Dirt Road Summer

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Dirt Road Summer Page 2

by Ashley Johnson

  Dad is a little uneasy when I tell him a complete stranger changed my tire for me. He threatens to come down here and help me, but I assure him I’m just fine. All I have to do is go buy a new tire. He eases up and tells me to be safe. We tell each other bye and I turn to Sienna. Our eyes reflect the excitement that we know is to come.

  “Let’s go inside and get you settled. Do you want to do anything tonight? We can go somewhere or just stay inside, it’s totally up to you. I know you’ve been in a car for ten freaking hours.”

  The thought of going out somewhere in town scares me. Mom creeps into my mind. I haven’t seen her in forever so I’m not sure if she would even remember me. Hell, would I remember her?

  “I, uh, I’m kind of nervous to go anywhere. I’m not too keen on possibly seeing my mom.” I admit to her.

  She looks at me kind of crazy for a minute before finally opening her mouth to speak. “Shay, you didn’t know? Your mom remarried about five years ago and moved to Arizona with her new husband and his kids.”

  Husband and kids? Hearing this is like a blow to my gut. Emotions that have been kept locked away threaten to surface but I won’t show them. Mom doesn’t deserve my tears. She didn’t want me or dad, but found someone better and took in his kids? It’s fucked up on more levels than one, but somehow, I am okay. Maybe it’s because Dad has made sure I’ve been okay all along. I make a mental note to tell Dad about this later. This is my summer and I won’t let her get to me. I look at the clock and it’s only about 6:30pm. Now that I know there is no chance in hell of seeing my mom, I look at Sienna and flash her a wicked grin. “Where are we going?”


  After taking a shower and fixing my hair, I’m now wearing a blue jean skirt and a pink and black chevron printed blouse with sandals. Sienna is dressed in a short black dress with her sandals and we are ready to head out for a night of fun. Because of my tire situation, we climb into her Ford Mustang and we are off. I’m exhausted, but I’m not letting that ruin my summer. I can sleep later.

  “Ok, so I’m trying to think of where we can go. There are a few little bars around and those are great, but I want you to have a really good time. Want to dance?”

  Sienna is rambling on and on, she is way too excited. It’s so cute. “Yeah, dancing sounds great. Just lead the way, I’m good wherever we end up.”

  Sienna pulls up at to a brick building. I look over at her wondering where the hell we are, when she says, “It’s a nightclub Shay. They have Cajun bands that play and it’s pretty fun. I’m not too sure who is playing tonight, but let’s go in and if you aren’t having fun, we can go somewhere else.”

  I make sure to grab my ID and my money as I open the car door. The parking lot is packed so it must not be that bad of a place. Sienna refuses to let me pay for my own way in, even after I argue with her. I run up to the bar and buy her first drink for her. I press the cool bottle to my lips and let the liquid slide down my throat. I’m listening to the band play a Cajun song and I’m watching everyone dance. It looks so neat, I wonder if I could remember how while I’m down here.

  I’m lost in thought watching the dancing and listening to Sienna talk to the bartender, when a certain sexy voice breaks into my thoughts. “I must be a lucky man, getting to see you twice in the same day. Shayleigh right?”

  My eyes shift over to the God. How in the hell did this happen? Never mind that, I'll take this as a sign.

  "Lucky huh? Wow I'm surprised you remembered my name Beau." I say taking another sip of my beer. This is my first drink. Drunk is nowhere near an option, but with Beau around, I can't help but feel a little tipsy from his looks alone.

  "I never forget the name of a beautiful woman." He says winking those beautiful eyes of his.

  "Do you say that to every woman you meet?" I ask wearing a grin on my face. I can play this game.

  Before he can respond, the band plays a slow song starts and he smiles that beautiful smile of his. His hand reaches out for mine, that same hand that I shook earlier, except this time it's clean.

  I don't even turn to look for Sienna when I place my hand in his. Sparks ignite within me as I let him lead me to the dance floor.

