Every Man Will Do His Duty

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Every Man Will Do His Duty Page 58

by Dean King

  Emmet, Tom, 8

  Endeavour, HMS, 110, 116, 117, 118

  Endymion, HMS, 234, 252

  Engageant (French ship), 10

  Eole, L’ (French ship), 30

  Esperance, L’(schooner), 93, 94

  Essel, Sub-Lieut. John, 278n

  Essex, USS, 316, 344-66, 368, 388, 398n

  action with Phoebe, xxv, 368-80, 383-91

  Essex Junior, USS, 367, 368, 372, 373, 375, 380, 382, 383, 384, 388, 389, 392, 393, 394

  Etna, HMS, 225, 226, 230

  Euryalus, HMS, 169, 170

  Evans, Dr. Evan, 258

  Evans, Jack, 335

  Excellent, HMS, 73, 76, 77

  Falconer, Major, 188

  Fane, Captain E W., 275-76, 289

  Farragut, Adm. David, 345, 388

  Finch, Lieutenant, 380

  Fitzpatrick, Boatswain, 27

  Flora, HMS, 9

  Flying Squadron, Howe’s, 13n, 15

  Forte, La (French frigate), 107, 108, 117n

  action with La Sybille, xxv, xxvi, 111-19

  “For the Good of My Own Soul” (Nagle), 45-53

  “Fortune of War, The” (Eastwick), 108-19

  Fougueux, La (French ship), 173

  Foxhound, HMS, 224

  Fragments of Voyages and Travels (Hall), 254


  behind enemy lines in, 259-89

  Britain declares war on, 1803, 156

  peace with Spain in 1795, 44

  Franco-Prussian War of 1870, 278n

  Fraser, General, 235, 247

  Frederick, Captain, 73

  French Fleet, 86, 169

  and Battle of Trafalgar, 162, 165-66

  Brest Fleet, 63

  Brest Fleet, and Basque Roads, 218-23

  and Glorious First of June, 15-22, 23

  and Revolutionary War, 11, 13, 14-15

  French National Convention, 15, 31n

  French prisons, xxvi, 268-73

  at Bitch, 276-81

  escapes, 273-76, 278-79, 281-82

  French privateers in Bay of Bengal, 108

  in Mediterranean, 123-26

  off Spain and Portugal, 91-92, 103-4

  French Revolutionary War (1793-1802), xxiv, xxvii, 9-11, 34n

  Fugleman, 5, 28, 28n

  Furieuse (French ship), 221

  Gallipagos Islands, 356, 359, 360-61, 363-64, 366

  Gambier, Captain (later Admiral Lord), 12, 17-18, 20, 21, 27-30, 185, 186, 190-92, 193, 197, 203, 212, 213, 218, 220, 222, 223, 230, 233

  Gambier, Lady, 190, 191

  Gamble, Lieutenant, 361, 382

  Gamo, El (Spanish ship), 120, 128, 134-36

  Gardner, Captain, 345, 346, 349

  Gardner, James Anthony, xxv, xxvi, 33-44

  Gardner, Midshipman, 32

  Gardner, Sir Alan (later Baron), 18, 18n

  Garlies, George, Viscount, 69, 80, 80n, 81, 86

  Geers, Benjamin, 383

  Généreaux (French ship), 119, 120, 121, 139

  Genoa, Italy, 122

  George, Capt. Sir Rupert, 187, 187n, 188

  George III, King of England, 83, 303

  George Washington (American privateer), 322

  Georgiana (British whale-ship), 361, 362, 364, 365, 381

  Gibraltar, 64, 66

  Gibraltar, HMS, 214

  Gill, Mr., 101

  Gilman, Andrew, 214

  Glorious First of June (1794), xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, 11-32

