Home > Other > COMMUNITY TERROR > Page 2

by Shameek Speight

  My face tightened up in anger as he gave me an evil smirk. I raised my hand to knock that slinky grin off his face, but felt a tug on my shirt. I turned and looked at Niomi, who shook her head no. I know she knew her father wasn’t a punk, but this time I was dead wrong on someone else's property being nosey. It wasn’t a great time for me to show my ass. I lowered my hand and gave a fake smile to the bald headed overweight neighbor, “Next time my friend,” I said, sarcastically.

  “Yes, next time, Andrew and my name is Eric. It would do you good to remember it.”

  I turned around and held my daughter's hand to walk back down the block while rubbing the back of my head.

  “Daddy, you know you were wrong acting like a crazy fool by going into those people's house,” Niomi said then laughed.

  “Yea, yea I know, but I just had to see what was going on with that little girl,” I replied.

  “So, what did you see?” Niomi asked.

  “I can’t remember. I think I saw red eyes, but that fall and bump on the back of my head is killing me and making it impossible to think straight. What did you see princess?”

  “I didn’t see nothing. It was too dark. Once you stepped inside, it was as if you disappeared and I’m not stupid. So, I wasn’t stepping into that house behind you. Although, I did hear growling and that’s when the neighbor came and pulled you out of the house. For a fat guy, he is very strong,” Niomi stated.

  As we made it to our front door, Anais was standing there looking irate. I already knew I was in trouble. “Where have you two been? And when did we start leaving the house without telling one another, huh?” she asked with her hand on her hips.

  “He walked inside the house, until the fat, bald head neighbor pulled him out and he bumped his head. I just stood there and watched,” Niomi said with a smile on her face.

  “Damn, you’re a snitch, no loyalty. You just would tell everything on me, won’t you?” I asked.

  “What? Wait, you followed that little weird girl? What the hell is wrong with you? So, we’re like the dumb people in movies now? So, we just following strange people and entering strange homes now?” Anais shouted.

  “No baby, I was just curious. I had to see,” I replied praying she would calm down. When she lose her cool, there is no telling what may be coming next a kiss or punch in the throat.

  “Well, what did you see nosey ass?” Anais asked.

  “I can’t really remember. The fall to the ground made me bump my head pretty hard,” I replied kind of relieved she not trying to kill me right now.

  “Good, I hope it knocked some sense in your curious ass,” Anais said while squinting her eyes looking evil.

  'Damn, I really hate when they double team me verbally beating me up, but I guess I deserve it,' the sound of a big U-Haul truck's movement outside made me turn my head. I watched it pull up into the driveway of the house from across the street. “I guess we have new neighbors. That would make around the twentieth family that moved in this area since we did,” I said out loud.

  “How do you know how many people have moved into this subdivision? There has to be well over a hundred homes,” Anais stated.

  “Because, baby, we’re three homes away from the main gate. When I’m up in my office looking out the window, I can see the U-hauls pulling in,” I replied.

  “Oh, you mean when your ass supposed to be writing?” Anais said with a cute smirk on her face.

  “Yup, that’s sounds about right,” Niomi said adding her two cents in the conversation.

  I stood and watched the new neighbor unload their things into their house. Anais, Niomi, and I waved a friendly welcoming hello. “Now, can you get your nosey ass in the house so you can cook?” Anais asked with a smile on her face.

  “Okay, okay,” I replied and followed her and Mimi in the house. While walking into my home, something caught my eyes. I turned my head to the left to see an elderly women sitting on her porch in one of those outside rocking chairs. She was a Caucasian woman. She looked very short, no taller than 5’1 inches tall. The woman had a head full of gray hair that almost looked white and styled in a kind of curly afro. She also had on a blue dress with yellow flowers on it. Our eyes met and she tilted her head to side and smiled at me. Her teeth were stained and rotten. I smiled back and waved being respectful as I entered my house and locked the door. “Did you see the old lady next door? She had nice hair, but still gave me a creeps,” I said while making my way into the kitchen to take the chicken wings out of the sink. I cleaned them off and began to season them as Anais came into the kitchen. “Hey, stop that!” I shouted from feeling her hands on my butt.

