Carnal Slave

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Carnal Slave Page 14

by Vonna Harper

  Wanted. Sweet damn, she wanted him!

  More of his intellect splintered as he thrust wildly. By turn her sex tightened around him and relaxed so his cock slid free and hot.

  Nothingness surrounded him, sucked him deep. His hands were on the move over her, his legs burning. The roaring in his ears matched his harsh grunts. There was no quit in him, no command over his body. Deep, ever deeper. Hunting joy and release.

  Finding it.

  Hearing her scream.

  And when he was done and his discharge leaked from her, wondering what the hell had happened.

  Telling himself it never would again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The days and nights melted together in Willow’s mind. She hadn’t been beaten for a while for which she was grateful. If only she could get enough sleep so she could pull her thoughts together, but Master Damek never left her alone long enough for that. Even if he wasn’t with her, someone else was there to make sure the other captives and she didn’t slack off on their exercise. As her muscles strengthened and her lung capacity grew, she fantasized about using her newly-strong body to escape, but every time she imagined herself running free into the surrounding wilderness, her bonds brought her back to reality.

  Leather always circled her neck as did the metal bands now locked around her wrists and ankles. Sometimes Master Damek left her in her stall with just the collar and bands, but she only had to look at or touch proof of her slavery to be reminded of how easily he could restrain her.

  And restrain he often he did—a leash as he led her about, leg hobbles that reduced her to awkward shuffling, her arms behind, in front, or above her.

  Other than to command, he no longer spoke to her. Every morning began with a cold shower. He still tied her so her legs were spread but instead of shaving her pubic hair himself, he commanded her to do it while he watched and the relentless camera recorded her every move. The first time she’d been so embarrassed she hadn’t been able to lift her head, but now she no longer cared. The watchers weren’t real, and if they were, they couldn’t touch her. Yet.

  Lesson followed lesson. She was taught how to gracefully kneel with her legs widespread, her breasts out-thrust, and her mouth open for use.

  She serviced Master orally until her jaw ached. He never said whether her efforts pleased him, but if they didn’t wouldn’t he punish her?

  Because begging wouldn’t have changed anything, she remained silent each time he filled her ass with a plug and strapped her into it. He kept subjecting her with a larger one, saying only that her master might want her well-spread.

  Having both her ass and vagina filled was disconcerting, especially when she had to step onto a treadmill and hold to a trot until sweat streamed off her. Hard as she tried not to let him know how much the twin sensations excited her, his expression left no doubt that he did.

  “Your master will want you in heat,” he’d explained. “That way he’ll have your full attention and occasionally your gratitude. This insures the condition.”

  She hadn’t been allowed to climax since the day they’d had sex. Yes, it had been sex and not rape, she admitted. She’d wanted to fuck as much as he had and they’d come at nearly the same instant. Several times daily Master Damek took advantage of her mouth and frequently climaxed, so why didn’t he use her pussy? Was it because he intended to keep her frustrated or was something else—something connected to his emotional distance—responsible?

  And why did she care?

  Today he’d come for her at dawn and they’d gone through the ritual that left her pussy-clean shaven and body shivering. He’d taken her into the training room and ordered her to crawl onto a mattress on the floor. Then he’d cuffed her hands behind her and locked her ankles together. Just before leaving, he’d placed her food bowl on the floor near her. She’d managed to swallow about half of it before the hopelessness of her situation overwhelmed her and she lay on her side, defeated. For the first time in nearly week her ass and/or pussy weren’t filled. Without the distraction and no one else in the room, she stared up at the barred window where freedom waited.

  She should hate Master Damek but she didn’t. She wanted to, yet her feelings where he was concerned were too complex for that. Much easier was mentally cursing whoever had told Carnal Incorporated about her. Was that person or persons watching, curious about what she was thinking?

  Let them wonder. Her mind was the one thing they couldn’t reach.

  The curtain was pushed aside and two men walked in. She recognized her master but hadn’t seen the other one before. Was the stranger contemplating buying her?

  “She isn’t bad,” the newcomer said. “Not outstanding, but we seldom get stunners.

  Think she’ll be ready?”

  Master Damek punched the other man on the shoulder. “Will yours? How about you worry about your bitch, I’ll concern myself with mine.”

  “Not a problem. I just wanted to get an idea what this one might bring.”

  “More than the cow you brought with you.”

  “Cow?” The newcomer knelt beside her and rolled her onto her back as if she was a piece of merchandise. He grabbed her breasts and squeezed. “Mine has bigger knockers. Firmer too.”

  Don’t talk about me like that. I’m a human being.

  Wasn’t she?

  “Because your slut bought hers. Too bad she didn’t get her money’s worth.”

  “Yeah. Well, there’s not much I can do about that.” The way the muscular stranger ran his hands over her breasts, she had no doubt he knew what he was doing. This man wasn’t just groping, was examining. “Good density here. I’ll have to give you that. I’m surprised you haven’t ringed her. That never lowers a slave’s price.” He made his point by pinching her nipples and moving them in a circle.

  Ringed. Ringed. Pierced.

  “I’ve thought about that.”

