Monsters in the Dark

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Monsters in the Dark Page 122

by Winters, Pepper

  “By the time I returned home, I was strong enough to be supportive of my boyfriend, Ryan. We forget, as the ones taken, that the ones left behind have it bad too—if not worse. They can’t do anything to save us. If I’d returned to him before I was strong enough, our relationship would’ve failed—I wouldn’t have been able to love him the way he needed.

  “I won’t lie and say it was easy. But life does go on.” Her voice changed from storyteller to fierce advocator. “The key I found in surviving LAT… Life After Them…is…allowing yourself to acknowledge you will never be the same. Don’t try and return to who you once were. It won’t work. Give yourself the right to say you’re stronger, better, wiser, harder. Don’t let them win.”

  She twisted, looking over her shoulder at Q. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you on behalf of so many other women. I’ll never forget you and will treasure my life because of what you did to give it back.”

  A squall of tears charged up my back, blurring my vision.

  Thank you, Q. For being you.

  Q rolled his neck. His eyes blazed with feeling but his posture was graceful as he moved to my side. Slinking his arm around me, he subtlety took possession, separating me from Sophie. He nodded, granting power and gracefulness in one movement. “De rien.” You’re welcome.

  An orb of light filled me, growing brighter, bolder with every second.

  This was the man who I loved and would always be proud of. I wanted to rain kisses over his face for all that he’d done.

  The crowd grew loud, one voice rising with praise.

  Q eclipsed my entire heart—giving me comfort in his dark embrace.

  He waved. “Thank you, everyone. And thank you Sophie for having the strength to tell us of your ordeal.” His forehead furrowed as an idea came to mind. “If anyone else would like to share their stories, and continue to gain support from one another, I will personally visit you over the next week as we tour with Feathers of Hope. As for now, you are my guests. Please speak to Mr. Roux for details on your accommodation.”

  Q smiled. “Now, you’ll have to excuse me and my wife. We have an important interview to attend, and we’re already late.”

  The crowd roared with applause, humming with happy energy as Q handed the microphone to the prime minster.

  The prime minister took it. “Thank you for your time and generosity. The city of France will gladly contribute to your tour.”

  Q shook his head. “No, need. The financing is taken care of.” Looking at Frederick, he said, “Find out how many rooms you need and book out the finest hotel. Franco will assist you if needed.”

  Frederick nodded, slapping Q on the shoulder. “Consider it done, my friend. Now, you really better go.”

  Untangling myself from Q, I gathered Sophie in another hug. “Visit me any time.”

  She grinned. “Maybe we can have coffee one day—just us.”

  I didn’t know if the topic would be our past or future but I would spend time with her regardless. I needed to stop feeling guilty. I needed to move forward. “That would be nice.”

  We parted, drifting toward our respective places. Q gathered me in his strong arms, welcoming me back into the world I loved while Sophie disappeared into the crowd. The women offered hugs and high fives, swallowing her up in their collective embrace.

  My body was drained. I had nothing left. I felt carved like a pumpkin with no seeds. But it was a good carving—a cleansing leaving me eerily weightless and completely vulnerable to the new existence before me.

  I’ve forgiven myself. I would never curse my fate again.

  Q had successfully given me every stage of healing.

  I was whole.

  Frederick grinned, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. “You guys really better go. They’re waiting. We’ll see you later in the week.”

  With one last glace at the crowd, Q stole my hand and guided me into the sunshine.

  * * *

  We entered the hotel suite on the tenth floor, frazzled, humbled, and completely drained.

  Q hadn’t let go of my hand as we traversed the crowd to the hotel across the street. Franco had kept us safe, his team of bodyguards ghosting around the swarm.

  The moment we stepped into the room, a blanket of peace descended, hushing my racing heart, letting me relax for the first time since this morning.

  My feet throbbed in my heels as we crossed the richly decorated suite. Q released me, dropping onto the English rose-print couch. “That was exhausting.”

  I smiled, slouching next to him. “Yes, but so incredible—to see those women worship you, Q. To know she’s okay—it’s amazing.”

  He scowled. “Not worshipping, esclave. Never that. They only have themselves to thank for taking their lives back. I was only the beginning, not the solution.”

  I wanted to kiss him senseless for being so proud—unable to accept the good he did.

  His lips quirked into a gentle smile. “And who knew you had fans already. I’m going to get jealous if people start hugging my wife.”

  I laughed. “No fans—just a part of my past giving me freedom to let go.” My eyes faded, thinking of Sophie. I was so glad she survived. So happy she’d been invited by the prime minister, giving me absolution.

  “Come here, Tess,” Q murmured.

  My tummy flip-flopped at the quiet authority in his tone. I scooted closer, falling into his open arms. “What do you need, maître?”

