Embody (Full Circle #1)

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Embody (Full Circle #1) Page 8

by S. E. Hall

  I can hear the squealing and laughing from the backyard, loud enough to be heard over T-Shirt by Thomas Rhett, my current favorite song, playing on the stereo. Which only wriggles under my skin worse.

  “I’m waiting,” my mom’s insistence interrupts the vision of Bellamy, in my t-shirt, dancing in my head.

  I take a deep breath, huff it out slowly through my nose, and tell her everything I just told my dad. He makes a few deep, growling noises at certain parts while she gasps, and when I’m done, we all just stare at each other for a few minutes.

  Tears start to well up in my mom’s eyes and her bottom lip trembles, which of course causes a vein to pop out on my dad’s forehead. “Baby,” he pulls her into his arms, “who am I grounding? Spanking? Taking their car? Tell me and it’s done. These kids do not get to make you cry, dammit!”

  “It just hurts my heart that Brynn would think that, and say that, to her brother. I thought our kids were each other’s best friends,” she sniffles.

  “Mom, we are, and she apologized. She really did feel terrible about it, but let’s face it, she wasn’t that far off the mark. I’m not known for long-term relationships. Don’t be mad at Brynn, that’s not why I talked to you guys. I just need to know, should I see if there’s something with Bellamy or honor Brynn’s wishes?”

  “Both,” my parents say at the same time, then share a laugh.

  “How the hell do I accomplish both?” I ask. “They’re completely opposite things. Not seeing how that’s possible.”

  “Oh son,” my father shakes his head. “You’re a Kendrick man. You don’t do the pushing, therefore keeping Brynn happy, and just be yourself. Turn on that natural charm you have in your DNA and Bellamy will come to you. If she’s meant to. Let her be the one to tell your sister to mind her own business.”

  “I agree,” my mom nods. “Play to win, honey. Brynn needs a wake-up call, and if Bellamy is interested enough, or deserving of you, she’ll give it to her.”

  “But shouldn’t I be the man, take a stand to prove to Bellamy I’m worth it and will fight our battles?”

  “Usually, yes. But not when your baby sister is your opponent,” Mom advises. “Trust me. Has to be done this way, this time. Now go put your trunks on and get your handsome ass back there!”

  SHE’S WEARING THE bikini I got her, dancing around the edge of the pool, to Hypnotize by Biggie.

  It’s working—I’m hypnotized alright.

  Even Ryder is watching, which is about to cost him his fucking eyesight when I punch both his eyes swollen shut.

  “Jefferson, hey!” Bellamy waves as if she just realized I was here, watching…which she didn’t. She knew the second I walked out here.

  “Hey bro, where ya been?” Ryder tears his eyes away from what’s mine and grins.

  “Around,” I shrug. “Brynn,” I nod to my sister who has yet to greet me, simply scowling like a petulant three-year-old.

  “JT,” she grits out. “Didn’t know you were coming over today.”

  “And I didn’t know you were having a get together or that I needed permission to visit my parents,” I quip right back.

  “We have four now,” Bellamy chirps. Bellamy has never that I’ve witnessed, and doesn’t if I’m betting, chirp. She’s up to something. “We can play some games!”

  Oh, I think it’s safe to say that at least three people in this yard are all playing their own games.

  I am my mama’s son…I will play to win, if pushed.

  “What do you suggest?” I give her an improved, upgraded just for her, version of my cocky smirk. A tad lopsided, with a flash of teeth, and an intrigued tilt of my head.

  “I’m not the one with a pool,” she sasses, a mischievous spark that I’ve seen before in her eyes, more jade than emerald today. “Brynn, anything particular sound fun to you?”

  “Not really,” my sis frumps. “I thought you said you wanted to lounge around, just us? Now we’ve got two rowdy guys here and we’re gonna play games.”

  “Damn Brynn,” Ryder says. “If you want me to leave, I can make that happen.”

  “No,” she gives him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong. I’m glad you’re here. In fact, you pick the game.”

  “I pick ‘pairs,’” he answers without thought, waggling his eyebrows at her.

  “Of course you do,” she rolls her eyes and giggles. “Pairs it is. I’ll be JT’s partner.”



