Embody (Full Circle #1)

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Embody (Full Circle #1) Page 1

by S. E. Hall


  by S.E. Hall

  Copyright © 2017 S.E. HALL

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2017 S.E. HALL

  Cover Design and Formatting: Jill Sava, Love Affair With Fiction

  Editors: Emma Mack, Kellie Montgomery and Virginia Carey

  Table of Contents

  Front Matter













































  About The Author

  Books by S.E. Hall


  To my real JT, Jesse Tyler, the son I never had.



  “TELL ME YOU feel it starting to sprinkle,” I groan in foolish hope.

  “No,” Brynn laughs. “Did you, um…”

  “Piss on my foot? Yep, pretty sure I did. With the added bonus of backsplash as it hits the ground. Let’s not forget that party favor.”

  “Spread your feet farther apart, and quit making me laugh,” she snorts, wobbling in her compromised position. “I’m no expert at this either and you're gonna make me pee on myself too.”

  What the hell am I doing? I’m beyond positive that my parents did not scrimp, save, sell and pawn everything they could, plus work double shifts to send me to college so I could master “the art of squatting to pee in the woods.”

  And Brynn Kendrick, crouched down in what very well may be a bed of poison ivy with me? Definitely outside her comfort zone as well.

  But then again…is a patch of poison ivy anyone’s comfort zone?

  The only reason we’re at this party, in a field, obviously lacking restrooms, is because Brynn’s softball teammates had berated her unmercifully into coming.

  I’m not sure if they want her here for the right reason—because she’s a great girl—or because her mom’s the coach and if Brynn’s here, they might not get in as much trouble for having a party if caught. Either way, I wasn’t about to refuse to come with her.

  When Brynn and I met on campus it was instant friendship. One somewhat socially introverted, goal-oriented girl in search of a top-notch education meeting another like soul. And we’ve been inseparable, best friends, ever since.

  I am pretty comfortable saying what I think in a small crowd, especially made up of people I know, so I’m not quite as reserved as Brynn, but it’s close. So, being our best chance at a “spokesperson” against any really bad ideas that often “pop up” at these shindigs, no way could I let my girl navigate the shark-infested waters of a college party alone.

  And our pre-party pact included the golden rule: Never leave your wingwoman. So, if one of us really has to pee, we both have to traipse through the maze of protruding limbs and scratchy bushes to pee.

  “Are you done?” She asks, still squatting.

  “Yeah, you?”

  “Yes, but as a novice, I have a question.”

  “Ask away. Although, considering I just pissed on myself, I doubt I have the right answer.”

  “What do we, you know, wipe with? A leaf? Drip-dry? Geez.” She looks around, as though a roll of toilet paper will magically appear. “This sucks.”

  “Excuse me, Brynn?” Ryder calls out from his watch post. “Not that I’m eavesdropping, but I have an idea on how to help.”

  “Oh my God, he heard us. How embarrassing,” Brynn whispers her agony.

  I muzzle my laughter—she would never see the humor in this situation. Not only is Brynn very conservative and as inexperienced with the world that is guys, dating…and dating guys as I am…but she’s absolutely nuts about Ryder Banks.

  And he worships the ground she walks on; hasn’t taken his eyes off her since the time they spent together at Brynn’s oldest sister Skylar’s wedding.

  But no one is allowed to acknowledge or speak aloud of “the thing” between them, because even they won’t give it all they’ve got…downplaying it and denying themselves true happiness because of Brynn’s family.

  Overprotective doesn’t even touch upon the “ways” of my best friend’s very large, extended family of crazies. Wonderful, loving, cool AF crazies…but regardless, more than a little insanely “involved.”

  I haven’t met them all, but the ones I have? They are fascinating in both the most admirable, and scary as hell, of ways.

  “Brynn, answer him,” I urge her to “woman-up” and find out his plan. “My calves are starting to cramp. I’m not a star ballplayer like you, feeling the burn here.”

  “I’d rather not. Just leave me here. I can’t face him now, or ever again.”

  “Okay,” I pretend to agree, then yell, “Ryder, I’m coming out, but Brynn wants us to leave her here. Ya know, in the woods, at night, alone, at a party.”

  “You did not just say that. Paybacks are an evil, sneaky bitch, Bellamy,” she hisses.

  “Like hell that’s happening,” Ryder yells back, his voice sounding closer with each word. “My eyes are closed, I swear. One of you pioneer women come over here and grab my socks. I took ‘em off for ya to…uh…use.”

  “You,” I designate Brynn before she can even try to send me. “He’s your escort, not mine. Go get those socks!”

  Not that I mind the fact he came along, watching out for us party newbies, keeping us safe, but no way am I waddling, drawers around my ankles, over to him with pee trickling down my legs. Her admirer—her job.

  “Have we met? You know I’m not doing that! No way.” She’s shaking her head, glaring at me. “I mean it. I think I’m almost dry now. Tell him never mind, please.”

  “Ryder,” I turn on my phone’s flashlight and hold it up in the air. “Walk toward the light and throw us the socks.”