  "You need to stay out of folks business and just be concerned about what's going on in your household, where you’re the king, baby,” she said while kissing the back of my neck.

  “Well, you need to stop touching or smacking my ass! I told you about that. I hate it,” I replied.

  “Whatever, that’s my ass,” Anais said while patting my ass. I flinched from her touch and turned around looking like I wanted to punch her in the eye one good time. “Hahahaha,” she burst out laughing, “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. So, what are you cooking?” she said with a huge smile on her face.

  Her smile melted my heart and took away my anger, “I’m making curry chicken wings, rice and beans with corn on the cob,” I replied.

  “Mmmm, I swear I love when you cook. That’s how you got me,” Anais said while still smiling.

  “Oh please, it wasn’t just my cooking. It’s what I do to you in the bedroom that got your ass turned inside out,” I said with a sexy grin on my face.

  “Yea, you’re right. Your great cooking is just a bonus. There’s something about a man in the kitchen that just turns me on.

  “Yea, stop your freaky thoughts. I can see that look in your eyes. Where is Mimi?” I asked.

  “She’s outside in the backyard playing with that bow and arrow. I swear something wrong with you both,” Anais stated.

  “You’re just as crazy as we are, maybe even more,” I replied and kissed her deeply and passionately. We soon broke our embrace. It took me only forty minutes to finish cooking dinner and set the kitchen table. I walked outside to tell Niomi it was time for dinner, but watching her practice with her bow and arrow made me smile and wanted to join her. I ran back inside and grabbed my bow out of the hallway closet and a few arrows and stepped outside.

  “Hey, you’ve gotten pretty good with that thing,” I said as I stood beside her.

  “Yea, I learn from the best,” she replied as she drew the string back and released sending an arrow flying straight into the boxed foam.

  “When I got you that, I wouldn’t have thought you would enjoy it so much,” I stated while pulling back the string on my bow and released sending an arrow crashing into the bull’s eye on the practice foam. “Let’s play a game to see who is faster and better,” I stated.

  “Sure, why not,” Niomi said nonchalantly as if she knew she could beat me.

  I smirked, “Okay on three,” I said as we both drew back on the tight string, “One….two…..three!” I shouted.

  We both released at the same time sending arrows crashing almost in the same spot on the target. We quickly loaded the bows with another arrow and fired again. Within five seconds, we both managed to shoot seven arrows a piece hitting the practice foam.

  “If ya’ll don’t get in this house and come eat, I’m going to beat you both,” Anais shouted causing Niomi and I both to miss the target sending arrows flying into the neighbor’s yard behind us.

  “Come on, let’s go before we get in trouble.”

  “Yep,” Niomi replied.

  Anais stood by the door as if she was my mother, “I don’t know who’s weirder, you or Mimi. You are going to have the neighbors fear us or think we're one crazy family that gives their kids bows and arrows,” Anais said while Mimi and I looked at each other wishing she would shut up.

  “Hey, if she gets good at it, she’ll get far. Arc
hery is a sport most people sleep on,” I replied as we sat down to eat.

  We held hands, “God is great, and God is good. Thank you, Lord for another day and all your blessings. Thank you for the food on this table and all that you do for us…”

  Doom! Doom! The sound of someone pounding on the front door interrupted Niomi while saying grace before their meal.

  Chapter 4

  “Help me, help me! Someone, please help me!”

  “Who the fuck is banging on my door like the damn police?” Anais asked as we all got up from the table.

  “That doesn’t sound like the police to me,” I said and Anais looked at me as if she read my mind.

  We both quickly ran upstairs to the master bedroom and into the walk-in closet. I pulled out the house keys from my jean pocket and inserted a black key into the safe on the top shelf unlocking it. Anais anxiously reached in and grabbed the twin black 3.80s. I looked at her in amazement as I forgot she was from College Park, Georgia. She's no stranger to guns and fights like myself, who has lived in the streets of Brooklyn, New York. I quickly grabbed the twin Luger 9mms and we both pulled back the chambers, jumping a bullet into the head, and hit the safety switch locking the gun. Anais and I rushed downstairs as Niomi looked at us strangely.

