The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 15

by Angel Medina

  Angel and Luis head back to the vine room and look for Dayvon but he is nowhere to be found. Angel says “NO! We lost Dayvon one of those vines must have gotten him but why do I not hear him or see him?” Then Angel hears his radio beeping, Angel picks up the radio. It’s Dayvon, Angel responds “Are you ok Dayvon where are you?” Dayvon replies “I’m fine Angel but that vine sent me up to a much lower part of the lab, probably the main power area. I’m going have to fight my way up back to the main lab, you guys go on I’ll be fine.” Angel responds “Fine as long as you’re ok let me know if anything happens.” So Angel and Luis continued their journey into the lower part of the west area of the lab. They meet up with some aliens that they kill easily. Then the hallway expands to a big waiting/plaza area and a BattleGlooba awaits the two. Angel and Luis defeat the BattleGlooba with Angel distracting him then Luis getting under BattleGlooba to shoot him in the groin with his shotgun. Angel sees a big blast door with a console to the side the console reads “This door is used for emergency exits only but a MO Disk is required but will only work during a class one emergency.” Angel says “At least we have an exit planned out if anything goes wrong.” Angel and Luis then head into the monitor room where they can see all the cameras or at least the ones that are working Luis spots Dayvon on one of the cameras tells Angel to page Dayvon but the radio gives off static when calling Dayvon. Angel pages Maria just to reassure her that he’s fine when finished Angel tells Luis “Dayvon must be too far down for me to page him, looks like we just have to go on and see what we can find.” Angel and Luis continue until they see a door which reads “Lab A-2” they go inside where they are greeted by a large group of glooba aliens.

  Angel and Luis get into a gunfight with the aliens which composition consists of salamander troopers, iguana enforcers and boar cops. The gunfight lasts for about 20 minutes as the heroes use the duck and shoot technique, once the area is cleared Angel’s heart starts to pound hard. Luis says “Yo that means the anti-matter part is close by lets search here.” Angel says “Here it is that was easy enough. So what does this keycard lead us to then, hmm perhaps it leads us to Quentin.” The duo gets out of the lab area and they see another hallway that they had missed before. At the end of the hallway slimers begin to drop from the ceiling which the heroes kill off. Also a door can be seen cover in vines and a card reader. Angel inserts the keycard and the door is unlocked, the two head inside the room. The room is covered in green vines which they come to find out is actually glooba grass and they see two poison ivy plants camouflaged within the vines. One of the ivy’s shoot’s poison spit at Luis and hits Luis but Luis feels no effect besides getting wet. Angel turns on the heat inside the room and the plants begin to burn then turn to ash. Although Luis felt no effect from the spit at first but then he begins to get a sharp pain in his stomach and his head begins to spin as the poison had started to take effect. However Luis says “Don’t worry Angel I’m fine just a little pain in my stomach.” Angel says “If you say so. Look a computer.” Angel sees a computer that he reads and it says “Access to the research lab area. To activate the door press enter.” Angel presses enter then the computer says in order to open door two fingerprints are required at the console.” Angel says “That’s where we’re heading that’s probably where they have Quentin held up at. You sure you are ok Luis?” Luis gives Angel the thumbs up. So the two of them head to the east area until Angel sees the camera by the security door where Maria and Fabian are in and sees alien troops approaching it with the alarm sounding at the same time.

  Angel quickly pages Maria and says “Maria if you can hear me you need to get out now you’re not safe there anymore, the aliens have found out we are hear and are ready to break inside the security room.” Maria says “Oh shit Fabian get up!” Fabian says “What? What’s happening?” Maria replies “We need to get the hell out of here the gloobas are ready to break in here!” Then she asks Angel “Where should we go?” Angel says “Head towards the elevator and try to get to a safe area until I get back.” Maria says “Ok”. Maria comes out of the room to confront the aliens and says “You want a piece of me?” Then she empties her machine gun till all the aliens are dead and says “Take that! Come on Fabian we gotta get going before more of these guys come.” Maria and Fabian head to the elevator but it’s down. Maria pages Angel and says “No go on the elevator no power to it.” Angel responds “Shit Dayvon may have to activate the power for the elevator from where he is but he’s too far down for me to page him. Tell you what meet me by the east area hallway which is the blue hallway beyond the lifting door. We will discuss what’s going on when we’re there.” Meanwhile Luis passes out on the floor, Angel says “Luis! Luis! Damn the poison must be taking effect. Wait the door next to the shutter door in the east area led to a medical room. Well I better get moving before the poison consumes Luis.” Angel carries Luis until Commander Clash comes in and says “Looks like your friend needs help and sorry for my attitude.” Angel replies “It’s ok as long as you understand who the enemy really is.” Angel and Commander Clash carry begin to carry Luis who gets up but is on limited strength towards the medical room in the east area.