  map, 23

  Glory (French ship), 18

  Goliah, HMS, 76

  Goodall, Mr., 45, 48, 49-51, 52

  Gordon, Midshipman, 271, 272-74

  Gorgon, HMS, 32, 33, 38, 41-43, 48, 50, 52, 52n, 53, 88

  Graeffer, Mrs., 190

  Granville, France, 264-65

  Gratuities to the Relations of Officers and Others Killed in Action, xxxvii

  Graves, Adm. Thomas, 12, 12n

  Gray, Alexander, 46n, 53n

  Gray, Lieutenant, 109n

  Green, John, 256, 256n

  Greenwich (British whale-ship), 381-82

  Grey, Dr., 188-89

  Grimes, William, 101

  Groce, Samuel, 383

  Growler, HMS, 225

  Guerrier, HMS, 318, 332

  Guns, 18

  filling with powder, 14

  loading, 22, 22n, 26

  Guthrie, Dr., 134

  Guyaquil, Peru, 358-59

  Hacker, Jerry, 39-40

  Haddaway, Midshipman, 365

  Halifax, Canada, 140

  Hall, Basil, xxv, xxvii, 139-56, 233, 234-54

  Hamilton, Captain Sir C, 38

  Hamilton, Lady, 169, 175, 177-79, 190, 190n, 192

  Hannibal, HMS, 278-79n

  Hanoverian London (Rude), 52n

  Hardy, Captain, 169, 171-78, 180, 181-82

  Hardy, Lieutenant, 64, 65-66, 68, 69

  Hardyman, Lieutenant, 116-17, 119

  Harvey, Rear-Adm. Sir Eliab, 223

  Havre-de-Grace, Le (Haverdegrass), 89-91

  Hawtayne, Mr., 27

  Hazard, HMS, 46n

  Hazzard, Captain J., 320

  Hector, HMS, 381, 390

  Helicon, HMS, 395

  Hills, Lieutenant, 178

  Hillyar, Capt. James, 367, 368-79, 382, 383, 384, 388-93

  Hind, HMS, 120

  “HMS Macedonian vs. USS United States” (Leech), 303-19

  Hoche, General, 63

  Hoffman, Richard K., 379

  Holmes, Gun Captain, 24

  Holmes, Levi, 383

  Hood, Adm. Sir Alexander, Baron Bridport, 18, 18n, 118

  Hood, Sir Samuel, 94n, 234, 235, 251

  Hope, Capt. Sir George Johnstone, 202

  Hope, Lieut. David, 308, 311, 312

  Hope, Sir John, 240, 246, 247

  Hornet (American sloop), 344, 380

  Horse Island, 292

  Hotham, Adm. Sir Henry, 53, 54, 215, 220, 221, 399

  Hound, HMS, 231

  Howe, Admiral Lord, 11-13, 13n, 15, 16-17, 19-20, 21, 28, 29, 29n, 32

  Illustrious, HMS, 222

  Impérieuse, HMS, 223, 225, 226

  Impressment, xxvi, 7, 10

  of American sailors by Britain, 289-99

  in England, 3, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48-52

  Inconstant, HMS, 108

  Indefatigable, HMS, 216, 220, 224

  Indiana (French ship), 230, 231

  Indian Ocean, 107

  Indomptable, L’ (French ship), 17, 19

  Inflexible, HMS, 257

  Ingraham, Lieutenant, 378, 379, 382

  Innes, Capt. Thomas, 193, 195, 196

  Insolent, HMS, 225

  “In the King’s Service” (Richardson), 3-22

  Intrepide (French privateer), 121

  Intrepid, HMS, 9

  Invincible, HMS, 29, 41

  Irish invasion attempt (1796), 63

  Irresistible, HMS, 71, 73, 77, 78, 82

  Isaacs, George W., 361, 379, 388

  Italien (French ship), 220, 221

  Jackson, George Vernon, 254, 255-89

  Jackson, President Andrew, 394

  Java, HMS (formerly Renomée), 289, 318, 343, 344, 352, 380, 398n

  Jean Bart (French ship), 219-20, 221

  Jennings, Midshipman, 35

  Jervis, Adm. Sir John, Earl St. Vincent, 54, 55, 56, 62, 66-77, 82-85, 82n, 84n-85n, 87, 94n