  “Why the guns?” she asked

  “Do you know anyone out here? It’s late and we have someone banging on the door screaming, “help.” No ma’am, I will not be going to my door empty handed,” Anais replied.

  “Help me, please,” the man banged and screamed at the door.

  I walked over to the door and cautiously pulled it open. It was nearly pitch black outside. Our solar lights, that we had surrounding the house, gave a dim glow which made it easier for me to see. The man ran down our driveway and into the street. I felt a bump at my side and looked down to see Niomi squeezing between Anais and I with a bow in her hand and arrows in the holster strapped to her back. “Uhm, what do you think you’re doing with that bow, Miss?” Anais asked.

  “What? Ya’ll have your weapons,” she replied giving off a cute innocent smile making Anais and I smile back.

  “Ahhhh……Uggh,” the sound of the man screaming brought us back to reality.

  We turned our heads to the left to see a man in his early forties with dark brown skin and a ripped up blue button up shirt that looked to be covered in blood. He has a huge bite mark on the side of his ribcage and also on his leg as if he had been attacked by a pack of wild dogs.

  “Oh, hell no! We’re taking our asses back into the house. Whatever is going on with that man, it’s on him. What, we gone let this man come up in here like the people on ‘The Purge’ and wait for the killers to knock on our door? Not on my watch,” Anais snapped and walked into the house.

  “Yeah, you’re right. He hasn’t seen us anyway because it's so dark out here.”

  “No, no one have seen us because we’re so black out here,” Niomi said, sarcastically.

  “What do you mean “no one”? We are the only ones out here,” I replied.

  “No, daddy, look around,” Niomi said pointing across the street at the neighbors watching the show.

  I looked around and could also see a few of our other neighbors peeping out of their curtains and through the second floor windows. I turned my head to the right and could see that fat ass bastard, Eric, walking outside of his door. I guess I’m getting old because I didn’t notice all of our neighbors outside. Niomi was right. Our dark complexion made us almost invisible in the night and no one noticed us either.

  “Ahh! Run for your life! They’re trying to kill me and my family,” the voice of the hurt man broke me out of my train of thought. “Why will no one help me?” he screamed and ran towards the front gate.

  In West Wood Lakes, there was only one way to enter and exit and that was through the tall golden gate. The gate was about eight feet tall and you needed a gate card to enter or exit the premises. Besides that, there was an electrical fence that surrounded the community.

  “Oh, he aint going to want to do that,” Anais said noticing the man preparing to climb the fence.

  He ripped his shirt off, wrapped it around his hands, and began to grab the bars on the fence. “Ahhh,” he hollered and white foam began to come out of his mouth as he continued to try to climb the fence. The older man could no longer take the pain that he was enduring so he let go of the fence, falling backwards on to the hard cement. He shook as his body went in to convulsions as well as foam dripping from his mouth. He opened his eyes wide and popped up off of the ground like an insane man. “Protect your family and open your eyes! They’re here……they’re here and you’re next! Just like me, you’ll be dead! Open your eyes before it’s too late!” he screamed while running down the block until he was out of sight.

  “Okay, let’s take our behinds back inside,” Anais said while walking through the front door with Niomi and I followed closely behind. I locked the door behind us and peeped back out of the side window.

  “I don’t even know why we went out there,” Anais said.

  “Because he knocked,” I replied, sarcastically.

  “Yeah, but we shouldn’t have went to the door period. We should've grabbed our guns and sat our asses back down. That whole situation just made me feel uncomfortable,” she said walking back to the table.

