In Search of the Alter Dom

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In Search of the Alter Dom Page 12

by Jack Challis

  ‘Enough!’ Captain Timasek orders. ‘You will have time enough to sniff female Terasils – prepare to join our Battleship – the rest to your posts.’ Blodwyn sat down and watched the take-off procedures: listening for useful information.

  ‘Lt Jibba, have you located the Serpentils’ ship?’ Karak the Cold-blood asks. ‘No sir,’ replies Lt Jibba, ‘they have completely vanished into thin air – a few seconds after they left you! Perhaps they are Changelings Sir – and use Energy Bands to travel and have no ship!’

  ‘Impossible,’ answers Karak, ‘true Changelings have three hearts to take the strain of rearranging their molecules – Serpentils are single-hearted.’

  “Did Myfanwy Jenkins, now have three hearts – she is now a true Changeling?” muses Blodwyn. “Had Myfanwy become an alien?”

  ‘We will deal with the Serpentils another time,’ says Karak, ‘we have an important rendezvous.’

  ‘Prepare for take-off,’ Captain Timasek orders. Blodwyn memorized the runic code that Lt Jibba keyed into the frigate’s computer with his clawed hands. The frigate, with a single powerful surge was three miles over Tarrea in seconds! ‘Captain Timasek to bridge of battleship – de-cloak.’ Suddenly the long black menacing shape of the Na Idriss “Predator” battleship appears: Blodwyn jumps! ‘You see,’ proclaims Captain Timasek, ‘we have been fooling you Terasils for years. When we mask our ship – you see a cloud, when we cloak – you see nothing – we have been plundering Earth’s resources under your noses for decades!’

  After docking the frigate, Blodwyn is taken to the bridge of the battleship, which is crowded with feline Na Idriss: all preparing for take-off. The air is thick and heavy with a smell that reminded Blodwyn of the big cathouse at Chester zoo. The ship’s lighting was dim. She gazed in wonder at the banks of sophisticated equipment. Blodwyn pondered how a brutal unintelligent race like the Na Idriss was so far ahead of Humans. Were they naturally superior? Did the planets of all the advanced Aliens cool down before Earth, giving them a few million years head start; or were the Malis Afar responsible for the Na Idriss’s technology?

  She would be shocked when she learned the truth. Blodwyn hears Karak ask Lt Jibba… ‘Show me the phials of poison.’

  Lt Jibba carefully hands Karak two glass phials. ‘The poison is deadly to Aquatic gill and filter breathers – one phial is enough to kill all the Galla Qualls and Ida Jaade living at the bottom of the lake on Quilla Prime. The Jal-Mar are extortionists,’ continues Lt Jibba, ‘they asked ninety thousand Antares gold ducats for the poison and twenty thousand for the Sillian. The Sillian has spun a cocoon and hides within.’

  ‘Where is the Sillian?’ Karak asks.

  ‘In a reinforced cage – the Jal-Mar say it is not to be trusted and it is very strong for its size. It’s bite can turn the victim into a stinking corpse in hours; its saliva is full of necrotizing bacteria!’

  ‘Have you seen it?’ Karak asks.

  ‘No sir,’ answers Lt Jibba, ‘it refuses to show itself and constantly pleads for darkness and solitude!’

  ‘Do not communicate with the Sillian – it is dangerous,’ orders Karak who then makes an announcement to the crew. ‘Now hear this: we will set course for Goya Perilus, in the Vega Triangle, using the Capalla Wormhole.’ A suppressed murmur arose from the Na Idriss crew – Goya Perilus was the home of the feared orb-eyed Oga Koya.

  ‘I wish to intercept a sale of arms by the thieving six-fingered Salis Panar, to the Oga Koya,’ explains Karak. ‘Every man will benefit in gold. The Oga Koya is no longer the force they once were,’ continues the Cold-blood Karak, ‘the Malis Afar war fleet caught the Oga Koya above ground, performing some ceremony – not many escaped – we killed their breeding egg-laying Queen.’

  Captain Timasek took over. ‘To reach the Andromeda Galaxy we will travel through the Capalla Wormhole at warp one.’

  Blodwyn felt her heart leap with fear – panic gripped her – she felt like screaming, “I don’t want to go through a wormhole into another Galaxy.” She soon realized her mistake! Every nocturnal feline Na Idriss stopped their tasks and stared at her: a stare of malicious intent; their golden eyes unblinking – they had smelt her fear! “What thoughts were going through their minds behind those yellow unblinking cats’ eyes. What if Karak the Malis Afar could not control the Na Idriss’s predatory instincts,” she wondered?