  He smirked. “Oh, I can think of many things I need.” His lips landed on my ear, making me shiver. “I need you naked. I need you strung up, so I can show you how damn proud I am. And I need you screaming because my nerves are shot and being in public isn’t getting any easier with you so vulnerable by my side.”

  I’m not vulnerable. I have you.

  “If you promise to do that thing with your tongue again—I’ll scream for you.”

  I gasped as his lips descended on mine, kissing me stupid. His tongue speared my mouth, dragging moans and pleas and promises from my soul.

  The hotel door opened.

  Q growled, his arms tensing around me. For a moment, I feared he wouldn't let me go—to hell with the reporter.

  But then he released me, moving away. My lips twitched, noticing the way he crossed his legs, hiding his impressive, delicious erection.

  The reporter, with her plaited black hair and vibrant hazel eyes, entered. We’d agreed to one interview. Only one. And then it was back to work.

  A hotel staff member followed, wheeling in a trolley full of pastries, éclairs, and coffee.

  The woman smiled, sitting down, brushing her navy skirt around her legs. She pulled free a pair of silver-rimmed glasses from her bag, placing them on her nose. Her smile was cupid-sweet and bright pink.

  We waited in comfortable silence as the coffee was poured. Once the waiter had left, Q grabbed a steaming cup, holding it to his lips. His sharp attention fell on the reporter, sizing her up with one glance. “Bonjour.”

  She snagged a cup of caffeine, mimicking Q in a sip. “Hello, Mr. Mercer. Mrs. Mercer.” Her warm gaze landed on me; I smiled. “Hello, nice to meet you.” Collecting the last cup from the table, I held it, letting the hot liquid soothe my fluttering nerves.

  I’d never been interviewed. I had no idea what to say. What not to say.

  I needed a rule book so as not to embarrass myself or Q.

  Taking another sip, she said, “My name’s Fiona, and I’ll be conducting the interview today.” She placed a recording device on the low coffee table between us, opening her notepad. Reclining into the Louis Vuitton styled chair, she grinned. “I wish to extend my gratitude for your time and expect us to be here for a few hours—but it all depends on how deeply you wish to tell me your story—and if you’d like to break during questioning.”

  I’ll need a break. If only to gather my thoughts from the very distracting male seething with energy beside me.

  Q nodded. “That’s fine.”

  Fiona looked to me,
a bond of femininity shot between us. She turned off the recording button. “Just before we start, I wanted to say on a personal level, your story has inspired me to help with Feathers of Hope. I’ve signed up to report on the women who want to tell their stories. I didn’t think anyone would be interested in speaking, but I’ve been overwhelmed with their tales already.”

  Her eyes flickered to Q. “I feel out of bounds saying this, but I think I’m a little bit in love with you—mainly because of how much you love your wife.”

  Q choked on a sip of coffee, before rearranging his face into something resembling coolness. “I think the only answer to give is thanks?” He glanced at me. His eyes yelled a message: what sort of interview is this?

  The sort of interview where you finally understand how much people adore you.

  I laughed. “I think a few women are in love with my husband for what he’s done—and I can share in that respect—but I do get rather possessive.”

  Q’s lips tugged into half a smile. “Are you talking about the threatened restraining order last month, Tess? Surely not. Not you, my sweet blonde wife who would never put any claim on me.”

  My heart raced remembering my threat and the consequences that came with it. Q had thoroughly proven why I had no need for jealousy—granting me another mark right above my belly button, so I would always remember.

  I grinned, placing an owning palm on his thigh. “I’d fight for you, Q. I did fight for you. And every day I’ll never let you forget who you married and why.”

  Fiona giggled. “Is it just me or did it rise a few degrees in here?” Pinching an éclair, she took a bite, and turned on the recording device again. “It’s so nice to see true love these days. I can tell I’m really going to enjoy this interview.”

  The atmosphere changed from friendly to business. Crossing her legs, Fiona asked, “Okay, my first question is for Mrs Mercer. In fact, I don’t have any questions.” She waved her pen in the air. “Basically, I want to hear everything. Call me greedy, but I don’t want you to leave anything out.”

  Q tensed, his leg muscles locking under my hand.

  Fiona didn’t notice. “Tell you what—start from the day you got on the plane to Mexico.”

  Q moved. Uncrossing his legs, he sat forward, steepling his hands between spread legs. Dominating. Governing. Stealing all my concentration and making me shamelessly wet.

  My heart bolted, filling with words and memories and everything I would share.

  This was it.

  My story. My legacy. The one thing that would be immortalized onto pages and told forever. It wasn’t sweet. It wasn’t easy. But I would spare no emotion or detail. I would be honest to the very last word.

  I opened my mouth to start. To tell my tale of heartache, love, and loss.

  I’d waded through blackness and survived.

  I’d fallen in love with a monster and thrived.

  I’d danced into riches in every conceivable way.

  But through it all, Q had been there. My monster in the dark.

