My Best Friend's Stepfather #1

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My Best Friend's Stepfather #1 Page 2

by Opal Carew

  Right now she felt like her world had turned upside down.

  Dare had made a powerful case. To write an effective article about the Dominant-submissive relationship, she needed to experience it directly.

  It made sense he’d show her by example, and it wouldn’t have to lead to sex. But the thought of him commanding her … taking control …

  Her heart stammered.

  As much as she’d insisted there would be no sexual relationship between them, she knew that she was in danger of falling under his masculine spell. That she would lose herself completely to the role of being Dare’s submissive, an option that felt all too attractive right now.

  Once he started to command her … She knew in her heart she would do anything he said.

  She stared at herself in the mirror. She was thinking crazy thoughts. This was just role-playing. She wasn’t just going to fall into bed with him.

  And he probably didn’t look at her that way anyway. He was wealthy, handsome and powerful. She wasn’t his type of woman.

  He was just helping her with her research. Because she was a friend of Helen’s.

  A look of determination crossed her face. She was just looking for an excuse to run away. Because the situation was a little awkward.

  She opened her purse and grabbed her brush, then pulled it through her long, dark hair.

  She was going to get a grip on herself and march right back in there and get on with this.

  * * *

  “So how do we get started?” she asked as she sat on the couch again.

  “Stand up and come over here.”

  At his tone, she instantly pushed herself to her feet and walked toward him.

  “Good. As I told you, a submissive follows her master’s commands instantly and without question.”

  The word master sent a shiver down her spine. During these sessions, Dare would be her master. He would command her to do things. She had no idea what those things would be.

  “Now turn around. Slowly, so I can look at you.”

  She turned, aware of his gaze gliding the length of her body. Why had she worn such tight jeans? She should have worn something more business appropriate.

  What would his orders be? As she continued to turn, an image flashed through her mind of sitting on a chair in front of him, totally naked. In the image, he leaned forward and with his gaze gliding down her torso, commanded her to open her legs.


  She stopped turning, facing him again.

  “Pour me a glass of wine.”

  His gaze shifted to the bottle of wine and the single stemmed glass beside it. She stepped forward and picked up the bottle, then poured the dark burgundy liquid into his glass. He held out his hand and she picked up the glass and handed it to him.

  He nodded, then took a sip.

  “Would you like some?”

  She nodded.

  “The proper response is, ‘Yes, Master.’”

  Her gaze darted to his. “Uh … yes, Master.”

  “Come over here and kneel in front of me.”

  She drew in a deep breath. A part of her wanted to rebel, but a stronger part wanted to do exactly what he said. With shaky legs, she walked toward him, then knelt on the plush carpet. She was only inches from him. His strong, masculine aura surrounded her. Exciting her. Heat pulsed through her.

  He held his glass to her lips and tipped it up. She sipped the dark, tart wine, then swallowed as he drew the glass from her lips.

  The wine warmed her throat as it went down.

  She was so close to him. Kneeling in front of him. Being like this sent all kinds of raunchy images through her head. She found herself wondering what it would be like to stroke her hand along his thigh to his crotch. To glide her hand over his cock and feel it swell. To tug down his zipper and reach her hand inside.

  “Would you like more?”

  Oh, God, her raging hormones demanded so much more. But he was talking about wine.

  “Yes, Master.”

  If she hadn’t been on her knees already, she probably would have dropped to them at the intense arousal washing through her at saying those words. Yes, Master. Right here, right now, she was his slave.

  He pressed the glass to her lips and she took a bigger sip this time. It was relaxing her and she wanted more. She glanced at him and, as if reading her mind, he tipped it up. Heat washed through her and tension eased from her body.

  She could barely keep her gaze from dropping to his crotch.

  Was he aroused? If she looked, would she see a bulge forming in his pants?

  If she were actually his sex slave, surely his next move would be to command her to draw out his cock and pleasure him with her mouth. To wrap her lips around the head and lick, then to glide deeper, swallowing his length inside her throat.

