Home > Other > COMMUNITY TERROR > Page 8

by Shameek Speight

  "It was fighting her old butt or stay out there and try to fight twenty more of those things without you. And besides Ms. Cathy not so bad,” Anais said.

  “She’s not so bad, until she tries to eat us,” I stated.

  “Young man, you need to listen to your daughter and wife and calm down. First off, it wants to be so easy to kill Christopher and his family. I never really like them. Now, sit your butt down and learn something,” Ms. Cathy said.

  I looked at Niomi and Anais who seemed confused, sitting down with their weapons in there hand. I shook my head and sat down Ms. Cathy passed me a large brown book that smelled of something rotten. I twisted up my nose.

  "Everything you need to know about us is in that book," Ms. Cathy said.

  “Why does it smell like rotten shit,” I asked.

  “Because, it’s made up of human flesh,” she said.

  “Ewe,” I said and tossed the book.

  “If I were you young man, I’d hold on to that it might be the only thing that can serve you," Ms. Cathy said.

  I picked up the book back up and opened it. The first thing I saw was a picture titled: Paimon.

  ‘Paimon is one of the kings of hell; there are eight kings all together. They’re all fallen angels who became demons. Paimon is the most obedient to lucifer.

  ‘Paimon had sex with other demons and his offspring was called Gordon. Gorgon was the most powerful demon, the feed on the flesh of men. They were around for centuries living in different communities, if you survive a bite from one of them you changed in to Gorgon a different generation. Gorgon lived there life everyday as a human and most can only change into human form. There stronger than ten men, can climb walls; breathe green mist that work as a knock out gas.

  “Holy shit,” I said while reading out loud. Then looked at Ms. Cathy who smiled showing off her yellow stained teeth from my new found knowledge. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?" I asked, sarcastically.

  “Yes I am, but that books two hundred and fifty seven pages. I’m going to help speed you up a little, as you know there only one way to kill us. You have to destroy our brain. But the older we are, the older we are to kill. Some you have to shoot in the head and heart others you have to do more to completely kill. There are only a few old ones lefts. That’s because these new generation motherfuckers would do anything to kill us. If you kill an old one or eat there flesh, you will have some of their powers. Each old one has a special gift, but those normal bastards are getting stronger,” Ms. Cathy stated.

  “Why are you telling us all of this,” Anais asked.

  “Oh child, I want to give y’all a fighting chance. I haven’t had this much excitement in years. Your family has really fucked up the system,” Ms. Cathy replied.

  “What system?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

  “The system is we sell homes to families, then we let them in to our community and pick them off one by one. The families we liked, we just turned them. The rest are just food, but with all the chaos y’all created last night. The community is on lock down, no one in and no one out. There are over two hundred and five homes here, and only a small percentage Gorgon. So that means the others families in this community must all die, so we can start over. It’s going to be a blood bath. This is very entertaining for my old ass. I can’t wait to see what happens. What I’m curious about is her!” Ms. Cathy said pointing to Niomi.

  Anais and I both had to fight the urge not to start shooting at Ms. Cathy, right then and there. We don’t play when it comes to our baby, and ready to kill anyone or thing threatening to harm her.

  “Me, but why” Niomi asked while pointing to herself.

  “When we bite people, they turn, but you’re special. Somehow our blood mixed with yours. I think it got into your eye, and that’s why it looks so funny. I think it’s our saliva from the bite that changes the humans. You have all our powers and barely any of our weaknesses,” Ms. Cathy stated.

  “That can’t be, I’m still me. I don’t feel like running around eating people like y’all creatures.

  “HAHAHAHA, oh you don’t believe me, huh,” Ms. Cathy said and walked over to the love seat where Mimi sat. In a blink of an eye, her hand grew three times as mine and finger nails turned in to long claws. She smiled showing off her teeth and before Anais and I could react, she swung her hand slicing Niomi’s face and neck. The blow was so hard. Niomi’s little body flew sideways. Anais and I both squeezed the trigger to our guns, the bullets slammed in to Ms. Cathy’s back and shoulder. “Can y’all fucking stop for a second then you can attack,” Ms. Cathy shouted. Niomi popped up off the floor pissed. She pulled the string back on her bow and released an arrow that crashed in the center of Ms. Cathy’s head, pieces of it stuck out of the back of her head. “Damn, you can tell y’all fucking family. All of you need counseling for that temper problem that runs through your blood,” Ms. Cathy said.

  “My family doesn’t have a temper problem,” Niomi said drawing back another arrow. Anais and I prepared to shoot Ms. Cathy again, but stood frozen staring at Mimi. Niomi could feel our eyes on her while she aimed the arrow at Ms. Cathy, then stopped to ask, “What, What are y’all locking at?”

  The four deep wounds from Cathy’s claws, which opened up Niomi’s skin deeply to the white meat, started to heal and began to close until it looked as if she never had been touched. “What the fuck!” Anais and I shouted in unison.

