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Purple Rain (The Rain Series Book 2)

Page 15


  He blew a breath of relief and replied, “To discuss what you guys are asking me to do.”

  Quinn angrily clipped in, “What difference does it make! You sign the fuckin’ papers and nobody gets hurt!”

  I flinched, turned around and put my hand on Quinn’s chest. “Calm down.” I pleaded.

  “Shorty, this guy comes into our restaurant wanting to talk about our son! Did you hear me, Blaine? Our Son. Not your son, but mine and Sandy’s! You gave that right up years ago.”

  “Look at me! I understand what you’re saying, but he’s here and we need to talk.” He was about to intervene, but I had to put my foot down. “If you can’t be civil, Quinn, then you need to go into the office. You’ve already made a scene and everyone is looking at us; I can’t let you behave like this in front of our customers.

  “No. I’m stayin’ right here.”

  “Then back off and breathe.” I turn back around and face Blaine. He really was a sight to see; short, dark blonde hair, neatly trimmed around his ears, neck - the top was styled rather messy, like he just ran his fingers through it or something. To go along with his thick mass of hair he had a very attractive beard - It wasn’t too thick, but perfect. He was dressed casually; a red henley t-shirt, covered with an open denim, buttoned up shirt and dark jeans. He was tastefully put together. “Let’s all go into the office so we don’t draw anymore attention.” I huffed and led the way.

  I told Blaine to have a seat. I shut the door, took a chair and sat next to Quinn; he still had a scowl on his face, but was trying his hardest to stay in control. I held his hand for comfort. God knows we both needed the comfort; this whole thing was utterly awkward.

  “You know, Blaine, you could have called instead. This is a little uncomfortable, as you can see.”

  “You got that right.” Quinn mumbled. I nudged him in the side to be quiet.

  “Yeah I thought of that but…..” He exhaled. “I want to meet him.”

  I could feel Quinn tense up when he squeezed my hand tighter. He was going to break my fingers if he didn’t lighten up on the grip, but I didn’t do anything to make him stop; he wasn’t the only one who became tense. “Seriously? Now you’re interested in meeting him? What makes you think I’m going to allow that? He doesn’t even know about you - how could he when you purposely shoved me aside when I told you I was pregnant?”

  Blaine’s knee was bouncing with nerves. “Yeah, I know, but I was young and stupid. I wasn’t thinking of anything except my career - my scholarship. I was kid back then, which would have ruined everything I worked so hard to get. Plus my dad would have beaten the shit out of me.”

  “Why then, are you so interested now?” I irritatingly ask.

  “Plain and simple - I grew up. I realized what I had done - I finally accepted that I had a son out there. I didn’t know where to find you though; I tried Facebook, but your name never came up and I even tried asking your mom, but she turned me away when I came looking for you - this was about eight years ago.” He informed me.

  This didn’t surprise me in the least; my mother was good at keeping secrets and being selfish. I was so ashamed of her. “My mom is good at turning people away.”

  “Obviously she never told you.”

  Shaking my head, “No. She didn’t.”

  Blaine continued. “So when I received the papers I went straight to my attorney. He advised me not to come here, but I had to.”

  “Should have listened to your lawyer.” Quinn advised, quietly, less tense.

  “I agree with Quinn. This really should have gone through our lawyers.”

  “No,” Blaine differed. “because I….I don’t want to sign that form……. I don’t want to give my rights away - look I know this is….uh….this is uncomfortable...for all of us it is, but I do have a right to meet my son -”

  Quinn tensed up again, gritting his teeth, he blurted, “He’s not your son.”

  “No, maybe not in the way he is for you, but he is…..biologically, my son. I know you hadn’t planned on me getting in the way, but truthfully? - I deserve the chance to be his father.”

  Quinn abruptly stormed from his chair “I’ve got to get the fuck outta here before I knock his teeth in!”

  “Quinn where are you going?”

  “Home.” He stepped out, looking defeated. I could tell this was killing him.

  I met him outside the office and cupped his face. He was hurting - I was hurting, but I had to try to ease the pain as much as I could by whispering, “I love you, and I’m so sorry about all of this.” I could feel the tears start to form.