  Blodwyn quickly channeled her fear into excitement – easy when two emotions share a common border. The Na Idriss lost interest momentarily; but kept checking her every few minutes; like a big cat checks the progress of a weakling in the herd. Blodwyn had learned something about the Na Idriss that would save her life in the near future!

  A sinister thought entered Blodwyn’s mind. “Why were the Na Idriss so attuned to human emotion?” Had Karak lied to her? She would find out soon enough! ‘What do your enemies the Galla Qualls look like?’ Blodwyn asks. Karak pushed a button on the console, and an image of a Galla Quall appeared on screen – Blodwyn was shocked. The being was not humanoid, but an alienoid. It was pale blue and looked fragile; two enormous sad looking dark eyes were set in an over large head – no nose or ears were visible -just gill slits! A pair of thin and weak looking two-digit tentacles sufficed as arms. However, Blodwyn felt there was kindness and wisdom in the being’s large placid liquid eyes; but she pulled a disgusted face for Karak’s benefit.

  ‘Now,’ says the Malis Afar, ‘you must see an Ida Jaade warrior.’

  An image of a fierce looking; thick scaled, tail-less, reptilian humanoid appeared, dressed in the uniform of a Roman soldier. A red crest that moved up and down, like that of an angry cockatoo, crowned the large head; betraying the reptilian’s humanoid emotions. The webbed hands gave away the Ida Jaade aquatic nature. “Time for some am-drams here,” thought Blodwyn and recoiled. ‘What horrid – disgusting evil looking creatures, I hope I never have to meet them!’ she responds in a terrified hammy manner. ‘Never trust a Galla Quall,’ says the Cold-blood. Their ancestors were jellyfish, and the Ida Jaade are primitive egg layers! Now I will show you to your quarters – one of the diplomatic suites usually reserved for the water loving Cilla. It has a bath – a rare feature aboard a Na Idriss vessel!’

  Karak then turned to Lt Jibba. ‘Turn up the lights on the flight deck Lieutenant – we are not all nocturnal.’

  ‘The air conditioning could also be turned up,’ suggests Blodwyn in a whisper, ‘we Terasils are not partial to the pong of tomcat.’ Karak gave the order. The Cold-blood escorted Blodwyn to her quarters. ‘Perhaps you will choose a suitable dress for the coming banquet,’ suggests the Malis Afar and left. A large screen dominated the room. Blodwyn placed a towel over it: just in case. Opening the wardrobe she selected a suitable dress from the many within.

  Blodwyn then ran the water in the massive bath and undressed. She was strangely looking forward to impersonating Grunwalde – what a chance to perform! Blodwyn began rehearsing the Queen’s childish behaviour; juvenile sayings and bad manners. She would have to starve herself before the banquet to live up to Grunwalde’s enormous appetite.

  Back on the flight deck: ‘Commander!’ The panicking voice of Lt Jibba. ‘We are being hailed by some kind of strange craft, Sir.’

  ‘Their disposition?’ Commander Karak the Cold-blood enquires.

  ‘Difficult to say sir – shall I open communication channels?’

  ‘No – increase speed till we lose them – we have a schedule and no time to waste or give assistance to primitives whose spacecraft break down.’

  ‘Sir!’ Lt Jibba reports, ‘we are traveling at warp ten – the strange craft is still closing!’ Then in a surprised voice…’They demand to come aboard – and refer to us as “useless bags of water!”’

  Karak suddenly takes notice. ‘Reduce speed to warp three and put the strange craft on screen.’ A swirling green disc appears on screen that is slowly beginning to turn a flashing red. ‘Bolladocks,’ Karak hisses in anger. ‘We are being hailed by Ora-Pellas! Redu
ce speed to warp one – we must comply!’ The Na Idriss look confused. ‘Comply – with what?’ asks Captain Timasek, ‘a flashing red disc of swirling gas?’

  ‘The flashing red indicates anger – we are dealing with higher beings – our whole ship is in grave danger!’

  ‘What from Sir?’ Captain Timasek inquires. ‘Why don’t we just annihilate it with a Nytron torpedo?’

  ‘Don’t be a fool,’ snaps Karak, ‘Ora-Pellas are indestructible – they are made up of nitrogen and hydrogen – they can create a temperature of six thousand degrees – hotter than any sun! They could melt this ship if angered – open communication channels at once.’

  ‘We will be honoured by your presence,’ announces Karak diplomatically. The swirling mass of red gas turns green again – Karak breathes a sigh of relief.

  ‘We are in a class one battleship,’ protests Captain Timasek, ‘and are being ordered around by life forms of no substance!’