  John Adams, USS, 290, 398

  Johnson, Captain, 118

  Johnson, Samuel B., 388

  Jones, Lieutenant, 223, 224, 229

  Jones, Rev. Mr., 217, 231

  Junon, HMS, 255-57, 289

  Keith, Admiral Lord, 119, 120, 122-23, 126, 187-88

  Ker (Car), Captain, 219

  King, Lieutenant, 174

  King, Lieut. Sir Richard, 3, 4, 213

  King George, HMS, 222, 224

  Kingsbury, Boatswain, 365

  Kivell Nan, 308, 309

  Knight, Mr., 196

  Lacaille, Captain, 231
r />   Lafon, Capt. John Baptist, 231

  Laforey, Captain R, 13n

  Lagos Bay, 84, 84n, 85

  Langhorn, Captain, 397

  Leander, HMS, 139-40, 145, 146, 147, 155, 234

  Lebozec, Captain, 222

  Le Cam, French pilot, 217

  Lee, Admiral, 255

  Lee, John, 24

  Leech, Samuel, xxvii, 303-19

  Légère, La (French cutter), 100

  Leghorn Roads (Livorno), 56, 129n

  Le Neve, A. W. H., 206

  L’Estrange, Lieutenant, 278, 278n-79n, 281-85

  Leviathan, HMS, 171

  Leworthy, H., 280, 282

  Lightroom, 14, 14n

  Lindsay, Captain, 71

  Linois, Admiral, 136

  Linscott, Mr., 385

  Lisbon, Portugal, 36-38, 99, 106

  Little, George, xxv, xxvi, 320-44

  Lively, HMS, 64, 69-72, 77, 80n, 81, 83, 84, 85-86

  Liza, La (Spanish ship), 127

  Lloyd, Christopher, xxvi, 183-84

  Lobos islands, 357, 358

  Logholm, Mr., 314

  Loire (French ship), 256, 257

  Longford, Lord, 30

  Lord Cochrane (Lloyd), 183-84

  Lossing, 297n

  Lougen (Lugum, Danish brig), 206-8, 206n, 212

  Lovedon, Mr., 187

  Lyman, James R., 388, 390

  Lynes, Mr., 101

  Lyra, HMS, 225

  McBride, Rear-Admiral, 13

  Macedonian, HMS, 343, 344

  action with USS United States (1812), xxiv, 303-19

  McGuire, Lieutenant, 30

  Macguire, Pat, 61-62

  Mackerel, Mr., 110, 111, 115

  M’Knight, Lieutenant, 347, 361, 387, 388, 390

  McLeay, Mr., 186

  M’Nicholl, Gunner, 199-200

  “Mad Dickey’s Amusement” (Nagle), 88-107

  Madison’s island (Nooaheevah), 382

  Mahan, 31n

  Mahan, Andrew, 383

  Major, Mr., 116

  Malabar coast, 6

  Malta, 129-30

  Manby, Captain, 190

  Manerva (French-built ship), 93

  Manly, Captain, 46n

  Manners, Captain, 397, 397n

  Mantua, siege of, 56

  Margretta, HMS, 46n

  Marlborough, HMS, 28

  Marlborough, John, Duke of, 58, 58n

  Martin, Abbé, 265-66

  Martin, Capt. Byam, 38

  Martin, Captain G., 78, 82

  Martinico, 294

  Massena, 122-23

  Mauritius Islands, 4-5

  Mediator, HMS, 222, 223, 225


  British control of, 184

  cruise of 1801, xxv

  Medusa, HMS, 231

  Melampus, HMS, 9

  Meleager, HMS, 56

  Melville, Mr., 280

  Menzies, Archibald, 57-58, 59

  Merchant ships

  effects of wars on, xxv, 344

