Fake Me

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Fake Me Page 9

by Bonnie Edwards

  Farren had no response. There was nothing to say to such an odd confession.

  Grady wiped his face and hands with a napkin. Then he took a sip of his beer. “I think my grief was mixed up with anger. She shouldn’t have gone out alone in a canoe in the dark. She should have worn a life jacket. Once I got over the shock, I got angry, and it made me feel something while I shut down the rest of the grieving process. Since my mom, I haven’t had a lot of losses on the personal side or the business side of my life. I didn’t know how to handle it. At fourteen, I was numb for a long time. And this time, too. But I’m not numb anymore.”

  The look he gave her was intent and spoke of rivers of want. He missed Veronica. Heck, he still missed his mom. Her heart squeezed for him.

  This had been the longest speech she’d heard from him. And he’d explained a lot of what she’d seen when she’d first met him. The grumpiness, the shaggy bear, the rusty voice.

  “I see.” She picked her next words carefully. “Anger is one of the stages of grief. I’m glad you’ve moved on.” She hoped the next stage was acceptance, but she didn’t want to get too personal.

  “Me, too. Moving on is exactly what I want.”

  From there they focused on their meal for a time. To Farren the silence was companionable, comfortable. A seagull flew overhead and cocked his head at an angle for a better look at their table. “Don’t look now but we’re under surveillance.”

  He chuckled. “Good thing we’re close to finished.”

  She blushed. “It was so good. I’m full.”

  The bird made one more pass then rose on an updraft and soared away toward the beach. “As much as they’re pests for diners, they’re impressive in flight,” Grady mused aloud. “I also admire their scrappiness. They’ll take on anything in the sky.”

  “I meant to say this earlier, but I got distracted by someone bragging on their grilling skills,” she teased. “The playground looks so fresh. Thanks for the paintjob.” She’d thought to clean them with a brush and bucket of water, but the new look was much more inviting.

  “It didn’t take long. And you’re welcome.”

  “The wooden walkway and viewing deck are fabulous. That job must have taken a lot of time.” She hadn’t meant to have him do all this manual labor. “I’d budgeted for some of this, you know.” Impossible not to flash on the way he’d looked sweaty and strong while swiping his forearm across his brow.

  “My motel, remember? And the work did me good. I haven’t worked with my hands in too long. Cleared my head. And the walkway took most of the last few days,” he said. “I have the splinters to prove it.” He held up his palms.

  “Thank you. It means a lot that you’d suffer splinters for me.” She took her last bite of hamburger.

  “I should thank you for getting me out of my house. Next week, I’m heading to New York for a few of days, maybe a week, and I’m looking forward to going.”

  “Oh, that’ll be good. What did you do while you were here? About work, I mean.” Delphine had told her the company had run smoothly for all the time her brother had “checked out.”

  “Virtual meetings, email. I was surprised at how simple it was to work from home.” He shrugged.

  “Delphine is based in New York. Will you see her?”

  “Unless she shows up here first. Which is more likely now that I answered her call.” His dry tone made her smile.

  “I’m glad you did. It would be hard for a sister to have a brother refusing to see her. I’d hate it.”

  He nodded. “You’d never do anything to make a brother want to distance himself.”

  “True, I’m not pushy with my family. Live and let live.” Farren dished up the last of the Caesar salad for Grady. “Finish this and I’ll take care of tidying up.”

  “Deal.” He forked up some salad, and then held the fork away from his mouth so he could speak. “When I’m gone the motel will be empty. Do you want to move in then?” He filled his mouth while waiting for her to consider his request.

  She warmed at his suggestion. “You mean here? In the house or motel?”

  “The Landseer.” He chewed and swallowed before continuing. “We talked about you living in the unit next door. I thought having someone here while I’m gone would be a good idea.” He frowned. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “I can move my own furniture in?” She loved her new bed and didn’t want to store it. “I can use the table and chairs that are in there and if the beds are removed, I’ll bring my own sofa and my new bed.”