  Quinn wrapped his arms, tightly, around my torso, lifting me up to his lips. “Not your fault, Shorty. I’ll pick Joey up and meet you back home. Love you.” He gave me another kiss and left.

  I took a deep breath before I went back inside. I looked around the restaurant; it was calm, comfortable, unlike what I was endearing from within the office. I gave a small, reassuring smile to Jeff, letting him know things were okay, but things were far from being okay and I wasn’t sure how to handle it. I should be so happy that Blaine was here to meet Joey, but it was painful and anything but calm and comfortable. I sucked up my anxiety and returned to the small, confined room, and sat back down to face the father of my son.

  “I’m so sorry -” Blaine confessed.

  I snapped at him. “You should be! Look what you’ve done, Blaine. We were happy, so very happy until you walked your sorry ass back into my life.”

  “I never meant to disrespect. Just wanted the chance to meet my son.”

  We stared at each other for a minute. A tear leaked from the corner of my eye; not wanting Blaine to see me cry I turned my face and swiped it away.

  Blaine continued. “I’m not a bad guy, Sandy. I’m not that shit-head, dirtbag anymore; I’m a responsible adult, with a job I enjoy, and a life that is willing to change, for the better, by bringing a child in it. Just give me a chance…..Please.”

  Shaking my head, ready to say no, I instead say, “I need time, Blaine. Quinn and I need time to think this through.”

  “Yeah, okay….I’m staying down the street -” He took a post-it note from my desk and wrote down his cell number. “I’ll be here until monday morning. The school I teach at is on a four-day weekend, so uh, yeah, call me.”

  “I can’t guarantee we will call you this weekend. This is a very big decision - you’ve got to know that.” I reminded him.

  He nodded his head. “Yeah.” He scooted himself out of his chair and stood up. “For what it’s worth….I really am sorry about this; I never meant to disrupt your lives and to make it difficult. I just want…….I just want to make things right and be responsible for my son. That’s all…... take care Sandy.” He quietly closed the office door and left me completely speechless.

  I buried my face with my hands and started sobbing, uncontrollably, when Peta barged in the room. “Who was that hottie?” She gasped once she saw I was crying “Shit, Sandy what happened?” She made it around to my chair and swiveled me in her direction. “Sandy, sweetie, what did that punk do? Did he hurt you? Do you want me to call the police? Where’s Quinn?” She rushed with questions.

  Shaking my head, trying to control my sobs I blurted, “That was Blaine Sullivan. Joey’s biological father.”

  “Oh crap!” Peta exclaimed. “Uh, I’ll be right back.”

  As I waited for Peta to return I got a Kleenex out, rubbing my eyes and nose. All I could think about is how agitated our lives just became. How was I going to tell Joey that his “father” wanted to meet him? It shouldn’t be such a big deal but it was. He was only ten years old - It’s a lot to take in at his age. And knowing that Blaine was actually a good man made it worse. He seemed like such a nice guy - there was no doubt about that. He wasn’t who he was back in high school. He’s changed. That was good, but now Quinn wouldn’t be able to adopt Joey. Couldn’t give him his last name. Or could he? I wasn’t sure what to think; my mind was overwhelmed.

sp; Peta came back and put a shot of vodka in front of me. “Drink up.”

  I didn’t even hesitate. I took that shot and demanded one more. Peta, being the best friend ever, got me another…..and another…..and yes, one more. A nice buzz radiated throughout my body and helped me relax. I don’t normally get caught up in this kind of “healing,” if that’s what you want to call it, but it did help numb the harrowing afternoon.

  “Come on miss manager, lets get you home.”

  “But….but you need to work.”

  “Pffft. Work, shmerk. Come on.” Peta scoffed as she hustled me from the chair.

  “You really are the bestest friend, Peta.” I slurred.

  She chuckled. “You know it.”

  Quinn met us in the driveway when Peta dropped me off. She called him ahead of time, informing him that I had been drinking; this way he could distract Joey into playing in his bedroom once I came into the house. He knew I wouldn’t want my son seeing me upset and buzzed.