  We all sat back down at the table to eat dinner and no one spoke another word. Twenty minutes later, Anais and Niomi got up and went off to their rooms still disturbed from what we just witnessed. I could still hear the guy screaming in my head as my mind begin to race, 'Why was he screaming? Why didn’t he have a card to get out of the gate?' I walked upstairs to my bedroom to clean myself up and relax. When I walked into the master bathroom, I saw Anais stepping out of the shower. I couldn’t help, but get aroused looking at her chocolate skin, thick thighs, wide hips, and her bright almond shaped eyes. My dick was throbbing and fighting to be set free, but the look on her face showed me that she was not in the mood. “You mad at me, baby?” I asked.

  Anais looked up at me and stopped drying off with her stripped grey and black towel, “Yes, I am mad at you, Andrew. You have been acting foolish all day,” she said and began to apply cocoa butter lotion on her skin.

  “How? I haven’t done anything,” I asked from being confused.

  “You haven’t done anything? You’re really going to stand there with a straight and confused look on your face claiming you’ve done nothing? All day you have been acting like a damn fool. First, you follow the little girl home and had the nerve to walk in her house like you owned it. Let’s not even mention, that you had the audacity to bring Mimi out there with you putting her in danger as well. Then, you were stupid enough to open our door late at night after hearing a crazy motherfucker screaming and banging outside of our door. We could have just looked out the window and knew he wasn’t right. Now, I understand that you’re looking for your next best seller, but do not involve your family by putting us and our lives in jeopardy. You have never been the man that doesn’t put his family first. So don’t start now, Andrew,” Anais exclaimed and walked over to the bed.

  I lowered my head knowing that everything she said was right. 'I have just been letting my curiosity get the best of me, but there is a lot of strange shit going on. Am I the only one that wants answers? Am I the only one that’s noticing this bullshit that’s happening among us? Maybe it is because I am a writer and looking for things to write about. Fuck it, let me push all of it into the back of my mind,' I thought then said, “You’re absolutely right, baby. I’m sorry that I haven’t been thinking clearly.” I moved closer to her placing my hands on her waist and slowly kissed the back of her neck down to her back.

  “Sssss, fuck,” Anais moaned as my soft wet kisses sent chills through her body. I reached my right arm around her thick thighs and placed three fingers on her throbbing pussy. I used my index and middle finger to spread the lips on her love box. “Yes, baby. Your lips feel so good on my back, but you�
�re not out of the doghouse, yet. I’m still mad at you,” she moaned while trying to hold her composure.

  “No, you’re not,” I replied and began to rub her clit from side to side.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. The sensation of my lips on her back and me playing with her pussy drove her crazy. I could feel her getting wetter by the second. Thick juices covered my fingers letting me know that she was ready. I pushed her back down making her face lay on the bed and quickly removed my clothes. I lifted her legs up on to the bed and all I could see was dark, juicy ass. I stroked my thick long dick before guiding it inside of her warm, dripping wet pussy. Anais took a long gasp for air as my dick went deeper inside of her. I grind my hips in a circular motion and could feel her juices covering my dick. She arched her back more and I spread her thick soft ass cheeks and watched my dick slide in and out of her. “Ahhhhh! Oh shit, baby. Yes, mmmm,” she moaned while gripping the dark blue comforter tighter, feeling the stiffness of my hard chocolate dick. “Ahhhh damn, baby. Harder, go harder,” she moaned while throwing her ass back on me. Her pussy was a perfect fit. I swear it felt as if her pussy hugged my penis because I filled every spot inside of her. I scanned the bed and grabbed the TV remote, turned on the TV, and maxed out the volume. Even though Niomi’s room was a long way down the hall, I didn’t want her to hear Anais’s moans of pleasure just in case she decided to walk by. I pushed Anais further up on the bed and climbed on with her. I looked down at the beautiful tattoos on her back and smacked her round ass. I started pounding faster and harder.

  “You forgive me now?” I groaned.

  “Yes, oh God, yes. Your dick feels so good, baby,” she screamed.

  I could feel her pussy muscles tighten up. So I looked down to see thick white cum covering my chocolate dick. The harder I went the more she came, splashing cum onto my thighs and pelvic area. “Your ass gone be nice, right?” I said through my clenched teeth.


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