  ‘Now hear this:’ announces Karak, ‘I will kill anyone who disobeys my instructions. Ora-Pellas are frivolous, unpredictable, and volatile – no one is to make sudden or aggressive movements – I will do the talking. We need a distraction….. The female Terasil will be ideal!’

  Blodwyn is summoned and arrives dressed in a long graceful medieval costume; sensing the silent tension on the bridge she moves instinctively behind Karak. Everyone follows Karak’s eyes – he stares at the sealed door to the flight deck – the tension mounts! Suddenly a small twirl of green smoke appears under the door. The green smoke grows till it is six foot high – then turns into a beautiful, wild-eyed young naked woman, with sweet up-turned nose and short spiky hair; she looked like an elfin-alien punk! The image suddenly begins to split in two – an exact replica appears.

  ‘Two females!’ says Captain Timasek in disgust.

  The lovely Ora-Pellas grip and tug at each other’s arms, while hopping with excitement, as they look around the Flight deck. The Na Idriss watch the newcomers with hostility, their yellow eyes unblinking – they are at their most aggressive at night!’

  ‘So many ugly bags of water,’ says one of the Ora-Pellas laughing; their voices high and feminine. Karak speaks. ‘I am Commander Karak – we welcome you aboard.’

  The Ora-Pellas walk around Karak inspecting him – ignoring his greeting. ‘A pale bag of water!’ they exclaim. ‘All are bags of water!’ they tell each other. Splitting company – the two green females rush around the flight deck like excited children, looking at this and that.

  One Ora-Pella stops in front of Lt Mussa and quickly lifts his veil.

  ‘Stand still Mussa!’ orders Commander Karak.

  ‘Ugly bag of water,’ the Ora-Pella exclaims – its twin also took a quick look. ‘Smelly bag of water,’ it adds. Blodwyn cranes her neck and glimpses long white canines glinting behind the Na Idriss’s veil.

  ‘Welcome again,’ says Karak, ‘how can we be of assistance to you?’

  The two Ora-Pellas again ignore the Malis Afar’s greeting and continue to rush around picking up this and dropping that. One stops by Captain Timasek; it noticed the dagger all Na Idriss wear hidden on their forearm. Captain Timasek objects. ‘Give up your dagger Captain,’ orders Karak. Captain Timasek allows the Ora-Pella to take his dagger – his anger is obvious – he growls! One of the Ora-Pellas held the dagger aloft; the other cupped her hands below the weapon. Then as if to demonstrate their power, the Ora-Pella holding the dagger, melts the weapon made of super hard Tellium – turning the metal into molten liquid that dripped into the cupped hands of the other Ora-Pella!

  All the Na Idriss took a step backwards in awe and astonishment, at the power of the two lovely green females! The Na Idriss quickly developed a new healthy respect for the Ora-Pellas – except Captain Timasek. ‘That dagger was over a thousand years old,’ he moans.

  Suddenly the Ora-Pellas spot Blodwyn hiding behind Karak! They are curious and approach smiling. Blodwyn felt like running – she did not wish to be burnt to a cinder! But no: she decided to keep her composure! Blodwyn gracefully curtseyed. The two higher beings followed suit and giggled. Then one Ora-Pella gently removes Blodwyn’s thick-lensed spectacles. “Oh no,” thought Blodwyn, “please don’t melt them.”

  ‘Ah, beautiful bag of water with green eyes – like we,’ says one of the Ora-Pellas. The two Ora-Pellas took turns trying on Blodwyn’s spectacles: giggling at the size of their magnified eyes. The Ora-Pellas then began to admire Blodwyn’s long golden hair, and began to unbraid it; letting it fall below Blodwyn’s shoulders.

  Then using Blodwyn as a model, they began tugging, and pulling at each other’s hair – till it was the same length. Noticing Blodwyn’s breasts: they modeled their own flat chests to match hers – and proceeded walking around the flight deck pushing their new naked bosoms out! Then they began to duplicate Blodwyn’s features, by pulling and reshaping their pretty faces till they were both her exact doubles – although still remaining green.

  Then to Blodwyn’s embarrassment the two naked female Ora-Pellas took a keen interest in what lay underneath her dress; lifting it they had a good look around. They stared in surprise at her footwear. Blodwyn, in her rush to reach the bridge, had slipped on her oversized walking boots. An Ora-Pella pulls off Blodwyn’s boots, and puts them on, and then she clumps around looking like a three-year-old wearing her mother’s high heels.

