, “If you will excuse us for a moment, I seem to be the only owner, to the key of her chastity belt.”

  Troy nodded as the loving couple walked through the door. His mind reeled with this recent revelation. It seemed that Liam’s version of BDSM was but a slice of what is available. He thought again about Diana. They could do this. They could carry on normal lives and yet maintain a master/slave relationship. If only he could reach her.

  Waiting for the Terrills’ return, Troy checked his cell phone. He had a message: Sorry, Bro. My meeting is still in progress. Can we make it 11? Or is tomorrow better?

  Troy had hoped it might be from Diana. He exhaled and checked the time, almost half past nine. Gosh, time had gotten away from him. He was glad Liam couldn’t make it. Troy wanted more information from the Terrills. That is, if Derek would allow his questions.

  Troy replied to the text: Sure thing. Let’s plan on Thursday. After work?

  Making himself at home on Derek’s sofa, he observed the couple’s return, hand in hand. Derek offered Troy more information. “I do not want you to misunderstand. I do not doubt my slave’s virtue. However, sometimes here at the club I must leave her unattended. There is a code of honor that prohibits one male from taking another male’s slave, without his permission. Many grant that permission." The arm that encircled his wife tightened, “I do not, which is outwardly denoted with this lock." Derek fingered the silver chain around Juliana’s neck and the silver padlock charm.

  Troy replied, “Interesting. I didn’t know that. I mean all the club slaves have locks.”

  “Yes, which signifies their status, the difference is they are owned by the club. As a member of the club, you are part owner. In reality, they are owned by Carmichael International, the parent company of Creation Inferno.

  "Your misconception is why my slave wears a chastity belt. I will not allow anyone to misconstrue her availability. Females are not allowed to refuse a male. The locket and belt inform other males that it is I who refuse them."

  “Alright, but if you must leave her unattended, haven’t I read about belts that allow for urination?" Suddenly Troy felt uncomfortable discussing Dr. Sells in this manner. “I apologize, I have been thinking about my fiancée and me becoming involved in this lifestyle, and my curiosity is getting the better of me. This is none of my business.”

  Derek grinned as Juliana’s eyes remained respectfully downcast. “My slave, tell our guest why you are not wearing that type of belt.”

  Her blue eyes remained bright and clear as she answered, “I am being punished this evening." Troy raised his eyebrows – this was so freak’n hot. “I have a problem with punctuality. Tonight I was not ready, at the time my master instructed.”

  Derek continued her speech. “Is the solid belt the only punishment for your infraction?”

  “No, Master. Master Troy, I was also spanked. It is because I continue to have the same problem. But, I am trying to work on it.” She once again lowered her eyes.

  Derek smiled at Troy, “I am beginning to doubt her dedication to solving this issue. I am starting to think she likes the punishment." Juliana didn’t answer, but Troy saw the way she smiled and wiggled closer to her husband. Damn, he wants this with Diana.

  Derek looked down at his phone. “It seems that Nicole is working in dining room three and appears well. It also seems that I am needed in Mr. Diamond’s office. I am responsible for the legal paperwork of new club sluts. He has a new recruit ready to sign.”

  “Sign?” Troy asked.

  “Yes, Mr. Palmer, every slut is here voluntarily. They release their rights to Carmichael International, in return they are allowed to live and work here, until their services are no longer wanted.”

  “What happens to them then?”

  Derek kissed Juliana’s cheek. “I will be back as soon as I can." She nodded. Then to Troy, “They are sold. Remember, they’ve already signed away their free will. Since you are a friend of Mr. Diamond’s, would you like to join me? See how this works?”

  Troy thought about it. He was still trying to take in this new side of BDSM. “I believe I will pass. May I stay and ask Doctor… I mean your slave, more questions? I think her perspective, as a slave and a psychologist may help me with my fiancée.”

  Derek smiled, “As long as you respect my lock. Most males around here refuse to see the intelligence that a female can possess. I admire your insight. But, I promise, as amazing as her mind is, her body is even better.”

  Troy laughed, “I guess I am going to need to take your word on that.”

  “Yes, you will." With that he closed the office door, leaving the two of them alone. Troy noticed Dr. Sell’s blushed cheeks. It was one of the most beautiful sights, he’d ever seen.

  Chapter Eight

  Diana, now Cierra, knelt obediently near Liam’s feet. Master Derek was on his way to meet with her, alone. Over the past few hours, Master Liam has been preparing her for the impending contract, her voluntary submission of rights. It started as soon as Candy and Desiree brought her to this office.


  Prostrate on the lush carpet, Liam’s voice caused Diana’s body to tremble as her pussy quivered. She teetered on the ledge between terror and ecstasy. The fear of one and the allure of the other, kept her tingling with electricity. This man now dominated her being. In the past she’d upset him, said things, and done th
ings. Tears slipped from her painted lids as she thought about their past. Diana prayed that he recognized the past as ancient history, this is now. The realization that her entire future rested outside her control made her weak with desire. She would do anything to please her master. Sensing his presence and longing for his recognition, her desire for food diminished, in contrast to her desire to please his every whim.

  “Rise, sluts; let me see what you have done." The three females rose to their feet. Candy and Desiree stepped back leaving Diana vulnerable and alone. Liam took her chin between his thumb and finger. “Look up at me, cunt." His words degraded, yet his tone comforted. Diana met his eyes. “Don’t cry. You will ruin the makeup.”

  Inhaling and exhaling, Diana attempted to read his eyes. She’d seen rage in those ice blue eyes. Now, it seemed as though the ice had melted into a tepid pool of blue. His tone matched the warmth. “Yes, Master." She blinked back the tears.

  “Let me see you, turn around." Diana obeyed, doing a slow 360. “Very good,” he reached out to touch her hair. “Yes, red was a good choice." Speaking to the other club sluts, “I can assume it is not only this hair that has been dyed?”

  Desiree spoke, “Yes, Master. Her pussy is a matching red.”

  Liam smiled, “Did our new slave cooperate?”

  The sluts replied simultaneously, “Yes, Master.”

  “I want to see it, undress her." They didn’t hesitate. Diana remained steady as Candy removed her shirt and Desiree pulled down her skirt. Diana obediently stepped out of the small piece of material.

  Standing in only her black high heels, Diana considered shielding herself, but instinctively knew it would be prohibited. Besides, the public display was erotic. Her cunt clenched as he inspected the tight curls of her mound. She longed for Liam’s approval.

  “Did the two of you initiate our new slut? Make her come? Taste her?”

  Candy responded, “Sir, Desiree fingered her, she was wet. I licked Desiree’s fingers. She was sweet.”


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