  Despite her fear of what the men might do next, she stared at her master. Something in his tone reminded her of the day when, briefly, they’d been equals.

  “Yeah?” the other man said. “Big decision?”

  “None of your damn business. So are we going to do it or not?”

  “Sure. I’m just enjoying some of the real stuff. Almost forgot what it felt like.” His hold let up, but she didn’t dare relax. “Something about what you said during our last conversation made me think this one’s a little different. Am I reading you right?”


  “In what way?”

  “Enough with the shrink talk. Are we going to do it?”

  “Of course.” After releasing her nipples, he stood. Fortunately his grip hadn’t been that painful, either that or even her breasts were adjusting to her new lot in life. “So, to spell out the guidelines and to celebrate my and my slave’s arrival, here’s how the wager goes. I decide what paces I want you to put your slut through. Then when you’re done, we bring in my bitch and you give me a task. Winner buys all the drinks between now and the auction.”

  Lifting his foot, Master Damek rubbed his shoe over her middle. “Go for it. For the record, slave, Reno and I have known each other since we signed on at Carnal. Our methods aren’t exactly the same but we get the necessary results.”

  She barely took note of the other man’s name. If he wanted to, Master Damek could badly injure her by applying more weight, yet she saw nothing of a threat in his expression. It had to be her imagination making her think he was trying to connect with her.

  “All right,” Reno said. “I’ve got it. You were bragging about how well-trained she’s become, that she’ll follow you around like a puppy dog.”

  Her master stepped back from her. “I said we were getting there.”

  “Hey, no hedging your bet. Here’s the deal, there’s more to control than a leash. More ways of managing her beyond a collar.”

  “Go on.”

  Master Damek’s wary tone made her shiver. Her dread picked up when she looked from one man to the other. Both st
ared at her as if she was an animal in a trap.

  “Getting the point, are you, old buddy?” Reno asked.

  “You know I am.”

  “It’s good to know you aren’t completely senile yet. Start by putting some slack in her ankle restraints.”

  Smiling in a way she hadn’t seen before, her master walked over to an equipment table and returned with a length of chain. He removed the leather strap he’d used to hobble her and hooked the chain to her anklets. The chain was long enough that she could almost walk normally.

  “On your feet,” he ordered when he was done.

  Not long ago her legs wouldn’t have been strong enough to support her as she stood without use of her hands. Being the object of two knowing men’s attention was unnerving, prompting her to stare at her master’s shoes. How many times had she licked them clean?

  Demeaned herself even more than she was now?

  “My turn,” Reno said and headed for the table. “Once she’s hooked up, I want you to take her past the other stalls so whoever’s in them can see. Then we’ll go outside and display her there.”

  Don’t do this, please. I’m not an animal, I’m human.

  But of course he couldn’t hear her and even if he could, it wouldn’t have changed anything.

  Master Damek hooked his finger through her collar and drew her closer. Through his shirt she felt his body heat. Wanted more.

  Reno—she’d have to remember to call him master if he spoke to her—held out a pair of slender chains with two clamps on each of them.

  What—what’s going to--! No, Master, please, pity me.

  “You’re a bastard,” Master Damek said, taking the objects.

  “Of course I am. It’s a job requirement. Okay, you say you know her. How will she react?”

  “She isn’t into pain. She won’t like it.”

  “No shit. Come on, you can give me more than that.”

  “It’ll be interesting once we’re out of here. For the most part it’s been the two of us because—“

  “Because that way she has no choice but to focus on you. I know the drill, damn it.”

  Were the men arguing? Judging by their body language, it was more a case of knowing each other so well they didn’t have to mince words. Master Damek kept fingering the chains.

  Despite their small size the clamps looked powerful. Four of them, four.

  “Face me, slave. Chest out and legs spread.”

  At the order, her legs weakened. Much as she needed to run, imprisonment had taught her not to give into instinct.

  “Please, Master,” she whispered even as she obeyed.

  “She do that a lot?” Reno asked. “Beg?”

  “At first. Not now.”

  “Because you’ve taught her it won’t do any good.”

  Moving too fast for her to keep up with, he closed his workman’s hand around her left breast and pulled. Off balance, she concentrated on not falling. Sudden pain radiated up her breast, and she stared at the evil silver clinging to her nipple. Another jolt of pain to her right breast soon followed. Shaking, she gaped at what he’d done to her. The chain between the two clamps dangled nearly to her belly.

  “Step into sensation,” Master Damek said in a low tone. “Experience everything to the fullest. Make it part of you.”

  This wasn’t the first time he’d talked to her like this. Her breasts hurt of course, and she couldn’t dismiss the grinding sensation in her belly.

  What was it the two men had talked about earlier, something about piercing her nipples. Maybe that would be better. Once the wounds healed it might not be any worse than wearing earrings.

  She’d permanently wear Master Damek’s jewelry.

  Even when he was no longer in her life.

  “Legs open.”

  The command pounded like fire through her, making it impossible for her to obey.

  Irrationally, she wanted to look at him for reassurance. She couldn’t lift her head.

  “Do it, slave.”