  THE HELL SHE will.

  I don’t even know what “pairs” is or how you play, but the hell she will!

  “The hell you will,” Jefferson puts the kibosh on her plan forcefully, pleasing me to no end. “You get your boy, Brynny, quit being a lil’ shit. Your friend and I are about to kick your ass. Bell,” he coughs. “Sorry, I meant Bellamy,” he smiles at me, proud he remembered what I told him about that and I give him my flirtiest grin right back, touched that he in fact listened when I spoke. “Come ‘ere,” he husks, and there’s that sexy finger crook that I can’t resist. “I’ll tell ya how to play and our strategy.”

  “Time out!” Brynn yells from Camp Cockblock headquarters across the pool. “JT, how did you know not to shorten her name? This is Georgia, we shorten every word possible.”

  I got this one, and tell him so by laying a hand on his arm. “I told him the other day.” Not a lie, just not saying which day…or when. “Like I do with everyone, Brynn. Why are you acting so weird about everything?”

  I just served it up to her—chance number one to come clean.

  Sadly, she doesn’t take it, sloughing it off and forcing a smile. “I don’t know, ignore me. Come on, let’s play.”

  “Hold up a damn minute. I need to tell my partner how to play. Ryder, entertain your girl,” Jefferson says as he gently moves me off to the side for some top-secret strategizing.

  And part of my disappointed heart starts bursting with vibrant flashes of hopes—because that’s the second time Jefferson has made an encouraging comment about Brynn and Ryder’s relationship. Meaning, if he did issue any counter-ultimatum in return for Brynn’s interference in our “whatever,” he withdrew it. Knowing it was wrong.

  I knew it! I knew he had good character. Now, all I have left to do is to seduce, torture and tease him into standing up to his sister like a man!

  My perfect, harmless Plan C.

  “Okay,” he leans in close to whisper to me…and groans. “God, Bellamy, you smell like…” he shakes his head, “never mind. Pairs is a race, down and back, with us swimming as one person. And we have to pick, one of us can only use our feet, the other just our arms.”

  I subtly move in closer, making sure my breasts graze his arm, and whisper back as raspy as my voice will get, “You just tell me what to do, Jefferson, and I will. I trust you.”

  His eyes close for a moment while he takes a long breath in and out of his nose, then he opens them again, dark pupils dilated to the size of quarters. “You’re killing me, woman.”

  “How so?” I feign innocence, tugging on the corner of my lip with my teeth and batting my eyelashes. “You’ve played before, and you’re such a good swimmer. I just thought you should make our plan.”

  “Uh huh,” his mouth slowly curls upward and he tries, failing, to sneak a glance down my top. “Which are stronger, your arms or legs?”

  “You tell me,” I purr silkily, running a fingertip down his arm. “You’ve had them both wrapped around you.”

  A low rumble builds from deep in his chest as he stares at me, searching the depths of my eyes. “Legs,” he answers with an undercurrent of tortured sensuality.

  Oh yeah, my plan is working. His chestnut eyes are positively glowing with an inner fire.

  “Today!” Brynn yells, breaking our trance. I love her, dearly, but she’s quickly nearing downright obnoxious territory.

  “All right, I’ll lay flat on my back, you on my chest.” His breath catches. I love it. “I’ll use my arms to backstroke, a
nd you kick your legs as hard as you can. Just hold onto me. If you fall off, we lose. Sound good?”

  “Mhm hmm,” I hum, licking my bottom lip. “Hopefully your huge hard-on,” I glance at it, “doesn’t slow us down.”

  “What’s going on with you?” He narrows his eyes in suspicion to match his voice. “You’re acting very different. Not at all like my shy violet.”

  “Your shy violet?” I quirk a brow and feel my cheeks blush.

  “Sorry, slip up,” he looks away.

  “Oh, I don’t think it was a slip up at all. I think that’s exactly how you see me. As yours.” Now I move against his back and whisper in his ear. “In secret, of course. You’ll learn,” I pat his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go win this.”

  WE SPEND THE afternoon playing every pool game ever invented, Ryder cooperating beautifully by suggesting games with maximum physical contact. I think he may have caught on to my wavelength.