  Grady nodded. “Both beds out, but the table and chairs stay. You need room for your sofa. Check.” He nodded. “I’ll handle it. What about the television?”

  “It’s fine. I won’t watch much. I binge a show here and there, but I can do that on my computer.”

  “I’ll move in a new television for you. You’ll have all the channels and services.” He said it as if it was a fait accompli and she had no say.

  She thought of the obscenely huge television on his living room wall. “Not too big, please. The room’s too small for a massive screen.”

  “Okay. What will happen with your accommodation now? Will you move back in, or will you have to move elsewhere when we’re through?”

  Practical. Grady was practical and looked to the future. “My landlord will offer my place for short term rentals. He already has furniture for it. Since he’s my brother, I’ll be allowed to move back in whenever I want.”

  He looked relieved. “Great. I’ll give you the password for my wi-fi until we get the motel’s system up and running.” He finished his last bite of salad and then picked up his dirty dishes.

  “Perfect,” she rose, her plate and the salad bowl in her hands. She followed him through his bedroom, keeping her gaze away from his personal spaces. Mostly because she already knew the room was tidy just like the rest of the house.

  Back in the kitchen, Grady opened the dishwasher for her, and they both added their dishes.

  When he closed the door, they were standing inches apart. “I’ll tell my sister you’ve moved in with me.”

  “You’ll what?”

  TELLING DELPHINE THEY’D moved in together seemed drastic. “What will my brothers think?” Farren demanded. “My parents?”

  “That you’re a grown up and are in a serious relationship.”

  “No, no, no.” She shook her head and held up her hands. This wasn’t like a new television. He couldn’t just tell everyone she’d moved in with him. “That’s not what we agreed. This was supposed to be a fake, casual dating thing. Not serious. No hearts involved. The breakup is supposed to be easy, with no heartbreak.”

  She didn’t want to have to pretend to be getting over Grady. When the time came, she wanted to skim over the details of the break with him. Make it seem a mutual parting of the ways with no one hurt because no promises were made. Her brothers and parents would believe that because that’s how Farren lived. Easy come and easy go with men. “Most of the time, my family doesn’t meet the man I’m seeing.”

  “So, you’re always in casual situations?”

  She walked to the futon and picked up her bag for her walk home. “Yes. I’m a serial casual dater if you need to label me.” Living at Last Chance Beach the choice was that or be alone. She didn’t mind being alone, but once upon a time, she’d had dreams of something more and now those dreams had returned. Turning thirty-four, quitting her job and starting her own business had shifted her life and her future. Her old dreams had revved to life.

  “And the world thinks I cut myself off,” Grady muttered. “Let’s walk and we’ll come up with a plan to suit us both.”

  Instead of strolling the beach, they took to the road, a winding narrow strip that had been paved a long time ago. No sidewalk and gravel shoulders. Most people who walked it stayed in the middle because the sides were broken and dangerous traps for turned ankles.

  The streetlights were few and far between, adding to the mystery of what lay in the di
tches on either side.

  They walked a few hundred yards before she spoke. “It’s not that I want to be casual,” she explained. “But living here means available men, decent men, are only here for the short-term. Sometimes I meet someone, and they come back to see me again. But most often, their lives keep them away and I like to think I become a pleasant memory of their time here.”

  “I’m getting an odd picture.” He frowned in the gloaming, darker than the gathering night.

  “It’s not often that I meet someone I want to spend time with. But, if I never take a chance with anyone, I’ll never have a partner. So, I take my chances without getting my hopes up.” She wasn’t going to admit to her re-awakened dreams. He might take the wrong meaning and decide she was after something more from him than their arrangement called for.

  He nodded. “I get it. I was so involved in my business I fell into a similar pattern. Until Veronica, that is.”

  “I’m glad you found her. If you’ve been in love once, I’m sure you’ll find it again,” she responded gently. “And now, here we are, a pair of casual daters thrust together for convenience.”