  Slave. Property. Whining under her breath, she did what she had to. She tried to close her eyes only to reconsider when she started to lose her balance.

  To her surprise, her master began gently fingering her labia and clit. Despite herself, she relaxed.

  “Interesting,” Reno said. “You hypnotizing her first?”

  “What the hell do you care?”

  “Whoever buys her won’t give a damn about making things easy for her. I’d think you’d be pounding that little lesson into her.”

  “I have. A lot.”

  “Maybe not enough.”

  Master Damek didn’t respond, and to her relief he continued lightly stroking her sex—his sex these days. Pain continued to circle her breasts, but at least part of her felt good.

  More than good she amended when his finger entered her wet opening. Her sexual responsiveness might be her salvation today.

  “Got you,” Master Damek snapped. Before the words were fully out of his mouth, agony turned her world upside down. Fiery teeth clamped onto a labial lip—she couldn’t tell which one because the pain was everywhere.

  Cursing, she took a backward step only to jerk to a stop and stare down. Master Damek held onto the chain, easily keeping her in place.

  “Three down. One to go.”

  No no no!

  Much as she wanted to scream down Reno’s threat, she couldn’t. Her nails bit into her palms and her toes curled inward, threatening to cramp. Her breath wheezed.

  “Got you again.”

  Fresh pain married with what she was already suffering. It all flowed together so she felt as if she was drowning under it. She again tried to fight free.

  “Stop it.”

  Two words spoken in a firm tone were all it took to get through to her. She still felt trapped, but the panic that had started to overwhelm her was receding.

  “Look at what I’m doing,” Master Damek continued. “Make sense of it. That’s the only thing you have to do.”

  As his tone enveloped her, she began to wonder why she’d reacted as violently as she had. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been even more confined than right now and being whipped hurt as much what she was experiencing. Ignoring both Master Reno and the camera, she watched as her master slowly drew the labia-connecting chain out from between her trembling legs. The tugging sensation on her labia overwhelmed her.

  Was this how he intended to lead her outside?

  “Don’t forget the leash.”

  “I haven’t.”

  Ominous words, words she had to focus on. Fighting a fresh wave of terror, she stood as he clipped the leash to both chains. Her sex lips were being pulled up, her breasts down. He tugged. Mouth open and legs now shaking violently, she stumbled toward him.

  Free me! Please, I need to be free. Not—not an animal.

  Yes you can.

  “Damn but that looks hot. She sure as hell isn’t going to fight as long as you’ve got her that way.”

  “No, she isn’t.” Master Damek moved his arm from side to side, making the connected chains sway. The one attached to her labia seemed heavier than the other. Doubtlessly, her sex lips were exposed. Trapped. No longer belonging to her.

  She’d never been more under her master’s control, more connected to him.

  His possession.

  “Let’s show her off.” Reno started for the curtain. “Might as well give her an idea what the auction’s going to be like.”

  “Might as well.”

  Hearing her master’s muttered reply, she tried to tell herself he’d rather stay in here where he had her to himself. If it was just the two of them, would he find a way to push her to the divide between pleasure and pain? Could he keep her there forever?

  Master started after his friend, and she shuffled behind him with her legs as far apart as possible. Her pussy was alive with sensation, not all of it bad. A slick grinding sensation was crawling up her sex channel. Any moment now it would reach her belly and radiate out in all

  She was a slave, a naked and helpless female plodding in her master’s wake. She wanted to bring her legs together so whoever was outside wouldn’t see her clamped flesh, but she was afraid that would punish her sex even more. Besides, there was no hiding Master Damek’s command of her breasts.

  His to do what he wanted with. On display. The object of ridicule and lewd stares.

  Incapable of freeing herself.

  Completely dependent on this one man.

  The sun carried real warmth today. Instead of embracing the offering, however, she sunk into herself what little she could in a futile attempt to make herself smaller. A bull being led around by the ring in his nose had strength on his side while she had nothing.

  Was nothing.

  “Now that’s interesting.”

  “Herd that piece of ass this way.”

  “Where’s the weights? I want to see those breasts hang.”

  Forced out of her self-imposed fog by the harsh comments, she looked up to see a half dozen men on the porch her master was leading her toward.

  Her master was putting her on display, showing her off like some prized possession.

  “I told you Damek had his hands on a submissive one,” a man said. “Do I know what I’m talking about or do I?”

  “Damek and I have a bet going,” Reno said. “If I’d known she was this compliant, I would have thought of something more demanding, like hanging her by her ankles and beating her.”

  She’d seen that done to another captive several days ago. The beating hadn’t lasted long, but by then the woman’s face had turned bright red, her ankles were blue, and her dangling fingers kept twitching. She’d nearly passed out as she was being placed on her feet.

  Whimpering, she’d leaned toward her master. He’d laughed and shoved her away.

  Like the hapless other slave, Willow pressed closer to her master. Even though he’d done this to her, he also fed and watered her.

  “Interesting,” Reno said in a low tone. “Does this mean she trusts you?”

  “Hmm.” He stroked the breast closest to him. “You wouldn’t think so.”


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