  “Thanks, Peta, I owe ya.” I overheard Quinn express.

  “No you don’t. I’d do anything for her.” I felt Peta put her arms around me and whisper, “Love ya lady. Call me later okay?”

  I whisper back, “I will. Thanks.” Quinn guides me inside the house, straight to our bedroom, and sits me on our bed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Peta explained. Don’t worry, Shorty.” He stated while rubbing my arms up and down.

  “Is Joey okay?”

  “Yeah, he’s fine. Playing Legos in his room. Let me get you some water.”

  I nod my head as Quinn kisses my cheek and leaves to get me water. I fall backwards onto my bed and rub my eyes. I feel so weak that I let my guard down - crying over this. I needed to be strong for Joey; he couldn’t see me bent out of shape. He’ll pick up on that tension and will get anxious - worried.

  “Here.” Quinn came back with my water. He sat next to me in complete silence.

  I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not; we needed to talk about what we were going to do about Blaine, but I wasn’t in the mood for another melt down.

  “I’m gonna take a shower.”

  Quinn grabbed my hand. “Shorty, wait. What happened after I left?”

  I sighed. “Oh, Quinn - “ Sniffing my unwanted tears. “ - he’s a good man, who wants to do right by his son. You heard him - my mom wouldn’t tell him where I was. She kept him away from us on purpose just to spite herself.”

  He gritted through his teeth, “Still doesn’t make it right that he now wants a part of Joey’s life.”

  “I know, but it’s the way things are.” I sighed again and admitted, “Just wish he was a drug addict or something - that way we could fight this - but I should be grateful he’s not; that wouldn’t be good for Joey.”

  I knew the topic was closed - for now - when Quinn kissed me. “Go take your shower. I’ll order chinese for dinner.”

  “Quinn…..I love you so much. No matter what, you’re still the father of my son.” I took his face into my hands and devoured his mouth; he tasted like mint and whiskey - something I wouldn’t ever get tired of.

  He sighs and murmurs, “That means everything to me. I love that kid - and I love you.”

  After a good long, hot shower, Quinn and I spent an evening with Joey. We played a board game, watched a movie, had our chinese take out - hanging out like a true family. We didn’t bring up Blaine the rest of the night; we continued to pretend like the whole thing never happened. But once I laid my head on my pillow thoughts of the afternoon distracted my sleep; I wasn’t prepared to tell Joey about Blaine. I figured there was worse things to say to a ten year old, but to me this was nothing small. Once Joey meets Blaine our lives will never be the same.

  Chapter 24


  I wanted to fuckin’ rip that little weasel into pieces for ever stepping foot into our lives. When he presented himself to me, at Reds, I completely lost it. Punching him in his “barbie doll face” would have felt tremendous - but Sandy held me back. I’m a selfish asshole who doesn’t want another person becoming Joey’s father, but me. The prick doesn’t deserve what I know Joey could give him - a life full of joy - because that’s what he’s given me. I want it all to myself.

  I couldn’t take it anymore when he opened his big fuckin’ mouth, admitting, that he had the right to see Joey - like hell he did. Leaving that enclosed box of an office, before I lost control, was not easy. I didn’t want to leave Sandy with “barbie” but I had to get the hell outta there. I went to the gym and blew off some steam before I picked up Joey from school. Pumpin’ some iron was just what I needed - but I was still pissed.

  Unfortunately, we had no choice; I got in touch with our lawyer and he made it clear that Blaine had rights to meet Joey. Fuck.

  Sleeping like shit last night had me waking up pretty late this morning. From the sound of her breathing, Sandy seemed to have one of those nights too. I rolled over and brought her tiny body against my front; she stirred as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I drank in her every move and wanted to make love to her. She was so beautiful, I wanted to drown inside her. I wanted this moment to be about us - only us - until reality made it’s move again.

  I slowly inch my fingers up her nighty and slither in between her panties. She begins to moan when I braise across her folds, sinking inside the hotness of her flesh. I watch her lips pucker, in need of something to suck, but I keep watching her struggle to keep it together. Her right hand becomes acquainted with the one that is moving inside her and rubs along with the teasing I’m giving her. Holy Fuck. The movement of the sheets is a hidden treasure - beyond them is a world wind of enticing power; heat, driven power.

