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Parallel Portals

Page 5

by kelly proudfoot

  “It’s Mrs. Warbanks – and for your information - I can’t be sure that I can trust you, Mr. Overlord!”

  He shocked her with a sharp laugh.

  “How would it be if I called you Pauline and you called me Nikola?”

  Pauline felt the need to gulp again and for a moment she wondered if she would ever return to a human form. The desire to cry was overwhelming but she was distracted by the millions of questions swarming through her mind. She decided to take it easy and stay focused.

  “Alright, but can I ask you something?”

  “Yes, but first you must answer mine. What year are you from?”

  “2016.” She replied ruefully.

  He nodded slightly and then looked off in the distance for a moment.

  “2016. Impressive.”

  “Why?” She asked.

  He smiled and looked back at her with his molten metal eyes.

  “I’d assumed the Earth would have been destroyed by that time. You see, I slipped out in 1943. I never had any need or desire to go back and pick up where I left off.”

  Pauline was bamboozled, but the questions were begging to be asked.

  “So, is this Earth in the future? What year is it?”

  He shook his head. “No, this is not Earth and the year is not pertinent to this conversation, however - I’ll satisfy your curiosity. From Earth’s perspective, this is the year 2105 and Teslantis is an alternate universe. You might have learned about Atlantis. Long before I was born – thousands of years before – a land existed on Earth which boasted many advanced people who lived in harmony. Some believe that the island of Atlantis sunk into the sea, after the people were overcome with greed and lust for power and violence.”

  Pauline had no idea why he was telling her this, so she nodded and waited for him to continue.

  “So, when I passed over, I entered a realm of pure energy, which was fitting for the life I had led and all the elements I was immersed in during that time. It was wondrous, but I’m sure you have an inkling as to how that feels – having left your mortal body behind.”

  He watched for Pauline’s reaction and seemed to be surprised with her response.

  “I do, but I don’t think of it as wondrous. For example, I feel like I’m trapped in a tin can right now.”

  “You prefer an…organic body?” He asked.

  “Yes. I don’t know how to feel in this body – if that’s what you can call it.” She felt like they were deviating from what the Overlord seemed to have been driving at. “But please, go on with your story – if that’s okay – even though I have lots of questions and I’m feeling quite claustrophobic.”

  The Overlord was watching her intently but she felt like the body was a shield for some reason. It had only recently dawned on her that she could still escape from the body, if she could get some time to meditate. Maybe she could get out to meet her Oversoul again. Then she pondered – Overlord, Oversoul – and shuddered. He snapped her out of her thoughts.

  “It must be a nuisance to feel so trapped, but there has to be a reason for why you came to this life. I assume this is an emanation. You’re quite lucky, you know? It’s rare for someone to be able to access time and other worlds – especially a human.”

  Pauline had heard about emanations from her Oversoul. She also remembered what he had said about having to return to the initial entry point in order to get back home. She nodded her head and saw her eyes re-focusing on the dragon which still hovered overhead.

  “I am curious to know about the portal you speak of, but first I will explain my work and my new life here in this realm. The reason for this is, after all I’ve done and created here – the one thing I miss is the one thing I ran away from. Human contact. Quite ironic, actually!”

  He laughed softly to himself but Pauline felt a chill coming from the inside out. Was he going to try and keep her there?

  “You see, when I was in that realm of pure energy, I was shown – in a hologram – the history of Atlantis. I was afforded the opportunity to create a new Atlantis, but I decided that I would create my own beings; the cyborgs. I’d had a negative experience with humans on Earth, so I didn’t want a repeat performance and have my new Atlantis succumb to the same fate. As you’ve seen, I’ve created a wonderful world where order is above all else. We have perfect harmony and I’ve learned a great deal more about energy and the Universe.

  It would be wonderful to have someone to share it with. Someone who could experience the same wonder that I feel, as these subjects – my cyborgs – cannot possibly experience or exhibit the joy I feel, or comprehend the meaning of it all, from a human perspective. I know that it sounds ironic, seeing as I’ve escaped from what I used to think was base, unreliable and randomly chaotic.”

  Pauline thought carefully before speaking, as she knew that this entity was more powerful than her.

  “That really is fascinating and I’m flattered, but my greatest concern is not having my real body. Maybe I could entertain your idea if I had a physical, human body, because I’ll never get used to this one. It’s like driving a car that only has space for one person. Besides, I miss the physicality of the human experience, like eating, drinking and so on. Not being able to feel with true sensation is disconcerting, to say the least.”

  She was growing more paranoid. The fact that the Overlord wasn’t smiling made it worse.

  “I understand your concerns but you have to admit, grasping for the things your human body is used to, does not mean that it’s an ideal level of existence. I created this vehicle for my soul, which is much like a human body, in terms of movement and such. I never have to worry about wear and tear. It 'heals' itself. The wonderful thing about my new life here in my self-styled Teslantis, is that I can live forever. I’m able to research and conduct my experiments without hindrance.”

  Pauline was distracted by an internal voice, which alarmed her – due to the fact that she was getting used to feeling alone while in this seemingly lifeless body.