  Angel, Dayvon and Luis vowed to remain together but the gloobas had different plans for the three of them. Dayvon ends up in the power grid section of the lab, too far down for him to communicate with Angel or Maria. Angel and Luis find the 2nd piece of the anti-matter ball, however it comes at the expense of Luis getting poisoned by an ivy. Little does Angel knows is that Luis has been infected by a virus which in ten minutes if it isn’t removed Luis will turn into a poison ivy. Maria and Fabian are forced out of the safety of the security room as the aliens have sounded the alarm and are now in hot pursuit of our heroes. With the 2nd piece of the anti-matter ball recover our heroes now have to be concerned with is rescuing Quentin and stopping the heat ray from doing any more damage to the ice caps in the virtual world which in turns happens on Earth itself.

  Chapter 9(D)

  The Power Grid

  Dayvon was grabbed by a vine while he was with Angel and Luis in the vine room. He managed to break out of the grip of the vine by freezing it. He broke out and went inside a vent that was much warmer than the actual lab itself. As he got further in the temperature kept going up but never to the point where it was going to burn Dayvon. Dayvon finds out that the lab is powered by geothermal power but he is just trying to get back upstairs with his fellow crew.

  Dayvon gets out of the vent and lands inside the pump room a loud engine noise is heard but it’s just the generator doing its job. He sees an ivy and then throws the shadow blade into the ivy’s mouth killing it. He goes through the first door he sees and he sees an elevator but it has no power to it. Little does he know is that the elevator was the same elevator Maria tried to use before. Dayvon turns back and begins his search for the power switch to activate the elevator. Oh his way back several salamander troopers spawned out of nowhere but they prove to be no challenge to him. One of the pipes leaks and blows hot gas onto Dayvon burning him slightly. Dayvon says “Damn this shit burns gotta find some ice later to cool this burn down.” He would have used his freezethrower but it had no rounds in it. Dayvon finds a mini elevator which takes him down to the floor below him. After going down he sees several slimmer eggs which he blasts away and behind the eggs was a power supply. Dayvon says to himself “A power supply probably what I need to activate the elevator.” Dayvon begins to find where to use the power supply at.

  Dayvon sees another elevator to his right which takes him down to the bottom most floor of the lab. He sees several salamander troopers, iguana enforcers and sentry drones waiting for him. He takes out many of the aliens but the sentry drones get too close to him and explode onto the transformer next to him. The blast is powerful enough to destroy the transformer and even electrocute Dayvon a bit with the arc flash due to the explosion. Dayvon is knocked out for a minute or so but is able to get right back up. However the path was blocked by the flames of the
exploded transformer, from what Dayvon could see it was a switch of some sort. However Dayvon needed to find a way to shut off the flames and his freezethrower was out of the question. Dayvon tries to page the others but to no avail no response by any of the other crew members. Dayvon says “Shit no go on the radio, better find a fire extinguisher before this fire gets out of control and burns this place up.” Dayvon went to find a way to shut off the fire blocking his way.

  Dayvon went back upstairs to explore the other rooms he had skipped while at the same time dealing with any aliens in his way. In the first two storage rooms he found nothing of use, but in the third room he found an extinguisher and some rounds for his freezethrower. Dayvon took the supplies and went back to the fire to try to put it out. Dayvon approaches the fire and uses the extinguisher while the fire did go away for a few seconds but it came right back on. To add insult to injury the fire extinguisher was mostly used up and was the only one he found. Dayvon says to himself “Are you kidding me these guys only have one extinguisher and it's used. Well its times like these where you need to take desperate measures." Dayvon uses his freezethrower to freeze the flames in place and is able to get to the switch safely. He pushes the switch down to power up the elevator but the elevator has to be turned on from the main control switch in the main power room upstairs according to the instructions. Dayvon is ambushed by sentry drones from behind him as he is leaving the area. He quickly gets to the elevator and gets upstairs before the drones explode destroying the elevator for good. Dayvon says "Hopefully I won't have to go back down there." Dayvon continues to look for the main control room.

  Dayvon spots the control room on an upper platform but the platform is broken and Dayvon is unable to reach the platform from where he is. Dayvon sees a box behind him that he would be able to use to help him reach the platform. He pushes the box below the platform so he can reach the control room. However when he is pushing the box slimers popped out from the shutters and one got on him starting to bite him. Dayvon is able to kick the slimer off his legs and is able to kill off the slimers. He climbs on the box and jumps up to the platform then uses all of his upper body strength to climb up to the platform. He enters the main control room and while activating the elevator a BattleGlooba climbs up from the depths of hell to where Dayvon is. Dayvon says "You son of a bitch you want me come and get me. Come on big guy come on!" The BattleGlooba pushes Dayvon into the machine causing it to malfunction. Dayvon notices this particular BattleGlooba doesn't have a chaingun and instead is trying to grab him. Dayvon gets up quickly before the BattleGlooba crushes him with its big foot. Then Dayvon positions himself by the grate where this is a pool of lava and thinks by having the BattleGlooba chase him he can get the creature to fall into the lava. He says in a cocky but yet nervous tone and takes a deep breath "Come on big guy you know you want me come on!" BattleGlooba chases Dayvon and at the last minute Dayvon drifts out of the way barely getting out of the way.