  “For what it’s worth, I’m having a good time getting to know you.” He flashed her a smile that lit his face.

  She let her fingers find his as they walked down the road toward the brighter lights of Main Street.

  “I’ll tell my brothers I’m in the motel unit, not your house.” She wouldn’t budge on this. “I’ll also tell them we’re casual, so they won’t wander over to the Landseer to get in your face.”

  He chuckled. “Fine. But as far as Delphine goes, you live with me, and the unit is available to all staff members like a break room.”

  “Deal.” She’d have offered her private space to Eva anyway.

  GRADY LET THE MATTRESS slide from his hands into place on the box spring. Farren set her side down gently, too.

  “There,” he said, “that’s the last of the heavy things. If you’re sure the television is where you want it, then I can leave you to it.” The rental moving trailer has empty but for her clothes and other small things, like lamps and a chair she used when she worked. “I’ll grab your office chair for you. Will the kitchen table be okay for your workspace?”

  Her whole face lit up as she surveyed the unit. “That’s what I’ve always done, so it’s fine. I dream of having a real home office someday. With a proper desk and a printer stand. Maybe a filing cabinet.” She pouted, a pursing of her soft lips. “I’ve wanted one of those for a long time. They look so official.”

  His groin tightened as he thought of giving her all she wanted, and maybe all he wanted, too. Stupid to be turned on by a pout. But then they were standing beside a bed. And he was a man who hadn’t...

  “There’s a spare room upstairs at the house you could use as real office space,” he offered. “When Singles Fest takes off, you may need more room.” And she may want to keep her personal space, personal.

  “You’re really onboard. I appreciate the vote of confidence.” Her purply-blue gaze punched him in the gut again. He bet she had no idea how much he liked looking into her eyes. The smile that played around the corners of her mouth made him wonder how she’d taste. So far, they’d only bussed each other on the cheek. And that wasn’t nearly enough.

  “One thing I’ve learned working from home is to keep personal and office space as separate as you can. It’s hard to shut off your work if it’s sitting in front of you.”

  “But you work on the dining room table.”

  “That’s how I know it’s hard to shut down. After dinner last night, I moved my laptop into the den. Now I can shut the door on it.” Not that it mattered much. He was leaving in the morning.

  She dug a set of white sheets out of a box and tossed them on the bed. A couple of pillows followed. “Down time is rare when I’m swamped by my to-do list.”

  She flapped out a bottom sheet and he automatically grabbed a corner to hook it under the mattress.

  “Thanks,” she said, “but you don’t have to help me make the bed.” Her cheeks had pinkened with the intimacy of the homey gesture.

  He raised his hands in surrender. “Yeah, right,” he murmured and hooked a thumb over his shoulder. “I’ll get the chair for you and be on my way.”

  “Thank you for all your help. Eva’s busy, or she’d have been here to help, and my brothers don’t know I’ve moved yet.”

  “Not even your landlord brother?”

  “No. I’ll tell him later today. Thanks again. This will make my life easier. Being close to the first wave of guests will give me better insight into what they want, need, and might prefer for next time.” She snapped the top sheet out wide and let it drift down to land on the bed. “Thanks for your help today.”

  “Half an hour. It was nothing.” He tossed her the key to his place. “This is in case of emergency, but I doubt anything will go wrong. I’ve already killed all the plants, so they don’t need watering.”

  “I’ll add it to the rest of the motel keys I carry.” She went to the counter where she’d left the full key ring. “I’ll park my car in front of your door, so it looks like someone’s home.”

  “In case the roving bands of thieves Last Chance Beach is known for take an interest?” he joked. They had a new police department and the town had gone quiet. The beach parties had toned down a bit and he supposed some of the older residents felt safer, but he hadn’t seen the need. More services meant more taxes. The older residents would be the first ones to complain when taxes went up.

  “Yep. In case.” She tucked her fingertips into the pockets of her cut-offs and rocked back on her heels. “We’ve even got people now who lock their doors.” She raised her eyebrows, feigning shock. “Imagine.”