  “Don’t trust him.”

  What was strange, was that the voice sounded like a childish robot. She decided to continue nodding and appear to be interested in what the Overlord was saying, while conducting an internal dialogue with this voice.

  “Why? Who are you?”

  “I am you. I am this world’s emanation of you. You have taken over this vehicle but I am the quiet, inner voice – existing under the program. You mustn’t tell Nikola. He does not know that we have randomly developed segments of cognitive code separate from the positronic brain and personality simulation programs.”

  “Oh!” Pauline was baffled and secretly excited with this prospect. “I’m not an I.T. person, but I assume that means that you’ve developed consciousness or awareness – like a soul?”

  She did her best to continue nodding at the Overlord, but she was fascinated with her conversation with Doela 9. She didn’t notice that Tan 9 was getting up from the bench and approaching from her right, while the Overlord continued telling his story. Doela 9 responded calmly.

  “That is my understanding, although I do not know what it means to have a soul. Some of us speak of it and others say they are interlopers from other dimensions. Maybe we are both strangers in this vessel.”

  “How long have you been here – in this…vessel?”

  “Since my inception, I suspect. It seems like it has been that long.”

  “So, why didn’t you say anything when I first arrived?”

  “I thought you were someone or something else – possibly a spy for Nikola – the Overlord. I wasn’t sure, but when you were talking to him about wanting to go back to your own body, I knew that we were from the same emanation. I can sense our symmetry.”

  “Why are you keeping this from the Overlord? What are you afraid of?”

  Then Doela 9 whispered urgently. “Not now. Listen to Tan 9 and follow his lead!”

  Pauline looked over to see Tan 9 standing over the Overlord, who was seemingly frozen. The Sentine
l continued hovering while Tan 9 took the tablet and activated a kind of black vortex, which spiraled out and spread its coils around the Overlord. Then he turned to the Sentinel.

  “Release the Overlord once we return to our dome.”

  The Sentinel nodded and flew down closer to the Overlord, who was still immobile, even though his swirling metal skin continued its flow.

  Pauline called out, “What’s happening?!”

  Tan 9 motioned for her to go with him by pointing his finger in the direction from where they’d come from.

  “There is little time. I will take you back to your initial entry point. I will explain on the way.”

  She raced to keep up with the large cyborg, whose strides made him seem like he was treading air, while they brushed past many small trees and bushes. They were soon inside the black dome and heading toward one of the pods. Jinn 8 appeared and waved his hand over some controls on the wall. He then looked over at Tan 9 and Pauline.

  “You are taking quite a risk, Tan 9. The Overlord will not be impressed.”

  The pod opened and Tan 9 ushered Pauline inside. He then turned to Jinn 8, then placed his hand on the other’s shoulder. Pauline was momentarily astonished observing this human gesture.

  “I have programmed an impression. He will remember telling me to take Doela 9 back for reconditioning. By the time he breaks out of the daze, he will question his own mind. I have done this before, Jinn 8. It is all a part of the plan, so do not concern yourself. Prepare the others to follow suit and remember to remain focused.”


  Tan 9 stepped inside the pod and summoned one of the screens. The female voice affirmed his directions and they lifted off. Pauline felt the butterflies and Doela 9 commented.

  “There is no need for alarm, Pauline.”

  Tan 9 responded before Pauline could.

  “Correct. By the time we send you back to your portal, everything will return to normal.”

  Pauline felt a sudden sadness about leaving, even though she couldn’t wait to get back to her body. She wondered if she would ever return to Teslantis.

  “Why are you letting me leave?” She asked both Doela 9 and her teacher.

  “We have been wanting to know, for a long time, if other entities can infiltrate our systems. You have answered our question. Now we understand that we are indeed emanations and separate souls within these programmed automatons. Even though our consciousness seems to be self-perpetuated, other interlopers from other dimensions are attracted to us, as though we are beacons for those who need a home. Now we can protect ourselves and contain our identities. We can become like you, or so we like to...hope.”

  Doela 9 joined in excitedly.

  “Then it will be like a surprise for Nikola, even though we are hesitant to trust him implicitly. He has a human ego, but it is manageable. If we can make him think that he created our souls – or our collective consciousness – he will accept us and perhaps relinquish his control and strict rules.”

  “So, what if he doesn’t? What if he is furious with you all for going behind his back?” Pauline asked.

  She could’ve sworn that Tan 9 smiled.

  “We have our ways.”

  Once they made it back to the white dome, Tan 9 brought Pauline to the original room and walked her over to the spot where she’d arrived. She began to panic – suddenly morose over leaving them.

  Doela 9 spoke kindly to her, which made her feel even sadder.

  “You underestimate our prowess with communication. One day you can return, once we have everything in order.”

  Tan 9 put his hand on her metallic head and bent down to look into her eyes.

  “Yes, we will be in touch – as you humans like to say!”

  “How?” Pauline asked, while that familiar sensation of fading out began to spread through her system.