  “Ashley, will you follow whatever command I give you right now, without question?”

  Goose bumps danced across her flesh. He was going to do it.

  “Yes.” The word slipped from her lips before she could stop it. Her heart raced. Things were getting away from her. If he actually told her to stroke his crotch, then pull down the zipper and reach inside …

  God, she’d do it. The way she was feeling right now, as if she totally belonged to him … She wanted to please him. To give him whatever he wanted.

  “Good. Come closer.”

  She closed the few inches between them. His knee brushed against her breast as she moved and her nipples spiked. The front of the couch pressed against her body, his knees on either side of her. His long, masculine thighs open in front of her.

  “Now kiss me.”

  She leaned forward and rested her hands on his shoulders, bringing her mouth close to his. His glowing midnight eyes watched as she moved closer. His sheer masculinity, and the feeling of power emanating from him, mesmerized her. Their lips met and sparks flashed through her. His tangy male scent filled her as their mouths merged. His lips were full and firm against hers. And warm.

  She moved her mouth on his and glided her tongue along the seam of his mouth, longing to be closer. He opened and she slipped inside. His mouth was warm, and tasted of wine. The heat rushing through her was intoxicating. She deepened the kiss and his arms slid around her, pulling her tight to his body. Her heart thundered against his warm, hard chest. Her nipples tingled, jutting forward. Pressing into him.

  She wanted him. If he told her to strip down right now so he could take her—thrust into her right here on the floor—she would. She wanted him to.

  But his lips drew away. She found herself gazing into his midnight eyes, a gleam of amusement clear in those depths. Which acted like cold water splashing over her. Bringing her to her senses.

  Suddenly, she felt very conscious of her position—shamelessly draped against him—and what she’d been doing. What she’d been wanting.

  And with the evidence of her hard nipples thrusting into his chest, he knew how much she wanted him.

  Oh, God, I can’t believe I practically threw myself at him. But then, he’d ordered her to kiss him.

  She eased back. Feeling extremely self-conscious, she retreated to the couch, needing distance between them. She sat with her ankles pressed tightly together and rested her hands on her knees.

  “I thought…” Her words came out hoarse, so she cleared her throat. “I thought this wasn’t going to be sexual. Isn’t kissing crossing a line?”

  “There are no lines, Ashley. I can order you to do anything.”

  A shiver raced through her. “But what if I don’t want to do what you order?”

  “Then you won’t.” He smiled, revealing perfect white teeth. “That’s the key. You have total power over your actions. When I order you to do something, you decide whether to do it.”

  And she had decided to kiss him.

  “Of course, if you decide not to follow a command, there will be consequences.”

  Her mouth went dry. “Like what?”

  “I might lea
n you over and spank you. If you wore a dress with a thong underneath,” his gaze locked on hers, “which I would like you to do from now on, I would lift up your skirt and spank your bare ass.”

  Her breath caught and she almost wished she’d worn a skirt today.

  Shock vaulted through her at the realization she wanted him to punish her. She wanted to feel his firm hand stroke her behind, then smack it sharply.

  Her head was swirling with contradictions.

  If he punished her for refusing to perform a command, then she didn’t really have a choice to refuse. Unless she refused to willingly accept the consequences. But what if she didn’t want to be punished? Then she had no choice but to obey.

  She gazed at him, confusion swirling through her. She needed time to think about all this.

  “We’re done for now.” Dare stood up.

  She rose to her feet, too. “Okay, thank you.”

  She turned and headed down the hallway to the front door, then pulled on her shoes. She stood up and turned to the door. Her body tingled from his presence behind her.

  “Come back tomorrow night at eight.”

  She stopped herself from uttering, “Yes, Master,” and just nodded as she pulled open the door.

  “And Ashley.”

  She turned to look at him again. A shiver quivered through her at the warmth in those midnight eyes.