  He pulls my body close to his, almost making us one. This feels too perfect. Couples are all over dancing and holding each other tight and yet, I can't really pry my eyes away from Beau. The one minute I look away, I spot Sienna dancing with a guy and when our eyes lock, her smile widens and she winks. All I can do is grin and turn back to Beau.

  "And for your information, I don't use that line on every woman." He says against my ear. His breath sends chills running down my spine and my knees almost buckle. "You have the most beautiful emerald green eyes I've ever seen." All I can do is cock my head to the side and stare at him in awe. Beau seems to be full of panty dropping lines and I'll be damned if mine aren't begging him to rip them off now. I don't care that I don't know him.

  The song ends and a big part of me is disappointed. Something about being that close to him felt too right. The kind of right that I've never felt before.

  The band suddenly switches to a fast upbeat Cajun song. My eyes widen and escape suddenly becomes necessary. Beau doesn't let go of me though. "Do you know how to dance to this?"

  "No, I think I'm just going to go back to the bar."

  "It's easy," He says with that grin. "Just follow my lead.” Before I know it, I'm laughing like a fool and enjoying the hell out of myself. Now that I think about it, dad used to dance with me in the kitchen back when he and mom were together. I guess the Cajun never left my blood.

  By the time the song ends, I'm out of breath and practically dying of thirst. I all but leave Beau behind to go order a beer. Sienna walks up beside me wearing a grin that would rival a Cheshire cat.

  "So, Beau Granger huh? You move quick, you just got in town."

  "What are you talking about? He helped me change my tire earlier."

  "You don't remember him do you?" She asks.

  Dumbfounded, I shake my head. I have no clue who he is. "He was that chubby kid you used to tease the fuck out of. He was so glad when you moved. I'm taking it he either doesn't remember you or he's so into you he doesn't give a shit. "

  My eyes dart back over to the ever so sexy Beau Granger making his way over to me. This is the poor boy I teased relentlessly and now I just want to jump his bones? What the fuck?

  Chapter 4

  The rest of the night was spent full of dancing and drinks. I racked my brain over and over again trying to remember Beau Granger from when I was younger. It suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks. I used to call him “Busty Beau.” He was indeed a chubby boy and he had boobs that would make a teenage girl jealous. We were in our preteens and he made a comment to me one day which resulted in backlash, and Busty Beau was born. He hated me for that, it was one of those nicknames that stuck and soon everyone was calling him that. Now, he could rival a freaking God with how amazing he looks. He’s no longer Busty Beau, he’s beautiful-knock-my-fucking-socks-off Beau and I am not sure I want him to know who I am just yet, if ever. He’d surely hate me even more and then my summer would be ruined.

  I felt even guiltier when he walked Sienna and I out to the car. I had stopped drinking once Sienna pointed out who he was. I really wish she hadn’t done that. He offered me drink after drink, but I politely declined, making up the excuse that I was the designated driver of the night. Sienna gave me the craziest look, but didn’t say another word. I was sure she caught on to what I was doing. I definitely didn’t need to get drunk and then blab everything about who I was. I do hope to be able to apologize to him one day. He leaned in and placed the perfect kiss on my cheek. His lips felt like heaven and oh how I wanted to feel my lips on his, but guilt flooded me.

  I’m lying in the spare bedroom in Sienna’s apartment staring at the ceiling. It’s only about 8 a.m. and I’m not sure if she’s awake yet, so I just continue to stare. Beau freaking Granger. I can’t get him out of my mind no matter what
I do. Thirty minutes pass and I decide it’s time to get up and take a shower. I need to get a new tire as soon as possible. I let the water run over my body as the nights events continue to play over and over again in my head. Why can’t I let this go? It’s the past. Who cares who he was then, even if it was me who started it all? No one in this town has seen me in years, no one will recognize me.

  I step out of the shower and dry off. I pull my long blonde hair into a messy bun and decide it can air dry. The humidity will have it dry in like five seconds. I throw on a pair of shorts with a t-shirt and my favorite sandals. Sienna is sitting at the kitchen table nursing a cup of coffee. She grins widely when she sees me and points towards the coffee pot.