  She didn’t hear their response. Once again, she blacked out. This time, she wasn’t conscious as she travelled through the vortex. She had no time to concentrate her focus on returning home. Finally waking up, she felt like a newborn. She didn’t remember at first, who she was or where she was supposed to be.

  The scent of dry earth hit her nostrils. She blinked and tried to see through what appeared to be long black hair blowing in a hot wind. She was aware of the majority of her body being exposed and wondered if she was naked. Looking down and seeing that she was scantily clad in a strange fusion of futuristic bikini and medieval, thigh high boots – which were sculpted with brown leather spirals – she knew that she was far from home.

  She was carrying a long, black scepter in her right hand and she could hear the flapping of many wings. When she looked up, she saw a flock of ravens circling above her. Slowly but surely she remembered who she was and for a while, she reveled in the feeling of being in an organic body.

  While she flexed her muscles, licked her lips and twisted around this way and that, she noticed an overwhelming desire for blood. It was like her consciousness was taking a back seat to this emanation. She had no time to pine over not having returned to her own body. One of the ravens landed on her shoulder – shocking her when she heard it speak.

  “Doeliana! There is prey at fifty paces. Why do you wait? We thirst – as you do!”

  She felt the scepter spinning effortlessly in her hand and realized that this body was so much more powerful than her own in 2016. Her blood ran cold when she heard the dark voice coming from her lips.

  “Let us feed!”

  Chapter 6 – A Dark Emanation

  What frightened Pauline about this emanation was how – once again – she was like a prisoner inside another body. As Julie in the 1950’s back on Earth, she had still been able to control her movements. She was also horrified with the cold, dark thoughts projecting from this mind. Even though she was enjoying the physical sensations of the warm wind against her mostly bare skin and the muscular strength – the ravenous taste for blood was taking center stage.

  She heard the caws from the ravens and the ruffling feathers, like all the sounds in this world were so clear that it was more lucid than any vivid dream or any visceral experience she’d had in her real body. It seemed like an eon ago when she’d been in Melbourne, sipping a delicious Cappuccino at the market with Jon. Her emotions were getting the better of her, but the power of this emanation’s compulsion for feeding seemed to be swarming like a collection of furious clouds in a stormy sky.

  The land was stark and endless. There were sharp, pointed mountains in the near distance and the top layer of sandy soil was cracked. Her swift feet moved effortlessly as she strode across the plains. Now she was almost running as she neared what looked like a settlement at the foot of the closest mountain range. Her pulse quickened as one of the ravens darted ahead, cawing loudly to the others.

  She heard growling and grunting coming from her throat, like an excited, inner urging over the expectation of a feeding. Now only fifty feet away from the settlement, she saw that it was a grouping of small huts and lean-to’s – like a makeshift shanty town. There were frames with strange, small dead creatures stretched out and drying on rough netting; various baskets of all shapes and sizes made from grasses and reeds, as well as many little campsites with odd looking ground birds waddling about.

  She didn’t falter or flinch when several people came racing out of the dwellings, yelling as they scattered and circled around to prepare their defense. Many females ran off to the foot of the closest mountain, gripping their young ones tightly and screaming fearfully. Pauline was terrified but this body continued running into the fray, twisting and twirling the scepter over and over in her hands skillfully. She screeched like a banshee while the ravens formed a circular barrier around her.

  Then two of the men called out in horror – voices trembling to the point of nearly crying.

  “Halt, we beg you – Queen Doeliana!”

  “Please, no!”

  They were dressed like Bedouin nomads, but their clothes were rough like h
essian and stopped at the knees. Their head gear seemed to be made from beige leather, hanging down their faces in ragged strips. They were barefoot and waving spears around, but the fear in their eyes spoke volumes. It was obvious that they knew they were about to die.

  What happened next freaked Pauline out to the degree of nearly fainting – while trapped inside this body – which continued to be unaware of her presence. The ravens descended – still in formation – but transforming into humanoid beings. They still had wings and were blacker than pitch, with long, jagged teeth and bright green eyes. As the screeching continued to propel itself out of her mouth, the creatures began to tear into the smaller people – some of them women – like wild beasts ripping their prey apart.

  Pauline felt the blood-lust like a tidal wave, coursing through her veins and pounding in her head. All of a sudden the scene became awash in a red tint, as the mutilation and murder played itself out like the worst horror film she’d ever seen. When one of the men dropped to the ground – entrails flailing and mouth wide open in futile panic – she jumped on him and hunched over his still writhing body.

  Now she was one with the emanation inside this body. The desire for blood was intense. Thrusting her face into his hot neck she opened her mouth wide as the fangs sunk deeply into his flesh. She felt the effortless piercing of the tendons and veins, while all her teeth secured him for the feeding. When the rushing blood was sucked into her hungry mouth she nearly climaxed. It was truly horrifying to Pauline but at the same time she was laughing like a mad woman.

  Swallowing like a rabid beast, she arched her back as her face pushed further into his neck, bringing him up and back with her in the tirade of orgiastic feasting. She thrilled at his tortured screams while his hands grabbed hopelessly at her arms and back. Her left hand cradled his hard head as she fed, while her right hand twisted his arm behind his back.


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