  “I can’t.” He stood like a dope staring at her. Farren’s pretty features glowed in fading light from the window as she looked back at him, the expanse of half-made bed between them. Her flowing pink top rose and fell with each breath, like silk. She’d tied her hair up in a loose knot that threatened to tumble to her shoulders. He loved the look. Simple and small town. And so sexy he could hardly breathe. “Maybe you don’t have to tell your family. You were concerned what they’d think.”

  She pursed her lips. “My brother will tell for sure. He’s a suck up when it comes to tattling, especially on me.” She grimaced. “And this arrangement may not be for long. I could hate living here with the families. I’m used to quiet and live away from the beach. I’ll stay for high season because I’ll be needed, but I’m not sure I’ll stay longer.”

  “Thanks for agreeing to stay here at all. I’d have to move out if guests started banging on my door whenever they had a problem.” They’d been over all this, but he couldn’t seem to make his feet move to leave her.

  “You still have no idea how long you’ll be away?”

  “I’ll know more when I get there.” He’d planned for a few days, but he could get sucked back into the day-to-day. “I also need to hire a new assistant. Someone of my own choosing this time.” Delphine had made some noises about finding him a replacement for Veronica, but he’d put her off. Too awkward.

  He didn’t want a replacement assistant and a replacement, fake girlfriend. Seeing a new woman in Veronica’s role felt like too much. Next time, he’d aim for a male assistant just to make the transition easier.

  Farren’s gaze fell to the bed. “I should finish this. I still have a lot to do.”

  “Right. One chair coming up.” He turned on his heel and made his last trip to the trailer and returned with the chair. He set it down, blew out a breath and said, “See you when I see you, then.”

  “See you,” she said with a wan smile and a wave. The bed was ready, and she was busy unloading cans of food and boxes of cereal into the two kitchen cabinets. The mini fridge had been filled earlier.

  He had a thought that he should reassure her that he’d come back, but what if he didn’t? What if O’Hara Enterprises wrapped itself around him again?
  Chapter Eleven

  AT DAWN THE NEXT MORNING, Grady drove over the Last Chance Beach bridge to the mainland, satisfied with his decision to leave the motel in Farren’s hands. She was capable and invested in taking care of the place. Almost like a partner. She’d accepted the help of the office intern with her social media marketing and her brand was shaping up nicely.

  The more he thought of the motel’s part in Farren’s success the more he understood his Aunt Ellen would love it. Family had been important to her and if she knew the Landseer would help new happy families connect, she’d be ecstatic.

  Delphine seemed happy with the idea too. Of course, she was happy. She thought her scheme to throw Farren at him had worked. After all, Farren had moved into her room last night. As far as Delphine knew, Farren had moved in with Grady. Into Grady’s house. She didn’t need to know the real arrangement.

  Until last night’s move, he hadn’t seen Farren since he’d cooked her a burger and shown her the wooden walkway and painted playground equipment. They’d talked and texted about Singles Fest, but otherwise had kept their lives separate.

  But last night, as he’d helped her with her furniture, he realized he’d missed seeing her. It was odd because he’d only set eyes on her a handful of times. Each time was a revelation though. She was so different from the women he knew. Down-to-earth and hardworking.

  She was unaffected and lovely. Her appeal was feminine strength and determination and he looked forward to getting to know her better. Peeling the layers of Farren back to reveal her soft core. And he knew she was soft inside. Her heart especially. She was willing to give up a year of a personal life to build Singles Fest. In effect, she was giving him the year. Him and his fake dating scam. Not many women he knew would make a sacrifice like that.

  Yes, women in New York careers logged long hours, gave up dating, and family time for less reward than their male counterparts. He knew that. He had a sister who reminded him regularly how much less most women were paid. O’Hara paid employees well across the board and didn’t demand office staff work weekends and late nights unless they wanted to. But being a global broker meant time zones and some of his agents had to work odd hours. They were compensated very well.


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