  “Morning Shay. Grab yourself a cup, there is plenty.”

  I walk straight to the cabinet and grab a snowflake coffee cup. I fill it to the brim and add just a tad bit of creamer. I sit across from her and let the warm liquid slide down my throat. “Mmmm, this is so good.”

  “I believe that’s the same thing you said after Beau kissed your cheek last night.” She smiles.

  I look at her glaring. “Did you have to bring him up?”

  “What? I’m sure you dreamt of Busty Beau all night long. Didn’t he develop nicely?” she continues to grin.

  “Oh my god, Sienna. I did not dream of him all night. And yes, I suppose he did.”

  “Freshman year, he walked in and everyone was like who the hell is that? I had a class with him and no one had really figured it out yet. When the teacher called roll and I heard his name, girl, I could not believe it.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask.

  “Well, you lived way up north, what would it have mattered?” She makes a good point so all I do is continue to sip my coffee and nod. “What do you want to do today?”

  “Well, I need a new tire. If you could tell me where to go, that would be awesome.”

  She taps the side of her coffee cup in deep thought before rattling off the name of a place to me. When I look at her like a deer in the headlights, she offers to come with me. She goes and gets dressed and within the hour we are sitting in my car and on our way.

  It’s hard to concentrate on driving in this city I’m not familiar with, when all I can think about is Beau. I want to see him again. If I don’t see him for the rest of this summer, well that’s just something I don’t want to think about. We pull into a local tire shop and I park the car. I walk inside and tell the man behind the counter what I need. He takes down my info and Sienna and I sit inside the cramped waiting room.

  The news is on the TV, but my mind is too busy racing to pay any attention to it. I look over at Sienna and see that she is intently searching Facebook on her phone. I nearly fall out of my chair when I see she is on Beau Granger’s profile.

  “He doesn’t have a girlfriend, that’s interesting.” She says out loud.

  “Good for him. I don’t live here anymore.” I throw back at her.

  “You totally wanted to jump his bones, I could see it in your eyes last night you little hussy.” She grins. God, I hate her right now.

  “Okay, so yes, I did. I thought about it okay? He’s gorgeous how could I not? I’m only human.”

  “And a bully.” She points out.

  I want to smack the shit out of her in the middle of this waiting room, but I’m trying so hard to contain that urge. When we get in the car though, it is so on.

  “Yes, I was a freaking bully, but you called him that too.” I throw back at her.

  “But he’s since forgiven me. Besides, I’m not the one who started it….bully.”

  My face turns red, but a laugh escapes my throat. She is freaking hilarious and this is why she is still and will always be my best friend.

  The door opens and footsteps approach. “Shayleigh Dougherty, your car is ready.” The man from the counter tells me. “Sign here and go outside, the mechanic has your keys.”

  I look at him a little odd. They usually hand you the keys back. I shrug it off and scribble my name on the invoice. I hand him my credit card and when he gives it back, Sienna and I walk outside.

  My jaw hits the ground when I see Beau Granger leaning against my car. What the hell is going on and why is he everywhere? A grin appears on his face and I can’t help but grin back. Hello, Busty Beau.

  Those blue eyes are sparkling and setting my very world on fire. “I thought I recognized this car. Matter of fact, I’m not so sure I could forget it.”

  I look over at Sienna and glare. She set this shit up. She knew exactly what she was doing when she gave me directions here. She’s so catching an earful when we leave, but right now, all I want to do is stare at that gorgeous face of his. This is the best Saturday of my life.

  “Looks like you keep coming to my rescue. What are you doing here? How can I repay you Beau?” I ask suddenly realizing it sounds like I’m throwing myself at him.

  He licks his lips and puts on the perfect smile. “My family owns this place, I help run it. Well there is one thing you and Sienna could do, if you insist.”

  Sienna raises her eyebrows and just stares at him with her hand on her hip. His icy blue eyes lock with mine and he smiles, “Some buddies of mine are having a party tonight. Sienna, it’s at mine and Rob’s house out in Topsy. You know the place right?”