  Jefferson has adjusted his erection at least once an hour all day, and Brynn hasn’t been able to control her scowls and blatant comments for longer than fifteen minutes at a time.

  Ryder and I are having a blast though—my perhaps not at all unaware co-conspirator doing an excellent job.

  As the sun starts thinking about descending, Mrs. Kendrick steps outside. “Dinner’s ready. You all get dried off and come eat.”

  “Mom, I’m sure Ryder and Bellamy need to get going,” Brynn calls to her.

  “Do you?” Laney asks us both.

  “I don’t,” Ryder smiles in antagonistic amusement.

  “Me either,” I stifle my snicker. “Thank you, Mrs. Kendrick. I’d love to stay.”

  “See?” Her mother looks at Brynn in a peculiar way…one I can’t quite decipher. “You shouldn’t speak for others, Brynn Alivia Kendrick. It’s rude, and more often than not, you’ll find that you’re wrong. Now get your butts in here. I ordered plenty, and I have Pictionary ready for afterwards!” She claps and sing-songs the last part.

  “Oh God,” Jefferson and Brynn both grouse in unison while Ryder laughs.

  “What am I missing?” I ask, five seconds before I remember Emmett’s warning about playing board games with this bunch.

  “Nothing, ignore them. Now come on,” their mom skips back in the house.

  “Mom takes games…um…a little serious,” Jefferson explains, handing me a towel.

  “Yeah, I recalled a warning I got right after I asked,” I say, tickled.

  “Just don’t show any fear,” Brynn grimaces. “She feeds off of it. Come on up to my room, I’ll get you some dry clothes to wear.”

  “That’s okay, but thank you. I have some in my bag. I’ll just run and change in the bathroom.”

  I do my best to detangle my hair and put it up in a ponytail, then pull out the sundress I now know Jefferson bought me. I finagle the girls, pushing them up and together, slip on my sandals and go join everyone in the dining room.

  I instantly smell Italian—my favorite. My stomach growls from the aroma alone and Mr. Kendrick chuckles. “Are you hungry there, Bellamy?”

  “Starving, sir. Thank you for having me.”

  “It’s our pleasure. Any friend of Brynn’s is family and we treat them as such. Right, Brynny?”

  “Yep,” she clips and nods.

  We all make our plates and drinks at the kitchen island then go have a seat at the table. I sit next to Brynn and directly across from Jefferson, giving him a bird’s eye view.

  “Your dress is adorable, Bellamy.” Mrs. Kendrick compliments me. “Where’d you get it?”

  Her son fidgets in his chair while her daughter “accidently” drops her fork, clanging loudly against her plate.

  “This will sound crazy, but it just showed up in a package at my door one day,” I answer with a straight face.

  “Is that so?” She smiles, glancing over to her husband, who’s wearing a knowing grin. “Well, it’s lovely. And how thoughtful of someone. A secret admirer, how exciting. You know, back in the day, Dane did all sorts of special little things for me.” She leans over and kisses his cheek. “Swept me right off my feet.”

  “I still do special things for you,” he frowns. “Just last night, I…”

  “Honey,” Laney rushes to interrupt, “no. Just no.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, I’d love to hear some of the stories you are willing to share,” I say sincerely. I love romantic gestures. I love how in love they still are after all these years. And I’d love a glimpse into what I may be able to look forward to if things work out the way I’m hoping.

  “Well, let’s see,” she lights up. “There was the surprise birthday party where he played the piano and sang to me, then whisked me away on a trip to Disney World,” she sighs dreamily. “We have to go again soon, it’s been too long.”

  “It’s been since last Christmas,” Mr. Kendrick mumbles. “I don’t think they let adults in, without children with them, more than nine times, Baby.”

  “Oh hush,” she waves him off. “Of course they do. We’re going. Anyway, as I was saying, to Bellamy…there was my Christmas present, when he found my mother I hadn’t seen in years. What else, honey?” She looks at him the exact way I want to look at my husband years from now.

  “You spoiled me too,” he studies every nuance of her face in admiration, as though seeing her for the first time. “What about the CD of all our songs you made me, right before we…”

  “And we’re done with story time,” Jefferson loudly interjects. “Dad, TMI in front of company much?”