  “Wear something sexy.”

  * * *

  Ashley stared at the scrappy bit of nothing in lace that Jessica held in front of her.

  “Are you kidding? I’m not going to wear that,” Ashley protested.

  Jessica quirked her head. “Why not?”

  Ashley grabbed the tag hanging from it. Close to two hundred dollars for a tiny bodysuit composed of barely a few square inches of satin and lace.

  “Because I’m not a slut.”

  Jessica laughed. “It’s not slutty. It’s sexy. And you’d look breathtaking in it.” She grinned. “I mean to a man.”

  “To a man I’d look breathtaking”—Ashley said the last word with air quotes—“naked and that would be a lot cheaper.”

  Jessica laughed. “Well, if you’re bold enough to strip down naked for him, good for you.”

  “Jess, stop teasing me.”

  “Okay, okay.” Jess admired the crimson lace. “But say what you will, I think it’s worth it.”

  “Then you should get it,” Ashley said with sincerity. She knew Jessica loved this kind of thing and she felt a little bad calling it slutty when she was just reacting to her own insecurities about the situation with Dare.

  Jessica grinned. “But I’m not going out with Mr. Gallagher-the-sexiest-man-alive.”

  Ashley frowned. “I’m not either.”

  “But you are seeing him. And you asked me to help you buy sexy clothes to wear for him.”

  “I told you. It’s not like that. And I thought you were going to stop teasing me.”

  “Yes, you told me and, honey … it is like that. All kidding aside, from what you told me about last night you are headed straight for an illicit, sexual affair with the man.” Jessica squeezed her arm. “And I am so jealous.”

  Ashley’s chest tightened. Leave it to Jess to give it to her straight.

  “Oh, God, Jess.” Ashley grabbed the hanger from Jessica and hung the garment back on the rack, her cheeks heating. Because as much as she tried to deny it … damn it, Jess was right.

  “Come on, let’s get a coffee.” Jessica tugged her arm, leading her from the store.

  They went to the food court, then settled at a table with their coffees.

  “What am I doing, Jess?” Ashley lamented over her steaming drink. “I mean, you’re right. If I’m not careful, that’s where this will lead.”

  Jess shrugged and sipped her coffee. “So why be careful? Why not seize the moment? He’s handsome, worldly, and soooo sexy. And you’re in this ideal situation where he’ll take total control. That is so hot. You can’t tell me that doesn’t turn you on.”

  Ashley compressed her lips. “It does.” She gazed straight at her friend. “Oh, God, does it ever. But how can I do that?”

  “You just let him take the lead. It certainly sounds like the attraction is mutual.”

  “But I mean … he’s our best friend’s stepfather. And you remember how devastated Helen was when he split with her mother.”

  Helen had adored Dare. She’d loved that all the girls at school practically swooned over him, but more, she loved the stability he brought to her family. She had been without a father for a long time and when he came into the picture, she’d confessed to Ashley that she felt more secure. Ashley didn’t know what the problem was—probably financial issues—because Helen always had to go home right after school to do chores. Ashley assumed it was because her mother worked late to make extra money.

  “Yeah, sure, but that was years ago,” Jessica said, “and, to be frank, it’s not like Helen has kept up her friendship with us. We haven’t heard from her in years.”

  When Helen’s mom and Dare had divorced—the summer after graduation—Helen had dropped out of sight. She’d simply disappeared. At first, Ashley and Jessica thought she’d gone on a trip to Europe, but she’d never sent a single postcard. Then they’d heard she hadn’t gone to college that fall. It was strange, since Helen had been a straight A student, and loved school.

  There were all kinds of crazy rumors. Even that she’d gotten pregnant and gone away while she had the baby, then put it up for adoption. But that didn’t explain why she wouldn’t tell Ashley and Jessica about it. They’d been so close.