  Sienna’s face flushes for a minute and I’m thinking it has something to do with this Rob guy. I’ll have to pry that out of her later, but right now, I’m trying to understand why he’s inviting us to this party. Has he not figured out who I am by now, especially since he knows who Sienna is?

  “What do you think Shay? Want to go to this party tonight?” Sienna asks me.

  “Yeah Shay, what do you think?” he mimics her. My eyes go from Sienna back to Beau and I’m pretty much wanting to say hell yeah, but I don’t want to sound too desperate.

  “Yeah, that sounds good to me.” I answer as nonchalantly as I can. His eyes light up like he can’t believe I just said yes. Hell, I can’t believe I just said yes. He hands the keys over to me, our hands touching a second longer just like yesterday. Once again, I don’t mind the grease. I don’t mind it at all.

  “Well, see you tonight Shay.” He winks as he pulls his hand away. He turns and walks back into the garage leaving me absolutely breathless.

  I climb into the car and buckle my seatbelt. When I look over at Sienna, she has that damn smirk on her face again. Doesn’t she ever get tired of doing that? She better be careful or her face with freeze like that. Actually, I hope it does for all the crap she gives me.

  “What?” I ask her.

  “Busty Beau and Shayleigh sitting in a tree,” she begins.

  “Keep singing that and I’ll rearrange your face. And you’ve seen him, that hunk of a man is far from busty. Oh, who is Rob?”

  That shut her up real fast. Her face blushes faintly as she tries to turn from me. “He’s, uh just a friend.”

  “Uh huh, a friend. Gotcha. I’ll analyze that situation tonight. That okay with you?”

  “Whatever. You’ll be so far into Beau’s lusty self you won’t be able to see straight. By the way, have I told you how excited I am that you are here?” she coos at me.

  “Yes, you have and believe me, I’m glad too. Now, what’s for lunch I’m starving?”

  Chapter 5

  Sienna is my tour guide for the rest of the day. She takes me to the mall, where I end up spending way more than I wanted to, but she insists that I look smoking hot for Beau. She practically read my mind. I have no clue what kind of party this is, seeing as how it’s in the middle of nowhere, I don’t see the point in dressing up. I basically just bought a new pair of shorts and a new tank top. It’s low enough that most of my cleavage will pop out, so who is the busty one now? He will love it though, I can’t wait to see the look on his face.

  We leave the mall and pick up lunch before heading back to her house. Carefully, I lay out my outfit for the night and feel myself becoming giddy. That feeling vanishes
quickly as I realize he may soon remember who I am and what I did to him.

  I drag my feet back into the kitchen where I sit across my Sienna. She hands me my sandwich and the first bite I take is amazing. “Mmm, this is so good.” I practically moan into the bread.

  “Yeah, they make the best sandwiches ever. A little messy, but totally worth it.” She’s right. I have napkins for days sitting beside me and a few of them have already been used.

  “I swear, I could move back here just for these.”

  “And Beau Granger.” She teases.

  “What if he finds out who I am? I mean it’s not like we’ve been intimate or anything, but I just got here and he’s smoking hot. What if it ruins my summer?”

  “Shay, don’t think too much on it. I wouldn’t say anything about it. Hell, I’d forget about it if I were you. It’s my fault I should have never brought it up. Can you try to forget?”

  “I can try, but the guilt is killing me.”

  She smiles as she finishes her sandwich. “Don’t you let that bother you. That was how long ago? People do forget but me, I never did. That was freaking hilarious. Although some guy did call him that after he lost all his weight and he almost beat the shit out of him.”

  “You’re not helping at all Sienna.” I tell her.

  “I know, sorry. It’ll be okay though. We’re going to have fun. This is your summer and you’re here with me. What could go wrong?”

  “Are you serious?” I deadpan. “Have you not been listening to a single word that I’ve said?”

  “Oh I hear you Shay, loud and clear.” She smirks.

  My phone rings breaking this conversation and my dad’s picture appears on the screen. I stick my tongue out and walk to the spare room.

  “Hey dad.” I answer.


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