  Then both Ora-Pellas held out their hands for Blodwyn to take! Blodwyn hesitated for a moment; Ora-Pellas were unpredictable – she had witnessed their power. Blodwyn noticed Karak, and the Na Idriss watching her – waiting for a reaction – she knew the feline Na Idriss could smell fear! Blodwyn looked down at the Ora-Pellas’ waiting hands – she was dressed as Grunwalde Angharad – so why not act like her! She confidently grabbed both the hands of the Ora-Pellas – their hands were as cool as a mountain stream: Blodwyn giggled in relief. She and her two exact green doubles – using Karak as a maypole, danced around him. ‘We want to bathe – wear dresses,’ demands the Ora-Pellas in unison.

  ‘Of course,’ replies Karak. ‘Blodwyn will take you to her quarters.’ ‘Blodwyn!’ repeat the two Ora-Pellas. ‘Beautiful name – “white flower!”’

  “How on Earth did they know that?” wonders Blodwyn.

  ‘Come white flower – beautiful bag of water,’ say the two Ora-Pellas. Holding hands the three young girls ran skipping towards Blodwyn’s quarters. Inside the three young women admire the row of dresses. ‘We can bathe first then try the dresses,’ Blodwyn suggests.

  ‘No,’ giggles the Ora-Pellas, ‘we dress first – then bath in our dresses.’ ‘What a good idea,’ Blodwyn agrees. The three girls tried on dresses, like typical teenagers at a sale – tugging and pulling at dresses from each others’ grip, giggling. This was a perfect chance to gain information.

  ‘Do you know the Alter Dom?’ Blodwyn asks casually.

  ‘Yes,’ answers the Ora-Pellas together, ‘he is our Lord.’

  ‘Are you looking for him?’ Blodwyn asks.

  ‘Oh no,’ replies the Ora-Pellas, ‘we hide from him,’ they giggle. ‘He gives us work – we don’t like work!’

  “A right couple of skivers,” thinks Blodwyn, “just my luck.”

  ‘Are you the two Ora-Pellas who saw the Alter Dom entering the Event Horizon, of a feeding black hole?’

  ‘Yes,’ answer the Ora-Pellas, ‘we were spying on him – we saw the Alter Dom enter a new feeding black hole that appeared in the Bellatrix sector, near the Orion Nebula – we were afraid to follow, beyond the Event Horizon,’ they says mischievously.

  ‘Is the Alter Dom dead?’ Blodwyn asks.

  ‘Oh – no,’ answer the duo, ‘he is just in another universe somewhere.’

  ‘Where?’ she asks.

  ‘There are more Universes than grains of sand,’ reply the Ora-Pellas.

  ‘When will he be back?’ asks Blodwyn, hopefully.

  ‘Maybe one Stellar year!’ came the reply.

  ‘I presume that’s a long ti

  ‘Two hundred Earth years!’ came the answer. She could see the Ora-Pellas had other matters on their minds; such as dressing up and titivating themselves with Blodwyn’s make up box.

  It was obvious to her that the Ora-Pellas were frivolous; very dangerous; had a short concentration span, and were down right lazy – but she liked them! ‘Please just one more question,’ she pleads. ‘Why did the Alter Dom enter the Event Horizon?’

  ‘He was summoned by his master the Dom Maximus! the Ora-Pellas answer. ‘Do you mean God?’ gasps Blodwyn: religious passion sweeping over her. Her mind and heart raced – so there is a supreme being! It must be God! Blodwyn believed in God, but sometimes felt unsure: was this confirmation?

  She quickly went through her list of sins. Especially the time she and Myfanwy Jenkins, spent a good ten minutes practicing some new swear words they had just heard that Blodwyn’s Irish father Brian used when he dropped a stone on his foot, while dry stone-walling.

  ‘That is two questions,’ says the Ora-Pellas, ‘now we dance.’ Blodwyn realized further questions were useless: getting out her tin whistle she belted out “The rocky road to Dublin.” The Ora-Pellas did a leaping dance around her: giggling. Blodwyn was actually feeling happy. Suddenly the Ora-Pellas saw the full bath and dragged Blodwyn towards it; with girlish laughter.

  All three jumped into the massive bath, splashing each other – the water turning the Ora-Pellas blue. Soon the three of them looked like drowned rats! ‘We must go now, beautiful bag of water Blodwyn,’ the Ora-Pellas suddenly announced.

  ‘Please take me with you!’ Blodwyn pleads.

  ‘We can’t,’ reply the two Ora Pellas, ‘beautiful bag of water will burn!’ ‘Where do you live?’ she asks. The two Ora-Pellas pointed to a Super Nova visible through a porthole! ‘There,’ they answer.

  Before Blodwyn could say another word; the two Ora-Pellas merged into their original single shape. ‘Please – please,’ says Blodwyn to the single female, ‘have you ever seen the Dom Maximus?’


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