  “Sorry,” he laughs, making him look many years younger. “Forgot where I was for a minute. Your mom just…”

  “Daddy,” Brynn cuts him off this time. “We know.”

  “Did you know I’m going to Disney World for Christmas this year?” Mrs. Kendrick snickers.

  “Yep. Minute you said it,” Brynn titters and the two women look at Mr. Kendrick, already shaking his head in defeat.

  All of a sudden, Just a Lil’ Bit by 50 Cent, a song I used to like, starts blaring from Jefferson’s phone.

  Brynn muffles her snort with her hand while her brother fumbles frantically to get it to stop.

  Laney, uh Mrs. Kendrick, (still teetering back and forth on what to call her) simply drops her head.

  “Laney, your son brought his phone to our dinner table, and has a ringtone clearly objectifying women,” Mr. Kendrick points out the obvious in gruff disapproval.

  “Again honey, I can hear,” she replies.

  “Girl Sunday calling?” Brynn sneers at her brother. “Anyone I know? And are you really only giving each other just a lil’ bit?”

  “That’s it!” Mr. Kendrick rattles the windows with his scary as hell roar as he throws down his napkin and stands. “If your last name is Kendrick, haul your ass into my office, now!”

  When they all march out, I look at Ryder. “Um.”

  “Yes, I’ll give you a ride home. Let’s go before they get back.”

  We grab our stuff and rush for the door, closing it very quietly, then jump in his car and peel out of the driveway.

  After an awkward silence, I think both our shock starts to dissipate some. Enough so that Ryder finally speaks. “Any idea what’s gotten into them? Brynn has never been a snide smart-ass, ever. She adores her brother and my favorite thing about her has always been how calm she is, staying out of any drama. I just…” he bangs a fist on the steering wheel, “feel like she’s not my Brynn at all anymore.”

  Should I tell him? I don’t really know him that well, but as I look over at him and see the sheer misery on his face, the textbook expression of a heart breaking…I decide I have to.

  So, I do, tell him, everything. Leaving nothing of my own responsibility out.

  We pull up in front of my complex and he puts the car in park, shifting in his seat to face me. “Bellamy, you have to know Brynn’s an amazing person. Heart of gold. She just doesn’t want to lose the best friend she’s ever had. JT has messed around with a
few of her buddies before. Do you see them anywhere now? Her approach may not have been very well thought out, and a little selfish, but her fear is legitimate. And her intention isn’t malicious, I’d swear for her on that. Please, just talk to her. I want my girl back.”

  “Listen carefully, Ryder, I mean it. You say nothing to her, nothing. If she comes clean to me first, I will immediately forgive her and straighten this whole thing out. But she has to realize and own her shit first, without you telling her to. If her character is of the fiber you and I both have the utmost faith it is, shouldn’t be long before she does so, right? So let her prove it. Deal?”

  “I don’t know, I feel like I should tell her,” he mumbles, head drooping.

  “Then go ahead, I can’t stop you. And I’ll listen, be cordial and go about my business. But the friendship won’t be the same. My trust and faith in her won’t be restored,” I fight back tears, “and I can’t pretend it will be. Jefferson and I might find after one date we are better off as friends, but I’ll know Brynn and I can’t be ever again. Not good ones anyway. Up to you.”

  He exhales long and grievingly, then nods. “No, you’re right. I’d be hurt if a friend did it to me too, and it’s no different than Brynn keeping her concerns from me, just flipping from hot to cold like I should be able to read her mind. Okay, I won’t say anything. But Bellamy, be careful. JT’s one of my best friends and I’d have his back anytime he asked, but he is who he is. I’ve never seen him date a girl, or bring the same one around more than twice. That’s not me badmouthing my boy, it’s a fact. You’re a nice girl, I don’t want to see you get hurt. Brynn doesn’t either.”

  “I appreciate it, I do. But I’m also a big girl, and can handle it, I promise. Thanks for the ride and the advice. See ya later.”



  “JUST TO BE clear here, am I being sequestered because I forgot to turn off my phone at the table, because of the song or both?” I ask once the door to my father’s office is shut.


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