  Dayvon says "Sucker!" BattleGlooba falls to his death in the death pool of lava.The main control generator was starting to malfunction and was starting to go out of control. There were several small explosions going off and then a big arc flash went off. Then an automated voice says "The self-destruct sequence has been activated repeat the self-destruct sequence has been activated this process cannot be aborted, all employees report to the emergency car at the bottom platform. After the voice stops and goes into a loop Dayvon gets paged by Angel who says "Hey what in the hell did you do, are you nuts. Shit!" Dayvon responds angrily "Hey listen bro I was pushed into a generator by a BattleGlooba I had no idea this machine also controlled the self-destruct sequence. I'm sorry my man!" Angel replies "Its fine my bro but listen I need you to find us a way outta of here I got some loose ends I have to tie up here. I've seen an emergency exit here if you can find a Mo Disk let me know or if that elevator we saw at the start takes out of here somehow let me know ASAP." Dayvon replies "Cool I will" Dayvon goes into the elevator and takes it up but notices a keyhole for a master key that would take them to the emergency exit.

  Dayvon is able to activate the elevator and head back upstairs but how the situation has changed. Angel and Commander Clash try to get Luis to the medical room and meet Maria and Fabian. However the heroes now had another obstacle which was time. They now had to find Quentin before the lab self-destructed along with the hopes or Earth's survival. The sliver lining was that the heat ray was no longer a concern since it was going to be destroyed along with the lab. So for the heroes they had only one concern, survival!

  Chapter 9

  Escaping The Arctic Core

  Our heroes realized that they only had a limited time to rescue Quentin assuming he still is alive; then they needed to make sure they were outside the lab when it would eventually self-destruct. Angel was with Commander Clash getting Luis to the medical room hoping to get him back to health. Meanwhile Maria and Fabian were making their way to the east area just finding out their time was melting away. Time was of the essence would they all get out or would they perish for ever in the virtual Arctic forever. It is now or never!

  Angel and Commander Clash get Luis to the medical room and they also met up with Maria and Fabian. However there was no time to celebrate and greetings, Luis was still unconscious. Angel got Luis to the bed and commander clash booted up the x-ray/virus scanner to see what Luis had. After the scan was done Commander Clash says "Looks like Luis has the ivy virus." Angel puzzled asks "What is that? That can't be good at all." Clash replies "No it's not good Luis only has 10 minutes before the egg inside of him hatches and Luis will turn into one of those plant creatures. The only cure is down in lab A-2 where an antivirus can be found. Hurry you got to be quick!" Angel says "Fine" then talks to Maria and says after opening the shutter and sees the console to open the research room. Angel tells Maria "Hey listen I'm going to put my fingerprint on the console and then you put yours which should open that door. You and Fabian will have to go it alone here. I gotta get the antidote for Luis." Clash says "NO! I'll help her out I know the place better." Fabian replies "I'll stay here with Luis, please Angel and all of you be careful out there." Maria says to Angel "Good luck sweetheart!" With that our heroes would split up once again.

  Maria and Commander Clash entered the research room and they teamed up to take out the aliens in the room. Then Maria hears a familiar voice it was Quentin! Maria and Clash head to Quentin and they free him from a surgery table where an operation was about to take place. Quentin says to Maria "Thank God you are here I owe you my life. Where's every one else?" Maria tells Quentin "Angel is getting an antidote for Luis who was poisoned, we found another survivor who is guarding Luis in the medical room." During the conversation an ivy was sneaking up to Maria from behind. The ivy was getting ready to bite off Maria's head until Commander Clashed pushes Maria out of the way and says "NO! Maria!" Commander Clash would get Maria out of the way but in the process sacrificed his life as the ivy bit his head off. Maria and Quentin could only look in total shock and Maria says "No Commander Clash he's gone but he saved my life that was supposed to be me. Don't worry Commander Clash I'll avenge you! Hey plant worm over here!" Maria grabbed a flamethrower and set the ivy on fire killing it in the process. Maria finds a MO Disk exactly what Angel needed to open the blast doors downstairs. Then Maria gets a page from Dayvon who had her on a 3-way along with Angel. Dayvon tells the two "Hey I found a Master Key for the elevator to reprogram it to take us to the emergency platform." Maria says "Great hey Angel I found a MO Disk what should I do with it and I found Quentin but..." Angel cuts Maria off "Great Job! Maria I want you to give the MO Disk to Fabian. I, Fabian and Luis will take the blast door downstairs. I want you and Quentin to go back to the Elevator and help out Dayvon. I shouldn't be long. Now Maria what did you want to tell me before I cut you off." Maria in a sad tone says "Commander Clash... he's dead... He sacrificed his life to save mines." Angel replies "Damn it the little I knew about him. Well he's our hero at least for today lets do
this for him and the others we've lost." Maria goes back to the Medical room and gives Fabian the disk. Maria says "Here Fabian we going to go help Dayvon out, Angel shouldn't be too much longer." Fabian responds "Ok I'll be fine here good luck you two." Maria and Fabian head to the elevator to meet Dayvon.


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