  Sandy finally opens her sweet mouth and whimpers, “I need you.”

  That insane drive I have for her takes over my cock; the throbbing core needs to collide with her aching fire. “I’m here, baby. Let me take you.”

  Sweet fuck she was glorifying…

  After we had made love we embraced each other before we began our day. We heard Joey get up - knowing he was searching for food. He never seemed to care whether we were up or not - he was an independent kid - so having these few precious moments were gratifying.

  Stroking her naked hip I asked, “So how do you want to do this?”

  She sighed, and spoke to the point. “I asked myself that question all night. There is no easy way to do it, but tell him. Now.”

  She was right - there was no easy way to explain to a ten year old that his “long lost father” was here to reunite. How the fuck was he to understand?

  “Want to kill my mother for never telling me that Blaine came looking for me. If it wasn’t for her, this situation probably would never have existed.” She proclaimed through gritted teeth.

  Wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t want to think about “What If” when it came to “Barbie.” Who knows how that would’ve gone down; they could have ended up together. The thought sickened me so I pushed it to the back of my mind.

  “Can’t change history, Shorty.”

  She huffed. “Unfortunately, no.” I laid there, hands behind my head, observing my spit-fire as she scrambled out of our tangled sheets, searching for something to wear. “Just need to get this over with. You coming?” She irritably expressed, with a scowl on her face.

  I calmly say, “Right behind ya babe.”

  She stopped - still scowling - and stared at me before she huffed out of the room. “Stop looking all sexy and get your ass out of bed.”

  I chuckle, “Fuckin’ love ya babe.”

  She rolls her eyes and smirks. “Love you too. Come on, Wolf, let’s get this out of the way. I need you with me.”

  Damn, with that sort of statement I quickly grabbed a pair of boxers and t-shirt and escorted Sandy to the living room.

  As we traveled into the kitchen we saw Joey on the couch, slurping a cup of chocolate milk, watching Poke’mon. Sandy bent down, wishing him a “Good morning,” and gave him a kiss on the head. He
looked up at her, with a chocolate mustache smile, and repeated “Good morning.”

  I came up from behind, tousled his hair, asking him, “Hey bud, you sleep well?”

  Still watching the tv he responds, “Mmmhmmm, yep!” Then went back to slurping…

  “Thanks, babe.” I acknowledged as Sandy handed me a cup of coffee. Good thing we had that coffee maker on timer, cuz we sure as hell needed it. By extending my hand, Sandy grasped it for support. Together we walked around the couch, taking a seat on the coffee table, facing Joey.

  Looking a bit uneasy, I tightened my grip on her hand, to help her ease up. “Hey, mister J…. we need to talk to you about something important.” She released from my grip and placed her hand on his knee.

  I turned off the tv with the remote. “Hey! I was watching my favorite episode!” Joey exclaimed.

  “We know that bud, but your mom just told you we needed to talk.”

  Joey’s face creased with annoyance and asked, “Can I watch it after we talk?”

  Nodding her head, Sandy replied, “Yes, of course.” She cleared her throat, taking a deep breath. “ know how Quinn wants to become your dad by adopting you, and how we discussed what adoption was?”

  “Mmmhmmm, yeah. I get his last name and he becomes my dad forever.” Joey smiles, looking right at me. I smile back, reassuring him that I love him.

  “Well, we really want that too…….but……” Her voice becomes shaky. I’m not sure if I should take over, but she continues before I get a chance to speak. “you also remember that you have a biological dad, right?”

  “Yeah, but i’ve never met him. Quinn’s my dad now.” Joey’s says proudly. I want to take that kid in my arms and never let him go. He fuckin’ just made me want to burst into a baby-shit-fit of tears. Damn that Barbie.

  “Yes, he is.” Sandy says softly. “The thing is, son... your biological dad wants to meet you.” Joey’s face was emotionless. I couldn’t tell if he knew what the hell she just said. “His name is Blaine Sullivan.”


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