  Q grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips. “L'histoire n'a pas commencé au Mexique.” The story didn’t start in Mexico.

  Fiona frowned, “Oh? Where did it start?”

  My brand seared, resonating with heat from Q’s intensity.

  He glanced at me, sending fire into my soul. “Not where, but what.”

  I melted. Utterly melted for my incredible husband. He understood me. He’d always understood me.

  Fiona leaned forward, hanging on Q’s every word. “What?”

  “A number. It all began with a number. For me anyway.”

  My heart soared from my chest on sparrow wings. Birds filled my body—blackbirds, robins, and fantails.

  I smiled. “That’s true. That was the beginning. The rest doesn’t matter.”

  Fiona’s cheeks pinked as Q never looked away from me, sending the room swirling with desire. The moment the interview was over, Q would take me.

  And I would be ready to accept whatever he wanted to give.

  “What number?” she breathed.

  Q tore his gaze from mine, locking her in his fierce pale stare. He riveted us with his power, trapping us in his net. “Fifty-eight. It all began with fifty-eight. And that’s where my wife will start.”

  I looked at my wrist, tracing the numbers beneath the barcode and sparrow. I’d once been merchandise for sale. But then the winds of fate changed and blew me straight to Q. His cage became my home. His love became my wings. I became his bird through and through.

  Tears pricked my eyes. I was so utterly happy, so faultlessly content, so completely complete.


  I’m Esclave Fifty-Eight. The girl who broke her owner.

  My master had spoken.

  I began.

  About the Author

  Pepper Winters is a NYT and USA Today International Bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.

  She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She’s also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestsellers, best BDSM series voted by the SmutClub, and recently signed a two book deal with Grand Central. Her books are currently being translated into numerous languages and will be in bookstores in the near future.

  Her Dark Romance books include (click for buylinks from numerous online sites):

  Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)

  Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)

  Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3)

  Debt Inheritance (Indebted #1)

  Her Grey Romance books include (click for buylinks from numerous online sites):


  Upcoming releases are (click the link to add to Goodreads)

  First Debt (Indebted Series #2)

  Ruin & Rule (Motorcycle romance)

  Je Suis a Toi (Monsters in the Dark Novella)

  Forbidden Flaws (Erotic Contemporary)

  To be the first to know of upcoming releases, please join Pepper’s Newsletter (she promises never to spam or annoy you.)

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  Pepper Winters

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  She loves mail of any kind: [email protected]

  Other Books By Pepper

  Je suis à toi (A Monsters in the Dark Novella)

  “Life taught me an eternal love will demand the worst sacrifices. A transcendent love will split your soul, cleaving you into pieces. A love this strong doesn’t grant you sweetness—it grants you pain. And in that pain is the greatest pleasure of all.”

  Q made me the happiest esclave in the world. He gave me his heart, his empire, his ruthless unforgiving love. And life finally left us in peace.

  A man like my maître has special needs though, growing stronger as our lives intertwine. The only way to survive his monster is to agree to all his desires.

  Including his latest wish.

  I’m his.

  And I won’t refuse.

  Coming Soon…

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  DESTROYED by Pepper Winters


  This book enticed & enthralled me completely. Pepper's stories are like a fine piece of art. They are profound, unique, raw and beautiful. --Kristina, Reviewer

  Pepper Winters has a ridiculous level of talent, and I'm in awe of how deeply she delves into her characters. There are not enough stars, seriously.--K Dawn, Reviewer

  If you like a bit of grey in your romance then you need t
o get this book because it's one of the best books I've read this year.—Bookfreak

  USA Today & Top 20 Amazon Bestseller.

  She has a secret.

  I'm complicated. Not broken or ruined or running from a past I can't face. Just complicated.

  I thought my life couldn't get any more tangled in deceit and confusion. But I hadn't met him. I hadn't realized how far I could fall or what I'd have to do to get free.

  He has a secret.

  I've never pretended to be good or deserving. I chase who I want, do what I want, act how I want.

  I didn't have time to lust after a woman I had no right to lust after. I told myself to shut up and stay hidden. But then she tried to run. I'd tasted what she could offer me and damned if I would let her go.

  Secrets destroy them.



  DEBT INHERITANCE (Indebted #1) by Pepper Winters

  “I own you. I have the piece of paper to prove it. It’s undeniable and unbreakable. You belong to me until you’ve paid off your debts.”

  Nila Weaver’s family is indebted. Being the first born daughter, her life is forfeit to the first born son of the Hawks to pay for sins of ancestors past. The dark ages might have come and gone, but debts never leave. She has no choice in the matter.

  She is no longer free.

  Jethro Hawk receives Nila as an inheritance present on his twenty-seventh birthday. Her life is his until she’s paid off a debt that’s centuries old. He can do what he likes with her—nothing is out of bounds—she has to obey.

  There are no rules. Only payments.



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