  Ashley had always worried about her friend, but after the divorce, Helen’s mother had moved to Cambria, a small town about a hundred miles south of Autumn’s Ridge, and Dare had moved to New York, so she’d had no way to contact any of them.

  “That doesn’t mean we’re not friends anymore,” Ashley said.

  Jessica raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t it?” She leaned forward. “Look, Ashley, I’m all for being loyal to a friend, but Helen walked away from us, not the other way around. As much as I loved her, we both have to face the fact that she’s not our friend anymore.” She squeezed Ashley’s hand. “So don’t you dare give up an opportunity of a lifetime for someone who can’t even be bothered to keep in touch.”

  * * *

  Wear something sexy.

  Ashley couldn’t believe she was dressing up in a sexy outfit to go see the man who was once her best friend’s stepfather. She gulped as she stared at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t believe Dare—the sexy, enigmatic man who had haunted her teenage fantasies—was now playing the role of Dom to her sub.

  She inspected the black wrap-style dress she’d just put on. The black front-clasp, underwire bra she wore hiked her bosom up, showing deep cleavage in the V-neckline of her dress. She wore a thong and black garter belt to hold up her sexy black stockings. Not that she expected Dare to see any of that. Asking her to wear something sexy was part of keeping her on edge. Unsure what to expect.

  And it was working like a charm.

  She glanced at her watch. He’d said to arrive at eight, so she needed to leave very soon.

  Tonight wouldn’t get sexual. Her thoughts stirred back to the kiss they’d shared last night. The feel of his lips on hers, the taste of him on her tongue. He hadn’t made a move on her, simply told her to kiss him. She had been the one who’d gotten carried away.

  God, he was such a sexy man. Her heart still fluttered at the memory of being in his arms. And last night, after she’d gone to bed, she’d been filled with wicked thoughts, and steamy dreams had filled her sleep time.

  But in the light of morning, she’d scolded herself. She needed to maintain her focus. This was about researching an article, not about submitting to either her desire for the man, or to his sexy dominant nature. In fact, he was probably pushing her with the sexual aspect to force her to remember that she had control. Her cheeks flushed. In fact, maybe he’d been shocked at h
er wantonness in kissing him.

  Not that Darien Gallagher was a man who was easily shocked.

  Rather than disobeying his command if he ordered her to kiss him again, she could give him a chaste kiss. She fully expected that tonight he would continue to push her past her comfort zone and she’d have to decide how to follow his commands without giving in to the temptation to succumb to her lustful desires.

  If she submitted to the sexual pull between them, she would be giving in to her desire to be submissive. She would be strong and avoid that.

  She put on her earrings, small ruby studs and headed to the door.

  As she drove to his house, she felt the excitement rise in her. The pull he exerted over her was inescapable.

  * * *

  Dare watched Ashley’s car turn into his driveway, then heard her car door close. He glanced at his watch. She was a little early. He put down his book and got up from the chair by the fire in the living room.

  He’d been looking forward to this all day. Seeing Ashley again. She was delightful and sexy. Last night, he’d sported a huge erection most of the time she’d been here. Even after she’d left, it kept inflating every time he thought of her. When he’d ordered her to kiss him, it had been to see how she would react. She’d said she didn’t want this to be sexual, so he had expected a protest, possibly an outright refusal, but thought it was more likely that she would give him a quick peck. He had not expected her to throw herself into it as she had, her tongue gliding into his mouth with wild abandon. And she’d clearly been turned on.

  He’d meant to remain distant, but with her soft body pressed against him, her nipples hard against him, he hadn’t been able to help but respond.

  The doorbell rang and he smiled. He had not expected this coaching to have such delightful fringe benefits.

  After she’d left, he’d struggled with the fact that taking on this role with her aroused him, especially since he was so much older—but really it was only a ten year difference and now that she was in her late twenties, that wasn’t really an issue. And he had to admit, he’d been attracted to her all those years ago. Back then, of course, he never would have acted on it, even if he hadn’t been married.


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