  “Alright. And I’m not looking, I promise,” he answers and I hear twigs start snapping as he approaches. “Here comes one.”

  The balled-up sock lands within reach, and I snag it, giving Brynn a sassy smile. Cleaned up, I toss the sock, fix my clothes and stand…now dry and dressed.

  “Still want to be left here, or should I go get the other sock for you since I’m no longer squatting with my ass hanging out?” I tease her.

  “Please,” she grates, low and annoyed. “Go get it. And thank you, friend.”

  I jog over to Ryder, retrie
ving the sock in his hand, and gently pat his cheek. “You’re a decent guy, Ryder Banks. I’ll be sure to put in a good word for ya. Be right back.”

  Brynn gets situated, still a bit prickly at her embarrassment and my goading, as we start toward Ryder…only for her to stop suddenly, causing me to slam into her back.

  “What the…”

  “Ssshh!” She cuts me off. “Do you hear that?”

  Yes, indeed I do. Someone is screaming like a banshee.

  “Brynn! Answer me God dammit! Where are you?”

  “Oh, Ryder,” she blows out dejectedly. “You didn’t.”

  “Now, let me explain,” he wears a sheepish frown, holding out both hands. “He texted me and asked where I was, and if I’d seen you. He was worried, Brynn. I couldn’t lie to him.”

  “Brynn! Counting to five and I’m dialing him!” The mystery lunatic screams again.

  “Dialing who? And who’s yelling? What am I missing?” I fire off my questions.

  “It’s my brother. Ryder told him where we were. And that’d be my father he’s threatening to call,” Brynn mutters.

  “Oh,” is all I can think to say. Haven’t met the brother, but I have met Mr. Kendrick, so I shiver for her at the thought of him being called. Brynn’s dad is the sexiest DILF I’ve ever seen, but every bit as frightening as he is handsome. I’m also next to certain he has mob ties…or is the “Godfather.” I’d believe either one.

  “Yeah, oh,” Brynn deadpans. “You told him, you can answer him,” she clips at Ryder.

  “Come on,” Ryder sighs, reaching for Brynn’s hand, which she denies him. When we emerge from the woods, Ryder hollers, “JT, over here, man!”

  My Lord, Mary, Joseph and all the disciples…running toward us is an exact replica of Mr. Kendrick. The definition of a BILF. Seriously, they should put his picture beside the word in the Urban Dictionary. Not that I’ve ever acted on an ilf with anyone, but my vulgar opinions are my own, to be only slightly ashamed of privately.

  “Brynny, what the fuck?” the damn beautiful man growls when he reaches us. “Why didn’t you answer me, and what the hell are you doing at a field party full of drunks?”

  “Calm down, I’m safe. Ryder’s here to protect us,” she answers him casually. “I’m not an idiot. I’d never come alone.”

  “Oh, I’m well aware that Ryder knew where you were. In the damn woods! Swear to God man, I’ve been cool about you spending time with my baby sister, but if you were out there playing grab ass with her, I’m gonna beat the ever-lovin’ shit out of you!”

  A huge vein pops out on his forehead and he moves to charge Ryder, but my calm, quiet friend Brynn turns rabid monkey, intercepting his attack by propelling herself onto his back, pulling his hair and kicking her legs.

  “Jefferson Tate, you stop it right now!” she screams. “You know better than that.”

  “Fuck, Brynny!” he howls and drops to his knees. “You clipped a nut with your damn foot. Get the hell off me and start explaining this wilderness hike of yours, or I swear, one ball in my stomach or not, I’m gonna be kicking some ass!”

  He’s a Kendrick man all right…ready to throw down for one of his own and quick with the profanity-filled threats I have no doubt he’ll deliver on if needed. So, unnoticed and forgotten, I step from the background to attempt and help my friend.

  “Um, hi.” I offer him my hand. “I’m Bellamy Morgan, Brynn’s friend. We haven’t met, but, can I help you up?”

  “Bellamy,” he repeats, turning my name into something else altogether, spoken with a deep, indecent consideration that rattles every bone in my body.

  He takes my hand and smirks, devilishly sexy, when I gasp, taken aback by the spark that zings up my arm at contact. “No, we definitely haven’t met. I’d remember you.” He stands, keeping hold of my hand. “I’m JT Kendrick, Brynn’s older brother. It’s very nice to meet you, Bellamy.”

  My entire body blazes with foreign, exotic heat from the molten suggestiveness in his smoldering, dark brown eyes, locked on mine and the gradual slide of his tongue over his full, bottom lip.

  “It’s, uh, very nice to meet you too,” I fumble out in a skittish stammer, trying to retrieve my hand, which his bold grip won’t allow. “I just wanted to make sure you knew I’m here with Brynn and Ryder and assure you, nothing was going on in the woods that should worry or upset you.”

  “No?” He arches a single brow, as dark as his eyes. “Then what was happening? The party, is that way.” He points without looking away from me, adding a crooked, irresistibly provocative grin to his unwavering gaze.

  “JT!” Brynn’s sharp tone pierces the air. “You need to trust me and not ask questions that might embarrass anyone.”

  “Ah, but beautiful Bellamy here wants to tell me, don’t ya?” He winks.