  and French Revolutionary War, 13-14

  smuggling by, 35-36

  Miller, Captain R. W., 77, 81

  Miller, Doctor, 355, 360, 365-66

  Miller, Dr. Robert, 383

  Miller, Gunner, 365

  Minerva, HMS, 3-7, 9, 10, 11

  Minerve, HMS, 64-69, 71, 76, 78, 79

  Minotaur, HMS, 126

  Mitchell, Sir Andrew, 139, 156

  Módeste, HMS, 33, 38

  Montagu, Rear Adm. George, 13, 13n, 15n

  Montague, HMS, 380

  Montezuma (British whale-ship), 361, 364, 381

  Montgomery, Dr. Alexander, 379, 388

  Moore, Captain, 118

  Moore, Gen. Sir John, 233, 234-35, 236-37, 245

  Moorsom, Capt. Robert, 159, 192

  Morard de Galles, Vice-Admiral, 63

  Morgan, Mr., 288

  Momington, HMS, 110, 116, 118

  Mornington, Lord, 112, 117, 118

  Mottley, Lieut. Samuel, 312

  Mulgrave, Lord, 186, 187, 191-93, 204

  Murray, Captain, 76

  Mutine, HMS, 126, 288

  Nagle, Jacob, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, 44, 45-53, 87, 88-107

  Nagle, Mrs. Jacob, 49-51, 52

  Naiad, HMS, 169, 216, 218, 220, 231

  Namur, HMS, 76, 79, 198

  Napier, Gen. Sir William Francis Patrick, xxv, 235n, 236, 237, 241, 247

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 47, 54, 55, 156, 183, 184, 222, 231, 234, 236, 265, 399

  Napoleonic War (1803–1815), xxiv-xxv, 156

  Narcissus, HMS, 290-91, 294, 295, 297, 298

  Nash, Captain, 393

  Nastyface, Jack. See William Robinson

  National Bank of England, 86

  Nautical Economy (Robinson/Nastyface), 168

  Naval Chronicle (1799), xxxvii

  Naval Chronologist of the War (Steel), 87

  Navy Record Society, British, xxvi

  Nelson, Adm. Lord Horatio (formerly Captain), xxv, 123, 139, 156, 190

  and Battle of Cape St. Vincent, 65-69, 71, 73, 77, 78, 81, 82, 82n, 87

  and Battle of Trafalgar, xxiii, 159, 160, 161

  Bethune on, 64

  death of, at Trafalgar, 162, 169-84

  distinctions and honors, 55, 83-84, 87

  and evacuation of Bastia, Corsica, 54-60, 63

  made Colonel of Marines, 55

  and Malta, 119

  motto of, 307

  and ordinary seamen, xxiii-xxiv

  and rebellion of Blanche, 53

  Nelson, Horatia (adopted daughter), 175, 179, 190n

  Nelson, Lady, 87

  Nepean, Evan, 90n

  Néréie (French ship), 289

  Nereyda (Peruvian privateer), 346-49, 353

  Netley, HMS, 87, 88, 88n, 93, 95, 97, 98, 100-105, 106

  New Orleans, United States, 332

  New Zealand (British ship), 365, 381

  Nicholson, Lieutenant, 313

  Nielly, Rear-Admiral, 15n

  Niger, HMS, 71, 79

  Nimrod, HMS, 224, 346, 347, 349, 353

  Nocton, HMS, 380

  North Rock, Bermuda, 143-44, 147

  “Noted Pimp of Lisbon and an Unwanted Promotion in Bull Bay, The” (Gardner), 33-44