  “Like I was saying, somehow she got our powers. I wondered how, but it has to be the blood without the bite. And by her killing Christopher, she got some of that family's gifts and so did the other gorgons that ate them. That damn weak ass new generation would love to get a tease of me. Anyway, it's going to be fun watching your family fucking them up. If I was y’all, I’d find the humans that are left and work together before the gorgons kill them all,” Ms. Cathy said.

  “Okay, thank you for everything and the book, but I think it’s time my family go,” I said while picking up the book and slowly easing out the front door with Mimi and Anais by my side.

  “Oh, no you can’t leave so soon. And that book is yours after y’all fight me for it. I love to see y’all try to kill me. This is so exciting to an old lady," Ms. Cathy said in a demonic tone that we all felt in our spines. I swear I could feel her powers and it scared me. Her clothes ripped off as her body expanded. She turned into pure muscles as she got taller. I think she reached eight feet tall. Her claws grew as long as someone’s arm and her head stretched wide. “AGHGHGHGHG,” she screamed while her long teeth grew out and spiky spots out her raw flesh looking complexion.

  When she finally got done changing, Anais, Niomi, and I felt as if we was going to lose control. “What the fuck! That same lady turned in to that god damn gorgon of monsters,” I said and felt like I wanted to cry. "UHUHUMMM. You can have your book. We don’t really need it and we don’t want to fight you. Thank you for the hospitality," I said and put down the book on the floor.

  “You have no choice. You’re going to fight, or you’re going to die, GRrrrrrrr! Grrrrrr,” Cathy said in her demonic voice and roared. Then she stepped toward us, every step she took made the house shake like an earthquake.

  I looked at Niomi and Anais nodding my head, giving the signal. We spread out and aimed our weapons at Cathy, "Now!" I screamed. Niomi leaped up in the air and landed on the ceiling. I jumped on top of the couch and Anais ran and slid on the wooden floor between Cathy’s legs. We fired our weapons at the same time. “Ughghghgh!” Cathy moaned in pain as an arrow went through her head. I blew her chest open and Anais destroyed what was between her legs. Niomi hopped down from the ceiling and stood next to me and Anais as Cathy's body fell to the ground, making a loud thumping sound like dead weight.

  "I kind of liked her and didn’t want to kill her for some reason,” Anais said.

  “Yea, me too,” Niomi agreed.

  Then we stopped and our hearts started racing. “What the fuck? How?” I said. As Cathy's wounds were healing up,
she stood straight up and stared at us. "How?" I kept repeating knowing we were in for the fight of our life.

  Anais looked at me and I looked at Niomi. It was like we read each other’s mind as we formed our next attack.

  “Now!” I shouted

  Mimi sent two arrows flying at incredible speed. An arrow slammed into Cathy’s right and left eye.

  “Grrrr!” she growled in pain sound like a wild animal, sending chills through our bodies,

  “Destroy her heart!” I yelled.

  I aimed and squeezed the trigger to both 9mm handguns simultaneously blowing holes into Cathy’s knee caps.

  “Uhhhggg! I will rip your liver out and eat it raw with garlic, while your heart is still beating,” Cathy shouted in a demonic tone.

  “Anais, now!” I shouted.

  Anais ran up close to Cathy and squeezed the trigger of the pump shotgun. The shotgun roared, ripping a huge hole on the left side of Cathy’s chest, blowing her heart into pieces, but not until her fingernails grew another three inches. She swung sending her humungous hand through Anais’ stomach and her long nails came cutting through Anais’ back. Cathy finally fell backwards from the shot to the chest and her hand slid out of Anais.

  “Noooooo!” I screamed as Anais fell to her knees, coughing up blood.

  I ran over to her and she collapsed in my arms. Her body went into convulsions as she shook and buckled up and down like fish out of water.

  “Noooooo, nooo! Lord, please, no!” I shouted as tears flowed down my cheeks.

  I could feel Niomi standing beside me, crying just as hard, “Daddy! Daddy,” Niomi called for me.

  “What! What,” I replied mad at the world.

  My mind raced as I tried to think of a way to save Anais. ‘But how can I save her?’ I said out loud to myself. I could taste my salty tears in my mouth as they fell down my cheeks and onto my lips.

  “Daddy,” Niomi said.

  “What Mimi?” I shouted, taking my frustrations out on her.

  I looked up at her and her arms were stretched out pointing. I turned my head to see that Cathy had pulled the arrows out of her eyes and the hole in her chest had completely healed. She now only stood inches from me, smiling, showing off her yellow, stained, razor sharp teeth.

  She roared loudly, “Grrrrr!” and opened her mouth wide to eat my face.

  Life as I knew it, was over with.

  “I love you.” I mumbled, as I felt saliva from Cathy’s mouth drip down on my head as I held Anais tightly.




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