  I have no siblings, and no guy has ever made it past two dates with me, but I work part-time at The Pit Stop to help my parents with the costs of college. It’s a burger/ice cream diner-themed little hole in the wall that all the jocks frequent…so I’m practiced in the ways of cocky guys who know they have the right stuff to be cocky. And I’ve learned, the best defense with those types of guys is an offense so bold it knocks them on their pretty asses.

  I gulp down my nerves, raise my chin, and project a bravado he’s doing his best to make impossible. “If you must know, Jefferson, Brynn and I had to find adequate coverage to squat and take a piss. Not the sexy scandal you envisioned? Sorry to disappoint.”

  “What is happening?” I hear Brynn whisper behind me.

  “I believe,” Ryder answers her just as not-quietly-enough, “that your friend has rendered JT Kendrick speechless.”



  WELL, WELL, WELL, what do we have here? Seems my little sister has been holding out on me. Her friend Bellamy is…mesmerizing at first sight. I guarantee, everywhere she walks, guys do a double take. Then a triple.

  Long, auburn hair—all the better to tangle my fingers in and pull as she screams my name—and my favorite color…redheads are my vice. Big eyes, hazel or green, I can’t quite tell in this lighting—that will fly open, nice and wide, then roll back in her head when I make her come. Full, pouty lips, already sassing me—that’ll silence, but remain every bit as sexy, when they’re wrapped around my cock. And a bangin’, hourglass body—curvy hips to latch onto while I watch that juicy ass and beautiful, my guess is D, set of tits jiggle as I pound into her.

  She wants everything I’m envisioning as badly as I do. I can tell by the short, fast breaths she’s struggling to take and the way her eyes can’t stop roaming over me with curious approval.

  Yep, Brynn’s gonna have to share, ‘cause I wanna be Bellamy’s friend too.

  “JT!” My sister snaps her fingers in my face. “I think you owe Ryder an apology.”

  “Huh?” I reluctantly shift my stare from Bellamy’s huge, high and perfect rack to Brynn.

  “I said, you owe Ryder an apology. Ya know, for jumping to asinine conclusions and threatening to kick his ass for no reason.” She fists both hands on her hips and glares at me pointedly.

  “You’re right. My bad, man.” I extend my hand to Ryder. “No excuses, but she is my little sister and I’ve been looking out for her since the day she was born. Don’t much care for finding her traipsing through the woods. At a party. Hope you understand.”

  He shakes my hand and laughs…through his truth, and lie. “I get it, no worries. Not to mention, you don’t scare me.”

  We both know I would throttle him, especially if fueled by the knowledge he took too many liberties with my sister. But I’ll let him keep his pride in front of Brynn.

  “So, you guys ready to leave or what?” I ask them all, looking only at Bellamy.

  “I am if you two are,” Brynn says to Ryder and Bellamy.

  They both nod their agreement, so I start gearing up my plan to be Bellamy’s ride home when Brynn grabs my arm. “Will you two excuse us for one minute? I need to talk t
o my brother.”

  Using her pitching arm, which is damn strong, she drags me away where we can’t be heard and turns her narrowed, unnervingly piercing, eyes on me. “No,” she states straightforwardly.

  “No, what?” I tilt my head, not following.

  She pokes my chest. “You know exactly what and the answer is no. I mean it JT, stay away from her.”

  Now I’m following, and don’t like the direction she’s chosen. In fact, I fucking hate it, and have no plans on complying. I’d give my sister just about anything she asked for…except this. There might’ve been a slim possibility if she’d have come at me differently, but now that she’s added “forbidden” to Bellamy’s already long list of allurements—forget about it.

  I cross my arms over my chest and step toward her, toe to toe. “And just why the hell not? Something wrong with me?”

  “Where do I start?” She belts out an exaggerated laugh. “If Uncle Sawyer hadn’t preached the importance of condoms to you since, what, you were in the womb, your pecker would’ve rotted and fallen off by now. And if you didn’t have Mom, our aunts, me, Sky, Presley and Nana, who are all exceptionally amazing, in your life, you’d have absolutely no respect for women. I love you, JT. You’re a wonderful brother, cousin, son, grandson and friend.” She diverts her eyes and sighs the rest. “But you are perhaps the very last guy on Earth I would recommend a girl, let alone a friend, date.”

  “Damn.” I fall back off one foot and clutch my chest. “Tell me how you really feel. Kinda fucking harsh, dontcha think?”

  “Yes.” She wraps her arms around me, a sob in her voice. “It was, I’m so sorry. I love you and I didn’t mean to say it like that. You’re incredible, you know I adore you and I’m so lucky to have you for a brother. But…”

  I unwind her arms from around me and lift her chin, forcing her to look me in the eyes. “But what?”

  She chews on her lip nervously, considering her response. “I don’t have that many good friends, ones I’m close to, you know this. And Bellamy, she and I just click. She’s my best friend and I don’t want to lose her. In fact, I’ve been thinking about asking Mom and Dad if I can move out and share an apartment with her. She’s a good girl, like me, and you’re…”


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