  Nymph (American brig), 98

  Ocean, HMS, 225-26, 231

  Odenheimer, William H., 364, 379, 387-88

  Ogden, Midshipman, 388

  Ogilvie, Mr., 182

  Ommanney, Mr., 189, 194

  Orion, HMS, 17, 71, 73, 76

  Osterley (British ship), 111

  Oughton, Mr., 239, 243, 244-45

  Pakenham, Capt. Thomas, 29, 29n, 30

  Pallas, HMS, 224

  Palmer, Mr., 181

  Palmerston, Lord, 187

  Parker, Lieutenant, 135

  Parker, Lieut. Charles, 196

  Parker, Rear-Admiral, 73, 87

  Parry, Sir William Edward, 140, 147

  Pasco, Lieutenant, 172, 176

  Pasley, Rear-Admiral, 16

  Patriot (French ship), 231

  Paul Jones (American privateer), 320, 337-43

  Payta, 358, 359

  Peace of Amiens (1802), 136, 139

  Peake, Lieutenant, 177

  Peake, Lieut. Thomas Ladd, 203

  Pearl (French ship), 33, 38

  Pearson, Lieutenant, 77, 82

  Pellew, Sir Edward (Lord Exmouth), 9

  Peninsular War, xxv, 257n

  Perree, Rear-Admiral, 119

  Perrey, Captain, 346

  Perseverance (British ship), 365

  Peru, coast of, 350-51, 352, 353-54, 356, 381

  Phaeton, HMS, 30

  Phoebe, HMS, 169, 382

  action with USS Essex, xxv, 367, 368-79, 383-86, 389-92

  Pierce, William, 388

  Pitmans, Mr., 49, 52n

  Pitts, Captain, 362

  Plane Island, 127

  Plymouth, England, 298

  Poinsett, Mr. Consul General, 390

  Pole, Secretary to the Admiralty, 185-86

  Policy (British whale-ship), 361, 362, 364, 365, 381

  Poliphemus, HMS, 46n

  Pollard, Mr., 182

  Polly, John, 22-24

  Pomone (French ship), 10

  Poplar, England, 47, 47n

  Porteau, Captain, 231

  Porte Chaussée prison, 276-78

  Porter, Capt. David, xxv, 344, 345-94

  Porto Port, Portugal, 91-96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 104

  Portugal, coast of, 87

  privateers off, 91-97

  Portuguese, 6

  Preneuse, La (French privateer), 108, 109, 109n

  Price, Lewis, 383

  Prince George, HMS, 71, 73, 196

  Pringle, Capt. Thomas, 30, 30n

  Privateering, xxv

  American, 319, 320-44, 395-96

  and Bay of Bengal, 108-11

  and coast of Portugal, 91-92, 102-7

  English, 102, 105

  French, 91-92, 103-4, 108, 123-26

  and Mediterranean, 123-26

  Spanish, 92, 95-96, 102, 128-36

  Prompte, HMS, 10, 11

  Prudente, La (French privateer), 108-9, 108n

  Queen, HMS, 18, 27, 31

  Queen Charlotte, HMS, 16, 28

  Quiberon Bay invasion, 44, 47n

  Quilliam, Lieutenant, 181

  Racoon, HMS, 382, 383, 384

  Rainier, Comm. Peter, 13, 13n

  Ram, Lieut. William Andrew, 175

  Randall, Captain, 353

  Recovery (British ship), 117

  Redoubtable (French ship), 173, 174, 181-82, 183

  Redpole, HMS, 225

  Reed (carpenter), 313

  Reeves, Lieutenant, 177

  Regulus (French ship), 230, 231

  Reindeer, HMS, 396, 397, 397n-98n

  Renaudin, Captain, 31n

  Rendezvous, HMS, 204

  Renommée (French ship, later Java), 256-57, 259-60, 289

  Resolution (British ship), 111

  Revenge, HMS, 159, 219, 226, 230, 231-32

  Revolutionnaire (French ship), 16, 16n

  Reyna Luisa, La (Spanish packet), 106

  Richardson, Capt, Charles, 213, 221

  Richardson, William, xxvii, 3-11, 213-33

  Rio de La Hache Indians, 327-31

  Ritchie, seaman, 26

  Rivers, Mr., 177

  Robinson, Lieutenant, 4, 7

  Robinson, William (Jack Nastyface), xxiv, xxvi, 159-68

  Rodd, Captain, 220

  Rodgers, Commodore, 368

  Rodgers, John, 383

  Rodney, Comm. John, 38

  Romulus, HMS, 66

  Roncière, Captain de la, 231

  Rose (British merchant ship), 45-47, 46n, 53n, 365, 381

  Rotely, Lieutenant, 182


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